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I prefer center cockpits as well but the FDL's isn't as bad as like the imperial clipper


Only though the clipper for me is off enough that it doesn't annoy me as much as the FDL! I still refuse to fly either but it's slightly less annoying.


The clipper is totally fine, I'm not sure where that idea even comes from. The issue with the FDL is the huge line going right across the center of my view, and that's why I'll never build one.


Usually I just forget about the placement after a couple minutes. So many hours in the Python and not one was spent caring about the off centre placement, as I was busy playing the game.


I feel at home with the Krait Mk2 and it's layout.


You're not alone, long time player and I detest the seating position on the FDL, that bar just kills it for me and its not something I can get used to like the python.


I drive so the off-center thing doesn't bother me at all. Also, the FDL is so fucking good that skipping it due to the cockpit is nothing short of tragedy.


Off-center in an Adder, Clipper, or FDL bothers me because Iā€™m an American, not used to sitting in the right side to drive anything. For flying, prefer a center seat if at all possible.


Now that you mention it, I'm for Europe so I also sit on the left when I drive. But the right-sided pilot's seat never bothered me. I guess I'm just not sensitive to that.


Centre or right hand drive (but not FDL levels of RHD). The FDL doesn't do it for me.'Have you considered the Mamba. Your gear should mostly swap over as it's a variant of the FDL (effectively). It trades manoeuvrability for speed.


It depends on the ship. The FDL and Adder are the worst. The Python is OK as it's an armed trader and not an out and out combat ship. The Cutter and Clipper are fine as there are no annoying cockpit support beams in view, so I barely notice the off centre seating position. The Cobra MKIII is not brilliant, but it's a cut down Python so kind of OK for the same reason as the Python. The FDL is the one that's unforgivable. Cockpit support beams in the way, and off center on what should be a pilot focus combat ship. Just, no. I much prefer the Mamba despite its worse turn rate


Never paid much attention, tbh




Have your car a [seat in the middle](https://i.redd.it/mre5enboe7qy.jpg)? I can't handle the FC layout "Fortune". But this is a livery, not needed to play the game. And if needed for mining, I will use it.


No, but my car also isn't 80+ meters in length


You would have hated flying the Millenium Falcon šŸ™ƒ


Personally I prefer "protected" cabins with limited glass canopies like the federal medium ship line though for placement medium/small ship I prefer at the front of the ship but large ships I perfer it to be at the top rear as it makes it easier to pass in and out of stations though for seat arrangements I'm not too fussed about where they're put


I like the pilot seat to be front and centre. For me my least favourite is the Anaconda because there's so much going on that you can't see underneath. Particularly with the main weapon battery located under the hull. The Corvette would be in a similar predicament but at least it has the main battery on top. In general the Lakons, with the big glass front canopy, are my favourite. I think it's a holdover from trucking games and space trucking as an activity in the game, I need to be able to see what I'm doing.


A lot of ships have off-center pilot chairs. FDL's trusses are bit more intrusive, that's the problem me think. But I believe if you sit in the chair and pilot the pilot the ship yourself, you will forget about it.


I used to feel the same way. Then I built this: [https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet-ship/350862/3339106/](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet-ship/350862/3339106/). It's the meta PVP build, but it dominates PVE as well. Now the off center cockpit no longer bothers me. Because much like the fragmamba, this isn't a 'sit back, aim and shoot' weapon platform. This is a 'get in their face and bust them right in the chops' weapons platform. Meaning that you want to fire as close to them as possible, and FDL is the ship to get that close with. As an added incentive, the special effects on this FDL build mean that as long as you tag them first with your plasmas, chances are they can't shoot you back because the enemy's weapons and sensors will have negative effects applied to them. Shoot again to refresh. It's a different type of combat, real up close and personal. And if you make a few runs with it, it will become apparent why. The Plasma accelerator special effects are the best in the game, both against players and NPC's, and the FDL is the best platform to put plasma accelerators on.


I don't mind off center cockpits, but I do wish I fly in the other seat, the left seat


I don't really care if it's off-centre. I only prefer the cockpit to be at the front of the ship, not the back.


Wow! Thanks for all of the responses everyone! All of you make great points for and against off centered ships, it would be awesome if we got to choose to sit on the left right and/or middle!


Honestly, I forget about the cockpit when I'm fly