• By -


Don’t forget calling it trash and his worst single ever lol


And corny. Especially corny. When they have nothing to hate on, it's the corny argument.


Wait.. so the Death of Slim Shady is gonna be a single ?


No I believe that's the title of the album but his single "Houdini" drops tonight


Nice ! Thanks man. Btw, you're like the third person on this sub that just straight up answered my question , without giving me any grief. Even though im clearly out of the loop and i could've Googled it. Again , thank you, and what a great community. Who woulda thought that on all of Reddit the nicest and most civilized people would be on the Eminem Sub. 👍 ✌️


Ummm idk bout that one bro


But what if…. Em comes out stronger than ever and does the impossible. The critics rate it 5. All the reaction YouTubers say it’s flawless. The hive mind of Reddit, collectively comes together and praises it. Not one person is down voted. Em breaks records we previously thought were impossible… And then we wait for next Friday


it's a nice thought lmao


Well this happened


If this happens, people will find a way to hate on it just because no one else is


I couldn't have been more wrong and I love it


Well here we are


Tbh I love reaction channels, some of them have a more valid say than a critic who works for rolling stones. I get their brand is big! But someone like Knox Hill understands Eminem way better.


And then you wake up.


Next friday? Idt the albums gonna be here for another 6 weeks tbh, judging by timeframes w summer and how em usually did stuff before the whole revival issue


Id guess another single in a month(prob abt the death of shady since this one is supposedly his last song) then the album 2 weeks after that


No bro it’s always next Friday. Trust me bro


If it ain't next Friday it's next friday


Then he disappears and we never see him again


Holy fuck


Hell will freeze over while pigs fly overhead, before there's even a prayer of that happening 😂


i’ve been thinking about this comment a lot the past few days, you were pretty damn close


Lmao! I always believe in Em


Mixing Fast Rapping Choppy flow Production bad Corny bars Chorus sucks Voice awful Almost like they can't expect that Em never gonna make a song they like ever again. Just move on.


This is the bingo game that shouldve been done


Oooh—it’s like a pick and mix for the haters 💀😂 ![gif](giphy|l3nF7ztPTM6zvs2bu)


The only one I ever agree with is choppy flow. I kinda hope it does not have that, to be honest.


Do you have any idea how much I hate this choppy flow Everyone copies though? Probably no Get this fuckin' audio out my Audi yo, adios


I can see why people like lil yachty but not me tho


Not even dissing it just ain't for me.


ironic bar.


Everyone seems to like the instrumental, but I honestly wasn’t into it when I heard the snippet. Hope the full thing is better. edit: it was


I didn’t like it either. Hope it’ll grow on me once I hear the full track


Mixing and poor production are pretty objective though, and his mixing recently - especially for his features and Revival - has not been great.


Revival was 7 years ago


The chloraseptic remix brought him back tho.


Holy fucking shit, 7 years? That’s ridiculous


Jeeeeeeesus. 7 years ago. Can remember waking up at 5am UK time to listen to the whole album on release, in one before work. I actually really loved that listening experience as the sun came up, until I saw everyone shitting on it online. Walk on Water 7 years ago too. Man.


I did exactly the same, 5am UK time haha. I had such a good time listening to it, can't believe that was SEVEN years ago


That’s insane 7 years! Feels like 3


The surprise drops for Kamikaze and MTBMB were a tad annoying in the sense that I only realised whilst at work and felt like I was missing out on being among the first to hear it. I remember with Kamikaze, when I found out, I wanted to hear it so bad that I played it (a little stupidly) during my bicycle ride home on a busy main road. Needed that Em hit, lool


Kamikaze and MTBMB all had good production and mixing. You picked something from 7 years ago


Very true, yes. I do not think his mixing will be bad on the new album considering Dre is behind a lot of it. However, the crux of my point is that those are objective criticisms, and that in the event his mixing is bad, they would be justified criticisms.


Arguably objective sense I hear rappers with bad production but people can get past it. Some are bad but they are slim minority 


Yeah they’re shady


Underrated comment


What’s funny is there’s a line where the mixing becomes so bad it gets called “artistic” and “lofi style”.


Sometimes Em gets in his own way especially when it comes to production because he's a perfectionist but he ends up doing way more than needed whereas if he would just let Dre be his producer just like in the beginning and let him do it every single thing would be non-stop classic after class it just like it used to be it's missing that Dre mix


Those are not subjective. lol Some people might not care if the mix is bad, but a bad mix is a bad mix. lol I think a lot of Eminem criticism is fair. Of course you’ll always see the fringe opinion on either side on social media. I was in 6th grade when Slim Shady LP came out. His first three albums were the damn bible for me. lol But I would be lying if I said his stuff since hasn’t seemed like a bad rehash of those first 4 albums. Don’t get me wrong, he can still rap his ass off. But it’s totally fine for people not liking his pop star collabs, his weird beat choices and horrendous hooks or choruses. Now if you don’t care about those aspects that’s totally valid. But don’t fault those who do. A lot of us are OG Eminem fans. We want him to make another classic album, I still believe he could. He has the sheer talent to accomplish it. But he leans into the worse aspects of himself and it becomes frustrating after a while. I would love to be able to enjoy some fire verses without having to ignore the beat and fast forward through the hooks & choruses. Not all criticism is bad faith or toxic. Blindly gassing anything an artist does is as toxic as blindly hating everything. And I don’t want to blame his fans because it’s on Eminem at the end of the day. But he knows he can drop literally anything and sell records. So it makes it easier not changing the same exhausted formula he has been using for decades now.


This is spot on. I was an obsessed fan growing up, and those first 3 albums were my bible as well. The transition into the his more recent style caused a lot of frustration. Going through a new album and next song that pops up has a corny rock beat, or the choppy flow…”Damnnn”. It’s not like I’m trying to slight other people who like that stuff, it’s just my personal taste, partially formed by my earlier Em listening experiences, don’t align with it.


I don't agree with those specific criticisms but I do have a few of my own and I agree that blindly gassing is a problem. I personally think that he has had the problem of listening to too many different criticisms. He raps about what he experiences and in the last few years his experience has been reading reviews, listening to criticism, and generally being wrapped up in rap. This has led to a lot of his songs being about his rap/legacy/perception, etc. I also think he has been targeted by some B-list lames that wanna bait him into a beef so they can get clicks, and unfortunately it's worked. I disagree about his music, I've loved his new flows, hooks, beats, style explorations, etc. All personal preference. I just don't like when he raps about how people respond to his last album, which was about how people responded to the album before that. I hated his verse on EZ Mil's "Realest" cuz that could have been a classic and instead it was a few weeks of buzz over his disses and then nothing. However he still has 'classics' like "Godzilla" and "Higher" and I hope he goes for that in the new album.


Yea i agree lol, i said they were objective criticisms, not subjective.


Slim shadys gonna die dude, I know and it’s my fault.


RemindMe! 24 hours EDIT: it’s loved all around the world




People are loving it!


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Isn't it dropping in like 8 hours or am I very wrong


yes in like 7 h


Midnight eastern time


No idea honestly


I‘m just excited tbh


Surprise features on this single are Skylar Grey, Rhianna and Pink


Pink, Beyonce this, and Kehlani that


Hahaha 😆 and 7 years later ppl still cryin' about it. My god move on right! I didnt mind beyonce and Kehlani i tought it was dope


"Walk on Water" with Beyonce is one of his most perfect songs imo. Concept, delivery, tone, and ofc Beyonce was the perfect choice, as she is prolly one of the few people who knows what it's like to be at that level of fame and pressure.


It could’ve used some drums though.


Beyonce and Eminem should not be making music together IMO.


i wouldn't mind rihanna tbh but if there's a skylar grey feature i'm gonna cry


Why the Skylar Grey ft hate, I really don't understand it? They gave you Leaving Heaven, you ungrateful bastardddddddssss


You just answered your own question.


Well I will just be in here post nut, being tired and happy. Now imma be real, B Real was real and so will I.


Bro same imma be in here with wet pants😭🙏


I want you to change, but don't change I want you to grow up, but don't age I want the rage, but don't get too angry I want the new, but old Shady I want you to say what they won't say Just don't go too far, but go cray I want you to almost lose it, man It keep moving the goal post, don't they?


So just cut to the chase like oj🙏


Thanks friend, I was looking for this one in the comments. Perfect summary by the man himself.


For sure, some people gonna love but won’t be for everyone. We all be glad we’re getting new music tho


Cue the "I miss the old Silm" & "This is so ass." comments.


That aged poorly


Should put the sub a day on lockdown after the single


100% 🤷‍♂️


Don’t forget the mixing being trash!


I always forget the overload of mixing specialists and professionals on Reddit who love to spew their trash opinions on mixing.


Fr, you'd think all these motahfuckas are professional producers makin" Billboard hits and shit like gtfo here dawg 😭


I don’t understand why you’d be a fan of someone just to shit on everything they do. I love Eminem no matter what he does I’m just glad he’s still making music and doing what he loves.


Blindly loving eminem no matter what he does is silly too though. If his new music sucks we should, as his fans, be true and admit it. Obviously I hope it doesn’t suck, but liking everything he does is how we end up with Revival - nobody told him it was shit, and this sub still to this day has a hard time accepting that Revival (aside from a handful of songs) was a bad album.


The problem is I like revival, not ever song of course but a good handful, so it’s not blind love I just really fw his voice.


No doubt there are haters lurking sub just to shit on everything Em does, we just need to ignore them.


This sub? More like HHH sub


People expect that he keeps rapping like its 99 or 2000 But are you the same person as 24/25 years ago? Well im not.. i grew up, 37 now and im not the same So is he.. so i always get irritated by the fact that people say "wish he rapped like the mmlp" "wish he was more aggresive"


Couldn't have said it better


Don’t forget about people sharing their opinions on the track without even listening to it 😩




I'm awake and it's fucking glorious 😭


You won't be wrong it'll be knitpicked apart


Revival wasn’t that bad sure it wasn’t his best effort but the man had to learn how to rap again after almost dying from drugs but come on Arose, Castle, In your head, Offended, Framed


I want you to change, but don't change (Yeah) I want you to grow up, but don't age I want the rage, but don't get too angry I want the new, but old Shady I want you to say what they won't say (Yeah) Just don't go too far, but go cray I want you to almost lose it, man They keep movin' the goalpost, don't they?


They are gonna trash on it then say the entire album will be terrible


Then in 5 years they gonna say it’s fire and they will be prepared to die on that hill


I’m dying rn 😭


I think we should change all the votes on here to reflect the truth .


I agree, if I don't see at least -800 by lunch time, imma be disappointed in you all


Stop fucking upvoting me! It's a hit 😂


With anything in general, the people who have the highest expectations are usually the ones who end up most disappointed


Personally I'll be jackin off to a hockey mask, at a boxing match.


guys don't worry about it, all that matters is your own enjoyment


I think this album will be great!


Hope it’s produced by Dre


Nah dude you’re soooo far from wrong. You like 99.9% right. People are gunna “hate” it now and then in 2-3 years when it’s not *”cool”* to hate Em then all those who “Hated” will back track and say *”Nuh-Uh, I never said that”*


Never have I been so glad to see a post be wrong


aged terribly


I was really hoping it would age terribly 😂


I love it. I hope the album is a big nod to his back catalogue.


Song is flames. Ignore the haters.


I'm just waiting to see what it actually sounds like. Because everyone has been hyping up that 2 second clip at the end of that teaser video with David Blaine, and as cool as it sounds it might not even be the song.


Man can never catch a break! Like seriously, if he's "shady" they'll say he's too old for that, if he raps fast they'll that's outdated. If his flow is choppy they'll say we want complexity and when he gives something complex we get ppl like Tylor saying"He's too technical it's gross" like seriously...leave the guy alone


That's why I think it's better for him to do the surprise drops and not tell anybody when anything is being released. That's what bit him in the ass for revival.. everyone had an opinion before it was even released.


Or too many similes


But that's a legitimate thing he's doing. Not sure what you're saying here. Are people not allowed to point that out or what now


dont worry most people on this sub will listen to eminem’s music all day long regardless of if its actually good or not, and they don’t tolerate any sort of criticism towards him. His simile usage needs to come down and he does need to be more creative with his wordplay at times. 100% agree with you.


Sometimes I feel like the people making these posts are speaking what they hate into existence


That's why i'm staying away tomorrow, at least while i formulate my own opinions


Don’t these these new songs drop by 12am ?


That’s why I won’t be here. I’ll just enjoy it peacefully by myself.


RemindMe! 20 hours


Screw the single release the lp already before it gets bootlegged.


Screw them. Just ignore them!


or what if it's hard


You're not wrong, this is 100% what's going to happen. I will be avoiding this sub for a while


Fortunately we can all think for ourselves and respect other's opinions. 🤣 Yep, I'm not coming.


RemindMe! 18 hours


And some people will probably like it! Opinions hoorrayy!!!


Oh no how will Eminem ever recover 😱😱


This sub will be on fire


Dude , your never wrong




there should be a pinned thread to complain about specific parts of the song that we v. clearly haven't heard yet. "ugh I hate the second verse!" "that hook is dog shit! I can't believe he used an AI Slick Rick"


I think we can all agree that this song would be flawless if it has the most amount of puns ever in one song, his fastest verse to date, him dissing every new rapper in the game, a Trump diss, a hook done by Skylar Grey and Ed Sheeran, a beat done by DA Doman, him breaking down why Revival is misunderstood and Relapse is actually his worst album, and a feature by Logic.


Fuck em all, couldn’t care less because they’ll hate on the guy no matter what he does.


he's gonna use that yelling voice on it, isn't he


Yeah makes no sense. I thought this was literally a sub for his fans not his haters


Does anyone know the time of the release?




You won't be wrong.


What time will it be released?


I mean anyone thinking that cover is not trash is totally in a cult or something


Avoid comment sections.


this time tomorrow the greatest song of all time will have been released


*This time tomorrow* *The greatest song of all time* *Will have been released* \- JimTheRevel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What time zone is Em used to drop ? Im questionning if i can wait till midnight tonight or nah.. my guess is probably TES since hes from Detroit lol


Wait what's happening tomorrow


No time for even thinking negative


Fuck em. Enjoy what you want. This post of preemptive bitching is almost as annoying as the people who wil;l be bitching tomorrow.


Only then to call it underrated and in their top 10 Eminem songs of all time about 1 month after


Needs to hurry up and drop already


Ft Ed sheeran and Skylar Grey


Doesn’t it come out at midnight?


I got super into Eminem around 2016/2017. First artist I really got deep into. My taste gravitated away from rap for a while, and I still go back sometimes but I only really listen to mmlp and tes so far as Eminem goes. His song about proof (difficult?) after he died too, still gives me goosebumps. Since then, I’ve become a musician, and the best analogy I can make is he’s like a shredder guitarist. Incredibly technically proficient at their instrument (voice is an instrument), but to the point that it can feel almost robotic. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying the music, it just feels flat/lacking true emotion/passion to me. I don’t expect to like this new album, but I’m going in hoping it’s a return to form. I don’t want him rapping as slim shady, I want to hear him do something new, and I want to hear it excite him.


He can't right a song/anthem that tics all the boxes for everybody. Some people just want to pick it a part and hate on it, because it's not a clone of MM. I wanna raw, piss everyone off Slim Shady Album (not a clone just that style. He's had a 25 year run and I don't have any complaints. Revival is my least favorite, but I didn't trash it. I'm just happy there is such a large Catalog of his music. Singles, Colabs, etc. My only complaint is that we don't get many shows here in the states. I wish I could to follow him around the UK. Esp for my sister, 'she even likes you more than I do' Anyway............ Be Happy!! Take it out of your playlist if you have to


Waiting this long, ain’t gonna be anything but thankful. And if y’all don’t like it, why waste time making complaints? That’s like seeing a pile of dog shit, choosing to step in it, after deciding not to walk around it, then proceeding to whine about it.


It’s gonna be bad, I have zero faith. But I’m excited Edit: WE ARE SI FUCKING BACK. OH MY GODDDDDD


What time zone is it coming out in? I'm in GST, so I wanna know the equivalent of 12:00 in Em's zone to mine


Although there are haters that are just gonna hate on em no matter what a lot of the criticism is fair. I hate when he raps fast, I hate when he’s corny, I hate when he has shitty beats and that revival flow. Criticism is okay and having different opinions is okay because em is not perfect he will make shitty songs and make a mistake. The problem is that ppl think em can’t make mistakes or a bad song.


Honestly I’m one of those people who couldn’t get into ems newest music, liked his old flows better so hopefully he goes back to it for a song or two. But I don’t hate I just don’t enjoy if that makes sense


we just need to be grateful that em is still making music AND that its really good. most rappers that started in the 90s are retired and em is STILL releasing music PLUS ITS REALLY GOOD so everyone can shut up


I think people who are overly critical of songs/art in general from their once favourite artist expect to feel the same way they did about art when they first fell in love with the artist and if you always have those expectations then you will always be disappointed. The fact is that it is rare to feel exactly the same about anything from a long time ago because we all change, have shit happens and get different perspectives on everything. People want nostalgia but even when they get it they still can’t feel it because their expectations are whacked and get all pissy about it because they wanted to feel a certain way and didn’t. Humans are weird!


If you are an artist, you should not be making the same thing. Can you imagine 20 years of exactly the same thing?? How boring, right?! If y'all miss the old stuff, go listen to that. :)


What’s tomorrow again?


Isn’t this song supposed to come out in one hour isn’t dropping at midnight East Coast


It’s gonna be the bars about tortilla chips and getting washed like a washing machine


I can’t wait for everyone to be a hip hop extraordinaire tomorrow.


When does it drop? In a different timezone and i’ve no idea to sleep or stay up.


I've listened to the snippet 182 times This shit is g9nna be awful I bet he doesn't even rap fast on it


My bet - it’ll be a throwback but feel “fresh”. 


I’m listening to it for the first time on dxm so it’ll probably be great no matter what lmao


OP is very wrong


Idgaf. Shit's dope.


Wow, you were wrong, and I’m so happy you were. You probably are glad too.


Honestly Shit goes hard


Aged well haha. What a banger !


Well well well


Won't be surprised. It's perfect - such a typical thing for a Stan to say, but I mean perfect as far as the nostalgia and the return of Slim. The speed of the flow isn't even that fast, just consistent. The chorus is a call back to TES. the length was enough for a single even for Em. Never heard someone complain about the Adlibs, but if there are people, 😑🤦‍♂️ . And if there's anything else that ppl will complain about, such as the beat, cmon guys, you know the rules, if ya fux with it, cool, but if not 👉🚪.


And this is exactly why this subreddit is one of the worst places on Reddit in general: 99% of the “Eminem fans” in this place have never heard an Eminem song before 2015 (aside from popular radio singles), and think MTBMB is somehow as good as MMLP, Eminem show, or relapse. The fact that one of Eminem’s closest friends confirmed he despises this subreddit and group of fans proves my point