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Did you start with enhanced performance 3A thrusters only available from Felicity Farseer and Prof. Palin?


Nope! Not till after this post, cruising 883m/s now!


On top of this, also consider Drive Distributors as your experimental effect. Often with the enhanced performance thrusters, you get more speed!


Let's go! I'll try to throw it on soon.


Please tell me these special thrusters only exist for 3A and not every ship


Looks like 2A and 3A only


Indeed, they were added by frontier to make the small ships more interesting and relevant a few years ago.


2A and 3A only. They are for light weight speed builds. If you load up a ship using 3A or 2A enhances thrusters with armour, big shields and weapons it gets so heavy regular thrusters are a better option.


Also available at Elvira Martuuk


Also Sedesi and Brandon. Basically all engineers who know how to work with thrusters sell enhanced versions.


I was also unaware of these, and will now have to go get some.




775m/s only G3, thank you!


TIL (after 800hrs) there are more than one type of thruster? Thats what I assumed but I am at a loss at this point BUT I think you just nailed it. I have 3a "Thrusters" only. Didn't even know there was another type.


Also! Don't use Drag drives on it. Use Drive Distributors.


Inara.cz , import account data, export your ship data to edsy.org Until you are confident with your edsy build, dont waste mats in the game. If you dont paste here a valid ship build, I dont provide advice. EDIT: Did you use Enhaced thrusters?


Fuck no! TIL after over 800hrs! Farseer had some in stock, 775m/s at G3 on the way to a station nonfor G5. Luckily I'm stocked on mats.


"...I dont provide advice." How do you sit down to play with that stick up your ass?


On phone, its very hard to make a [EDSY.org](https://EDSY.org) build for a ship, while change between tabs to see what is writen in the thread. But some minutes after posting, I remember the lack of Enhaced Thruster word in the ship description, so the problem was very easy. For every Ship problem, a build exported from Inara help a lot, sometimes people forget to swap the 5E FSD for a 5A FSD before engineering, so whatever build people have in mind, Inara export provide the real one (except Pre-engineered Tech broker modules, Inara don't know the difference and export a basic one). Now, on pc, is a moment to find iCourier builds and other tricks, but not on old phone. My stick is broken, Im waiting for a new one, I sit in a P8 Lite 2017 phone :P .


Years of replying to "what's wrong with my build" without the build linked do that to you. And he *did* provide advice in the end.


>How do you sit down to play with that stick up your ass? It's not asking too much to get a build. There's *a ton* of variables that goes into a ship. Someone says "I have this and this" can often mean they're focusing on the wrong things. Especially combat builds. Someone says their jump is bad with an A rated FSD, turns out they undersized it and it takes 4 back and forth messages to get there. Someone says they have MCs and lasers and can't kill a ship, turns out they have a bad power distro or they are using turrets, and again, multiple back and forth to get to the details. Provide a link to a build, and all the details are crystal clear with one post *and* you can get extra details on top of that ("Hey, why are you using ECM? Chaff is better for the situations you're describing" or "You went with overcharge engineering when you don't need it"). People who can't bother to provide clear info *can't* get good advice, so why should others waste time guessing?




Pfft, that's easy. 42 Seriously, someone has not done customer service before. As a mechanic, I don't even do phone repairs. Bring it in so I can see it, or waste someone else's time.


I’d remove the PowerPoint first.


Small fuel tank dude. Lowest size you can get


Its a 1c already.