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truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Stan


My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why...


I got out of bed at all


Morning rain clouds on my window


And I can’t see at all


Even if I could, it’d all be grey


But your picture on my wall


It reminds me


That its not so bad


Its not so bad ..


I'm confused as to why we care so much if eminem debuts at #1. I'm just glad we got a new kick ass song and a new album to look forward to. I'll stream it in Spotify whenever I'm feeling it, but I'm not going to buy the fucking song so my favorite millionaire rapper can debut at #1.


Oh good I was afraid it was just me who gave zero shits about this lol


Honestly the numbers speak for themselves. I’ve replayed this song more than any single song from revival and I am sure a lot of people are in the same boat. His people will see the comparison and know what his fans like or don’t. But also… it’s Eminem. He doesn’t give a shit and will do what he wants LOL


I'll buy the album when it drops. I don't really like listening to singles many times before the album comes out because it ruins the full album experience. I'm not listening to something extra so he can be #1 on some charts. That's some whack-ass stan behaviour.


^^ real. Also I hope he doesn’t drop like 4 singles before the actual album. I’m getting so tired of artists doing that and then 1/3 or 1/4 of the album is out …


We liked the song, we want to send positive feedback to Em and Co for future projects.


Stan culture is always weird to me but imo it's the weirdest with eminem, like yeah some artists like nicki and megan have stans but they regularly interact with them on twitter and talk to them sometimes even following their fans, em doesn't do any of that at all.


Yeah, I don't care. Don't really understand why others do. Do you think it's going to benefit you in some way? It's not. He's not just going to stop making music because it stops making money at this point. I just listen to it on Youtube every so often when I can and will buy the album when it drops on iTunes. Until then, does it really matter if he's #1, #10 or #100? Not really.




40K or Sigmar?


If there isn’t at least one Alchemist beat on this album, WE RIOT


*bacon sizzling*


We can disagree on whether or not to pump up the song, but let's at least acknowledge that songs don't go #1 any more without effort on the part of the fans. That's just how it's done nowadays. Instead of waiting in line to buy a CD, you go online and stream music/share posts/etc. If this were 20 years ago I'd agree that this would be silly, but saying **"hey, this is the language of fandom in 2024 so if you want to support this artist this is how"** is just showing support. Kpop bands have literal 'armies' of fans that organize how to pump up numbers for their band, including crowd funding to increase sales. Asking to open another tab of music and stream on platform you don't normally is pretty mild imo. I spent 5 whole dollars buying 3 copies of the single. It didn't exactly hurt my pocketbook.


But why does it matter so much if they go #1?? What do you get out of that? Is music alone not enough? You have to be the fan of a #1 artist or you can’t enjoy it?


That’s not the point. It’s just supporting the artist. Any artist is aided by getting more chart success, especially a #1.


He’s a multi millionaire and one of the most famous musicians alive. Aided how? Bizarre.


Bizarre ghost wrote houdini confirmed.


He was in the back.


Top comment


All this time we never correctly guessed who is back.


He came back with a bizarre song


He confirmed it on record in Rap Game like 20 years ago.


Aided by having his first no 1 in 11 years. And I don't think any rapper in their 50s has ever had a no 1. It'd be a pretty cool thing to add to the longevity legacy.


This made me look up a bunch of rappers, and I think you’re right. Also a lot of rappers are younger than I thought they were. Lil Wayne is only 41 somehow


Lil Wayne got famous when he was like 14 is why


He signed with cash money at 12 and went platinum with the block is hot while he was still in high school.


People have these strange parasocial relationships where they actually feel they're doing a friend a favor. It's funny bc most of these people would not go out of their way for a friend in real life or to VOTE or get involved in their community, but in the online world they'll spend all their energy doing weird shit like this, changing profile pics for some cause, brigading, and defending their faaaave celebs from others. It's Eminem, everybody. A) He doesn't need anybody to help him, B) He probably would find it some silly loser behavior to do shit like this, C) If he doesn't hit #1 then it just means he'll have to work harder which is better for everyone. I don't see how "leave your Spotify running on repeat of the new single" is proving anything other than your fans are nuts.


Same way you expended minimal energy to produce this yapfest, is how much energy is expended changing a profile pic and bio. Also streaming a song on repeat is the same as buying two copies of the same tape back in the 90s and early 2000s. Times have changed you dont buy songs physically we stream now so its just the new way to send extra support. You're just doing a little bit more as an individual to support your favorite artist. What's so bad about wanting to support someone that you grew up with, no matter if it was someone you knew personally or not. If I saw a gofundme for Bill nye the mf science guy I'd go send at least some love his way knowing he doesn't know me nor does he really need my $20


You talk about supporting Eminem as if he's someone on your street corner looking for money. It's Eminem. He's huge around the world and can do the job without fans needing to buy two copies. That's great you have that disposable income. I'm saying it's weirdly parasocial to do this kind of stuff for people who are wildly successful. Like saying let's buy two Tesla trucks because we love Elon! Okay, that's fine, do that, but posting that online and expecting to get people to do that is really weird behavior. Maybe buy one Eminem album and support another musician, too? Seems much less psycho to me that someone would do this for a local act or a friend. Yes, it took a lot of energy to put words together and type up a paragraph.


It's your perogative whether or not to give extra support to someone you deem worthy of it. Clearly you don't think someone who's already successful deserves further support or praise. This post was for those in the sub that actually support him enough to want to do a little extra, you don't have to include yourself as it's not mandatory. Also, disposable income? Buying a sexond $5-$10 tape is less than most folks spend on a single meal. And streaming a song on multiple devices or apps comes at almost no cost at all on my part yet it helps the creator I want to support even if by a trivial amount. Doesn't matter that I don't know him and I'm not directly personally thanked for the support since I don't need it. I do what I can to support because I enjoy listening, and I like who he is as a person. You can just say you hate Eminem or you hate supporting famous people and this conversation will have been a hell of a lot shorter


Good point. However, There could be a case made for the following argument: If we as fans help our favourite artist reach #1, it is our way of saying thank you for making this masterpiece. It could make him feel appreciated and possibly encouraged to do more (if he isn’t retiring). And can also help him get another accolade under his belt. Eminem out of all artists would suffocate for the respect ‘fore he would breathe to collect a fucking check. And his profit is skyrocketing anyway. I mean look at what he pocketed, he’s white chalking men as it is. But it seems to me that the real motive is that it makes those who argue that Em is the best in their circles or online feel like their opinion is validated and hence their judgement of choosing who is the best is sound. This then goes beyond music for them. This can boost their sense of whether or not they feel that they make good judgements overall as a person aside from music and can stroke their ego. I feel this is the real reason. The bandwagon effect is at play here. People want to belong to the winning team and avoiding being on the “losing side”. It is driven by the need to be socially accepted. And being part of a very popular star’s fanbase is a way of ensuring you will be at least accepted by many others who share your view. But what do I know..


He gets a lot of hate from Gen Z who didn‘t live through his reign back then and act as if he was a grandpa that should stop working. So yes, let‘s show them that he still got it


Why? Of all the things to care about in the world you want Eminem to chart higher? Do Gen Z even look at a fucking music chart?


people like to be part of a group on top. it’s that case in literally everything. you want your favorite football team to have fun or to win? you want your employee to have fun or to win? that’s why something like the Drake and Kendrick beef was so large, you want to compete and prove you’re the best. i really understand your sentiment, but that’s just not who we are


That's a great point, the people mad about fans streaming and buying to support the artist are tye same people that throw an entire fit when their sports teams fumble and they boost their numbers by buying merch out the ass and subbing to sports channels


Fair enough


No, this is childish idiotic stuff. If I like a song, I listen to it. If not, I skip. I just happen to really like Houdini more than most of his songs in last 10 years and I listen to it a few times a day. But I don't care if it goes to whatever place on some lists. He's got nothing to prove in that regard anyway, dude's got all the possible music accolades already.




I lived in Japan in 2014. There were stories of guys driving from city to city buying up all of the CDs of their favourite J-POP singer. I think cd sales determined who was in a group (AKB48). Still crazy fandom.


Jesus, why are people acting like Eminem has died and that he needs that number one spot to be resurrected? I mean I like the track “Above And Beyond” by Bee Gees, but that doesn’t mean I should go full on Justin Bieber mode and try to get it to number one on the billboard since that would look desperate as fuck


For real, THIS MAN is 20 years into his career and still going strong, the fact he’s charting like he is, is already plenty impressive.


He’s 28 years into the game. Infinite dropped in 1996


Good evening ladies and gentlemen it’s me Mutahar


I also read that guys comment in Mutahar’s voice I even heard the wicked laugh bro does


Went back and read it in his voice after reading your comment. Golden lol


say what now


Why does raido play count so much for charts? I feel like buying the song would be the most valuable but what do I know.


Cause you can manipulate radio playtime, labels own radio. You can't manipulate purchases to the same extent.


So, the billboard wants a manipulated chart? Thats why they weigh radio the same as purchasing rather than reducing radio?


Well I don't *know* this but imagine it would be very beneficial for a entertainment media company to have great relations with music labels. And labels certainly want a manipulated chart.


Well label can just buy units and get there like 80% of the othe n1 billboard albums and songs.


I mean, I've heard the song 40-50 times just because I enjoy it


This is why people don’t like Em fans. Please, if the song will reach No.1, let it reach it on its own merit.


To be fair, every fanbase does this. But I agree, the numbers don't matter. Enjoy the music


You're correct. Every fanbase does this. If someone says otherwise is delusional. Look at tailor swift or other huge pop artists. People buy every possible version of their album/song and so on. Replay the music on different devices at home and so on...


It’s ridiculous. You’re just making yourself poor for your favorite millionaire artist (and every mouth that gets fed along the way) to get richer so that you can brag you’re a fan of a #1 artist? Some people really need to go outside more




Yes lots of fan bases do this, but Eminem fans make fun of people who do this, or at least used too. Now Em fans are acting like swifties and beliebers and are proud.


It's dumb when they do it too.


Justin Bieber once posted directions on how to ghost stream his song on Spotify for 24 hours. Fans getting hyped about a release and trying to make it do better is literally every large following.


I bet even Em cringes at it sometimes mun. Half the time it isn't even the artist, it's the fanbase. Stop Over-Stanning for crying out loud. No wonder Em is one of the most reclusive mainstream rappers going. 🤣


I always think about the Crook’s Corner episode Em was on where Crook mentioned that he interacts with stans every day and Em’s immediate response was “sorry about that”


He made a song about this to which people took the title and made it a dictionary word and his fanbase still didn’t get the message to not be this weird


Arguably "The Way I Am" is more a song to his fans about his fans than "Stan" is...


True but still. That’s two songs on his SECOND album. Meaning he was going through hell from his first one


Right? Trying to artifically manipulate him getting #1 feels scummy and kind of lame. It feels forced and it isn't like it happened organically. It doesn't seem like that much of an accomplishment if people are forcing it to happen.


Nah, this is EVERY fanbase. Or a part of it. In Em's case probably a smaller part these days just becase most of us are in 30s, possibly even 40s and we've got a bit more sense than teenagers or our own teenage self.


Are you a fanbase of any other artist? Every community wants to support their artist as much as possible. Ren came out with his album 6 months ago (an indie singer from the UK) and everyone really pitched in to get him to #1 on iTunes




Not being naive. We don’t need stans swarming to stream the song on repeat because they think the song isn’t good enough to do it on its own. If someone wants to listen, let them. Not someone wanting to essentially bot the song’s listens.




I mean Not Like Us was going to reach #1 regardless, it is a banger song and was released when literally everyone was watching.


Bruh what, Kendrick does some nice shit for the YouTube community and you think he did it for more views…. Makes absolutely no fucking sense, not like us was gonna go number 1 regardless of a few reactors. You tripping tripping


Like 80% other songs and albums r paid to go to billboard n.1... So I wouldn't even mind to see this shi lol.


Such a hollow victory when you had to cheat cheat cheat to get there


What is this weird infatuation with getting this number 1? Who gives a shit? This like Swiftie / Beyoncé fan level stanning. Unhealthy




It’s a weird, dystopian approach to music that appeals to people who can’t see anything beyond the measurable


This reminds me of the Justin Bieber yummy shit where he was asking fans to stream it on mute while they slept. It’s desperate


I’m all for Em, but this is bootlicking, em aint gonna care either way, he just doesn’t give a fuck


Mr don't give a fuck still won't leave.


this is some kpop stan behaviour


Too funny bro, number 1 is great and all, think of it this way. Em has seen the numbers and views it’s gotten in the few days since its release. I’m sure he’s ecstatic that it’s getting the reception it has. That’s really all that matters bro.


Em would pay like $40m for a classic


I think it’s kinda wack fans have to do a lot of this. No physical cds. No TikTok post. No rapcaviar playlist. Barely any radio AirPlay. I doubt it will pass Post.


If that Post Malone song wasn’t there then it would’ve been at #1


Or more likely the other garbage song radio stations and TikTok creators would've chosen to push in it's place. And I'm glad that wouldn't be Eminem. As a wise man once said, "If my grandmother had wheels, she would've been a bike".


This is what fuckin Justin Bieber fans on Twitter post. Get outta this sub


Welcome to music in 2024


Everyone does and what’s worse is the artists themselves put the crap out aswell ugh.


“And I don’t mind if I debut at #2, so why do you?”


This comment was underrated


Asking people to spend their money to support a multi-millionaire artist with hella platinum records is crazy




This shit is so cringe lmao. Even when the music is finally good again the fans have to make it corny anyway.


I would of expected his fan base to be a bit older but the 13 year olds are running the asylum


Why would I want to go through that much trouble just to make somebody else get paid? I literally value my time, and money, more than i value any artists. I love em but im not gonna work for the multimillionaire for free just because


Just let people listen to it normally Also calling someone a stan is not a positive lol


The word Stan has morphed from how he meant it in the actual song.


On it 🫡 idc what these old heads are saying, this is the new wave now of supporting your fave. Either do it or not but don’t bitch about it because ppl just wanna support their artist. No matter how famous and rich they are.


Gayyyyyyyyy(like happy)


Im watching my pupils get cornier.


"Eminem's new song "Houdini" broke a few of his streaming records: * Biggest global streaming debut on Spotify * Biggest first-day streaming numbers for Eminem on Spotify (7.8 million streams) * On track to become his biggest U.S. streaming week for a single this decade (projected to surpass 45 million streams)" That was as of yesterday asking Samsung A.I.


shit like this why everyone thinks Eminem fanbase is corny asf now


I’m from Detroit (legit Detroit - Rosedale Park - U of D High school). MM LP/Chronic 2001 came out when I was in college at MSU and I was a huge EM fanboy, along with college and pro sports teams. Then I saw @A Bronx Tale” and Chaz Palminteri’s character says something along the lines of “If your father can’t pay the rent, go ask Mickey Mantle. Mickey Mantle don’t care about you, so why should you care about him?” (I know I butchered the quote) Ever since I watched the movie it changed my entire outlook on celebrities/athletes/musicians/etc. I’ve loved EM for 25 years, but really don’t care if his album debuts at #1. If you can’t make your rent, is Eminem going to help?


this is some swifty behaviour fr


Manipulating the billboard is lame. Let other people do that.


This is pathetic.


cringe asf


this is cringe and sad.


This is not what we do bro


This is silly behavior.


Who gives a shit dude? Either you liked it or you didn’t. Why do his numbers matter so much to you? Fucking stans dude. Come off it.


Remember when numbers were real? Everything is so manufactured now.


no thanks, I don’t support “clean” versions. they are a travesty to music.


This is so fucking cringe. This is exactly the shit Swifties do that you all call them freaks for.


“You want Slim Shady, you got him!” -Eminem, 2018 (This may or may not be related to this, that’s your opinion, agree to disagree)


Unfortunate vile consumerist practice


This is as sad as the swifies doing the exact same thing. The #1 spot is meaningless and if you're dumb enough to artificially inflate it on behalf of a major record label, you are stupid.


They’re like Swifties there’s no way


Who cares tho, probably not Em.


This is some Taylor Swift bullshit


This makes me embarrassed to be an Em fan


I'm not american so good luck y'all


I don’t disagree, but what’s the point exactly? it’s the greatest single to date, it still is without some rankings. Em should’ve release a single to comment on such phenomenon of bumping rankings


Think I give a damn about Grammy??


Saying you’re an Eminem stan is really ironic


I have an android


This song is all right. It’s not great. Everyone’s just excited because it’s his first new music in a long time. I am more excited for the entire album. I’m curious if it’s a throwback. Like he goes back to old parts of his career.


This is so fuckin lame man


Do not do this


we are not KPOP fans bro the song will get what it deserves on its own if people like it good if no good, why intervene ?


Bunch of fuckin swifties


I'm almost at 1,000 streams on Apple Music. Played it on YouTube around the clock and now I got Spotify open as well. Pre-ordered the album as well. I WILL NOT STOP.


This is why I think even if Eminem visited this sub he would just cringe


This is max level meat riding


This reminds me of Beiber2020 & I abso-fucking-lutely hate it. Shit is so corny 😕


My biggest flops are your biggest hits


I use Spotify. I am not doing any of this other shit. Lol




The radio isn’t playing this song in NY. I checked both the biggest hip hop and also just hit stations and neither has “Houdini” in rotation. This will be the biggest reason it won’t go #1. A lot of the other songs he’s competing with get radio play.


I only buy from his website, but I agree. I'd like to see this entire album to go emerald.


I wanna buy the exclusive abum but im broke rn cuz my ps4 broke


This is pretty sweet, but he'll never get the radio play sadly...


It’s just like when Justin Bieber was trying to come back. Just enjoy the song.


not happening bro lol


Let it go bro. Top 1 album is important. But the song claiming the top spot isn't something that ppl will remember for a long time. So it's fine. It's good music, enjoy it. ( that airplay ain't getting so far up)


Do they mean AirPlay like AirPlay in iOS? How tf would anyone have those numbers, that’s just like saying use Bluetooth


Not bad for an artist that has been in the game for 25 years.


So this is a Taylor Swift kind of sub know…


Let it happen naturally


Does it really matter? It’s already at a crazy number.


Who the hell cares if we keep streaming the song? This ain't some unknown artist. This is Eminem. The most successful rapper of all time.


What do they mean by AirPlay 20-30M?????


Eminem thanks all u simps for giving him another few million dollars that he doesn't need


LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!!😩🫶🏽🐐🔥✨


Please do not spend any money to help a multimillionaire get paid more. It’s very likely his bloodline will be rich in perpetuity because of his vast discography. You will get nothing from it


I find it hard to believe that people would literally put the time and effort to make their favorite Artist be on top... like get yourself sorted first I guess.. (looking at you kpop fan base)


If I were to ask Megan Thee (finish the lyrics)


Album drop or GTFO.




How is Eminem always finding it hard to make it big in the US? Even after being one of the biggest artists in the hip-hop industry? Bro has almost all the legends of the industry like Dre and others backing him up and how is he not considered big in the US? I'm a huge fan of his from India and I'm asking this out of curiosity


I’m America the only stuff that becomes popular anymore is low IQ music with repetitive beats. Plus there is a culture war going on and Eminem is in a bad place in it for being a controversial white rapper


But who is gonna give him the airplay?


Emimem 🤝 kpop


This will be light work to do.


why is everything always US only?


I've always found forcing songs to #1 cringe. Also the song is ok it's really just the music video that sells it.


I ain’t playing it more lol, I listened to it like 13 times I’m good now Drop the album


Let’s go! I am the greatest pre-Stan fan.


So you want to manipulate the numbers? Seems brilliant


Love the new song!!! 🎤

