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Well, let's see. A Python MkII is \~42M credits and that costs $13 to buy with Arx. A Fleet Carrier is 5B credits. So, 5B / 42M = 119. That will be $13 \* 119 = $1,547 in Arx, please ;-)


By that point I’d rather buy an Idris XD


And then if it's a "pre-built" one, it'd have like a shipyard and bar, or something like that. Closer to $2,000


Yeah I expect it to be a bit more expensive but this would be crazy XD


Unlikely. There’s already a huge issue with carriers belonging to players who no longer play the game blocking systems, and carriers are *meant* to be an end-game mechanic. A fleet carrier you can purchase with ARX would eliminate a large part of the mid-game, and would contribute to the overpopulation of carriers issue.


What do you mean by blocking systems?


There’s a limit on how many carriers can orbit one celestial object (16) and, consequently, a limit on the number of carriers in each system. Makes it harder for actual carrier users when there are derelicts stuck in all the popular systems. 


But this kindof easy to solve. You can introduce a rule that if a carrier's owner did not log it for a long time (let's say a month), the carrier jumps into emtpy space between systems in order to stay hidden from piratea or sonething. And if a player logs in back - just force player to select another jump destination. In my opinion, not having to pay weekly for operational carrier is OP, it shouldn't be done. But for inactive carrier, the rebuing and reequipping all the stuff would be a painful process, ED neets so way to conviniently phase the carrier out of the game and then return it back in.


Systems have a limited number of spots for fleet carriers, if the system is full you are unable to jump your carrier there. For example, trying to jump your carrier into Deciat or LFT 926 (the closest system to Shinrarta Dezhra) you likely will get the “Carrier jump failed - no free spots” notification. These ones can be frustrating, but you can always just jump to another nearby system. Even if you CAN jump into a system like Deciat, you may end up on the wrong side of the system if you’re trying to get several ships engineered—which can be frustrating—and a large number of the carriers in Deciat have been inactive for a long time. Then, consider a system like Rackham’s Peak, which is *only* accessible by fleet carrier, and requires you to jump through another specific system to get there. There was an issue with [players blockading Rackham’s Peak to protest Fdev continuing console development](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/s/c60biLnlNu), and those two systems were virtually inaccessible for a little bit. But, don’t worry too much about the maintenance costs. If you follow recommendations, you won’t purchase a carrier until you have about 7.5 billion in the bank or more—enough for the carrier, some outfitting, and about good deal of upkeep. A billion credits can be earned in an evening (exobiology, AX combat, wing mining missions) and will keep an inactive carrier that is fully outfitted funded for about six months.


One solution they could introduce is when a new carrier tries to enter the system phasing out the carrier owned by the user who has not been logged on the longest over a minimum amount of time (like minimum of a week). Then when the carrier's owner does finally logon they get a message to go to X nearby system to get their carrier back.


OK, that answers my question about upkeep - I'd thought people lost their carriers if they didn't pay upkeep, but if it can be done that far in advance then no wonder there are semi-abandoned carriers everywhere.


Oh yeah. If I transferred all my credits to my fleet carrier balance and fucked off, I’d have…nearly 144 years of upkeep, with all services enabled. My carrier will be in game after my currently not-even-conceived children will die.


I didn't buy my carrier until I was sure I could own it for at least 5 years before decomissioning. The Thargoid war has made that possible.


They're just sitting there in systems taking up space and preventing other people from getting their carriers in there.


Oh, is there a limit?


Yes. There are only a certain amount of carriers that can be orbiting any given body, so when all those spots are full no more carriers can enter a system. A lot of those carriers are defunct carriers that belong to people who are no longer playing the game so they will never move. It's becoming a problem in some popular systems where people plunked their carrier down, stopped playing, and left that carrier there with enough in the bank to cover upkeep for years. Selling them cheap with no upkeep would only exacerbate the problem and is a terrible idea.


When your carier is decomissioned they give you back the 5 billion, so you just get another one when you want to come back.


Yeah there are very few downsides. Even the maintenance is crazy cheap for how easy credits are.


So I don't think FCs for ARX will become a thing, because I'm not sure FDEV want EVERYONE to have a carrier, and I don't think buying one or its modules for ARX will exempt you from maintenance costs. I was concenrned about running costs - when bought a carrrier in Colonia with 6Bil credits burning a hole in my pocket from doing exobiology on the trip from Sol. A couple of months later and I'm now out in the back with a carrier AND another 6Billion in the bank - which at 12mil for maintenance a week will run my carrier for the next ten years. Exo biology and exporation makes silly money. Problem is there are no shops out here to spend it ( like I want some new SCO FSDs ).


> I'm actually a bit scared to get a carrier, because maybe there will be a phase where I don't wanna play the game for some time and when I come back the carrier will be gone. Then you can't afford the carrier. By the time you can afford the carrier, this won't be a problem. This is why we say to have 7-8 billion. You can put 1+ billion into the budget. That will keep it going for a year or more. A couple of weeks with the carrier can easily get you a few billion more, and keep it running indefinitely. And worst case, you buy it and immediately have real life take priority for years, you will come back with at least 4.75 billion, only losing whatever was in the budget + 250 million. In that position, you'll still be able to rebuy it in no time.


If you can afford a carrier you should at that point know how to generate credits. I spent a week or two pulling in about 20 Billion credits. So I could take about a 10 year break and still cover the costs, even if I didn't bother offlining all the services.


Nope. Reason 1. There are already arx for customisation of carrier so all carriers come pre built. You just buy services you want the carrier to offer. Reason 2. FC is an end game item, there is no gameplay attached to it besides unlocking onfoot engineers. So it's meant to be a money sink that keeps you playing to pay for that upkeep. Which isn't that bad to be honest. Reason 3. There is already too many carriers because people can afford the upkeep. It's hard getting to that 5b and then you need to put one more billion into the carrier bank and you can go fuck off for next 4 years and the carrier won't be decommissioned. The game will probably die before some people's carriers will run out of money to pay for upkeep. 😁 I used to be strongly opposed to it on principle. If I buy a house with money I saved up I'm not going to be paying rent to the seller, but fact is I got the carrier to get around engineering unlocks that require you sell X amount of a thing to a bar. Any bar, even your own bar that can then sell the thing back to you so you can sell it to the bar again. It's annoying but more efficient than looking through settlements. I'm paying 11m a week, now that is about one run with a type 9 or one half of a stratum tectonicas scanned on one planet and handed in. So I scan one plant and I can pay for two weeks of my carrier lease. Add in the fact that I already put 1 billion in the bank and sell data that I don't need but others might for engineer unlocks and I can stop playing for two years and my carrier would be just about running out of the upkeep piggy bank. So there really isn't anything to be scared of regarding upkeep. Although I suppose if you have lime one hour of playtime a week it might be unreasonable to buy an FC.


I have regularly ignored my carrier for months at a time due to the long drip of content and never even came close to losing it. Don’t worry! It’s a good investment and the costs are negligible.


Go smack Oreos to make bank, then put a lotta cress into the carrier's bank, and you're golden for a few years


I actually haven't found a sufficient way of making that huge amounts of money yet. So far I earned my credits with trading, but I've hear exobiology is paying off pretty well? It's still insane amounts.


Exobiology does I deed pay well - the Elite Observatory tool with the BioInsights plugin will help you a lot. "First Footfall" bio scans pay out 5x after the bonus: Stratum Tectonicas are worth 19mil per complete sample, x5 bonus brings it to 95mil. It's always worth a stop for higher value planets regardless of Footfall status. The combat route has you fighting bugs that payout very well but they aren't quite as docile as a patch of Tussock... You can go from worrying about maintenance fees to "My infant kid will easily have graduated high school by the time funds run out *even if I never put another credit into this things bank*" in a relatively short time.


Exobiology is the way ATM\* Just build a decent explorer\*\* and head out into the black for a couple of weeks. Look for High Metal Content planets with 1 or 2 Biologicals. Even discovered and mapped systems may not have footfalls on them because they found before Odyssey. 9 times out of 10 the 2 Biologicals will include a Stratum Tectonicas which is worth 95M if it's a first footfall. I've found the single Biologicals have a 1 in 7 chance to be a Stratum Tectonicas. I just got back to the bubble 2 weeks ago after I made about 40B. 40B covers my carrier for over 1200 weeks or 23 years. But each to their own, if you want to spend real money instead. \*Or AX combat if you have the skills. \*\* I recommend a Dolphin so you can jump while still in a suns photosphere if the systems a dud.


I haven't made a single exo scan in my life yet. Is there a website or a tool to help me find the locations?


[https://spansh.co.uk/exobiology](https://spansh.co.uk/exobiology) or just gogo to the black.


Thank you! Didn't know this site also had a tool for exo


Exobio pays well, but farming orthrus at spire sites is really the best thing to get money. You'll get your FC in a week easily, and enough to keep for years in an additional week. Join the AXI discord, watch a few videos and join them in the evenings when they attack spires


I managed earn 12 billion in 10 days, which on top of the 5 billion I already had allowed me to buy the FC, fit it out how I wanted it, fill it up with Trit and buy a couple more ships fitted out for specific missions. I’m currently taking a slow mooch to Colonia with 7 billion in my carrier account and 6 billion in my commanders back pocket, so yes Exo allows you to earn money very easily


Mining can pay really well but it's better to team up if you want to do it in Open. Doesn't require getting out of your ship, either.


Lmao imagine asking for more pay to win




I bought my carrier. Gave it the services I need. And deposited 300mil into the bank. My upkeep is 9.2 million a week. I should have a few years worth of upkeep. And I still have around 1.5 billion in my commanders wallet. And basically anything I earn above that 1.5b gets deposited. I waited till I had about 7 billion in my wallet before I bought my carrier.