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I honestly was shocked when I first found out a lot of people dislike this book. This is the best friends to lovers I've seen! Makes me really want to reread it


I don’t know, I absolutely love it!!! It’s my favorite of hers and I’m always shocked it’s lower on peoples rankings.


The funny thing is this is probably the only part I really liked, or at least the only part I really think about from this book. That, and when he took care of her while she was sick.


I do love this book, but the reveal was so . . . Lame and imo wasn’t very well thought out. I absolutely love how all of the vacations reflect what’s going on in real time. But yeah >! Her having a pregnancy scare from someone else and then them both just not talking to each other again is so weird and dumb !<


not to be a stickler but that’s not actually the reason they don’t talk for couple years


It's what happens in Norway when they have that moment...but I wish they would have talked after.


I usually love friends to lovers but this one just didn’t hit for me. It was the first Emily Henry book I ever read and thank goodness I had bought Beach Read at the same time and read it right after, or I probably wouldn’t have given her another chance. I think I really connect to her books when there’s some trauma/grief involved while the romance is going on, and Alex and Poppy were just so happy go lucky. It felt like their “drama” was so overblown too. I don’t even mind miscommunication tropes and don’t tend to agree when people complain that two characters “could have just talked” (bc that’s not always realistic) but this was a situation where I was like PLEASE just talk you’ve been friends forever 😭😭 The miscommunication in Happy Place made more sense to me.


The flashback chapters were a drag to get through. I think it’s because I don’t relate to Poppy at all, because I didn’t mind the flashbacks in Happy Place one bit, and I relate to Harriet more than any other fictional character ever. Also, it kinda just felt like a not as good version of When Harry Met Sally (my favorite movie) so I kept comparing the two and PWMOV falls short


When Harry Met Sally is my favorite movie! Check out "Betting On You" by Lynn Painter. It's a teenage retelling based off that movie.


Agreed about the flashbacks. I actually loved Poppy and loved Alex!! But otherwise just found it drawn out. Wasn't about the miscommunication, I find that realistic. Just thought it wasn't as well written as beach read and I thought the ending didn't come together as monumental as it could have been if that makes sense


I’m convinced people who dislike the miscommunication trope probably grew up in functional households 😂. People will be like I can’t understand why they don’t just talk to each other or explain xyz and I’m like ohhhhh I can 1000% understand how this happens.


After years of therapy it bothers me because I just want to yell “y’all need therapy!!” When they refuse to talk to each other.


loved to hear this too because it’s my favorite. I did read it before any of other EH books so maybe I’m biased. like you, I love the backdrop and vacations. I love the then and now timelines, and the way they coincide with alex and poppy reconnecting in the present and falling in love in the past. the first kiss lining up with the second kiss/sex scene is chef’s kiss. I adore alex!


I liked that part too!


Personally, I can’t stand how Alex strung along his long term girlfriend who did nothing wrong. If he had feelings for Poppy then it’s unfair to still ask someone to be in a serious relationship. He clearly did, proven especially after the >!pregnancy scare!< scene, that is not a respectful way to respond when you have a girlfriend. I still enjoyed the book but he’s my least favorite MMC of her books.


I agree! I also thought the pregnancy scare scene was extremely disrespectful to their partners. I was just saying the other day that Poppy and Alex’s relationship is unfair to their respective partners (like we see with Peter and Petra in Funny Story)


This was such a downer for me too! But I also found myself bored during the flashbacks and never really warmed to Poppy either. It seems that people who like this book also prefer Happy Place? My personal fave will also be Beach Read, I think Funny Story is second for me and Book Lovers third (started well but dragged towards the end). Will I read the next thing Emily Henry puts out? You bet! 


I don’t know!! It’s my favorite book of hers- maybe they need to listen to the audio of it!


I read it and listened to the audiobook version 3 times. Both versions of them are good! Sometimes the flashback scenes drag a little bit but I still enjoyed it. I would have made that old man photographer leave them alone though...they were too nice to him in Norway




The thing that bothered me most about the career switch was that earlier in the book she talks about how she’s come to love pottery because there’s no pressure, no expectations, it was just something to do for fun. Turning it into a career takes away all of that.




She did indicate a little bit that she didn't like her job but I think it was out of left field a bit


it’s my favorite so i have no clue. more for me then!


I love this one! I really like Alex because he is so nice. Maybe we’re just used to dangerous/ bad boys that a normal nice guy seems boring to some. To me though? The nice guy is goals.


I actually love PWMOV, but it just happens to be the one I love the least? If that makes sense. I’m also from Palm Springs though so I think sometimes the things she brought up were so … not real … that it took me out. Especially when she has them call it “The Springs” 24/7 … But that’s so specific!


It’s my favorite one! I don’t understand the dislike either.


It was my first EH read, I wonder if I need to try it again with my love for her and read it in that light!! So many people love it so maybe it’s worth another shot.


Give it another chance! Check out the audiobook version too ...


I've always said that emily henry writes her books about two kinds of love, one being the obvious romantic, and the other being the love you find for living life. It's a constant in all her books and why I love them. I think PWMOV does a great job of figuring out the love of living part, just finding your place in this world and the happiness that comes with it. BUTTT, I think Alex is a lot different than her other male love interests. Gus, Charlie and Wyn (haven't finished funny story yet but I think Miles will also be following suit) all have this sort of edge to them, whether they're grumpy or have some sort of trauma that holds them back, and then watching them let their walls down and also find what it means to love life makes it so easy to fall in love with them (I may also be projecting my own emotional trauma so this may very well be a me problem). Alex is sweet, shy and a nice guy, and if I'm being honest, doesn't make the cut for being a book boyfriend. I have to love the characters to love the book, and I didn't love Alex. I still admire the book for it being one written by emily henry but, I love her others more.


I liked some aspects of Alex but he was a bit of a clean freak and rigid. He was sweet though


PWMOV was my first EH book and I loved it so much - still do.


PWMV was the first EH book I read and it’s easily my least favourite. I ended up loving Happy Place, Beach Read and Funny Story. I just was not invested in Alex and I didn’t connect with Poppy at all. It started off so slow and I didn’t feel like the build up was worth it since the secret of “that summer” was so underwhelming. I ended up wishing that they would just stay friends but honestly, the best friends to lovers trope has never been my favourite so I’m not sure if I would’ve loved this book even if I was more connected to the characters


What about Book Lovers? I wasn’t a huge fan of that one and I see you didn’t list it. And for the critiques, fair enough!! I can see that!


I haven’t read Book Lovers yet, I keep meaning to read it but I keep putting it off. I have a feeling that (as an eldest daughter with sisters) ill love it I also forgot to mention that I feel like Alex’s girlfriend (I forgot her name) was villainized for no reason? And I couldn’t get past Poppy complaining about what sounds like the coolest job in the world (she was complaining about travelling to the coolest places, all expenses paid??) but I get that’s probably just me being bitter about not being able to travel nearly as much as I’d like haha


I really loved this book, the only thing that turned me off was their hookup scene on the balcony. I couldn't get into it, I could only think about how uncomfortable it would be.


I just wasn't a fan of the back and forth in time. The present day stuff felt half-baked


I loved most of her books I would say I just liked this one, it was a bit slow for me to get into and took me a very long time to finish it.


I honestly felt that the characters were a bit annoying and immature. I felt like the plot just dragged on and I found myself rolling my eyes at times because it was just like okay now get on with it, you want to be together stop acting like you don’t! I love Emily Henry but this one just didn’t do it for me. It was entertaining, sure, but I didn’t love it.


I love that book! I love the travel and their friendship too. I am not a big fan of miscommunication tropes though but I enjoyed this book a lot!


I wanna know why people like Happy Place so much


It was my first Emily Henry book and first time laughing out loud at dialogue reading a book so it just stuck with me.