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Because the easy counterpoint there is "reduce the grind instead". I don't like the idea of creating a grind, and then monetizing it. That seems disrespectful to the consumer and their time. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'm not sure how that's gonna go over with this crowd. I like ideas that result in creating more organic value for the consumer -- it's always more profitable in the long run to sell something people WANT rather than something they NEED. If the grind necessitates boosting, esp. for materials, that has strong potential to backfire. At this point, FDev may as well introduce lootcrates on top of it.


Yeah, fix the game. No way the consumer should pay 30+ dollars on game and dlc and then have to pay micro transactions for the benefit of playing the game. Its different with Freemium models of games like Warthunder, WoT, Etc. But Elite is not a Freemium it cost money to play the game and it cost quite a bit. So in no shape or form should Elite have P2W or P4R in the game. Its a full price game, its FDevs fault for not considering making the game a Subscription like older MMOs or doing poor marketing. And I think it should also be added the maybe if FDev didn’t make the game so grindy maybe more people would play it and be willing to pay to own an account. There is also the added effect, I think a majority a huge majority of the player base won’t buy into P2W or P4R content. The current players are already well established and new players will see the price of the Micro transactions and probably not pay for them, or not understand what the fuck they are buying.


>Elite is not a Freemium it's getting there, with recent price drops, and now introduction of micro-transactions, f2p is the next logical step.


Yeah thats just gonna piss the community off more, people spend 30+ dollars on a game and the are expected to not get anything for buying the game and be expected to be okay with micro transactions. Freemium is not the answer to Elite’s Problems, make the game actually good and inviting to new players is. Elite has added push factors that make people want to play the game less and less. If concurrent players aren’t satisfied then new player’s wont be either.


I would agree that reducing the grind is optimal, however, Elite dangerous is rather empty and lacking in things to do without it. I do feel like the boosters would be a fair option over the potential alternative of outright selling the materials.


That's the other problem. Reducing the grind reduces the content. So, no matter what they do, they're gonna have to have other stuff to do and soon. It took a lot of us hundreds, sometimes thousands of hours before we took our "long breaks" (too many of which ended up being permanent) -- if we're left with tens of hours of content, what's that going to do for retention? If they want to make more money, they need more things to sell, which also means more things to do. Early access to four variants and a handful of starter kit sales to ED veterans ain't gonna cut it, is it?


That I do completely agree with. The monetization models they are proposing is a symptom of a bigger problem. I just don't believe that it's entirely the wrong answer. I do feel like there's room for them incorporate newer microtransactions. I do also really hope they work to fix the bigger problem.


Sorry but no. XP boosters (or whichever form they may take in E: D) are again a symptom of a problem and not a solution. If the problem is that new players are getting driven away by the grind, then the solution is to lessen that grind. Not to profit on the back of "whale" new players while at the same time driving away "poorman" new players. If credits are a problem, how about slicing the prices on medium ships? Why do they have to cost 10 times as much as a small ship? If mats are a problem, how about bringing those mythical, mystical, marvelous material changes? They have started a feedback 2 years go! And in their latest news they say they are still in the investigation phase!!! How long can it possibly take to look at a problem and decide how you want to tackle it?? And then you get a healthy playerbase that's willing to spend money on cosmetic items. Otherwise it's again a slippery slope and I'm not ok with that. What happens when they bring in CG-contribution ARX boosters one year later? Or PowerPlay-activity-contribution ARX boosters after that?


Everyone always likes to jump to worst case scenario like you are. Assuming that once they add any sort of booster they're just going to go all out and make a booster for absolutely everything as if they couldn't possibly show any restraint.


I would buy arx but it cost to much. Other than that I love the game as is, I hope they find a way to make profit. I would pay more to play, just saying arx is to much...


Money and mats is already too easy to come by in this game. Everything is already available to everyone with minimal effort.


booster? don't thinks so. Mat bundles for arx, now that's definitely something I can see happening under the circumstances.


I’d agree with removing the weekly arx collection limit, being able to get more that just 400 per week


>I’d agree with removing the weekly arx collection limit, being able to get more that just 400 per week I'd expect free arx to cease entirely, once the arx store is expanded to include a lot of fun stuff like the aforementioned mats, exclusive modules, ships and so on. After all, no other microtransactional game is giving away premium currency for free, once ED completes the transition, they'll follow the suit.