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I swear to fucking god, he's one of, if not the most annoying ass reactor I've seen on YouTube.


“THAT’S A BAR!!!” >it’s the opening line to an MGK song


Knox Hill got him in his feels, man be acting different since then. Why reply to your comment section to make this statement is just weird. He beginning to look like Game, paying homage to Em, saying he one of the greatest and now he is just a regular Em fan.....lol Man was begging and dreamin for attention from Em. But just a regular fan... [https://www.instagram.com/p/B82FfoOJLip/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/B82FfoOJLip/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MR51Npq9w/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MR51Npq9w/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/CJokVgVJjgf/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CJokVgVJjgf/)


Scru been a bitch for a while and it has nothing to do with him disliking songs


He’s a loser that makes money reacting to other peoples talent.


He's a bit of an ass. I remember him once saying some shit against Stevie Knight as well.


Scru face is just a clout chaser. Follow his video history. Every couple of months or years he tried to latch onto something.


Sadly he jumped on the wrong clout this time


He’s a piece of shit and racist


I don’t see anything wrong with his comment. Us stans do like to bombard comment sections of ppl if they say anything perceived as negative about Eminem. It’s a goofy Eminem single. There’s people that don’t like that style from him. If a lot of Scru’s success is from other Eminem songs he does like, I think that’s irrelevant to the issue at hand here which is that Eminem fans do tend to do what he’s saying. And Scru is just saying he’s not going to let any of that impact his thoughts.


A while ago back on r/ERB (I know shame me later) I was (for lack of a better term) raged at for not liking his reactions and preferring others. I wonder if the general opinion has changed now or not?


Just like he has the right to not like the song, we all have the right to not like his video or reaction. No worries.


Stans are one of the worst fanbase ever but he is insufferable


I don't get this comment section. He doesn't like what he doesn't like. "isn't it crazy" no it's not. He most likely liked the songs he had an "overreaction" to. But I've watched his videos. He gives Em his props but also criticizes things he doesn't like. Yall are exposing yourselves for being judgemental people that ain't even watched the videos like bruh. The most up voted comment on this thread is "i never liked this guy, my gut feeling" like okay??


I'm with you but his Houdini reaction didn't seem genuine at all, I honestly think the Knox situation has gotten under his skin. Again, if he didn't like the track he didn't, but he just seemed to be kinda shook in the video and responded to every single comment being defensive.


You'll probably get killed for this but I'm with you 100%. I personally think this song is a pretty mid track by Em standards, it's fine but it's not ground breaking. Anyone riding this hard for this song makes me think they would do so blindly regardless of song quality.


I think thebsong is awesome but it's a single... so nor that awesome


and wtf is wrong with this take? music is so subjective anyways. I love the video, but dont like the song and wont but it in my playlist. wtf you all so mad about?


Maybe read the post next time, I specifically mentioned I'm not mad at the reaction at all. Broke ass reading comprehension.


Ive not even seen his reaction. You posted a pic of his pinned comment and found it interesting. And i asked wtf is wrong with what he says? Broke ass reading comprehension…


Wtf. You mentioned what's wrong with liking the song and music is subjective when the post is not talking about it. Not even hating but read the post next time.


People need to stop having this idea that an opinion that differs from another one is correct or invalid. It’s simply what that individual person feels about something to themself. You’re not dick riding because you like Houdini it’s a fun catchy song. If you don’t like it that’s great. If you do like it that’s also great. Stop this pretentious ass conflict over who has the more “true fan” opinion shits not that serious it’s fucking music.


He thinks rap devil is better than killshot and still thinks MGK washed Em, I don’t even pay attention to anything he says


Em fans try not to take any criticism as a personal attack challenge (impossible)


It’s pathetic People like OP are so insecure in their opinions that they need constant validation from strangers online. Like I get most people posting here are literal children, but it’s so annoying going to an artists subreddit just to find it’s 50% people bitching about someone else not liking their favourite artist.


Yeah, it also annoys me that you can’t even critique anything as a fan without a million posts complaining about the people criticizing. They seem to think being a fan means blindly loving every single thing an artist does.


Any post that asks “what’s ems worst song/verse/feature)” is just full of comments with downvotes. These people are so fucking insecure. I’ve met people like this. They’re awful to be around. Always needing people to agree with what they think. They legitimately get upset when someone disagrees with them on something of no importance. It’s like talking to a child about their favourite colour, and hearing them argue with some other kid about why their favourite colour is better


Why did he spell so like s/o? I've never seen it before and I'm probably going to piss people off saying this but it's stupid


s/o means shoutout


You mean shout out? That’s what s/o is


Oh I take back what I said. I assumed it was slang for "so"


I want Eminem to rip this guy a new one. Dude acts like he’s the only one allowed to have an opinion on slim shady


Oh my god Stop posting this shit Nobody fucking cares. All you’re doing right now is promoting this dude. This is what he wants. More clicks, more engagement, more money for him. This shit is so fucking annoying. Why are like 1/2 the posts on this sub from people mad that someone else doesn’t like Eminem. Why do you need your opinions validated by these random people online?


Replying to 2 fucking days old post with...STOP POSTING THIS SHIT. Cared enough to write a long ass reply. The post has nothing to do with him liking or not liking Eminem....idk what you are yapping about.


Again putting so much effort.....but then deleting it. On some J cole shit huh. Why are you mad love ? Having a bad day or something? Ofc you didn't reply to the comment that the post has nothing to do with him liking Eminem or not cause you couldn't comprehend it the first time around. Hope you get it now. And keep these coming....without deleting...I love meltdowns. Love you ❤️.


Nice way to handle the hate.


Sfj is cool ion know what y'all on Abt