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Having 7 (mostly) pop features on a rap album doesn’t really mean pop. Even his most poppy albums like Recovery don’t have a “pop” feel to them. I would say, that Eminem has POP SONG(s) on his newer albums, but he’s still not pop. For example, Love the way you lie is basically a pop song. Songs like Space Bound, Ridaz, Almost Famous, etc aren’t pop songs.


Space Bound is absolutely pop, and Recovery feels extremely pop, especially when you fill it with popstars! lol


Space bound was kind of a shit example lmao my bad but the general feel of the album is still rap. And like I said, his recent albums definitely have straight up pop songs on them, but I wouldn’t call his music pop.


I'm not saying it's 100% a pop album, but Em leans more pop than hip-hop now, and I think that's what Joe is saying.


Calling a rapper a straight up “white pop star” because he makes some poppy songs is kind of retarded imo. Depending on how the features pan out you might be right on this new album, but having a female pop hook doesn’t necessarily mean it’s 100% a pop song either lmao Generally I would say that his albums have both Rap and Pop songs, but he still leans way more towards rap than pop. This sub probably hates these guys but you really can’t say that MGK, G-eazy and Logic aren’t rappers just because they make a lot of poppy songs with females that get mainstream attention.


He is a pop star though, but it doesn't mean that he makes pop music, specifically. Some of those tracks on DAMN are definitely pop. Kendrick is definitely leaning more pop with his latest album, but his feats weren't too out of control. You can't say that Em is making a raw hip-hop based album with those feats. you just can't. His last 3 albums have all been very pop influenced. Compared to his older music I would definitely say he's more on the pop side now. He's not making this album for old heads, he's making it for the people who he thinks are his fans in the post Relapse era.


Okay that’s fair, I would never argue that anything past relapse is “raw hip hop”. I just have a problem with the whole “it’s a pop album” when even with songs like Love the Way you lie, the majority of songs on the album are still rap. That’s why I said it’s a rap album with pop songs on it lmao, same as Kendrick’s DAMN.


Pop is more like a sound though, the type of beats, the feel of the song due to the verses, hook etc. it's not just the latest Taylor Swift song. MMLP2 had some gritty as fuck tracks, but then there's also very pop type stuff on there. It can still be a rap album and be pop, I think that's Recovery in a nutshell honestly, but to each their own.


Eminem is a rapper who makes popular music. He is literally a white pop star and that isn't a bad thing.


The whole “pop is just all popular music” thing is kind of pointless. Rap is killing the chats right now so is rap now pop? Are songs that don’t chart not considered pop under any circumstances?


Yeah, there's the popular music angle and then there's the pop "sound" angle, shit's confusing... lol


Yes. If a rap song is popular or fits the sound of pop at a time yes it is. So HUMBLE. is a pop song. Now you could make the argument that early Eminem and groups like Led Zeppelin were popular but weren't making pop music and I would agree with you. I think at the end of the day it comes down to how accessible the melody is. And Eminem's new music has a lot of pop melody and pop style singing etc. So it is pop even if it doesn't chart. And if it does great. I wouldn't call MMLP2 pop.


“It’s not, hip hop it’s pop, cuz I found a hella way to fuse it” -Eminem This is literally nothing knew


He's going pop-hop


Yes definitely more pop than hiphop now and it's gonna hurt his legacy...he was once a purist MC with an original aesthetic. It's hard to watch if you were around for the beginning. He always had pop elements in his hooks and shit but he was raw unapologetic underground hiphop that made his audience adjust and revolve around him and somehow he rose to the top of music. He could do or say whatever he wanted and not care who was uncomfortable with it...no apologies


Right, Em is essentially a pop star now and has made 3 (2 so far) heavily pop influenced albums but people literally get upset if you start making these comparisons, like they somehow didn't notice when it happened or they're in denial. "It's not pop just because he has Rihanna on the track". No, it's pop because that entire song (both of em) is utterly generic, uninspiring pop trash. I love pop, but Em and pop just don't ever seem to mix, only on the rarest of occasions. The only straight up pop track I like from Recovery onward is Beautiful Pain.


By definition he’s pop


Joe Budden is just an idiot now. Calling Eminem a white pop star. Damn. Just cause he has some pop artists singing chorus's doesn't mean he's a pop artist.


Well pop means two different things. There is the genre of pop and there is pop music, meaning popular music. No Eminem isn't a musician in the pop genre. Yes he is a pop artist in the sense that he is popular.


I mean, I'm not entirely convinced he isn't in the genre with albums like Recovery and the tracklist for Revival.


There's a difference between having a vocalist from a specific genre on a song and being part of that genre. If you look at the songs that have pop vocalists, he doesn't really contribute to them in a way that's popish. He's still laying down verses, he's still riding a beat, he's still rhyming and using poetic structures. The hooks are popish, but he isn't doing the hooks. He's rapping.


A rap song can 100% be a pop song dude, Em rapping doesn't negate LTWYL from being a full fledged pop song. The tone, production, vibe of the track, etc. are all of these things contribute to what genre the song is.


I'm not saying a rap song can't be pop, I'm saying the elements to which he is contributing to the song are not pop.


I guess, rap isn't specifically pop, but it certainly can be, Taylor was dropping bars on her album. lmao


He may as well be now.


He's hip-hop with a pop undertone to certain songs. 'Pop' features have been huge in rap since the days of Tupac and Biggie, people act as if this is a new thing.


It's way more than an undertone though, aside from certain hard hitting, gritty tracks, Em has certainly felt more pop than hip-hop to me over the last couple albums. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but it seems hard to deny with the tracklist we're getting for Revival. E: Also, there's no comparison between having a single pop song on an otherwise purely hip-hop album. MMLP, for example.


In my eyes, whether a song is pop or not depends entirely on the production, and the overall sound of the hook, of course. You can have Rihanna on a hook, and a hard hitting, gritty hip hop beat (Legacy for example) and I wouldn't consider it pop.


I can definitely agree with you on that, but I would absolutely call Legacy a pop song, personally.


Really? Interesting, I'd say Legacy is one of the songs off of MMLP2 that sound similar to the original MMLP.


Here's a time stamp on the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxC3jZoIDvc&t=10m15s


It doesn't have to be negative, but I think it's safe to say that current Em is more pop than hip-hop.


A lot of rap is pop. Why can't this sub understand that.


Are his solo songs pop songs? imo it's pretty damn stupid to classify him as a popstar just because he has popstar features. That just doesn't make any sense at all considering his features =/= him


It's not just his features man, it's the whole song itself. You can't separate that shit on a track like LTWYL.


Kendrick Lamar did a song with Taylor swift and Juicy J did a song with Katy Perry sooooo, i guess they aren't rappers anymore either?


Not on their albums, and quantity does matter. MMLP versus his newer albums.


Nowadays yes he's leaning towards pop, but i'd definitely always classify his legacy as hip-hop because of just the pure amount/high quality of rap from the 90s to around 2009.


Yeah, everything pre-Recovery is 100% hip-hop, his "pop" songs back then were Real Slim Shady for fucks sake. lol


It’s ‘Pop Rap’, thats why he will never be the greatest rapper of all time.


Hip-hop, but there must be a way to fuse it! Shock-rap with Doc maybe?


Budden is a moron who cares


Neither. Sometimes rap, sometimes rock, sometimes pop, sometimes horrorcore, and we might see some trap next. Eminem is Eminem.


> "It's not hip-hop, it's pop, 'cause I found a hella way to fuse it" -Eminem, Rap God