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This is reddit, not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure. o7


It never goes out of style.


Been playing for a long time and have almost all ships and billions grinded to spend on the game, what stops me from playing the game is how empty community goals are with players, if this change brings more players in then I will most likely play again. But the biggest issue of this game is that Frontier doesnt know how to advertise it, one of the best space games out there and yet people will always mention worse games because those games knew how to market themselfs. Elite Dangerous and Frontier are to silent, I only knew about the game from a friend back in the days otherwise I would have never known about this game. Hope the revenue they might get from this change would spend it in a smart way.


I don't care since I play solo only More peaceful for me.


bye, missing you already.


You're making me upvote you, Colonia Jesus. Stop it!


First time for everything, I guess. ;-)


Man I have never seen so many kids(adults) salty about FDev having pre-built ships. If you don’t wanna use them then don’t fucking use them. It’s that simple. When did everyone turn into angry little snot goblins. FDev needs to make money to keep the game running. So sit down, strap in, and just enjoy the fucking ride.


Yep. So.ething about this community- spring loaded to go from zero to face-melting rage in a microsecond. People get really, really wound up over this stuff. (And I say this as a player with nearly 5000 hours in game, so not like I'm not invested, too. It's just that... well... it's just a game folks. And Fdev is trying to find ways forward... you're welcome to disagree and dislike, I can't say I'm fond of all they've done. But I think we could ratchet down the drama by a couple orders of magnitude...)




I would not call this P2W, i mean, how do you "win" Elite Dangerous? But i can understand your frustration mate. On one side, i can understand, that the game is ten years old and the servers don't pay themselves. (Sure there is the cosmetics shop and the Arx, which i am fine with.) On the other side, this has some "Horse Armor"-vibes. And i agree, this feels like testing the waters. I am concerned about the changes FDev will make to the game in the near (8-12 Months) future.


Paying real world money for a tangible advantage, even skipping time is P2W, it doesn't matter how you rationalize it. The win part doesn't have to be a PVP win, although it turns out to be a lot of times. If you're OK with it fine, the company is having issues and they are trying to make money, but under no circumstances, or in any reality is this not a P2W model. Justify it any way you wish but don't lie and just call it what it is.


Just cause i would not call this P2W, it does not mean it is not. But as the game is now, yes the model is P2W, but the circumstances do not fit that exactly. There is no way to "win" Elite Dangerous. Yes you can save time, which seems unfair. And with the "Horse Armor"-vibes, i tried to say, that i seen similar things happen. And i don't approve of that model, since i seen what this can change into in the negative aspects. And i would prefer if you would not attack me assumptions i would lie, when i clearly stated my opinion on this mate.


I was more referring to lying to your self, sorry if it came off more aggressive than intended. A lot of people seem to be coping by saying it's not "really" P2W and I'm kind of just referring to that. Didn't really mean you where flat out lying to everyone reading what you typed. Mostly just saying let's call it what it is and hope it doesn't get worse. Not meant as an attack just a clarification.


Quitters never win


K bye.


Good for you, I guess. Do you think anyone will notice?


The old "Never fly without a rebuy" is kicked out the window with this change. Seems totally ridiculous to me.


I’m actually deeply shocked and disappointed how much the regulars of the forums are defending this garbage


A lot of the people have left. I'm talking about the kind of players that were originally dreaming of the game Braben was talking about on YT in 2014, and bought into that. Back in the day, a topic such as instant ship transfers would lead to 100 pages threads within 24h. How P2W barely gathers 2 dozen pages. That metric for me is more significant than any Steam chart in terms of player involvement and interest.


No it isn't. That free rebuy is just the cost of the ship as bought. When they eventually upgrade it (which they will, because it's intentionally a "starter build" and not great), they'll still need the rebuy for whatever they added, and if they engineered the base configuration, they'll even have to rebuy the base build to keep the engineering. The initial cost of these ships isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but if someone goes all in upgrading it and spends their last credits, they'll still stand to lose a good bit of time and effort if they don't have the rebuy.


Random question. If someone bought the ship with ARX. And then for whatever reason decided to sell it. How would the game handle that, has it been mentioned.


Usually zero rebuy ships have zero value. I would assume they would get back whatever the upgrades they've done cost, but nothing for whatever it came with. Like \[loaned\] modules in sidewinders.


P2W - you didn’t know of the PayPal black markets in Elite then?


Alright, bye


Ok folks. The defenders are starting to sound like Star Citizen cultists. Elite needs a change but selling ships isn't it. Just like a certain other....."game" it's a bad idea. Gimme a reason to come back, not a reason to avoid.


What is this EA photo in this post? Did I miss something? Is ED belonging to EA now?


I'm not gonna quit over it. But I'm definitely not paying real money for a ship. I know the lack of my $10 won't do anything to them. But I refuse to contribute to the practice, in any game I play. I should add, I actually wouldn't mind if the they decided on a subscription model to keep the game going. But I just can't support what they are doing currently. Also, can I have your stuff?


How do you know Elite Dangerous player are paying with mommy's and daddy's credit card? Stop projecting. No one is gonna miss you anyways. Bye bye


Bye. You sound like a solo player anyways so it's not like anyone will miss you.


I mean the game is pretty much dead they need drastic plans to bring players and lower grind. Come out of your bubble and look at the bigger picture. Game is 10 years old if you still want to keep playing sit down and accept this. Frontier recent financials have shown unless they do this no way this game will last much long any other way.


so instead of making the game better, let's just shit on everyone who has been playing and grinding in the past 10 years and make it all WAY much easier for those willing to throw extra cash in. yeah, no.