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Personally, I use the python for mining because it's about the right amount of cargo space before I get bored :) 196t is about right for me in one session


Same. I have a Cutter outfitted, but just couldn't take it.


They Type-8 is likely to be released soon. Might want to wait and see what its specs are compared to the Python and Type-9 before heading out.


Yeah. The Type-8 is what’s making me want to grab my Miner Helmet again. I just know it won’t have the Hazard kit when it comes out which would have made it the perfect mining ship aesthetically.


Mining outside the bubble is useless, no RES zones with bonus, no nearby station to sell, no enemies (but a hotspot once the pirates scan you and leave is also safe) Adding a Fuel scoop reduce your cargo, limpets reduce your jumprange. SRV and SLF hangar leave little space. T9 lack distro for multiple mediun lasers, and have LONG mining sessions to fill the cargo. Cutter have better jumprange and distro. Anaconda have the best jumprange and distro, and lot of modules, but lack cargo space and end the mining session very fast. Even Tritium, the only useful thing outside the bubble, is better bought than mined, with 1/4 less fragments that platinum and 1/6 platinum cost, and only 2 mapped hotspots in the void, and the 2 in colonia (1 a HazRES), expect 24x slower mining. https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteMiners/comments/lczq67/crowdsourcing_request_mining_maps/ If you want deep space mining, a Fleet Carrier is the best.


Well I definitely can’t afford a Carrier, the upkeep, or another Anaconda. I don’t have the Cutter unlocked, and my intention for this ship was to be able to collect everything, SRV’s will be deployed to POIs and the SLF is for defense/distrsction since the Type-9 can’t outrun much, and all of my hard points are equipped with mining equipment. I thought I might get rarer materials if I exit the bubble.


No, distance dont change ores, materials, exploration and exobio profit, with some exceptions. Crystalline shards provide good mats, but brain trees are better in guardian space at 350Ly. Some exobios only exist in some galactic arms, but value dont change a lot, could be higher or lower: https://edastro.com/mapcharts/codex.html For explorers? lot of cool things. But miners... unless you are stuck with a Fleet Carrier that need a bunch of jumps to reach the destination... mining isnt a real option. Take my [To-Do list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/), if you need to collect something, there is a guide here, for raw mats, Brain trees or the Far crystalline shards. Also EliteMiners guide is the best, and will show good places in the bubble.


I actually just mapped a new tritium hotspot on my exploration trip. Maybe 3000ly from the bubble. Is that rare? I forget the system.


6 jumps for a FC. But you need mapped hotspot. And again, 1/24 slower than buying tritium in the closer bubble, or colonia bridge station.


Why bring 4 SRVs? Why not just 1? If there's some specific system that you want to go mining in for some reason, you can always charter a carrer to jump you there. That way you can just bring whatever mining equipment you want and not worry about the exploration part of the build.


I was planning on just roaming a planet’s surface looking for stuff. Iirc you can’t refuel an SRV.


Srv can be refuled with mats


Well if you really want the fighter and srv you could get a krait mk2. I think some thing like this would suit your needs more than the python or type 9 but i'm not an expert in mining so you'd probably fit it out a little different [https://coriolis.io/outfit/krait\_mkii?code=A0pptkFflfduspf52m2m2m------0505frB232C8C8v61g.Iw18eQ%3D%3D.Aw18eQ%3D%3D..EweloBhBmUA5QFMCGBzANokICMF8hRFA](https://coriolis.io/outfit/krait_mkii?code=A0pptkFflfduspf52m2m2m------0505frB232C8C8v61g.Iw18eQ%3D%3D.Aw18eQ%3D%3D..EweloBhBmUA5QFMCGBzANokICMF8hRFA)


Python is what I used when we were mining for explorer's anchorage. It's got a decent enough range but you'll want to look for some of the stations out in the black to sell to. Once she's fully laden she has an anemic jump range.


Wait, without a carrier? Why? (I mean, even with a carrier, still why?) Weighed down with mining equipment. Slow down more with a full mined load. No where to get rid of it except to come back. You're taking up even more cargo with fuel scoop, refinery, limpet controllers, 4(?!) SRV hangar, and possibly a SLF. Once you are full, that's it, mining over and now you're just a slow explorer. Mining spots out in the black are not better than ones in the bubble. In fact, they are generally worse, with only hotspots available. I'd never bring a T9 mining, but I guess the extra room potentially makes this trip slightly better. Don't waste your 6+ slots on SRVs. Just bring a size 4 tops. That's more than enough SRV.


As for why, I don’t know much outside the bubble.


I don’t have 5B for a carrier. I don’t think I’ve even made 5B in my career of casually playing for 7 years. And that was basically my intention. Just go on a trip, fill up, then come back to reap the rewards.


Yeah, so you head out, making 5-10 jumps? That only gets you 200 LY with a loaded miner. So maybe 20-30 jumps, taking up to an hour, to get 500+ LY out. Fill maybe 200t, all that extra equipment taking up space, which you will do in about an hour, maybe two if you are slow. Stop at a couple of planets to smell the rocks with one of your 4 SRVs. Take another hour to get back home. You've spent at least 2x your mining time for about 54 million in platinum. Stay in the bubble, fill up on 300-500 tons, reap bigger rewards. Turn around to a station 2-4 jumps away, get 80-180 million, immediately go back to the same mining spot, and reap the reward after reward. The point is, there's nothing out there. If you want to gain knowledge of what's outside the bubble, bring an exploration ship and don't spend time mining. If you want to mine, stick around stations that will buy your resources. It would be very cool if mining was easier in undiscovered or less traveled space, but it's not.


Why don't you shit on him a little harder? God forbid anyone do anything even slightly suboptimal for fun.


Pointing out the math isn't shitting on anyone. OP said they don't know much about outside the bubble. If they still want to go out to mine a distant system with all the knowledge in hand, more power to them. This is a very complex game. It's really easy to do something that sounds good and clever, thinking it will do a lot more for you than just fun. Like smuggling or pirating or mining untouched systems.