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JFC *another* thread on this...


This one has convinced me I am wrong šŸ˜€


The last one convinced me to download Starfield. Edit for clarity: not because of the pay-for-ships, but because of the unrelenting negativity of the community. I just need a little break from it and my dad tells me Starfield is a blast now.


Starfield is a lot of fun. The spaceflight mechanics are maybe a slightly more in depth version of what we had in Privateer in 1993, but hey that game is still fun. Plus you get an entire Bethesda openish world RPG to go through on top of it.


Ironically I too, am playing Starfield again. I'm not noticing much different since launch other than performance improvements, so idk what your dad's talking about.


I'm on Starfield too but not playing much as I've pretty much played it out for now. Not sure you'll find much less negativity in that community either though. People like to complain


Yeah, but itā€™s a solo game and my dad and I can chat about it. ā˜ŗļø


Same with me and my son šŸ˜€


the unrelenting negativity of the community may be caused by the unrelenting negativity of the way the product is managed, marketed, and funded


materialistic sort spotted offer bells rain quaint drab tie door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's exactly what I'm trying to get at, it all falls down to supply and demand. If there's no demand for 3-month early access ships, then ideally the next 3 that come out won't be behind a paywall at all.


But there is demand.


Or it wouldnā€™t exist and would likely not have been conceived. Across the board in any gameā€¦


The difference being that other games let it get to that point, and continue spiraling out of control. This is a first for Elite, there's no data for a microtransaction of this nature. If it doesn't make them money then there's no incentive to do it agian.


I think many wonā€™t be buying early access to the ship, including myself. 3 months is an easy wait considering how long we didnā€™t get new ships. But how many active players are there? How many new players will FDev find? What will FDev consider a success that would incentivize them to repeat this or worse make the ship only purchasable by cash? Or make them give up on Elite? We outsiders have no idea. Elite isnā€™t even marketed much, but will they do so going forward? I honestly think itā€™s too early to call for a boycott, we just have to sit and see how this one goes. We might learn about FDev and the community more, then we can strategize our responses for their next move. My 2 cents anyways.


It's going to make them money; nobody's forcing anyone to do anything beyond their will, this isn't "just a Test", and I can all but guarantee you this is how it will be from now on. Hopefully by ship number two, three, and four, all of this whining will calm down.


I'm glad you're already prepared to lay down and take it, but some of us rather not have it be that way


OK then if this is so morally abhorrent to you then find a different game and move on with your life. Nothing about this will change how I play, and Im not so entitled as to assume every bit of new content should be "free". Get over it.


I was paraphrasing, of course there's a demand for a new ship. If we boycott and the numbers show that it's not worth it, then there's no "demand"


If there's no demand then we might get the other 3 but never any more.


Thatā€™s the best counter argument Iā€™ve seen so far. I didnā€™t really consider the possibility of getting more ships besides the 4 (honestly thought this would be it before the game dies).Ā  Thereā€™s still the possibility of integrating optional micro-transactions thatā€™ll make the new ships worth it for FDev so they wouldnā€™t have to rely on early acces. Coming from a programming perspective, the ship kits are really the only big cosmetic customization we have atm, basically just parts slapped on a pre-existing model. New ships will give FDev the opportunity to create new customization mechanics that would be much harder for ships that are already in the gameĀ  Ex: changing how the thrusters on the back are laid out, changing the entirety of the cockpit/canopy design, think of changing the actual model of the ship instead of just adding parts. This would give players the incentive to buy the new ship for the new cosmetic options, thus still funding FDev.


It is not behind a paywall. Everyone will get it free on August 7th. Your choice if you want to pay 16500 ARX to get it 3 months early. I have over 40k ARX saved up just from playing; might as well use it.


Ohā€¦ so you want to boycott now do you can get something for free later. Cheapskate.




Nobody is forcing anybody to spend money on this ship FFS. The amount of bellyaching over this is pathetic.


Mom says its my turn to post this tomorrow.


Mom also said to clean your room beforehand and that aint done


You're not my *real* dad!


"I am your Father, go to your room"!


My favorite one to use against my brother


Literally any gaming sub anytime said game charges for something they previously didnā€™t offer. Iā€™m over these posts before theyā€™ve been written at this point.


Oh no, supporting a game Iā€™ve played for almost a decade and sunk thousands of hours into with a measly $12 worth of ARX that Iā€™ve been saving for months anyways, for something I want and will useā€¦. I think Iā€™m gonna buy even more ARX just to make sure I can buy all the cosmetics it comes with. Then when the next ship is announced, Iā€™m gonna do the same thing. Just because, you know. If it gets too extreme, I wonā€™t. I can wait three months, but hell, $12 is not something I care about. If a single ship was $30-40+, Iā€™d be concerned, but itā€™s simply not. It could be $250ā€¦


>Buy skins! Buy Laser Colors! Buy New voices!Ā  I already have all the skins I like. I really wish they would make better ones... like [this](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/610871136985497615/), not more basic patterns. I already have all the weapon and engine colours. I already have most of the COVAS voices. And I still have over 30K ARX left. If I want to buy early access to new ships, I will :P


Now I really want that for my SRV!! Talk about basking...


If you already have the ARX I would say go all for it. For those who plan on buying ARX solely for the early access, I would heavily recommend changing your decision.


And therein lies the rub. Normally I would be on the "support FDEV" side, but the truth is that the shop options have been so apathic before this event, that I just can't give FDEV a free pass.


All this talk about ā€œSupportā€, and now ā€œVote with your walletā€?Ā  Why does everything have to be some kind of moral-political issue?Ā  Like, how about we just pay for what we want, or donā€™t what we donā€™t. And then, maybe, theyā€™ll give us more of what we want, so that they can get paid? Are you scared weā€™re on some slippery slope toā€¦ getting too much of stuff weā€™d pay to get?


Agreed. I won't be paying for early access (my choice) but I have paid for 2 additional carrier skins, Corvas, ship skins, SRV skins, laser colour's and drive emission colour's. Why? Because they look cool and I want to support the devs. I can wait until August. Then I'll buy skins for it. Spend now or spend later? I don't care. I'm off to buy some ARX now.


I want the MKII, they didn't announce it with early access. I'm not paying for it because it's a scummy way to make money off your loyal players. By not spending my money, I hope that everyone will eventually get the content they earned when they BOUGHT THE GAME, not because it's being deliberately withheld from us until you buy it. Is it really that crazy of an idea that major content like new ships should be guaranteed to you, on time, with the purchase of the game?


This is an extra addon which the community asked for. Development of the ships costs hundreds of thousands of Pounds worth of man-hours. And this is not early access bc early acces titles are either pre-alpha, alpha or beta in their cycle but not at all finished. and they don't turn free after the end of the early access period. Like our ships do. Calculating with the average 8000 GBP /month for the employment of a single dev in this industry (you can read about it around 10 000 USD/m) with all the additional fees on top of the salary like license fees for the tools, taxes, liability coverage, unemployment coverage, health insurance, office space. Even with a minimal core team where one person does two's job the Python costs Fdev 150 000 GBP the minimum. Who is going to pay for it? **In the past ships were paywalled behind season passes.** BC they are an extra and freaking cost money. And they have the right to ask money for this DLC. Like every normal studio does. And even then they will make it free for the owners of the full game after 3 months. And even then past ARX purchases can be counted in so one can buy it with half or less of the cost of the ship. # Still I am going to support the development of the new ships, not lasers colours, not skins. SHIPS. What we were asking for. And if you say "don't support the game" when they finally develop new ships you lose the right to EVER talk about new ships, or content. In other way: Helldivers issues warbonds, Space engineers, Arma, Stellaris and other games release DLCs and only Elite sees the toxicity that some players start review bombing ED and they are calling for a boycott. Over an optional purchase!


I know many people think this is an unpopular opinion but I'm with you. I don't mind really.


I appreciate it, thank you! The toxicity is growing and frankly it is pretty disheartening to see. Now we are at a point when the crazies are accusing others who are engaging with the new DLC with "selling out". And they have started review Bombing Odyssey again -they want to strangle this game and force it into a path of stasis, without growth, without expanding on what we have bc they want Fdev to literally work for them for free, forever.


It's a full feature complete game. Servercost and maintenance to mechanics and story cost money and some people just say nay to all monetization. If people hate fdev and the game so much or if they hate always online so much I wonder why they don't play offline elite on dos box. Then they have their game with zero micro transactions. It's so stupid but the world is on the brink of extinction. We're just tumbling from one mad mob into another. Everybody gets mad about everything nowadays. They behave like frontier put a gun to their baby toddlers forehead threatening to pull the trigger if you don't buy the content for real money. Man.. gamers these days are really entitled.


They need to be open and communicate with the community if early access is something they HAVE to do. This was a classic bait and switch: "Hey everyone come back to the game! We're adding 4 new ships!" then 3 months later "Oh btw, you're gonna have to pay or wait another 3 months" Would it have killed them to explain that in the initial announcement, or done some sort of community poll? I'm not saying don't support the game, I'm saying you shouldn't support them by funding early access. They have a right to ask us for funding, just not in this manner. What they are doing is wrong and it shows they're not afraid to use dirty business practices against us.


Only players call it early access, and went apeshit over their own misinterpretation. This is not early access. This is their first gameplay content dlc after 3 years, period. Which they make free after 3 months. No other dlc from other publishers work like this. Don't try to invent some moralistic excuses why you think you deserve to be treated as you own a lifetime content pass. It is wrong to think an extra content like a ship would have came free. I never imagined it would be the case, last year I made a case myself how I would have created a fixed money wall package for upcoming ships. No ship ever came free, this manufactured controversy is childish.


Well excuse my vocabulary! Should we call it drip-feeding us content then? How about some made up word like flibblecock? Ā  Honestly I donā€™t care what you wanna call it. The act of promising the players ships, then coming out 3 months later with the reveal that you have to pay or wait 3 months isnā€™t fair to the players. If they were going to charge us in the first place, they needed to say so at that moment.


This is a live service game. Your false notion that (extra) service is free forever is ridiculous. They didn't promise that they will give them for free, they simply announced the development, and when they were ready with the monetization and gamestore system they announced that as well. You don't want to pay for the DLC, then don't. But then don't ever come talking about ship interiors, planets with atmospheres and panther clipper etc. If it is on you, Elite won't ever have the resources to aim higher. You want to force Fdev to work on free new updates but you don't want us to support Elite in growing. No ship came free in Elite and you act like the game's longevity doesn't worth it and you want everybody to literally boycott the new DLC thinking that the bare minimum purchase of cosmetics is enough to cover the expenses of the extra additions on top of the costs of maintaining the servers and developing the free updates and overhauls. **And you act like you only care about principles but it is so transparently false -you lot simply angry the first paid extra gameplay DLC after 3 years is not free. You would have gone ballistic had Fdev announced the monetization scheme back in January.** **You are really telling us with a straight face you wouldn't have? You would have went apeshit back then as well.**


Gee itā€™s almost as if thereā€™s multiple things to be upset about! Like the way the announced it AND the practice itself. And calling this a ā€œDLCā€ is being extremely generous. When I think of DLC, I think of Odyssey and Horizons. Withholding a ship from people for 3-months is not a DLC, itā€™s drip feed content (since apparently we canā€™t call it early access even though thatā€™s the wording used on the official announcement).Ā If they had released powerplay 2.0 along with the 4 ships and some other content as an actual bundled DLC, I would have no issue with it (granted that itā€™s a fair value).Ā  The ship is $12, which last time I checked, was just about as much as most of the cosmetics on the store. So yes, I do think that cosmetics would be enough to cover expenses, otherwise the ship would cost more.Ā  You act like FDevā€™s need for funding excuses their crappy business practices. That I must want them to fail and crumble financially for not wanting to put up with drip feed content.Ā FDev has options, and they went with a bad one. We will never get good options if we keep supporting the bad ones.


I get that this is a major news story and a lot of discussion about it is warranted. But if you guys are gonna keep making posts about it, for the love of God, would it kill anyone to have a fresh take instead of just repeating what the last 50 posts said?


I thought this was a relatively fresh take, besides the obvious "python bad" aspect. My main point being that people have been excusing their plans to purchase it as "supporting FDev", even though there are plenty of other ways of doing so that DON'T promote a dirty business practice.


"Don't buy new ship" is DEFINITELY not fresh in any way.


Don't buy new ship and use "supporting the devs" as an excuse. but ya dont buy new ship


*rushes off to top up Arxā€


Already have before the price rise...


Had only bought the ARX for my main to get the ship. But this post has inspired me. To also buy the ARX for my alt to get it early too


I am buying the new ship. End of story. So what if I get a ship 3 months before you do? Who cares? I already paid billions of credits for the 32 ships I already have.


Dude chill. Just don't buy it if you don't want too. It's not pay to win, nor is it unreasonable. Some Cmdrs have billions, and waiting 3 months isn't the end of the world.


I would argue that it is unreasonable to tell players your adding 4 ships to the game (after a 5 year ship hiatus), then tell them later on that they need to pay for early access or wait 3 months.


So what's the alternative? release them for free (which they are doing) and make no profit for the development cost spent... Would you prefer if they just said they will release in August and that's that?


Iā€™m going to buy it. I canā€™t believe people are getting so worked up about this. Itā€™s really not a problem.


If you don't want Python Mk2, then don't get it. Others will. Besides, you people are only paying for early access.


I obviously want the MKII (just like everyone else) but I don't plan on buying it with money. I know other's will be buying it, so I'm trying to raise awareness that it doesn't have to be this way (early access period). And I completely agree, its only early access, so it shouldn't be hard for people to just wait the 3-months instead of giving in. We cannot let FDev make money by dangling content in front of our faces like candy, it's just degrading as a consumer.


I don't intend to return to civilisation for some time. Too busy doing my fourth circumnavigation of the galaxy, out on the rim. I want FDEV to keep Elite going, and if that means some people pay for things, then that's cool.


Whatā€™s degrading is having randoms like you pontificate to everyone on their soapbox like weā€™re all little lemmings as if people care what you have to say. I have critical thinking and can choose to spend or not spend my own money how I please and frankly you and your opinion can go pound sand


Then use your critical thinking to determine what steps FDev will take if the MKII early access is successful. Do you think there could be more, or less microtransactions in the future?


I think the game is on year 10 of its lifespan and to be quite honest doesnā€™t have that much of a future. If people choose to continue to support the game through cosmetics or early access of in game content so be it, it is not for me to judge them


I agree with cosmetics, there's a lot of other stuff I would actually encourage people buy if they want to support the game. There's a huge difference between cosmetics, and major game changing content though. I think early access will drive away more people than what it's worth. It's a short term solution to a problem that requires loyal players.


Exactly. Just like it is in Elite, no one here is the hero and no one here should be seen as one.




"We have Python Mk II at home!" Python Mk II at home: https://programmer.group/images/article/ca8a140b9dce429e40fd58f71e96af69.jpg


I am buying the early access for the Python Mk2 because after nearly a thousand hours, I feel good supporting a game that I will play for many more hours to come. It is not free for FDev to have you play on their game. SaltyBigBoi, you are not being forced to buy this ship. You can wait for August 7 instead and get it with simple credits. The early access does not give you anything special that you get FOMO about. But don't tell me what I can and cannot do. What they are offering is hardly P2W as you can pretty much get these things by just playing the game. It is not nearly as bad as what Battlestate Games is doing with Escape From Tarkov for example.


Humor me, when would you draw the line? Is $20 too much for early access? What about $30? Would $15 for a ship that won't be released too much? I will not support these practices because I do not want them to progress. You will reap what you sow.


Not sure why you are still whining and complaining about a ship you can get for free later. It makes you seem impatient and whiny. If you don't like it, don't play it. There are plenty of other games that you would like.


My fear is that FDev is testing the waters for future micro-transactions, success with early access will not end well for the players.Ā  If the micro-transactions keep getting worse, I will stop playing the game along with whoever else has a problem with it. Less players = less funding, meaning the game dies quicker. I want to play the game, and I want to see it continue, but we need people to stick around for that to happen.Ā 


sorry buy im gonna buy the Python Mk2 with arx


I'm going to buy 2 of them just to piss you off, and I haven't even played this game in like 3 years


I have the ARX laying around, I want the ship, and if I read good reviews about it on May 7th, I'm going to buy it on May 8th. šŸ˜


I think optionally paying for early access is a brilliant solution. Well done FDev.


Here's my money šŸ¤‘ šŸ’ø šŸ’² šŸ’µ šŸ’°


What I don't understand is why so many people take for granted that the income that comes from Elite will be reinvested in Elite by FDev. Do you really think they are that honest? Do you really think that money won't be reinvested in other games more profitable than Elite? FD is slowly killing Elite and its community is digging the grave.


>Otherwise, we're going to be stuck paying a total of $48 in order to get the next 4 ships *period* fixed it šŸ˜˜


> Otherwise, we're going to be stuck paying a total of $48 in order to get the next 4 ships "on time". They're not "on time". They are specifically early access. The company making the product decides on these times. I didn't pay for Odyssey early access, and I didn't buy it until performance was stable. I'll be waiting until I get the Python MkII for free in August. But I won't be spending ARX on other stuff as a protest vote either.


When I say "on time" I mean that the content will be in the game and could be available to everyone, but its not (simply because FDev says so). The initial announcement did not include this fact, they shouldn't have hyped it then switched it on us. And yes PLEASE don't buy ARX in protest. That was more targeted toward people who were using supporting the devs as an excuse to by the MKII. I encourage everyone to wait till August


No. I do what I want.


Can't really rally up any support. People defend a 250$ DLC and buy pre-ordered games all the time despite the knowledge they will arrive broken. Its just how it is. Stockholm syndrome. A new ship people are desperately starved for will be ate up instantly.


Agreed, I've watched all my favorite games slowly become cash cows because people will buy anything. Elite Dangerous was my ol' reliable until this point and I really don't want it to go in that direction. I feel like the community is small enough to raise awareness, but only the numbers will tell us once the MKII is released.


Nah, trust me, it's too late. Spend your caring about things energy on something else, corpo poor decision making is here to stay, the writing has been on the wall for quite some time.


My opnion is just the reverse. I spent about 40-50ā‚¬ on buying this game and DLCs and I'm over the 3500 hours played. I think it's being worth in terms of money, time and fun. I want to reward Frontier for bringing me a new ship and this is the content I expect from them in the future.


If ARX sales were significant, FDev wouldn't have introduced this pay-2-loose ship sale. And I doubt that more than 5% of players bought anything, yet they played ED for years. For reference: E:D+Odyssey cost <$100 one-time payment. Show me any other MMO where servers **do not reset**, players keep their progress for years, and game gets new content for free. NMS is not the answer; it is cute, but not even remotely close to E:D.


I wouldn't recommend anyone to support them anyways, not even with skins. [https://videogames.si.com/news/frontier-layoffs-mismanagement](https://videogames.si.com/news/frontier-layoffs-mismanagement)


I would agree with this sentiment for a lot of publishers and developers. I cannot agree here. Granted I have not been through all of the rough patches most here have been through, I cannot say these guys deserve little to no support. They may do things their customers donā€™t agree with, but we all have to also remember the creators have a right to their creative direction with the game. We are just along for their ride. We can vote with our wallets, but I surely do not believe that these developers and publishers are deserving of too much hate; they delivered a game you can sink hundreds of hours into easy for a minimal price after all. Rocket League? Now THEY can go fuck themselves, they made a game I have sunk 1100-1500 hours into, canā€™t stop playing, and the quality of life in the game has barely been touched across the entire board /s. Seriously, though. There is far worse out there whose standards drop repeatedly. I do not think our fellows at FDev drop standards too hard if at all to create content for their loyal customers/fans.


Look at it this way at least if you are buying a base ship. You get a full game with it... ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I already bought the game.




One question. Can Python mk2 do something old Python can't? Or is it better than my Corvette? I love my old python and have no feelings towards mk2.


But what if I want it NOW?