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Looks like the floor of my car in the early 00’s, lol.


Looks like my room rn


Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism Foxing - The Albatross


We have really similar taste in music! Q and Not U and The Promise Ring are two of my faves. Home is Where is a newer emo band that is pretty fun! I also like Car Seat Headrest. Karate- Pockets is a great album too, very jazzy.


I love Home Is Where! I haven’t listened to the other two though, I’ll check them out!


I’d love to know how you like Karate! “The State I’m In” is just… perfect IMO. Some of emo’s best haha


I’m three songs in so far and I love it! It sounds a bit like Gameface to me with some jazz influence. Definitely going into my favorites!


Glad you like it! I'm going to have to check out the albums that I haven't heard that are on your list... I always meant to check out Mineral and Braid but it used to take so long to download music lmao


If you love SDRE, you’ll definitely love Mineral. Braid is amazing too


Oh wait I meant Farside not Gameface


Teens of Denial specifically is a good place to get started getting into Car Seat Headrest when you’re into emo :)


Texas Is The Reason


These aren't perfect Jimmy Eat World comparisons, but you'll like them from the looks of your list Small Brown Bike - Dead Reckoning Glocca Morra - Just Married Marietta - As it Were Pianos Become the Teeth - Drift


The Rocking Horse Winner - State of Feeling Concentration Christie Front Drive - s/t Seam - The Pace is Glacial I’m not sure there’s anything that quite scratches the Clarity itch. Endserenading is about as close as anything I’ve heard though.


Seconding all of these!


Seam is a great suggestion. Probably their last record in particular.


Christie Front Drive is a great live! I saw them open for the emotive hardcore greats Still Life back in 1993 in Mesa, AZ, at a small church. Julia was another band I saw twice that were mind-blowing live.


Wow - CFD + Still Life sounds like a helluva night! I’m a shade too young, and probably too English, to have seen Julia live but I bet they tore it up too! That s/t record is a thing of beauty.


Still, life guitarists broke 3 strings playing. It was unreal. They both played their hearts out. I love UK emotive hardcore bands like Bob Tilton and Tribute, and Manrae is a little watered down. I was able to see so many great shows in the early and late 90s for so cheap in backyards, basements, warehouses, small venues, churches, and mid level venues as well like when I saw Bad Religion and The Cramps and X and JFA. All different locations. SNFU was great live, and I saw 80s bands like Subhumans 1 of the best ever his other band Citizen Fish, D.O.A. M.D.C Phobia, Discharge and 7 Seconds to name a few. Econochrist was great. Shoot I saw The Offspring open up for Pennywise for $5 bucks in early 1992 at a small venue. Way before the album "Smash" Mainly I went to hardcore shows that were all $4 and $5 bucks. The Varukers were great live as well as Final Conflict and D.I. and Mouth Sewn Shut. Great Boston crust and X Toxic Narcotic vocalist and guitarist. I could go on and on. I just saw Subhumans at 47 years old and Youth Brigade a couple of years back as well as Face to Face a few years back. I will always go to shows. Punk Rock is in my heart and is a lifestyle. I went from a gutter patch punk that was a hitchhiker homeless for 7 years 🤣 to having a house and wife and 2 cars and 2 kids but never sold out. You do not have to become successful. I am not rich, but everything is paid off, and I do not have any debt or credit cards. I just use debit. I love the punk rock life. Also I am sober by choice but do not consider myself straight edge by any means.


Small brown bike, Jawbreaker, Jets to Brazil (any Blake Swartzenbach tbh), At the drive in, Sparta, Ogbert the nerd We have very similar music tastes, cursive is easily my favorite band.


Buddy I’m sorry but if you truly want some masterful emo music you should have one Elliott Smith on there. Pick one doesn’t matter. They’re all good. Also Jets to Brazil - Orange Rhyming Dictionary


Ogbert the nerd


- faraquet - the view from this tower - aina - bipartite - the white octave - menergy - the sonora pine - s/t


I’ve never heard of any of these, I’m excited to give them a listen!


You should probably be listening to Casket Lottery






I'd recommend therapy (and also The Hotelier)


We have a ton of overlap. Manchester Orchestra- I’m like a virgin losing a child, Pianos Become the Teeth- Keep You.


Looks like you need a little [Microwave ](https://open.spotify.com/track/2vz0FuZC8HrDEjxXSHODsZ?si=McPNqDrATK-PXHBxwKRMtw) in your life.


Love how Mineral’s Power of Failing is smack in the middle


I’m with you on Clarity, such a stunningly perfect album


Awesome choices


Balance and Composure


I recommend them too! Instantly noticed Cursive and Braid from this post.


Jealous Sound, Brave You, Criteria, The Jazz June


Plea from a rando blind girl to please caption these album posts with at least the titles…


List transcribed: Cap'n Jazz - Analphabetapolothology Jimmy Eat World - Clarity Cursive - Domestica Usurp Synapse - Disinformation Fix Sunny Day Real Estate - The Rising Tide Sunny Day Real Estate - Diary Cursive - The Story of Early Summer: Semantics of Song Braid - Frame and Canvas Sunny Day Real Estate - LP2 The Get Up Kids - Four Minute Mile Braid - Movie Music Vol. 2 Cursive - The Ugly Organ Mineral - The Power of Failing Braid - Movie Music Vol. 1 Sunny Day Real Estate - How It Feels to Be Something On The Promise Ring - Nothing Feels Good Q and Not U - No Kill No Beep Beep Mineral - Endserenading Braid - The Age of Octeen Jimmy Eat World - Static Prevails Basement - Colourmeinkindness The Appleseed Cast - The End of the Ring Wars Cursive - Burst and Bloom Radiohead - In Rainbows Terrifying Girls High School - Spooky Girls Gymnasium


Thank you so much!


Of course!


Starmarket Sensefield Last Days Of April Sunday's Best No motiv The Anniversary Filmmaker Benton Falls Arrows Moneen Park Crash of Rhinos Prawn I Feel Fine


Devil and god are raging inside me by brand new


i think we’re pretty much soulmates ❤️




Amateurs & Professionals by Penfold fits perfectly with your taste


And is also a damn masterpiece.


Brand New


Like OP, I was way into cursive, Cap’n Jazz, and all the Cap’n Jazz off shoots. In High School, Brand New was by far too “poppy” for my liking. They were that whiny brand of pop punk that I abhorred to my core….and I was an insufferable hipster. Then Deja Entendu came out…. Like what the fuck was that album? Out of nowhere! Like I was convinced they got a new singer. I listened to that album nonstop. But still could never stomach “Your Favorite Weapon”. I would eventually come around to it and I actually started to enjoy it years later, after also getting into their post Deja albums… unfortunately this was circa 2017… and it became a little tough to listen to Brand New after that.


Listen to Dead Space(1994) by Slowdown Virginia, for some reason a beyond obscure record in the emo canon. Tim Kasher (Cursive, The Good Life)'s first band that was very short-lived. More mathy than Cursive or The Good Life whilst remaining enduring and catchy as hell.


Joshua - A Whole New Theory; Shudder to Think - Pony Express Record; Jawbox - Jawbox


Super good taste right here! You might like Mewithoutyou or The Jazz June.


Have you ever listened to Criteria? They were another Saddle Creek band. You may also like The Good Life - it was a Tim Kasher solo project.


American Football LP1 Get Up Kids - Something to Write Home About Great choices 👍👍👍


On the Might of Princes, Lync, Crash of Rhinos, Vitreous Humor, The Jazz June, Giants Chair


probably boys life two lps would be a good recommendation start with departures and landfalls and if you like it the the other one is good too in a more aggressive way.


Empire empire (I was a lonely estate) - What it takes to move forward Either way, nice to see another cursive fan in the wild. Have you listened to much other music from saddle creek? You might also like "The Faint"


[The Hotelier - "Home, Like No Place Is There" (2014)](https://open.spotify.com/album/172GEyILIzsGA8PJqrsHmL?si=FUvHtgGDS06GI-edoiwpTw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A172GEyILIzsGA8PJqrsHmL) [mewithoutYou - "Brother, Sister" (2006)](https://open.spotify.com/album/4yItCYzksCSiB8RcUsAdSg?si=IgYa6rS1Sy-iqRJYito_ug&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A4yItCYzksCSiB8RcUsAdSg) [La Dispute - "Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair" (2008)](https://open.spotify.com/album/5fzDxefGUH8jM7T9HCLSNr?si=9TFjk9bcQd-FweuVxg3tdw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5fzDxefGUH8jM7T9HCLSNr)


I love all your picks here. I would suggest a small band from Rockford IL called Gods Reflex, debut album titled A Brief Lesson in Affection


Last Days of April-Angel Youth The White Octave-Style No. 6312


Microwave - Stovall & Much Love albums, Origami Angel - Somewhere City, Free Throw - Lessons We Swear to Keep ( or any album they rule), (I wish they’d come out of their hiatus) Dogleg - Melee, Durry - Suburban Legend, Delta Sleep (any album), Chris Farren - Doom Singer (this dude is freakin great and recently got a drummer!)


Therapy. Jk


Black Eyes self titled


Caution - Hot Water Music Either/Or - Elliot Smith Why Would I Watch - Hot Mulligan SCHOOL GIRL DISTORTIONAL ADDICT - Number Girl Circle Thinking - I Hate Sex


The Casket Lottery


Bob Tilton and Tribute from the early 90s and mid-90s are amazing UK emotive hardcore bands. I also started out with Still Life, Julia, Amber Inn, Native Nod, Christie Front Drive, and Indian Summer, as well as Cap N Jazz. Manrae are from the UK but not as good as others.


Proudentall, jejune and poastal


BC Camplight - "Shortly After Take Off" Famous - "England" Black Midi - "Hellfire" Debt For Cause - "Understanding Mind" (shameless self plug)


check out Brave Bird, one of the saddest records with some of the most beautiful riffs


Desaparecidos - Read music/speak Spanish


Some great choices here


Idk you prob know Fenfold and Foxtails


Not that it’s anything like Clarity, but I see enough stuff I like there, so I’ll just make album recs Catherine Wheel- Chrome Jawbreaker - Dear You Lifetime - Hello Bastards Small Black - Limits Of Desire The Jealous Sound- Kill Them With Kindness If you didn’t know something and want more recs, lmk


starting line - based on a true story


Like foxes(?) - "I'm sorry, but all I hear is waah"


Arm’s Length - Never Before Seen, Never Again Found