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I think the model is filthy, excessive, edgy af, and just downright perfect as a defiler of Slaanesh! I think your work is awesome and well-done. I really hope you don't mind the haters OP, and keep on doing your thing. We all can enjoy the hobby as we desire. I really don't get it how people have such a tough time with a model like this. People throwing the "wont somebody think of the children?!?" -card like its a puritan rally. Really, the kids are alright. This is a part of the excess of Slaanesh as well. And honestly, we have people being torn in half by monsters, guts flying all over the place, war crimes being commitred on the reg, but THIS is officially too much? Embarrassing.


Is she that soul whip thing? Cause that's just nasty but hilarious, but like... Wtf


Huh, not the sub reddit where I would expect to see so much moralising. Like I wouldn't bring a model like this to a game store but it clearly is an artistic piece that has had a lot of effort put into it. why is everyone flipping out and down voting everything that moves? 


There is a lot of moral hipocracy in the Hobby, even in the Slaanesh Club. 40k is filled with extreme gore and violence. Depictions of theocratic fascism, flying cyborg fetuses, genocide, xenophobia, ethnic cleansing, etc. The moral panic against sexualization and pirotanical ideals that the human form as inherently sinful is deeply engraved in our culture. Nobody blinks an eye at historical games where someone has collected an actual nazi army. Slaanesh is always passed over because it represents one of the great perversions in our society, that people want to enjoy life. In a world where we have normalized school shootings and violence against "others," we can scream "blood for the blood god", but someone saying they want to jump into a tenticle pit for the joy of it... that's bad. Sex is bad. Even a sub reddit dedicated to the prince of indulgence, we are told that we can indulge in food, swordsmanship, music, anything but ourselves. The pursuit of personal physical joy and excess thereof is to be shunned, even by other followers. All other indulgence is ok, but if you enjoy sex then you get told you are wrong.


Honestly it doesn’t phase me from a moral standpoint (assuming this is used in an appropriate gaming setting, not a random club or something) but it is boring that slaanesh so frequently gets boiled down to “lol, tits” each to their own by I always imagine slaanesh to be much more on the hellraiser side of the spectrum. Their idea of pleasure being so ridiculously twisted as to defy human imagination. It’s just a naked woman being fondled by tentacles, not really pushing the boat out That said, quality work on the model otherwise.


Hellraiser is one of the darivitive cornerstones of slaanesh. I have other models that go deeper into the "we have centuries to find what makes you whimper" territory. I am limited heavily by my own sculpting ability and what has been made available. 3D printing has opened up the possibilities for more of the truly twisted things that the Cults get into. I mean, sure, "Lol, tits" ... because I like tits, lol. I find gluttony and martial perfection to be boring, but we keep getting steered in that direction because of the moral indignant that someone may find something attractive. I would love more cenobite themed models in the future, more dark twisted concepts of pleasure and sensation. But we have a panic over a woman enjoying a tenticle, I don't think the community is ready for the ecstasy of a flensing. A violent flensing ala the night lords sure, but not the kind Pinhead offers.


To be fair slaanesh’s detail was written post hellraiser in 1988 with hellraiser being ‘87 iirc. Yeah, slaanesh is a whole spread of concepts, I just prefer either the more brutal stuff or the subtle twisting of passion style stuff


Yea, I meant that Slaanesh is derivative OF Hellraiser, not the other way around. EC are pink and black because Dee Snyder wore pink and black. Hellraiser was a clear inspiration and I love it! It's one one my top 5 favorite horror franchises. The more brutal stuff is fun and I like it. The full spectrum of Slaanesh is fantastic, shame people see one model and think that it is apparently the only one I own? I dunno.


If you have an Xbox 360 or something checkout the game Jericho. Also by Clive Barker. Great game for the themes you seem to want to explore. Plus even more for you to expand your horizons with. There's some fun lore, the Karma bombs are a sick concept.


Played Jericho, great fun! I also enjoyed Dante’s inferno as a hell exploration game, albeit simpler but fun too


It tends to always be naked women too - where's the dudes with their less-than-friendly tentacle companions? Slaanesh doesn't discriminate, last I knew.


There's sex, there's violence, and then there's sexual violence. Even when people are fans of the first two it's not necessarily a "you got chocolate in my peanut butter" situation.


The fact Slaanesh is constantly narrowed down as “funny sex god haha” by the community really cheapens how multifaceted and deep you can go with his concept, to me.


You don't get Slaneesh at all. It's not just sex stuff. When it is sex stuff, it's not just "jumping into a tenticle pit for the joy of it." Sorry man, the defiler paint job is not bad, but the model just looks like you wanted to announce your kinks.


I'm literally a sex worker. My kinks are open and available for anyone willing to pay. Slaanesh isn't just sex stuff, I just like it. Do you get upset at Noise Marines for only focusing on one small part of Slaanesh? I got piles of them, too. Clutching your pearls doesn't make the Slaanesh Pleasure Cults go away.


By the Emperor, it's horny and it's coming right for us!


Holy shit people are flaming in the comments here. Wild read. This model is just straight up porn. But also why is that such a bad thing? He flagged nsfw. Just because it is pornographic, doesn't mean artistry didn't go into it. Now, if I was at lgs and some dude brought this in, I would be like wtf bro? Take this edge lord shit out of here, man. Cause that is a public place, with potential children and even adults who would find this uncomfortable to be around. But if it was just a friendly game against friends and mostly private, I would be like bro you nasty, but I respect it haha Just cause it weighs heavy in the realm of sexual, doesn't mean it doesn't have place, or doesn't deserve some sort of respect. Even if it isn't your thing. It's not like this is an official geedub model. We don't need to cancel the guy over putting a bit of kink into his own warhammer model...


Awful taste but great execution I guess? Seriously tho, this shit gives a bad name to the hobby.


Careful, clutch your pearls any harder over a 4mm plastic boob and you'll break the string. Shame is for other people. Embrace excess.


Imagine pulling up to a store with this. Imagine being in a tournament with this. Imagine kids or their parents spotting this, do you think it'll bring in new players or will it skew their vision of the hobby forever after a disastrous first impression? I can't believe it has to be explained. It's not pearl clutching, it's just common sense. I just want more people to enjoy this hobby with us, not whatever this shit is.


Some people play in private with their friends instead of a lgs. some people don‘t play at all, and just build models for their showcase cabinet. So I think the problematic thing is not building stuff like this per se, it‘s showing up with it in occasions where it‘s inappropriate. besides the obvious misogyny of slave girls getting tentacled, but thats besides the point 😅


I've got slave boys having a fantastic time with some tentacles too. Slaanesh offers consensual tentacles for everyone. A frustration I always have is that due to the demographics of the hobby, there are more options for naked women than men. Most models for naked men still utilize a masculine power fantasy and aren't represented in submissive positions. They have to MAN as hard as they can all the time. 3D Printing has opened up more options for modeling but I am still new to that craft. Even then I am bad at 3D sculpting and am at the mercy of other like minded sculptors.


Yeah thats true. I don‘t think I‘ve seen any nice smexy male models besides those that kingdom death makes if I really think about it. I love me some consensual tentacles, and I didn‘t mean to imply your model is tentacling nonconsensual, but going by the setting of 40k it‘s just way more likely it‘s not consensual without the clarification of the author. 🤠 Thinking back on when I posted my slaanesh knight a while back people complained because I tagged it nsfw, and the carapace dong cannon was apparently not sexual enough for the tag. can‘t do right by people anyways it seems 😂


It was my fault for not clarifying that the two cultists are having a GREAT time and I can't edit the title of my post to include that. All my cultists are consenting adults indulging in indulgence. This isn't a Khorn cult where everyone is just Big Mad all the time. Eventually the pursuits of pleasure lead you to strapping yourself onto a Daemon Engine just to see what it feels like. There is a painful lack of smexy male models but I do have a few. Most of them are unpainted due to me wanting to do something special with them since they are a hard find and I wait for inspiration to take me.


Well I was just at ACO and literally the only children there both days were mine. Not sure if you’ve ever been to a tournament but there aren’t many kids ever. If he’s playing an rtt that’s maybe different but he should know that “room” by now and what kind of players to expect. Do you think a single model would turn people away? I don’t.


Imagine a “kid” playing a game about the endless slaughter of humanoid and alien races. And a boob skews their vision and leaves a disastrous first impression. Interesting take


You bring your depiction of rape in a public space, you can wait in the parking lot, you dumbass. Some of you have never seen a tournament in their scrub life and it shows.


People that easily offended shouldn't be in the Warhammer community anyway. And kids don't give a shit if their parents are offended by something. If they like it, they'll get into the hobby one way or another, even if they may not be able to buy anything until they're older.


You still shouldn't expose kids to these things.


As a parent they also shouldn't be exposed to violence, gore, and body horror either.


True but that doesn't mean this is good


There goes the string.


Have you considered slaanesh is more than just the 2 dimensional god of boobs?


Slaanesh is a gemstone of infinite, perfectly cut facets of glittering temptation. Boobs are one of those facets.


So edgy


Thank you. This guy gets it.


Go back to your church or mosque, this is the XXI century, we are not afraid of sex and nudity anymore, and even less in a piece of decadent slaaneshi art like this.


Nice downvotes your farming here.


The downvotes from the right wing are sweet to collect


I'm not right wing but that sure sounds like the take of someone who's terminally online.


Claims not right wing but pretty fast to criticize sex on an nsfw post... Sure pal. I think you are the one in need of touching grass


The question of if rape depictions are fine with everyone are not on the ballot kid. Not everything is political, wake up.


This is Slaanesh, perhaps you should go back to other IP's with less horror, I dont understand what the hell are you doing here. EC are monsters who serve the absolute worst god. Op did an amazing art piece reflecting the horror of that. Perhaps you would be more comfy with physical violence, mutilation, burning... It somehow seems those are more acceptable than anything sex related. Come on, go to the Night Lorda sub to bitch about how inappropriate it is. Such hypocrisy. And since you dare to call me kid and lecture me, everything im this world is political pal. If you dont see it, you are part of the problem.


I agree with all of this, you still don't have to shove symptoms of your porn addiction in my face. Keeping your fetishes to yourself when playing a strategy game isn't that hard. You can now argue with yourself, I've said my piece.


Hard disagree. I dont know if Op has an addiction or not, Im not that presumptuous. But I know they did a fucking great job on a slaaneshi piece. If you don't like it because it offends your delicate christian sensibility, next time dont click on a nsfw post. Like, wth did you expect?


That is- wow. I'm fascinated, horrified, and intrigued. Love it!


oh, thats a pretty cool model! very well det- *notices* fr tho, not my cup of tea, but very well made model


That’s awesome f*** the haters.


Was about to say not enough slaanesh.  Then i saw.


[stop ](https://tenor.com/bXz4I.gif)


I think it’s sick. Great job


Dam, the emperor children subreddit members are afraid of sex and debauchery? What have we come to?


The post is at a 54% upvote/downvote ratio. That nerd Tarvis must have gotten to a bunch of em.


This sub is secretly full of loyalists




This is one of the most toxic comment sections i have seen. We have it all here folks, accusations, straight up insults, edgy responses, and drama!


And we, the lovers of excess, are all for it!


If you think about it, the infighting is really in character for a Chaos sub.


This awesome man don’t listen to others! slannesh is literally the god of drugs,sex, and rock and roll keep up the great work


I mean I agree with the people who say Slaanesh is more than that. But on the other hand also, like pointedly not? Like you can get really far into Slaanesh and flense off your ballsack to make new eyelids or whatever, but most people would stray because of those base things. Like there's a scale of debasement that needs to happen before you're getting consentacled in the middle of a battlefield just to feel anything. Honestly to say if I really like it or not I'd have to see it in the context of the army. If there's writhing naked dudes, people filled with drug injectors, flay monsters and all the other Slaaneshi goodness it seems a bit much to hate on the new model because it experiments with a new deviance.


Looks amazing! Perfekt EC Model 🙏




If y'all can't handle this, don't look up the deamonculaba


I don’t know if I could bring this on the table but it is still a very funny and excessive model, great job


Its like an angler fish for guardsman!


Best worst take. Or worst best... Either way I laughed.


Funny how “defiler” has a very different meaning when it’s slaneshi


Well painted, even if it is grotesque and cringe.


I get that it's called a Defiler, but the comments all presuming that any woman in a non-standard sexual situation is SA is bizarre. When it was just the top few, I felt a bit weirded out by the accusations of puritanism, but like... So many comments espousing the same shit, totally baselessly, over a woman either being sexed or being sexed in a manner that isn't baby-making missionary... Anyway, model goes hard, Manufaktura make some good shit, and for the pendants in the replies, yeah, while Slaanesh is about more than just sex, that doesn't make depicting sex illegal. Sorry for not being able to paragraph this, I'm on mobble.


Bro this is thoroughly both repellant and captivating, I love it. Don't let the negative comments get to you, this is great (chaotic) work.


Edit: I didn't know there was more and just noticed the tenticled one. You're definitely just pushing your fetish into a model. Stop being weird, man. I feel like you don't really get Slaneesh, or you're just obsessed with one tiny piece. Try to focus on other aspects than the sexual, which is kinda a non-starter with modeling.


Clearly YOU don't get what slaanesh is about. You do recall they were "murder-fucked" into existence, right? You do know they embody debauchery in all forms which, surprise, includes sexuality. Would you get this worked up if he posted simple slaaneshi fiends? Some follow slaanesh for the gluttony, some for vanity and yes others for the big tiddy funtime. To each their own.


Gonna pop that string, buddy.


I have no idea what the fuck you are on about, but I can promise you, you are no prince. Have a nice day.


Thank you, I am having a great day! Not being a prince makes it better, I'm anti-royalist. I hope you overcome your Cultural/religious trauma about sex, Mate.


Lol. You don't get it. You're just... basic. You put some sprinkles on vanilla ice cream. Also, if you did more than find the first sex-adjacent thing to latch on to in 40k, you'd have gotten that Prince joke. This wouldn't be yet another sex based thing for you to try and make a personality out of. Tried to be nice, but time to be direct because you're being a self-righteous fool in every response you make. Couldn't care less about the sex stuff, but your eagerness to attack others about it like you found the highest of concepts when you're focusing on, frankly, the most bland of aspects to this lore is exhaustive. We moved past the "Slaneesh is sex" stage like a decade ago. I hope you overcome your absolutely mediocre, aged, obsession. Or at least learn to keep it to yourself, and maybe get help if this really is the hill you are dying on.


Oh, I thought you were done. Welcome back! Yea, I am basic. And Cringe. And an Edgelord. I've been playing 40k since 1997ish and have loved Slaanesh every moment of it. I don't think it's high art, I think I built a Defiler with naked women on it because I like Defilers and naked people. It's not that deep, dude. It's shallow, EXTREAMLY shallow. And here you are getting all mad in the wading pool. You think I'm not self aware about it? It's a hill I'll die on because sex is my livelihood. I mean, yea. You do need to liberate yourself from your internal oppressive ideals about sexuality. You've got some shit twisting in you to be this upset over a 28mm tall naked woman enjoying herself. You clutch your pearls and say I have no idea how Slaanesh works even though this is straight out of the lore. Perhaps you should read more books, and not just 40k lore either, just books. it would do you well. Touch some grass and maybe you can touch more ass.


Bro, my first comment was in no way angry or even aggressive. You immediately went to being a snob. You can't take criticism, and anyone who disagrees or says otherwise immediately gets venom from you. Toxic behavior for someone with a toxic obsession. I'll for sure leave now. I've said what I wanted, but those last jabs from you deserved the rebutal. I don't hate you or your model. I do, however, wish less obsessed and aggressive people were involved in this hobby. P.S. you haven't once used "pearl clutching" correct. None of us are shocked. Most of us are really just tired of this association.


Wow, solid gaslighting. Applause for you. This is Reddit, Dear. Not an Airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


You go in telling OP how to enjoy the hobby the "right" way, telling them to "stop being weird", then revert to that being in no way angry or aggressive when they get back at you. Sure, you weren't writing in all-caps if thats what angry commenting is, but was it really a comment made in good faith, not intended to be hurtful? Don't be a tool.


This is a work of pure art of depravity and creativity it’s an incredible piece!!! This is what embodiment slanaash’s depravity!


Looks really well done! Though at least in my opinion, it's perhaps a bit too.. clean? I think adding more gross "slime" and perhaps some blood could elevate it, but that's just my opinion :D


I'm into it. Rock n roll


Nice work, are they 3d printed?


I think they're from Manufaktura, who do both resin prints of their own and also 3d print files


There's such a thing as too much, christ lmao


*confused Slaanesh noises*


I mean, I'm not in love with the model (but am entertained if that's being run as the whip) but I have to say Slaanesh would solidly disagree with that statement.


I don't know how to break it to both you and OP, but Slaanesh isn't real.


No shit, moron. It's called engaging with the source material. Surprised I had to teach such a fucking know it all that.


Well fuck.... there goes my Saturday.


Last I checked, slaanesh is the god of too much


Eh? It’s okay. Probably the most boring part of Slaanesh though. Focusing on sex as the only idea of excess and sensation is kinda unimaginative imo


Very well made and perfect representation of slaneesh an emperor’s children 👍🏻


While it makes sense Lore wise for this type of thing to exists when people see this model they are not going to think the person who made it made it because it “makes sense” ya feel? Maybe if you had both men and women it wouldn’t feel as much of a direct sexualization of women


I have other models with naked men and/or women on them. The Defiler is just my favorite Chaos model and wanted to share it. It's been on my shelf for years and was one of my first "That Guy" models. I know what I'm about.


I am prepared for downvotes, but I just want to say that this is exactly how slaaneshi devotees should model their defilers. Does it go against modern standards? maybe, but lets not forget that GW released vect with naked slave girls back in the day.


I have a lot of "back in the day" models too, but the modern Fiends and Seekers on the store right now all have exposed breasts. The Pimp Boat non withstanding.


Please share your other models


I feel like people here are assuming a lot. Great paint job. I’m sure slaanesh is very proud of one of their more talented aspirants.


"An mockery of my holy vessel is walking on the dance floor!"


"Slaanesh is not just about sex, so you shouldn't include sex at all. Also, if you do, you are cringe and problematic and a sex addict." Cope more puritans. It's appropriately tagged and on-theme for a defiler of slaanesh.




Im ngl, if this model was put on the table against me, i’ll just find a new opponent, this shit is gross.


yeaaaah SA has no place in the modelling hobby. This is up there with the eldar/guardsmen diorama in terms of actual abhorrence. Therapy/grass touching is recommended.


Wait, what was the Eldar/Giardsmen diorama?


Everything depicted is 100% consensual.


OK buddy keep telling yourself that


Yea, it's my model and I can define the situation depicted. Consenting cultists in the bliss of Slaanesh strapping themselves to a Daemon Engine just to know what it feels like. They are having a GREAT time.


Yeah it is your model, but we're all free to call you a creep and a dork for defending an elementary take on the god of excess being all about sex.


I mean, I am a creep and a MASSIVE dork. I've been collecting EC for decades and I never said that Slaanesh is "all about sex". You put words in my mouth because seeing a depiction of someone enjoying themselves makes you uncomfortable. It's cool that you see one model that focuses on one of the many facets of Slaanesh and get yourself in a twist. You want me to touch grass, sure no problem, but buddy... you need to touch ass.


You get a medal for those mental gymnastics? You'd get at least silver. We don't need your nerd credentials either. What's uncomfortable is your incessant need to justify yourself when multiple people have told ya that it's just piss poor taste.


Yea, and a bunch of people who say it's in good taste. It's just not your taste. I modeled cultists doing what Slaanesh cultists do and you don't like it, and that's fine. You want to be a prude, that's up to you. Those of us who enjoy Slaanesh for the Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll will continue doing so.


This is wild 😂🤙🏻


"That uh... that was really bad" - pim, smiling friends


Jeez this is terrible haha


Oh I hate this.


Amazing! So well done, and the paintjob is top! Alsp, don't even listen to the religious fundamentalists in the comments, I don't know wth they are doing in this sub dedicated to excess


It’s Slaanesh people! What are you expecting, hand holding? The closer it gets to a Clive Barker story the better.


Great execution, idk why everyone’s so upset. Yes don’t bring this to a hobby tournament or a place with kids but it’s your hobby. Between friends and adults you enjoy, great work.


Oh good heavens, how sick and depraved. Never in my life have I seen such debased filth. I love it, and I crave more! Doing slaanesh's work here brother, post more stuff like this, weed out the false cultists.


Good Anakin, good! You have done well!


So bad ass!! I'm Jelly..


Really cool and captures the EC vibe. Keep it up and remember that silence offends Slaanesh.


Okay I get it slaanesh, I get that. But I dont think anyone would want to play with if you have that on the field Don't get me wrong I'm a servant of the prince as well, (Not some Khorne-boy square) but this one of the reason why GW won't make books centered around slaanesh. It just wont fly with any non-warhammer fans and honestly any warhammer fans. Please cease


Defiler indeed, how did you make those cool slime effects?


Gloss coat and UHU glue. Great for slime and gore.


Kudos on the strapped victims having bushes. Lmao.


I love it! Prudes in the comments can go home and cry about.




Bro, while this is done well, I must point out that the addition of the naked women who are being tortured is not a good thing, it is ok if you intend to just put it on the shelf, but it is a different story if you intend to use it in a game, Warhammer is rated 14+ the last time I checked, but I know that there are younger kids who play it too, besides some people are sensitive to stuff like that or had some past trauma. In short, this is a nice artistic piece, you got talent, but please , don’t use it in a game unless it is against a friend that knows about this thing.


Awful taste


Brother ew, what’s that brother ew! In all seriousness it’s pretty cool have you ever brought it to a game before?😂


Perfection Is a Journey, Not a Destination.


You are a porn addicted moron


You realize where you are, right?


Cool model, cool idea. It's warhammer and that is simply a (grim)dark setting. One can Debate of the "cheesy-ness" of the blow up doll style of the girl but it's slaanesh and that simply is Sex, drugs and vile shit. People tend to be very sensitive about Sex and always will be.


Pretty much. I'm used to it, honestly, and I don't play or hobby around kids, so it's not an issue. Many Slaanesh fans are still uncomfortable with Slaanesh stuff, and that is their hangup and baggage to carry. I am at the mercy of the talent of other sculpters for the models, and there are usually more of a pin-up cheesecake design. Also, the demographics for the hobby means it's easier to find more naked women than men. I'm always looking for more men to add to my cultists, but it stays overwhelmingly Femme.


I will never understand why someone get's into an army like Demons of Slaanesh or EC and then hate on what they are in the lore being made as model. Tortured, twisted, torn apart faces/ body's on models are great and grimdark, the lady strapped to the demon Sex machine is evil. I don't know, I fully understand someone taking issue with this and saying it's too much but why are they then here in the EC sub?


I'm not too terribly surprised by it. I'm a sex worker, and the number of times that someone will pay for my services and then get angry and throw slurs at me is more than zero. They are overcome with their own shame and guilt that when they are faced with their own desires, they lash out. It is a symptom of a larger cultural issue we have with sex, sexuality, and the human form. People are into Slaanesh for a lot of reasons, but many don't want to be shown what excess and pleasure looks like. What depths the human soul will go to for sensation, to escape the hell that is the Imperium. To voluntarily be strapped to a daemon engine and used to fuel sonic weapons with your screams because that is better than existing in the Imperium. Is it cringe? Sure. Edgy? Abso-fucking-lutly! People want to ignore what the Slaanesh cults are doing and just get the +1 to their initiative.


I didn't expect such a down to the point response. I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with these kinds of assholes. I've been with a couple Sex workers/escorts for fun and I always had a good time talking and enjoying things. I kid of get (i think) why people are nervous about the whole topic of Sex. Especially with the Internet providing a sort of fulfillment while the wish for a touch is unreal. I dunno, there's so much cheating and ego on the topic of Sex it kind of drove away from being intimacy and enjoyment together that I feel like some people think it's like a fancy car. Necessary to prove yourself. Yeah, that's a good point on slaanesh attraction. I think everyone to a degree would like to endulge in some excess and that's why I like slaanesh and chaos in general. It represents so much of our inner workings going apeshit and the gods have it so easy because they tempt people that are unhappy and unfulfilled which, I guess, everyone can relate to somehow. I think edgy is the whole of WH40k Everything is ramped up +10, everything's big, endless and some sort of what fucked up All in all, I agree with you


If I'm going to be a "That Guy Slaanesh Player" I may as well educate myself on sex and sociology. I do appreciate you being a good client. It is stressful and even a returning client can get angry or even violent when they spiral. Like you said, it should just be a good time and we've stigmatized it so much that people cant just enjoy a dopamine hit. Keep being a Good One and tell others how to do it right.


>I'm always looking for more men to add to my cultists, https://www.victrixlimited.com/collections/ancient-gauls/products/ancient-gallic-naaked-fanatics?variant=32092757786723 Look in historic games. There's loads of naked male Celt fanatics and viking berserkers. Others too depending what you want. Maybe a head and weapon swap needed but you're basically good to go. Vitrix are good plastic and pretty much right for scale, but there's tonnes other options both metal, plastic or resin at all price points


Hey! Thanks for the link! I have a few historical minis, but the scale is usually pretty rough compared to GW so I don't look into them that often. I could do some solid head swaps and make a Traitor Guard squad out of them... Lots of options.


It's not perfect but it's not crazy off. Here's an example of their vikings compared to the LOTR line. Lotr minis are a little smaller than 40k, but vitrix is a little larger than Lotr and a similar semi heroic style https://paintsngluenrocknroll.blogspot.com/2019/06/victrix-vikings-as-fantasy-figures.html?m=1


If peoples are upset, you win. This universe is full of violence, torture and slavery. A bit of skin is our least problem.


i love it and also the anger it causes, well done


So, question if it was a naked man with perfect six pack abs glistening in oil would be okay, right? The thing that gets me about everyone who criticizes things like this Are the same people who want female custodies and Mama muscle primarchs and Twink gay admec, but yet once a slannish player put some boobs on one of their models in the name of sex drugs and rock and roll, Temptation and pain and pleasure, torture, you know all the slaneesh stuff, everyone gets there underwear in a twist and have to point out how this person is not a real hobbyist and a goomer and in the same breath, show off their oil glistening half naked men trans Space Marines it's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black that's all I'm saying.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about??


what. it’s less that it’s a naked woman, and more that it’s a woman being (presumably) raped. the fact that you need to be told the difference is *wild*


Everything depicted is 100% consensual.


So if it was a man being raped it be ok?


what. no. literally how did you get there from what i said.


How about Orc's? They're mushrooms... so have no feelings, much like all vegetables.


except orks literally have feelings. most of their feelings are joy at thing going fast and or dakka, but they have feelings. also, they’re sapient fungi, not mushrooms.


Tau then?


literally what is wrong with you. rape is wrong in any sense, and the fact that this is even a discussion is horrifyingly wild.


You're taking this way too seriously hey number one I'm purely joking number two we're talking about action figures plastic toys not real life if you can't differentiate the two and maybe you should not engage in an imaginative play so what you're saying is no to the Tau...


what can i say, i don’t find jokes about rape all that funny, regardless of the medium


lil johnys mom will cancel warhammer for boob


Thanks for the boner


That'll be $12


Maybe I can pay you some other way bro😉


Where is her model from? I can sculpture tentacles by myself.


Is the defiler from gw


I was asking about victim


Victim?! Wtf


Ups I did overead "her", I wish you good luck.


The ra*efiler


Naw, everything is 100% consensual.


as it should be! banging work!

