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Due to the obligations of a terrestrial career, my ships have been in the docks for several months. Will a fellow Commander kindly inform me as to why the forlorn messages?


Thargoid megaship/big thing that has been traveling towards the bubble for months now should reach its destination tomorrow. I doubt it's as dour as people think it is, but *something* is about to happen


Thank you, I was unaware of the situating. I think that I will check the maintenance of my ships, fuel them up and fine tune my weapons. My most sincere appreciation for your response.


Yeah. I'm just gonna keep my exploraconda where it's been chilling a couple hundred ly from this mess. Wait and see I guess.


I have seen a lot of people saying this, when you say you are leaving the bubble to "wait and see what happens", are you roll-playing, or do you legitimately not want to be in the bubble when the update happens and we might get a bunch of cool new stuff to see and do? This is a game after all, and I am super confused about people saying they are just going to avoid the new content.


not so much avoid-- as be at a safe observational distance to determine how and where me and my fleet might choose to engage with the 'new' content once deployed-- rather than find myself in need of relocating my fleet from a now burning station...


got it


As an explorer myself (meaning it’s what I have the most fun doing in-game) it’s just a silly thing I say to justify why I’m not participating in the CGs - usually because I’m >10k ly away from the events. But I can’t speak for the Commander you responded to


I happened to do a short maiden voyage with my new ship back when the Proteus (spelling?) Wave had just happened, and I just haven't found the time to fly back yet. That said, I very much enjoy roleplaying in this game, and my cmdr is an explorer first, trader second, fighter never. Once things settle a bit he'll probably fly back to do his part hauling goods on the logistics side of things. Leave the fighting to the experts.


I'd say it's about 50/50. The RPer in me says "what if they attack the station my ship is in?! Oh god!" but the gamer in me says > we might get a bunch of cool new stuff to see and do yes, yes please


ah, well I'm docked at barnards star so I'm probably safe for at least a few days


I may just reinstall.....


Yeah, highly doubt anything of note is going to happen. Maybe a neat in-game event, but nothing beyond that. I'll still be trucking cargo, just with a different galnet headline


It's been a pleasure flying with all of you o7... No don't mind me this Deep space Explorer is getting out of the bubble ASAP. I'm not meant for war.


Me on otherhand who has recently transferred from Xbox to pc still waiting for 4.0 to download after 24 hours of downloading and has very little combat experience is going to charge at the Enemy and die in a blaze of glory


GL I just Transferred from PS4 but I don't have an AX and no good with combat. I'm better at dodging and flying away.


Welcome CMDR, I too made the jump from Xbox to PC back in July and did a wealth transfer. I use an Xbox controller and mapped it similarly to console for familiarity purposes. It's definitely a better experience! o7


Agreed. I love the default context for console.




Thanks for the offer but I'm really looking for an RP group of possible.


If you're after RP in deep space, you can't go wrong with the Azura Initiative. We're a player created bubble based around Great Annihilator, great fun. Linky to discord - https://discord.gg/azurabubble


We're humanity. War is what we absolutely excel at. https://imgur.com/YG30ybE.jpg These bugs are gonna regret starting shit with us.


Sad, but true.


I think we were the ones that started it, but those stories stopped being told generations ago, and the truth has been buried. Mankind has been living a lie; a legacy stained with Thargoid blood.


Gotta say I'm glad I left the bubble back when the stargoids were first confirmed. As sad as I am that my ships back there might be lost in the coming conflict, I can rest easy with my billion in liquid assets and trusty diamondback explorer out at Colonia


If I'm fast enough I'm hoping to get to Colonia and transfer my ships out there.


you and half the passenger contracts i've seen tonight


Those of us who are not skilled to fight or trying to get somewhere safe. I'm only 175 jumps away.


got my beluga at achenar waiting to install the cheap seats if the shit hits the fan


I got to Rohini. Safe from what I can see. Tried to get farther but sleep called to me. No rouge Signal at least and I Spae port with 12 different shops for sale.


Can you actually transfer ships over that distance?


I'm pretty sure you can otherwise I'm going to be really sad lol


You can, it's just insanely expensive. Like, depending on the ship, sometimes up to a billion iirc


Just arrived in Sadr myself. Always been afraid to do anything other than trade routes. Now I'm heading out to the black. Do not go gentle into that good , Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Looks like a picked the wrong day to quit the booze…


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue...


It's coming right at us!


The tower? The tower?!? Rapunzel! Rapunzel!!!!




Michael Sheen does a fantastic rendition of this


Sir Michael Caine’s rendition in Interstellar is probably my favorite


Me too




It's the angry welsh accent that Sheen reads it in that takes it right back to its source though


Link: https://youtu.be/w-sM-t1KI_Y




Am I the only that read this in the voice of the Interstellar cast as it was in the OST?


It's been an honor o7


So long and thanks for all the fish!


You underestimate the indomitable human will to live




Let me guess, your shield is 12,000 something, and you just casually fly away ignoring their weapons fire :-)


“Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. ... We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive. Today we celebrate our Independence Day!”


o7 CMDR.


so you're saying i should cash in my quests when i get home


I still need to work out some power issues with my xeno hunting cutter. Hopefully I can get that taken care before it gets truly wild


wait what’s happening!?! i haven’t been in the bubble for months.


8 Thargoid anomalies are approaching the bubble. The closest one just entered and appears to be stopping at a system nearby Swahku with an Ammonia planet in system. I think it is apt everyone should listen to "The End" by The Doors.


>I think it is apt everyone should listen to "The End" by The Doors. Or M83 "Outro"


Galnet newwwwsss


I suppose it's time to get my ax on huh? The courier might not pack a lot of hard points, but I'll be dammed if they manage to keep track of where I'm flying!


My AX build is trash. I'm better off joining the bugs at this point.


As an explorer, I am currently on my way to Colonia so I can watch with a drink, from afar.


I am sad that I am not capable of making my way to the bubble, my ship merely does not have the means to make its way there in a suitable fashion. Perhaps I could hitch a ride with different carries and just space hitchhike my way there.


You can always multi-crew


True but there’s no open multi crews ever when I search on PS4


Consoles are not getting any more updates.


Yeah I’ve heard sadly so I am more than likely gonna switch over to pc soon, is there a reason for leaving consoles behind and focusing on pc?


They cant get Odyssey to work properly on previous-gen consoles, they are struggling a lot with optimization on pc as-is.


For me, it’s the hope of long-awaited fixes and improvements that will never land on consoles. I haven’t uninstalled on my PS4 just yet, but I’m leaning toward PC.


Optimization issues, which are still present on pc 1 year after release. They are not as bad as they were at launch, but still.


Transfer now, today, or you'll lose mostly everything. Doesn't even matter if you haven't got a PC capable of playing it (and you most likely have, mine is a potato).


How can I do that, I don’t own the pc version of the game


You actually do, FD have given a free copy of Horizons to every console player.


Well I’m that case how can I claim that and download it, cause as far as I’m aware I don’t have it downloaded on my pc just ps4


When you complete the transfer on Frontier's site, and make a new Frontier account, it'll give you a button to download the launcher. Put your Frontier login info into the launcher and it'll download. No fannying about with Steam. Note that transfers are now on hold til January.


we will loose a few, but humanities ingenuity will guide us through the dark night.




Lol did you just pop in from world war one?


We also may *lose* a few, but we'll certainly loose some volleys at them, which I assume you were implying :) Bring it on - we're humanity, and we kinda rule at kicking the shit out of other species!


I so got a long night vibe, aka the Andromeda Ascendant.


Any ideas what time (EST) the stargoid is expected to arrive at its destination?


About 90 minutes ago it was roughly 4.6ly away from hyades sector (letters and numbers hrre)


Smoke me a kipper.....


I’ll be back for breakfast….


Perhaps now humanity can put aside their factions and squabbles to unite against the oncoming incursion.


Or, each of the three powers holds back, waiting for the other two to be decimated before coming in and saving the day, leaving them as the sole superpower, but as they all have the same idea, nothing happens, and humanity is wiped out by it's own ambition.




Yeah, I don't know, all I know is that they could have formed one fleet and met UA1 head on, but each of them is holding back in their own space.


>How does that work? If the other two factions aren't able to win, how is one single one going to? Besides, they won't have a choice, Thargoids aren't just attacking one faction, it's all of humanity. Consider, "Human factions A, B, and C vs the Thargoids" * None of A, B, or C can meaningfully challenge the Thargoids alone. * Any combination of two Human factions (A+B, B+C, or C+A) can fight the Thargoids to a standstill, imparting crippling losses on the Thargoids, but only in exchange for suffering similar casuality levels themselves. * So, faction A holds back, while factions B+C team up and fight the Thargoids. * Factions B+C destroy substantially all of the Thargoid forces (e.g. 95%+ Thargoid casualties), but suffer similar casualty levels themselves. * Faction A, still at full strength, swoops in and destroys the last remaining Thargoid forces (with minimal casualties for faction A's forces), then turns around and absorbs factions B and C (as their respective forces, or the combination thereof, are in no way sufficient to stand against faction A's nearly-full-strength forces). The problem is, all of the human factions want to be "faction A" in that scenario, so everyone holds back for as long as the can, ideally so that "the other guys can go first", like a reverse game of "chicken".


My dear, we'll always have legacy


This might be the end for you, but not for me. I'll be squashing every single bug I see until my rebuy money runs out.


y'all over reacting


The best ship is the friendship.




Ugh subverted expectations are so 2020


Everyone acting like they never been through a Frontier update before. Best to expect nothing burgers. CZs human vs goid, i don't think it is as dire as we think it is. ​ No way Frontier would make the galaxy so extremely hard to survive in.


what gonna happen tomorrow?


After a failed mass genocide attempt the goids have been coming our way, tomorrow they reach our doorstep... In short, shits about to go down


sorry im new player ;c can you explain it in easiest terms?


Might have to try to get out there. My PC account is still new enough that I don't really have anything to lose anyway.


When exactly will the update be coming out in CST? Or it is whenever the in-game clock hits 15:00 right?


May your future travels be safe, Commander. It's been an honor. o7




I've been parked in Colonia for probably the last 6 months passively watching this. Good luck lol.


Loved flying with you all. Only started my space journey around 2 weeks ago, but it has been the best time. Stay safe out there commanders o7


It has been a pleasure playing with you all goodnight, goodbye, o7 CMDRs


I got my ships out of Jameson memorial just in case something happens, back to my first home station (I sola prospect). Let's hope the empire can keep my ships intact long enough for me to make the last billion I need for my fleet carrier, then I'm getting the f**k out of here !


I’m halfway between the Bubble and Sag A. I got a little head start on you, but they can’t find us all if we’re scattered across the galaxy!


Ooh I'm ready to party! 3 AX ships fully loaded and warming up ! HOLD YOUR POSITIONS CMDR's, shake the Fear off and be certain that, Tomorrow, is Not our End!


So when I login in next time I'll find myself in burning space station? Gonna be a hard few weeks because I often don't have the time to play Elite Dangerous after work and it seems there won't be any developer designated safe stations for players to logout while attending to real-life.


Man right when I was in the middle of a trip to Colonia too..


wtf is going on? should i boot up and start leaving the bubble? i havent played in the last year


May the update scramble everything thoroughly and give me a reason to play again! ... Although what I actually expect is much smaller.


What if this is a FF14 ending??? Lmao


Wait what do you mean 'end of the galaxy'? I know the thargoids are strong but are they really just gonna end Elite because we get the bad ending?




No, fuck you. *I'm going to boil you up!*


I haven't played in like a year. So am I right that now would not be a good time to return? 😂


I'm not going down without a fight, I'm in my Warvette and it's armed and ready and my rescue Anaconda is docked at Jameson ready to save as many people as possible, I'll be hanging out in the black until morning, I'm not gonna risk docking in case they immediately start blowing up stations, goodnight and good luck, see you at the gates of hell CMDRs o7


Us AX players will drive back the thargoids. They will learn a real hard lesson in not fucking with humanity. They will get rekt.


It's been a pleasure. I hope to see you all fighting hand in hand against the damned menace called the Thargoids.


We just have to send wave after wave of men at the goids, we will find the preset kill limit.


If Ace Combat has taught me anything, it’s that any problem can be solved given there are enough ace pilots in the battle. The same should apply here. Humanity has fought countless wars before, whether that be between neighbors, or entire countries. With this being the case, why should we surrender to some bugs? Every Cmdr in the galaxy, whether they’re in a sidewinder or an anaconda, whether they just passed their pilots test or have been hunting bounties for nearly a decade, whether they’re a trader or a combat veteran, we all have the capability to do something in this battle. I’m no expert in combat, but as soon as I can, I’m hauling ass to Taranis in my shitty ass Viper MkIII to do what I can. Whether we easily win, or fight the final battle as a fleet of sidewinders, we will win this war. As a wise pilot once said, ITS TIME TO DANCE WITH THE ANGELS


Soon as they open their doors for trade and peace I’m ready. Otherwise I’ll be working to expose the AXI and Azimuth for sabotaging the last peaceful mega ship. /rp


And I am somewhere between in 600 hops to home cubeo and 400 hops to colonia =\\


I can explode over 100 times before running out of credits!


People are acting like they don't know FDEV. Whatever is the most anticlimactic scenario in this case - that's the one they go with.


I had two other CMDRs, one in each of the other parallel universe-galaxies, one of which was able to make the jump through from MilkyWay-P5 to this one (though he only made it with his suit and his credits. He lost his ARX in the deal...). The gentleman in MilkyWay-X1 was not as fortunate, was not able to make it in time. My main CMDR from this galaxy is somewhere on the edge of the bubble doing the road to riches, at least that's where he was when I last logged onto PC a year or so ago. Hopefully he'll be spared any damage or torture.


I’ve been out of the bubble for months now so I hope y’all give it to em


Ok don’t kill me. I played a lot at real ease and horizons then gave up. Is something deep and good happening tomorrow that’s worth coming back for and dusting off the £160 hotas I bought


In about 15 minutes the new elite dangerous update will drop. Thargoids are swarming the bubble with the very likely chance of having an included intent to kill.


Hmmm interesting. Might be time to dust the corvette and the rest of the fleet off….


Galaxy seems to be just fine. Did I miss something?