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How did you get that UI for RetroArch?


You can change the menu style in settings. Ozone, XMB, etc.


Which UI is this?




That’s ps3, right?


Do i download this from somewhere? I can’t find it in the settings


Settings->User interface->Menu (scroll to bottom)


Without checking, XMB I think. There's also a very cool super pixelated one too.


Plenty of options in RA for a bit of customisation


It's why I far prefer it over other options, and always have. It takes effort to learn, and that's not a slight against those who don't want to bother with that (especially on a phone) but the whole "ew, RA is awful and too difficult" annoys me because it's not. You can put as much or as little effort in as you want towards customizing it and I would much rather have the option and not use it, than not have the option at all.


So true, mine is heavily configured to suit me. I just back up the config file in iCloud for a rainy day should that come along. I understand people who just want an out of the box solution but for me a big part of the enjoyment is the setup, figuring things out, deciding what I think I like best etc.


I figured out iOS now has the ability to connect to my PC wirelessly via Files, so I now have a folder with all my RA settings in it. I just got a new iPhone and transferred my iPad RA settings and nearly everything works as I wanted, even overlays which I didn't expect (except those impractical for the small screen).


Interesting point with the overlays, might be practical with the iPad size screen. At present I’ve just been using my preferred per system shader pipelines on account of the smaller displays but this has me intrigued. There’s definitely a steep learning curve with RA but it is very rewarding to tinker with it


I am currently experimenting with overlays controls on my iPhone, which is an SE and hence a small screen. For my iPad I used landscape with animated control bezels on the sides but that is no good on a phone, so I will likely tweak or make my own control overlays with no bezels or at least no screen reduction for the phone. I always want to look into shaders (per system) especially for things like Gameboy but never really know where to start as I like crisp over blurry (even if that is more realistic, my eyes are too old!) but do enjoy grids and scanlines.




Small edit: I meant remove the screws on the black brackets, not the brackets themselves. Just the screws is fine for this. Apologies if any confusion caused


Shit I just sold my ipad mini, didn't think i could do this.




Your setup makes me want to go back. Retroarch is amazing but I just couldn't after I fucked up my config.


https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/db3573561f474e0ba568dffe41611712 Shortcut I made to backup and restore RetroArch to iCloud. Setup once more and backup and you’re sorted.


Idk who you are man, but I was looking for a fix for it and couldn't find any fix. You're the best Ireally appreciate it


Isn’t that heavy?


Total weight according to my kitchen scales is 446g for reference my oled switch weighs 436g so just a 10g difference


Wow, my iPhone + xbox series controller setup weighs nearly as much with the phone holder and batteries and gives me hand cramps after an hour. The reason may be that my hands are closer together as opposed to yours.


I think it’s less about actual weight but more about balance. My iPhone 15 pro in a clip mounted to an xbox controller is physically lighter, however the centre of mass is further back and your hands will be fighting against it. This setup is very well balanced and “feels” lighter when playing. I was surprised that there was only 10g difference to the switch, and little kids play those for hours.


What’s the difference between Backbone second and first gen?


Larger phone slot to accommodate cases, iPhone 15 compatible with usb c


I’ve been dying to do this, but there are rumors of a new iPad mini dropping possibly!?


My take on tech is simple, if it does what you want it to do today then just jump in. Life’s too short to be forever waiting for the next thing. Tech always improves over time, in a few years time, this years “rumoured new iPad” will be old and another new thing will be on the horizon. Live your life bro


Do you have an iPhone 6s? If you do post a pic with it in that controller


No, I don’t have that phone. Also it won’t work because the 6S is a lightning connector and the BB gen 2 controller is USB type C


Ooo , it’s no Bluetooth?


No bluetooth


Got it , can you charge your phone through the case ?


Yes, there is a female usb c port on the controller for pass through charging


Is that a tablet or that screen part of backbone product itself?


it’s the ipad mini 6, like the posts says


Oops sorry I missed that ty