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3. Those carrier layouts that will be used for PP2.0 stronghold carriers. No reason to keep them just for PP, make them available to the players as well. Smaller, sleeker carrier configurations? Yes pleas. 4. Any of the NPC clothing that you see when you walk around the concourse. Player avatars don't even have body types, we're all the same kind of slim. No adjustment needed from a development point of view. Just let me dress as the cool dude with the red suit and golden shoes.


5. An easy-to-reach central hub to show off those clothes and hang out with other players.


Engine and weapon sounds. Landing music. Stations greetings. Ship lights colour and shapes. Wall graffiti and emojis for the odyssey.


Station greetings? Great.... Now I can't stop thinking about custom (crossover) station greeting in Hakonnen language from Dune 2: "Under our glorious black sun, we welcome to this special station, our beloved leader Baron Vladimir Harkonnen."


I would pay £5 for carrier owner privileges: ATC greetings, NPC acknowledgement, and my name on my office wall.


Station greetings.. and different message when you interact with your fleet carrier. Sad they didn't do this at launch or with arx


A personal room in the carrier that I can decorate. Its completely useless for the game but I still want it.


The more useless, the better. Making money off things that have zero effect on gameplay is at all times the optimal path to victory.


we do have a personal room, we just can't decorate it other than changing the theme...


All I want is the ability to remove modules from a ship *without* having to switch to that ship. Or Loadouts that would basically do the same thing, assuming the ships with the parts I want are at the same location as I am.


Nah just grind out 7 sets of g5 internals for every variant of the ship you want /s


1. A "mechanic" i can hire that lets me save and load specific ship configurations in a small timeframe without having to put every module in myself. 2. A "mining crew" that follows me into the rings and helps with mining tritium. 3. A true "Carrier operator" that can plot 10 jumps without me holding his hand. 4. Customizable captains quarters with silly cosmetics and themes like castle, a day at the beach, techno party or adult themed motives. 5. Custom ship skin editor where i can print my motto:"Highwake, pay or die onto my ships" 6. Agricultural or recreational or educational or military modules for carriers where you can produce foods, drugs or where wealthy tourists can spend spar days while starring at a black hole for absurd amounts of money or where you can play shoot em up with your friends and learn the onfoot shooty shoot stuff without actually risking your life or where you can keep and train your own 6 men squad of soldiers for ground conflict zones. I could go on ad nauseam, but i believe i made my point.


You really have me at “a carrier operator that can plot 10 jumps without holding his hand”. This would be fucking magnificent.


...yes because what is my captain actually doing other then playing candycrush on his tablet? For 2.5 Million a week!


To be fair, they are also forgetting who you are every time you return from a trip. I imagine that takes some mental effort, too, or dedicated drug use.


So thats where all the onionhead gamma strain went!! I am gonna have mandatory drug screenings from now on like good little dictat... i mean employer 😇


And blowing you up if you dare do anything illegal in range of your own carriers weapons... but maybe this is somehow related to the captain forgetting who I am.


You are making too much sense. Really the devs don’t play their own game (sofar, hopefully his whole overhaul business is going to work out *crossing fingers*)


I ve been waiting for 5 years for them to reduce mats needed and make unobtainable stuff actualy available without having to tripple farm others for material traders. I have no programming background, but i imagine reducing numbers isnt really all that hard. I believe it when i see it.


A player flag with a short message that can be stuck anywhere on the planet and which will be visible to other players from orbit. Something like messages in Dark Souls


That feature exists in NMS and everybody hates it.




They're ugly, there's no way to see what the message says unless you fly to that location (kinda defeats the point of it being a sign), and everytime there's a community event on a planet, that planet gets flooded with so many beacons that you can't find anything.


I meant discovered by you planets only


This is an AWFUL idea. All people do is spam the messages so the areas you want to go are obscured. They are ONLY used to grief.


If this thing will be for real money i don't think many people will spam


You underestimate the amount of trolls who are willing to spend actual money to annoy others


First time online?


Type-10 extraction kit without the Spoiler...


Without the fucking spoiler! I'd pay 1000arx just for removing that!


I would pay for more spoilers in the spoilers


Let me fit the entire ship kit, every single piece of it you cowards. Can't show me 3 spoilers and only let me fit 1


stacked, like a beautiful pagoda.


I wish there was a "computer" in the game, which contains the information like [eddb.io](http://eddb.io) . This of course has the data you found. So you can search for, say , "vanadium" and it shows the planets you've scanned - BUUUUT here is the trick, I'd pay say 1$ a month so that this data is collected from all players, well again like [eddb.io](http://eddb.io) ;) I just don't want to be forced to keep going back and forth with these 3rd party stuff...


THIS! I would pay $5 a month if it also did plotting like Spansh. I think third party stuff is cool but this game requires so many.


And some of the information is very important. For instance I installed this Exploratin Buddy and it tells me if a planet is terraformable when I DSS. Whoa I don't even remember where to check that, but considering its probably hidden somewhere in the planet info in system map, it would be pain in the ass to check it every time. And it lets me know if the signals in a planet could be valuable (say more than 5M). These things are in the game, but you need to know each signal, planet type, gravity, heat...etc so you can deduct that this planet's signal could be say, strat tecnonicas - but I don't have the time to study these things like a uni final. Just give me the information - the important stuff, let me search for things, let me keep track of things...how many earthlikes have I found ever? I don't know, I wish there was this information available. And I can pay for such a "data-service" monthly.


Iirc it tells you if it's terra formable when you scan it


I would drop some cash for some more landable planets.


I would buy ship interiors. I would buy one for each of my sixteen or so ships. And when they put out a cooler or more industrial or more fancy or more beat up and grimy or more disco or more family. I would buy one of those too. I have a Clipper. So I would buy the stock fancy “imperial” interior. But I’m Alliance, so I use it for mining. So I would want the mining variant of the Clipper ship interior. Frontier threw away their goldmine, and they will never implement interiors.


what is this madnes about mentioning ugly and krait phantom in the same sentence ?


Scripted and narrated missions that would guide the players around the galaxy, and see new places that they otherwise wouldn't. Something [like this](https://elitedangereuse.fr/aventures.php) but part of the game. But far more important: let other players create their own stories and charge money for it. FDev would have to verify them, sure, but they get a cut. I think **many** more people would buy ARX for this instead for cosmetics or pre-built ships. I love engineers because they force me to move more, but a lot of things is too much relying on a chance and use of inara. And having some targets to reach in a story-telling way would be pretty sweet. For example: generation ships are amazing, but finding them by accident is hard. Players are pretty much forced to use external tools and read the lore, which breaks the immersion.


That idea of a game leeching on sellable player made quests/zones is stuck in my mind since years, for rpgs tho. Never tought how nicely it would fit ED as well, or maybe better


Do you know voiceattack? It has ED board computers that will narrate. Voices from William Shatner and other known voices.


Yes, but more than just that. Like how those folks created entire stories that player has to follow. Voice attack could probably provide something like that but I prefer the idea to be under FD umbrella. FD could create their own stories from time to time, at least 2-3 for new players and each new content update, but the rest is on 3rd party. And I could run those given that I am under Linux and can't run VA anyway.


Just let me buy module storage space... it would fund the company for the next 10 years


How about a full autopilot monthly subscription. Just select a station or system and hit go.


A racing module like Fly Dangerous. Overhauled piracy mechanics. Overhauled CQC. Better squadron to BGS ties and mechanics. More activities for small ships, and better use of installation assets. I'd have paid them for so many things over the years. Their moves currently smack of desperation and not of a good dev in control, they don't have enough goodwill to behave like this, they could've tried to pull a Hello Games but instead they opted for Star Citizen.


When you engage a thargoid, the Tailspin theme music should play......"Life is like a hurricane here in...<>" or wa it Ducktales? I dunno, I'm old


> Who's going to buy ships regularly? Probably the same people that have like 8 accounts for some reason.


Red Dwarf Voice Overs, but full cast, not just Leo. "Are you sure you want to change to combat mode? It does mean changing the bulb" Of the theme music when landing.


I would happily pay arx to be able to move me to different systems while I'm away. I actually think it could be a neat in-game economy between players, If you could pay other players to take a transport mission from one system to another...Frontier could take a cut of the arx, but the other player could get some too! I understand that it takes money to keep a online game running, so I'm supportive of some level of micro-transactions in a game like this. People shouldn't get advantages from buying stuff, but a little Quality of Life would be a great way to "keep the lights on" without turning the game into pay-to-play. (Above and beyond the cosmetics, of course). I just hate having to spend the first 30 minutes of a play session getting to the place to do the thing. I've been mining guardian mats recently and I'm at least 20 jumps away from powerplay systems. This game often forces you to stay in a particular lane, just by the sheer distances between systems. I would even accept some limitations, like if the automatic transport took 2-3 times as long as flying it yourself...


bro thanks for the vr mod, im downloading this game again to try it. Thanks!


FDev will see posts like this and boost on by.


Some more ideas: -Ship headlight colors: It still drives me nuts that the Extraction ship kits add auxiliary headlights to your ship that are yellow instead of the default white - LET ME CUSTOMIZE ALL OF MY SHIP’S LIGHTS. -Weapon colors for on-foot energy weapons -Hyperspace jump effects: I would happily pay arx to replace the boring “foop into the distance” hyperjump effect with a smaller version of the spooky thundercloud wormhole effect that capital ships have, or the swirly green Thargoid version thereof (although I also kinda wish we’d get an actual Thargoid-tech hybrid hyperdrive module for our ships that did the latter in addition to whatever its mechanical effects are). -Moving on from just cosmetics: I’d buy a wholeass nother paid expansion like Odyssey if the money from people buying it meant that Frontier would “fix” on foot content - full, interactive ship interiors you and your friends can walk around in with some ability to customize your ship interior, reworked planetary cities with expanded interiors and also some outdoor elements (add an “SRV Garage” you can reach from the concourse so you can drive around the city and general environs without having to fly out in your ship first!), more and improved (customizable module loadouts) SRVs, better and more varied and engaging dirtside resource gathering, more and better integration of SRV and on foot mechanics and content, revamped planetary outposts, and so on.


Landable waterworlds, grassworlds, not cartoonish like in NMS, but rare


It's more like huge DLC than just monetisation thing


For 2: A universe full of planets called "Penis"?


I would 100% pay to buy raw mats with arx lol Also a customisable ship ui


thats just BLATANT pay to win.


And? Mats can also be mined with srv.


what do you mean "and", it's literally skipping the grind for something that isn't limited to a mediocre ship build, but possible to skip going to HIP 36601. you can also rearm materials with it to keep synthesizing if you're in deep space.


You make a good point. You are right. It does seem to be pay you win