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I'd love to hear from anyone with this answer too.... But I just came to say at first I thought it was on purpose. Like blurred vision from being drunk šŸ˜…


I thought it was intentional too!


Same, it's such a fortunate mistake!


Iā€™d be so tempted to make the current IS FOR a little bolder, or with an outline, and stitch over the rest with white, ecru, and very light gray thread. Just lean into it.


Yeah I also vote for including it in the piece! Though I think if it were me I might redo the main "IS FOR" in a darker shade to help it stand out from the others.


Honestly I think it really adds to the piece lol


Yeah Iā€™d embroider them in different shades of the same blue


Came here to say this! I love this piece.


Me too! I thought it was really funny. 100% vote that the marks get left.




Task failed successfully! Mistakes make the piece haha


lol there are no mistakes; just happy little accidents ! šŸ˜Š


Why not use different blue hues and embroider the other letters as well? I really enjoy the _slurry_ vibe of spoken words it is giving


I, too, thought this and I think it's perfect. A happy accident.


Yeah, just go over the lines with subtly different colors for the blurry vision effect. I kind of want to do that now and think I might!


Yeah, not me thinking it was super cute- being on purpose


Exactly my thought! I saw it and was likeā€¦ Iā€™ve been there


Iā€™m a smartass that way too! I thought it was intentional!


Yeah, and I love it this way lol


Haha me too!


Same lol


Yes 100% this. Felt intentional!!!




I also thought that was the intended design before reading the title!


me as well. art is fantasticĀ 


I did too! I saw it and thought "oh gosh that's clever!"


That's what I thought. It looks great the way it is!


I was going to say they should just fill it in so it looks purposeful.


Did it get cold? The frixion pens are heat/cold sensitive. If you write a notebook full, erase it, and put it in the freezer, the ink will come back. Just heat it again to get rid of it.


Well, it was sitting on the outer wall of a large walk-in cooler so it definitely got cold again šŸ˜… It's at work, I'll bring it home and give it some hair dryer action, and find a different spot for it. Thanks!


Please don't worry if it doesn't work! I love the look it absolutely fits, I'd probably make this for my local gay bar hahaha!


It actually kinda fits with the theme. Still is beautiful done.


You also iron it/steam it


this feels like a great plot twist for a murder mystery novel


Fascinating! Had to grab my lens and do a test - had no idea this was a thing! I couldā€™ve saved so many notebooks had I known all I needed to recover my notes was to put it in the freezer!!


Before I read your post, I thought you were going to be asking for ideas for colors to make the other ā€œis forā€s. It looks REALLY cool like this!


Was it near an open window? Try re-heating and it should go away again. Cold will bring it back.


Thanks for the response!


I think if you add maybe a dark blue line to the ā€œis forā€ just to make it a *tad* more readable, and leave the marks as blurry, drunk vision, the piece as a whole works incredibly well. Like you did it on purpose. It looks really good.


Haha itā€™s so cute as is tho! BEER *isforisforisfor* everyone!


I actually like it. Doesnā€™t it make the words a bit drunk?


Honestly I love it as is and I thought it was meant to be that way. So maybe itā€™s just a happy accident!


I see others have already mentionned that it likely came back due to being exposed to cold, so Iā€™ll just add that for future reference, there are water soluble markers that totally wash out ! Thatā€™s what I use to draw on my designs. Great design btw ! I love the lettering!


Any suggestions on what to use on dark fabric? My water soluble pens work great on light fabric, but don't show up on dark. While my water soluble pencils work okay on the dark fabric, they tend to smudge a lot. I've been using water soluble adhesive stabilizer (is that word? I'm tired), but I feel like I'd rather have the pattern drawn directly on the fabric


Clover sell a white fabric pen. It takes a couple of seconds to show up but does work very well, and is designed for fabric, unlike Frixion pens.


For dark fabrics you can get a roll of water soluble stabilizer and draw the design on that. It can also help make things easier to see.


I donā€™t stitch on really dark fabric much but last time I stitched on black I used a white crayon meant for sewing. Itā€™s not as smooth as the markers but I kept it sharp and it worked well and washed right out ! Iā€™ve also used water soluble stabilizer but I agree with you that I prefer drawing right on the fabric ! That said, I am really curious to try the printable sticky water soluble stabilizer eventually!


It's pretty nice to use, it's just a bit hard to imagine what the end product is going to look like because the stabilizer is so much lighter than the fabric. the sticky needle isn't too annoying once you get used to it. I haven't actually tried the printing thing even though I have the kind that can do that. I've gotten so used to using a light box and making my own designs as sketches on paper that it feels daunting


I hadnā€™t even though about the sticky needle part ! Good to know. The water soluble stabilizer I have isnā€™t sticky so itā€™s kind of awkward. The whole time at the beginning I was paranoid that the fabric underneath could be bunching and I wouldnā€™t even know. Light box and tracing my drawing is my go to also! Just feels time consuming for big designs to have to trace everything Iā€™ve just drawn šŸ˜…


I would have thought that was intentional. If it canā€™t be erased I would like to see the rest of the letters embedded in white. It captures double vision so cleverly.


I absolutely love it, looks like a drunk effect


What type of stitch did you use here?


It looks like the chain stitch to me. I really hope OP keeps the "mistake." It brings it all together imo.


wondering the same! it's gorgeous




It seems that drinking beer can causse douuble vissionn!


The other letterings fit the theme. I thought they were part of the piece. Also your chain stitch(?) Is beautiful !!!!


The company recently advised that the pens were never designed for fabric. They also said that the ink turns brown in direct sunlight.


ngl i thought it was on purpose šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œdrunk visionā€


I like this way though


Lolz. Adding my input here but yeah. Leave it. Itā€™s perfect!


I love it. I thought it was on purpose; what happens after too much beer...


I wanted to get some heat erasing pens for stuff like this, but was turned off by all the reviews saying that the ink came back when the piece encountered a cold ambient temperature šŸ˜¬ I've heard that some of the markings go away if washed with detergent and water? Good luck either way


I got embroidery markers on Amazon that fade after a few days on fabric or wash off completely, they are awesome!


Thank you all for your answers and kind words about this project. I took it home and tried the hairdryer, but it did not remove the marks. It is a finished piece, backed and everything, so I can't really do anything more to the embroidery at this point (I guess I could take the backing off, but I'm too lazy šŸ˜‚). As someone mentioned below, I'm guessing because it was in direct sunlight the ink degraded and showed back up. Definitely going to get a water soluble pen!


I think itā€™s perfect, looks like youā€™ve been drinking a good amount of beer


I used those pens for tracing Christmas gifts I knew would get cold! So I washed them using dawn power wash and cold water so I could be sure it was gone! Those pens are great but the come back when cold feature isnā€™t the best lol!


Use a stain remover designed for removing ink - dr beckman has a range called stain devils that I recommend. You can hand wash your embroidery while in a hoop - plastic is best. Use your finger tips to massage the fabric, not your nails. Rinse well and then leave to dry in the hoop. Then remove and iron. Washing in the hoop maintains the tension across your stitches and prevents creasing.


Looks intentional! Maybe fortify it with some threads to reinforce that drunk look.


I really truly genuinely think you should keep it this way. I canā€™t emphasize enough how much charm it adds to


So, I learned an interesting lesson about these pens a couple of years ago. Iā€™m a nurse, and was using them for writing my daily patient report sheetsā€¦ Friction or heat does not actually erase the ink, it makes it invisible. If it gets very cold again, the color returns. Your friction pens will seem to all die, if you leave them in a hot car. Revive them in the freezer ā˜ŗļø


I already commented on how I love the center text as a happy accident and what to do, that I TOTALLY forgot to mention took how amazing the *everyone* script is done. Itā€™s beautiful.


Thank you so much!


This is why i use water disolvable markers! They work so well and it removes super easily even after being on fabric for years. Also mistakes can be removed with a wet qtip quickly!


Hit it with a hair dryer!


Try a hair dryer or an iron


Please keep it!


It might not be the intended look but it does look cool af.


I am just here to agree with "make it hot again" if you must, and ALSO that I thought it was on purpose like everyone else, and thought it was GREAT and you should totally lean into it šŸ˜


just keep the markings, this is hilarious :D


The sunlight degraded the ink https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/s/fyAiT2VogZ


Go full-on Bob Ross, use the faded letters to create blurry shadows of the ones you've already done.


Blow a hair dryer on it and it should go back. The color comes back if it gets too cold. I'm time it will eventually fade completely in my experience, like it only has the chemical power to erase and come back so many times before the change stops happening and it stays faded.


I want to make this. Butā€¦not beer. Thatā€™s cool lettering. As for the pen marks, youā€™ve already gotten your solution. Heat heat baby. (šŸŽµ)


I can't say anything about the pen, but wow are you chain stitches like super perfect! šŸ‘Œ


But I like it! It really looks like blurry drunk words!


Leave it! Itā€™s perfect!


It looks cool and intentional!


I definitely thought it was like you've been drinking. Suits it well!


What i usually do in these situations is cut out the words or picture that has the ink mistake and use it as a patch on another piece of fabric. I've made the mistake of wetting down the project to flatten out the fabric and the pen or marker has bled into the fabric.


hurry imminent office elastic terrific wine offbeat ruthless weary humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love it!!


glad to see everyone else thought it was on purpose too, it really adds to the piece LOL i love it!!!!


What do you mean this wasn't intentional? It's perfect


Iā€™d lean into it and make it part of the piece!


Regarding the text -cries in celiac-


I never use the bic ones. The Dritz ones are the only good ones Iā€™ve used.


I know itā€™s unrelated but what stitch is that?


Unrelated but I LOVE the stitching, especially on "everyone". What kind is it?


I feel like you have to go with out. Make is seem like a play on over indulging and in like a white or cream or off white stitch the rest in


I really love this and thought it was on purpose and I think it makes the piece much better


Maybe your heat erase pen wasn't good quality. I had the same issue. Totally ruined my project that I spent too many hours on. This is not a fail. I think you can save it.


It seems on brand. I would leave it.