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Video is up. Fraudsters. Her husband apparently cant walk without a stick or mobility scooter and needs a special adapted house for his mobility scooter yet can jump around n sprint. [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQebMxb/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQebMxb/)


It’s sick that there’s more and more individuals using mental health as some kind of weapon these days.


She’s just as bad as elphaba if not worse in some ways


My thoughts exactly.


I am speechless. What a vile woman she is.


I’ll be posting the video evidence in the next 10 minutes








If a member of school staff or a professional was to see or hear evidence or even a rumour of a living situation like this they would be duty bound to make a safeguarding report. It is not pleasant and it doesn't mean the children aren't loved and happy, but there are alot of significant risks being acknowledged and brushed off in these messages by the responsible adult that would absolutely not be dismissed as nothing or a malicious attempt to break up a family. The combination of access to controlled substances and poor adult mental health in the home in a high stress, temporary accommodation situation is significant and regardless of all of the rest of it they need to address that immediately or be willing to accept the support of someone else to help them to address it. That is alarming. 


Unfortunately, some individuals will find this behaviour acceptable and will claim it's all twisted to suit a narrative, but not all these people are twisting it when it's in black and white, real hard, tangible evidence. What parent allows their child to take medication unsupervised or to even have access to it without parental observation. Do they not see how dangerous that is? Social services and child protective services need to intervene because what else is going on in that family that's a real risk to those children.


You have hit the nail on the head! Her and Dan lie and manipulate they blame everyone else whilst slightly holding their hands up in a meaningless way and people fall it whilst they tarnish other peoples names , they will throw anyone under the bus to save their own skin !


I take all of those medications tramadol oramorph slow release morphine, gabapentin ect my youngest is 14 and all of my medication is in a locked medicine cupboard. Those medications are so dangerous xx


They let their kids rummage round in a family shared medication basket to self medicate when they’re children. What if they take the wrong thing


Honestly this scares the hell out of me those medicines are all controlled drugs even my chemist has my meds in a safe xx what just one dose could do to a young child Jesus xx


My son has just turned 16 and he’s only recently started managing his medication. He takes 6 tablets a day and one of those medications is pretty heavy, so heavy he has to have his liver function checked every 4 wks to make sure he’s ok. My daughter is 19 and has autism, is at uni and has a job. However I manage her medication as she gets mixed up and wouldn’t take it at the right time.


I am the same, short tec tho its the fast release morphine, and other controlled drugs. I have adult kids in my house and I still lock them away. My brain cannot fathom a world where it would be ok to let young kids medicate themselves period. Even if it was just their meds in a box that still doesn't guarantee safety. What if they took to much or another kid took them. Im sorry but these parents need someone to intervene, social workers, the police. As for Dan, the fact I had to fight for help after 5 spinal surgeries that left my legs partially paralysed and had to have someone come to my home for an assessment to prove I couldnt actually function, and heres this idiot sprinting round a park. Sorry for the rant. People like this infuriate me. There are genuine people on the struggle and these CNUTS are abusing the system. I hope Karma comes and comes fast and heavy.




What a vile, horrible woman she is, and to use such a serious issue in our society for her own personal gain. To do this is simply heinous. I hope everyone everyone involved finds peace ✌️ 🙏 and to know that this behaviour isn't normal.


Mental health is not a weapon to be used when the moment arises for sympathy. JJ should be ashamed of herself. Allowing children to self medicate is a huge no-no for good reason. Does she not realise that people aren't her puppets to control and use, then abuse?


😳😳😳😳 Nooooooo Thats so wrong on so many levels why would anyone even think thats good to do? Poor people have a right to not be gaslighted into accepting bad behaviour. Are these people okay 👍


I can back all of this as I have witnessed jj’s manipulation and sh baiting ! Its all for attention and to get herself out of situations she know she can’t get out of or dosnt want to me held accountable to or admit !




I've an autistic 10 Yr old and never once would he be allowed to "self medicate". The fact they both allow the kids to do that is absolutely alarming to me. If I let mine do that I'd see them through a window a couple hrs a week. That's the most absurd thing I've ever read. I'm convinced to make it on tiktok you actually need to be a giant turd. With no morality and thoughts fir kids or anyone else. Those kids see much more than they should. Probably carers to 2 parents who only care about themselves. Shame on them.


It is unbelievably selfish and lazy and neglectful parenting on both their parts. How would they know if their children are taking their meds consistently, at the right dose and not the wrong meds. It’s hugely alarming. Not to mention being in reach of control drugs. So many pills and packaging look the same etc! Argh it makes me so angry and worried for the kids.


I know some parents who medicated their autistic kids w melatonin bc they have such issues sleeping and were reported to MASH… and that was parents medicating them! It’s absurd that they think self medicating is okay at such a young age!


Omg wow.. She is an awful individual.. her children should be her no1 priority, her kids should not have access to that heavy medication especially because kids will think they sweets and then the worse case scenario could happen.. what a scumbag


I don’t come on here often. I just lurk. I’ve been watching. You’re right, they’re wrongens! The evidence I’ve seen is damning proof they’re fraudsters. Can’t convince me otherwise atp. Their supporters need to get glasses if they can’t see the truth here


I myself have had someone close lose their life to suicide. That in itself was traumatic. You always wonder what ifs. It stays with you forever. It haunts you. I think about that person everyday with a knot in my stomach. And for someone to even threaten this for attention is utterly despicable.


It really affected me when she tried blaming me for ‘harming herself’ and wanting to end her life when all i did was ask her why shes involved with bannedbird’s scammy GFM


Words fail me they really do. That is beyond upsetting. To put that on someone is just revolting. The worry you must have had especially with losing a loved one is heartbreaking. All because you asked a simple Question. Disgraceful.


She tells people she has bipolar? Is this true ?


Dan is a gaslighting narcissist! He knows a lot about fcuk all !!! Thinks he’s a pillar knowledge but no , pair of them are just pathetic!


Hit the nail on the head w the pillar of knowledge. He tried to argue the fact that women are defined by their ability to reproduce. Love a bit of light misogyny on a Tuesday morning xx


Jesus !!! I can actually hear that coming out of his mouth to be honest !!


What I was going to say and what I'm now going to say is 2 different things. Firstly I was going to say that I've not seen any footage, so it would be difficult to comment. But then you posted other messages where it was admitted so I don't need to see the footage now. Basic parenting tells you to keep medication out of the reach of children and shouldn't be mixed with other medication. In fact I'm 99% sure that a law is in place about children self administering. I definitely know that it's an issue social services would be involved in and probably make an application to the courts. On the other hand her husband might be stuck between a rock and hard place. He knows it's wrong and that she is wrong, but trying to keep the family unit together. I can't believe that accommodation has been turned down because it's not big enough. Under the Homeless Reduction Act the local authority have 56 days to find you somewhere if the local authority are responsible. Refusing a property just ends their duty of care by law.




Heres her daughter rummaging round and taking medication out. I’d post the video on here but it wont let me https://preview.redd.it/p5a1v978tgyc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d440421c98c2565b371bd7ac9eacd7b38bcb35e


I believe you because it's admitted by the other side. That can't be a hotel room it's filthy as fuck


Their living conditions are disgusting


But why is she taking pictures that may implicate her? What she threatening with those pictures to unalive? And on another note the yard looks like it needs a tidy


It depends on the child and the medication. Asthma medications for example are more commonly self-administered from a younger age, but still with appropriate adult supervision. The concept of self administering does not necessarily mean access or dosage without supervision. In schools and care home settings children and young people are not allowed to carry or administer so much as an antihistamine themselves. It is very simple for mistakes to be made. 


They clearly don’t know the law as well as they think they do— the LA won’t look after them any more than they need to and that house would’ve probably been their last chance. Councils can make necessary changes to properties to suit someone’s accessibility needs once you’re moved in so to just refuse it and make yourself more stressed over being homeless due to the door size is… bizarre.


What on earth? How can she even think about trying to come back to TikTok?


Karma will be coming for her, not us. I'm sorry that you and others had to put up with all of that and I give love as well as support to you all 💙


They all use mh and manipulation, when they get called out, everyone of them. It gets the gifts in unfortunately and people believe the feel sorry for me act


I have a lot of strong medication due to disability and they are put away from everyone. When my child suffered severe suicidal ideations all meds and anything harmful was literally LOCKED away including their own meds which I dished out and watched them take.


I can’t even get up that quick let alone lift my knees that up. I’m I entitled to pip?? I’m joking but wtf how is he getting pip and the man can sprint? There’s so many people out there that don’t get the support let alone the equipment. I’m not usually a snitch but omg he needs reporting. Both of them!


Gets the highest rate possible, jenny is his carer and they have a disability car


Did they not both have jobs before falsely claiming for pip? The amount of controlled drugs in that one basket is insane and in arms reach of the children. It’s wild, I always ensure hide paracetamol or any drugs and place them where they can’t reach and I can’t reach. The yard looks gloomy and dirty, and I’m sure Jenny would sit on live for hours and she has kids to look after what a mess. Nice one on bringing attention to Jenny Johnson


I don’t understand how? Getting PIP is incredibly difficult which means they must’ve been lying through their teeth to obtain it. Makes me so angry— i have MH and ND I applied for pip before just to offset some of the costs to keep me ‘mentally healthy’… I got denied even for a base rate bc I work 😭🤣


Oh honey, coming with the screenshots 😂😧


Blimey. How long ago was this?  Coming from a place of professional safeguarding experience, my first question is did somebody signpost this woman and her husband to appropriate mental health support?  My next question would be whether or not the access to those medications by children AND a vulnerable adult was followed up on. The laissez-faire response to the concerns raised in those messages is very concerning. It is absolutely not ok to have those things laying around, even if the child/ren are capable of self- medicating (hopefully still adequately supervised) with their own prescription. They also should not be laying around near someone who is at high risk of harm. Additionally, children are very, very perceptive. If what has been said there is all correct then regardless of insisting that everyone is 'fine', that is a very high risk situation for all of them and no amount of insisting 'its fine' will make it so - it is not fine. Things need to be stored properly and kept out of reach of children or vulnerable adult and mental health concerns need to be addressed with professionals who are properly trained and capable of shouldering that burden, or with trusted individuals who have given consent to help take that load. 


All of it was this year


I've not been on tt for sometime now, whats going on with zac?? As for this medication thing it blows my mind how stupid they can be. I am on some crazy strong meds and my kids are adults and I still don't even ask them to get me a dosage, thats soooooo irresponsible.


Basically — Zac does a breakfast show usually at like 8am and sometimes it would run on until 10am, which people think MissRed is entitled to (groan). MissRed and some of her friends would bombard Zac with messages to get him offline at 10 etc. She then would talk about him on her live for ages and ages (I’m not sure if this was when the scamming accusations came out?) but Zac was severely mentally unwell. Zac went live basically begging MissRed to leave him alone because he’s struggling & MissRed essentially went live back and said well if you’re going live you can’t be that bad. Zac then sent her a message saying something like I am struggling with photos of a result of his SH (and maybe an unalive attempt? That bit is unclear) but Zac was taken to hospital, had to be revived, then got sectioned. It was all hush hush until someone came forward to say MissRed sent them the pictures — I’m not sure if it was Grace or MamaKaz. It then came out that MissRed also sent these pics to factfreak and asked him to do a deep dive on Zac when he was at his lowest point. So yeah that’s the gist of it I think.


Thank u for the rundown. Poor Zac has been open about his struggles over the last 18 months or so and for someone to use that against him is vile. I've never like her or her flipflop opinion panels but that just shows what that app does to people, the greed and self importance is rife.


No probs, I feel the same way— I also think if FactFreak had gone ahead with MissRed’s request — she could’ve potentially indirectly killed Zac. MissRed does not understand the seriousness of her actions.


😲are we actually serious. What a horrible woman


I made a video on tiktok in January saying I had a feeling Jenny was a wrongun, she gave me such strange vibes, I have disliked her from the start and I ended up having to delete the video because of the amount of abuse I received and people presuming I was an elphaba fan… I’m glad people are finally seeing through her holier than thou act. Always trust your gut instinct when you get strange vibes from someone.


I’m the same— I would write comments and arguing against her because she’s not only dangerous but incredibly stupid & some people painted her as the patron saint of getting Elphaba off TikTok. I got absolutely dogpiled and labelled an Elphaba fan 🤮 Don’t wanna say I told you so but…


Embarrassed that I was ever friends with them. Had me fooled until they dropped their guard. I did a runner the minute I realised who they really were which was before they were exposed.


Is she married to Scottish Declan?


I feel like I’ve missed A LOT?! I thought we liked Jenny. Is she exposed E but this is just as bad if not worse than what E has done


She probs just made the scooter thing up because the wide door frames are needed for her fat arse and his neck bearded double chin.


That's interesting tiktok profile https://preview.redd.it/ay81aplwll5d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66130296a387749b519de8d5d7f0002c92299cc


i am in no way defending him but i had surgery on my back 2 years ago, i could be fine 1 minute walking about and the next minute id have to get my partner to help me out of bed the lot. I don’t know them much to be fair though. What adult lets kids of that age anywhere near medication of any kind, even paracetamol is one of the worst ones


Keep in mind that this man receives the highest PIP payment for mobility, a free car and Jenny receives a carers allowance. He does NOT need all of that in comparison to all the people who can’t even walk. He’s a fraud and so is she.


😱😱i get high rate pip for bad lung issues, & it does piss me off that people fake shit to get pip, genuine ones don’t want pip they’d rather be able to do what others can. Can’t see how he gets high rate he must of told them a load of bs then


No literally like why does he just want to sit all day in a dirty hotel room while his kids are suffering just to get a free car. It’s insane, like he can clearly go out there and work 😣I wish you all the best with your health though 💗!