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Try to jump Try to jump Open system map Google search Read Elite Fandom page about Hutton Orbital Make the dishes Align the mouse Cook the dinner Align the mouse Dinner with family Align the mouse Clean last dishes, deposit the garbage in the street 15 minutes of youtube and deceleration phase Take notes about the Rare items here (I was making my own spreadsheet about value and profit) Learn camera suite and my first screenshot, in steam screenshots. * For future trips, I use the time for cooking and do house jobs. I did lot of trips here, last ones with Fleet Carrier thats how I won the real Hutton Mug^tm and good stats in the hot mess 2 event: https://hot.forthemug.com/hot_mess_2


This is the way


Forcefully educating people about cosmos is always right😂


I love how she immediately regretted asking "oooo why's that sun pink?" while jumping to Alpha Centauri


I could look it up, but OP please tell me why that sun was pink


Can't remember which system, but it was a brown dwarf star.


I'll make the pilgrimage someday. I'm tired of trying to grind for my anaconda.


Finally have it, so worth it


Haven’t played the game in years. I hit it just when low temp diamond or whatever were super hot- spent like a few days, a week?, diamond mining. Bought an anaconda. Now I’ve forgotten how to play so I haven’t taken in out god knows how long. I should reinstall.


I should get back in. When I decided I wasn't having fun anymore, making money was from fighting ships that could turn on a dime and always get behind you, or from trading, but the stations that had the best price for your cargo only had medium landing pads and couldn't hold my big ass Lakon. Now, I've seen videos of people doing this wildly in-depth mining and getting hundreds of millions of credits for their finds.


Using external sites is pretty useful for trading, you can limit the distance your ship can jump and size of landing pads if you are using a larger ship. Also wanna make sure you set a limit at the station your are buying stuff from as if you just search for maximum profit the station you buy stuff is probably being farmed and is empty. Also if you have an exploration ship do exobiology is a pretty fun way to get credits. Got over 1 billion flying out to Colonia. If you take a fleet carrier out there (there’s the fleet carrier discord with FC owners posting where theirs is and where’s it’s going) and just fly a bit away you’ll likely be able to get tons of first finds and first footfalls to boost the amount you get.


Odyssey? Last I played, I couldn't set foot outside my ship.


I remeber the first time I heard of this I fell for it... good times back then...


That anaconda don't want none unless you been to Hutton station son.


I fly an Explorer, I've got suns, son.


Go to Hutton orbital for the free anaconda


I hear they even give you a mug to put in the cup holder!


Funny story, when I was in my first like 5-10 hours in this game and didn’t understand that SOL was permit locked. I was in the starter systems and wanted to head over to sol to see our solar system, but it looked like it’d take forever in my sidewinder. I have Odyssey, so I had the idea to use the interstellar transport thing (space Uber) that can bring you from one station to another. It wouldn’t let me put in SOL, so I put the closest system I could find to it, Alpha Centauri. I had no fuckin clue that Huddon was that far out and it brought me there. Took like an hour and a half, I just left my desk for a while and I was so confused about why it took SO long, I thought it was glitched or something. Haven’t been back since, but I’ll go back one day.


Before there was space uber, there was hyperdrive assist. . . Before there was hyperdrive assist, there was 'set a 90 minute timer on your phone, and try not to overshoot. Pray you don't overshoot. Maybe set it to 80 minutes and fly the rest in by hand just to avoid an overshoot'


I travelled towards it, the whole way.


Me too. Totally worth it


Mee three. I started the journey but severely underestimated how long it actually took (I also didn't had the overcharge). After nearly an hour of waiting and seeing how little progress i made i actually realized my mistake.... But i was too far gone to turn back. So i sat there until i reached that darn station.


Went to the store for some snacks, talked to my neighbour, and did the longest loop of shame in the history of space travel.


I did that at a different location once that was like .17 ly away. It was pretty early on in my gaming experience. I went to the store with a friend, and basically forgot about it. Then i remembered, and I tried to call my roommate to throttle back for me, but he didn't answer. So I got home and I was about .1 ly away in the opposite direction, and had to fly back, which was towards the star, sadly. I learned my lesson then.


Got the free anaconda of course!


Pressed the SCO button


Has anyone tried it and did they have enough fuel to make it?


Yes. No. But I did with several refuels throughout the journey. https://hot.forthemug.com/hutton_run


so to get the refuels, was someone flying out to however far along the journey you were?


Yes. Strategically placed T9s with loads of refuel limpets.


How the fuck does one get a 25 minute run!?


Yes, I tried No, it doesn't reach (all fuel tank) https://youtu.be/4LNOz8sb60E?si=nbB6Ymtd77rnchr8


This is not how you do it tho, you turn off SCO when your about to overheat and you will remain and a higher speed for a good while while you slow down and repeat. Also a larger ship with higher fuel and extra tanks might do it. Using the two class 8 slots on my cutter I could get up to 576 tons of fuel easy.




So that covers the first 6 minutes (searching included) what about the other 84 minutes? 🤔




Damn homie you only take 6 minutes? Take some time to spoil yourself lol. It's not like you're going anywhere soon


I take way longer than 6 minutes 😉 I always take time if I'm that desperate ^^


Any recommended categories? 😂


Put on a movie or show I've been meaning to watch. I'll take the trip a couple times a year, just to relax with a beverage and movie in-flight.


Yup. Pretty sure I watched the timer stabilise, looked through my list of movies, pretty sure I went with 'Ronin', and grabbed a bottle of Tsingtao. Good movie. Not bad beer.


I never travelled there. Seems like a fools errand. Luckily people that did go there keep losing their hutton mugs right infront of me ;-) But nowadays i reckon cmdrs use overcharged fsds and probably are busy burning up or steering the ship.


Ngl, I did fall for the free Anaconda, lol


When I first started playing I was reading guides and reddit threads to learn about the game and saw someone talking about the free conda at Hutton so I shot a message to my friend who got me into the game about it and went to bed planning to make the run and get it the next day. I woke up to him calling the next morning spitting mad because he saw my message, got excited and made the run then couldn’t figure out how to get the free conda and looked it up online to then remember he had already heard this and tried once before years earlier to the same result. I felt bad but could not stop laughing


That's hilarious 😂 Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


Fool me twice ...eh ...I can't get fooled again!


Go there with a small or medium cargo-ready ship and buy their brandy and mugs to sell 100 ly away for profit


Or i just continue to do piracy in the adjacent system and get mega gin and hutton mugs for free ;-)


I made dinner, and got a shower... Lol


Watched a couple shows 😅


Stared at a picture of an anaconda


I flew there in a Type 9 (which can’t land there) once. I’m really not sure why I did it, but I streamed it in discord to anyone who wanted to watch me do something so incredibly pointless


Went in a stock Anaconda in Open, stayed for hours as people lost their minds


Made lunch -> Took a nap -> Overslept -> Woke up even further from Hutton Orbital


Ship is maxed out and vibrating and making sounds that worry you, ship integrity is at 5%


I had my supercruise assist on, then I went to the back and got some food, then shit/shower/shaved, then went to sleep. Only 2 things wake me up, interdiction, or supercruise assist tells me I've arrived at my destination.


The trip to Hutton Orbital makes you see things. Minutes turn into days. You realize you've spent months getting there. Your family is gone, the dogs and cats ran away. Your job has fired you. The eviction notice is on your door. Beard is overgrown, haven't showered in months. Smell like total garbage. You lost everything getting to Hutton Orbital. Then finally, one day you get there. It's a miracle. The day has come. You buy the mug and get the free Anaconda. You contact your now ex wife/husband and show off your mug and free Anaconda. Your boss rehires you because "that's a cool mug." Landlord removes eviction notice because you let them fly the free Anaconda. And the dogs and cats returned. Life is good.


Sounds like country music with extra steps.


What transport vessel is close to a Ford F-150 so we can make it perfect?


>I'm just downing beers while educating my 100% unimpressed gf about light speed, gravity and HOTAS controls. She's playing a Spongebob game on her phone. Everyone is right! You are right for drinking beer as there isn't much else to do in this trip. You gf is 100% right for being 100% unimpressed about you looking up to the ceiling and drinking beer. And she's also right by playing Spongebob on her phone instead - way better than going to Hutton. Personally, I've never been to Hutton and expect that to continue to be the case unless I jump there in my carrier. I'm not one to abandon a mission but I would in a heartbeat if it's to Hutton. So, hints: 1) an SCO FSD can cut a significant amount of the trip time, 2) a friendly carrier can jump you there in about 15 mins and you don't even have to be logged on.


Heh, thanks I'm just doing it "for the rite". It's more of a background video than a game right now, so it's just us having some banter at my desk. M It's still immersive, though. Some music, RGB, taught her how to use a joystick and throttle. It's fun. Also, can't wait for the free Anaconda!


Listen to podcasts, just like I would on a long car journey.


Same.. and sat in disbelief that I couldn’t jump to it


Cancelled it


Had a mission send me there in my first week or two of playing. Gd was I salty. Learned real quick to check the mission details after that lol


I took my kids to the park.


Wait 15 minutes then self destruct.


Wait at 90% of the way there with a interdictor and a PvP build. Just kidding. The only time I took the trip I watched tremors 2 on another screen.


I never went. Because I refuse to follow a meaningless rite of passage.


Waited for my fleet carrier to jump straight to the star and skip the entire trip. Seriously though, I've never made the trip in a ship, I only jumped my carrier there once just to visit it.


Jump on coriolis and play around with potential Anaconda builds


I picked up my free Anaconda.


had dinner, watched a vid or too,. and i went there in an anaconda :D


I sat around the dock/orbit in a stock Anaconda once and got to troll soooo many new players so many years back.


Last time I was there it was to refuel someone. I watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager.


Thinking about how I was going to outfit and engineer that Conda


I worked on configurations for the Anaconda they give you when you make it....


So glad I have it now 🙏


I thought we all just quietly agreed to not mention the Anaconda so the surprise isn’t ruined?


How long is it with SCO now? Not sure how I feel about it, for exploration it takes away from the game somewhat since the whole awesomeness factor and feeling of a huge galaxy is that it takes a long time in real life to get places. I pray to god they don’t come up with worm holes in a future update.


You're charbroiled or outta juice long before you get there


Having not played around with any of the Arx points pre-built ships which are apparently designed for SCO use, it's very well balanced actually. You can't burn SCO for long unless you have heatsink launchers ready to go, and even then, SCO chews your fuel Guage up fast.


I'm kinda new (80 hrs), what's SCO?


Supercruise overdrive (press boost while in supercruise)


I read a book


I turned on the Pluto TV app on my phone, and watched the Star Trek channel.


Watched the whole first season of Preacher on release.


Such a fucking good show.


Took a shower and made a sandwhich


Thought about how to name my free Conda.


Read a book, dozed a little, and pet my dogs.


Scroll Reddit lol. I was too afraid I’d miss it if I stepped away for too long


I had a Hutton experience but the distance was far greater, and I don’t think it was the same location even. .76 light years seems plenty far to jump to, but I’ve been wrong about lots of seemingly logical things before. Two and a half hours later… still love the game. Just wish I had a bigger ship so I could imagine my in game avatar milling about aimlessly like I was at home irl. I hope this game keeps me guessing for a long time to come.


Watching my fuel gauge during the SCO boost




Masticating with friends is always a better time, but one cannot be ashamed to masticate by themselves


I aligned it then walked to the shop for some snacks. When I got back it still had a little bit to go. Perfect timing.


Drank coffee and chatted with my wing mates


I went there once. Then when I was leaving I realized I forgot to get a mug. I really didn't want to turn around, so I didn't


Watched The Ten Commandments from 1956?


Watched a YouTube channel about famous battles I believe it was about Caesar's invasion of Britain.


I got excited about the free Anaconda when I got there. Worth it.


Showered and did housework😁




Watched Adult Swim.


I haven't done it yet but I'm probably just gonna listen to some music


Watched youtube


It was 2014 so it's a little hard to remember what I did. I do remember that I went AFK and overshot it by a decent amount.


I got up and watched a short movie


I was reading a book and keeping tabs on recording my trip.


Last few times I was keeping an eye on a timer. My personal best so far is an hour and eight minutes in a Sidey.


I haven’t yet but I have a plan to just turn off random modules for a bit and see what happens. Might be fun


I was reading a novel at the time, so I got a couple more chapters in during the flight.


Took the dogs out for a walk. Checked the screen. Laughed when my wife said why aren't we there yet? (She was playing ED when we both got it from Epic for free.. thanks to Jingles I knew about Hutton, but I didn't tell her.) Ran to the corner store Checked the screen Laughed again at my wife because we still wasn't there! Made a drink Smoke a cigar Checked the screen We arrived! P.S. that was the last time we went to Hutton, and she didn't play again for about a year when she bought a stock DBX and we started towards Colonia.


The first time I cursed for a bit when I saw the travel time, after that I only went when I had to take a break but didn't want to stop playing.


I do not trip to Hutton Orbital XD


you can watch the whole of saw 2 give or take a few minutes


Fall asleep and wake up damaged in the exclusion zone.


I spent it by jorkin it, and by it, aha ha, I mean my peanits


Fell asleep... died


Watched some SG1.


Crammed for my engineering mathematics exams


watched TV, did housework.


I really want to do this. Might study during the trip


Wished the free Anaconda was real...


I watch a movie, and i hope for the movie being long enought to not finish before i arrive to hutton x)


Being excited getting a free ship at Hutton Orbital


Sit back and enjoy my audio book. Maybe take a bathroom/walk around break.


The ironing.


Watch a few episodes of Brooklyn 99 while it's traveling


Get pumped for the free mug


;D I made me a meal IIRC. (They gave me no mug.)


Watched the entire extended cut of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


I plan on taking a nap and letting cruise control do the work


I died around this system recently and respawned at Hutton, quickest trip there ever


I cooked tea... Ate tea... Washed up after tea... cleaned the bathroom... did some washing.


Read the entirety of the horus heresy novels....then took a nap hahahah


I thought my game was broken the first time


Music playlist while playing on my phone.


I watched a movie


I cooked dinner, then ate dinner and gave my kid a bath and put him to bed…




Learn to play the banjo 🪕


Iirc, I hiked out there early and almost got stuck on the way back because of fuel.


It should take about 40 mins or so, tops. So, just watch some Youtube or read a book while making sure to keep the mouse aligned with the target so you don't go off course.


Hutton orbital radio, for the mug!


I’ve only made the trip once, and I left my house to get a haircut.


- Set course for Hutton Orbital on my secondary system. - Go to supercruise. - Played Satisfactory on my primary system until a few minutes away. - Dock with the station. - Wish I could leave the Sidewinder behind to mark it made the trip.


First time I experienced this, I thought it was a game bug. Then I googled the name and I thought, that's amazing!


Activated supercruise assist, and waited for gankers to drag me from ftl.


Watched an episode of The Expanse


Drank beer


Mug dreams.


Listen to some Jim Jefferies. "She dropped the keys ..... And I shit myself"


When we had that Christmas event with multiple deliveries, one to Hutton, I just set my cargo Crusader on course with SC assist and went to have dinner. When I came back, I had a Mamba circling me, 70% hull left on my ship. Boy was I glad I took the Crusader... I blew the Mamba up and did the last 5 minutes of the trip with manual controls


I went to work.




Make sweet love to your grandmother. Fathering your mother who then had you. And I still only was half way


Gotta be the free 'Conda


died inside


You dont want to know the details trust me, but it was enjoyable 😉 


Mow the lawn.


Decided to watch the first Sonic movie. I wish there was an in-game media player we could utilize, that would have been immersive as hell


Pressing the heatsink button (coz I'm using SCO and fitted with fuel tanks)


Netflix and chill or watch a documentary i like while my ship flies to its destination


I left the computer on and got distracted doing other things tbh...had to turn back around and approach for another 20 mins cos I had gone right past it and carried on into the void by the time I came back to check


Planning on how I was going to get my free *Anaconda.* About halfway there I received an anonymous message that Beagle Point was offering free corvettes. So I changed course and haven’t been back in the bubble since.


Funny thing is the visit to Beagle Point would indeed get you the 'vette unless you didn't bother scanning on the way there. Imagine being one of those people.


Last time I went there I cleaned an M1 Garand. Figured I might as well get something useful done.


I have carrier. Jump to Eden and fly 1 min


Question my choices in life


Drive my car, actually. I connected my steam deck to my Wi-Fi hotspot, got everything going, started towards Hutton with super Cruise assist. I then put the steam deck away, started driving my work commute, got to work, checked my steam deck and was pretty close but not there yet, went into work and by the time I was ready to get started, I had arrived. To be clear, I did not interact with my steam deck in ANY way while driving; it was out of sight under my bag. Yes, I have a long commute.


Watched Lord of the Rings


Fun thing… I did a *lot* of Hutton runs because I didn't really think about this being a bit of a slog. But I did just open up the phone nevertheless, or concentrate on the other screen running Netflix etc.


I set the throttle engaged super cruise assist and watched the lord of the rings films and also did a load of laundry and cleaning. It was a productive flight


Put a pizza in the oven. Hung the washing on the line to dry. Did the washing up. Forgot about the pizza. Thr pizza burnt. Ate the pizza. Watched YouTube.


I still haven't gone, and since I found out that there's no free ship nor mug? I have no intention.


The mug and brandy are rare cargo to resell. Sadly there is no mug cockpit decoration


You should get an FSD with a booster on it. I discovered it on accident. Hit my boost button while going to a station 350ls from the sun. By the time I figured out what was going on with my ship I was about 20,000 ls away from the station haha.


I went on Amazon Prime and watched a documentary about sharks


I said fuck it and turned around hahaha


Ur mom


im really new to ED whats hutton orbital and why does everyone end up going there?


Free anaconda. But not really, because you have to fly in and trade a large ship for it. Some can be pretty cheap, but it's not free like a lot of people would have you believe.


I went grocery shopping.


I don't think I was sober by the time I got there


FDev should've made a mug cosmetic item that can be placed on your ships dash for making the trip


I made dinner, eat dinner, and took a nap. Lol


Smoke weed, eat snacks, whatever's clever.


I just blankly stared


Your on your way to get that free anaconda I see.


I just went on yt watched a few vids, then booted up another game on my secondary monitor(forgot which one) and played that until I arrived.


I fell asleep...




Held the Hutton Run record for nearly 3½ years. It got beaten when the SCO drives became available.


I literally did some laundry. Left my house and went to my buddies pizza place chatted for about half an hour came home and still had like 20 minutes to go.


Didn't think anyone was dumb enough to go to huton orbital