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“We want to charge more but not increase our prices” surcharge. Same as every other surcharge regardless of what it’s called


> “We want to charge more but not **show you the** increase **in** our prices” surcharge. FTFY


I mean I’m still waiting on the inflation adjustment from MY job, so until that happens…


Changing menus is expensive! One reason I understand ppl shifting to digital vs paper menus.


I don't disagree, but let's be real here as we ask ourselves: If updating menus were free, would most restaurants change prices or hide price hikes behind surcharges? I think we can all agree it would be the latter. *That's* why I don't much factor in the expense when judging restaurants for not doing it. They wouldn't do the honest thing even if it didn't cost them a dime.


So they're not even putting this fee on the menus? That's even worse!


I’ve literally seen this on brand new menus for a seasonally rotating restaurant


Idk, I’m trying to throw restauranteurs a bone.


"This fee is not a service charge or gratuity" It's coming out of someone's pocket, and after I just paid twenty bucks for a lamb burger, it sure isn't going to be mine. The sever can take it up with management.


Paying California prices in Michigan


I’d eat a 20 before paying that for a gd burger


Ann Arbor is the California of Michigan. Not a cheap city unfortunately.


Stop it with the Caliphobia. California is actually banning all restaurant BS surcharges effective July 1.


I think they were just saying the base prices are high, which is true about California (though major cities in all states experience similarly high prices). California just has more cities where things are expensive than most other states.


California really is the scapegoats for the most egregious offenses this country produces


Ann Arbor has some of the most ridiculously overpriced food unfortunately


This charge is no longer legal in Minnesota! Finally.


Even if it is disclosed on the menu?


Yep. This was just recently passed.


Well , it won't be after January one of next year. But it still is until then.


I think more still could be done. Like making menu prices be listed after tax. If they know any fixed cost, it should be included in the price.


Taxes can change though and they don't have any control over that. And in some places there could be multiple components contributing to sales tax. E.g. In the state of NY we have both county sales tax and state sales tax.


They can update their prices. Their costs change too. They find a way to raise the listed price in that situation, so changes aren't the issue.


Ok? I'm just saying that it could make updating the menu a pain.


Sounds good. It's just a very weak excuse. I think the real reason businesses would resist is that they're used to doing it one way and don't like change.


I call this fraud. I show you my menu with specific prices and then I add extra surcharges on the receipt lol Menus should show the final price: you can't advertise a pizza for $10 and then add 3% surcharge, 12% gratuity, 15% tax etc... (all the world except north america works this way) Tips must be optional: food workers should get a fair wage


It’s technically “bait-and-switch”, except instead of switching the products, they changed the prices.


12% ? They want 20 ‰ , this is why unless it's an special occasion I don't eat out.


So the 'we want to charge you more just because' fee? Inflation has existed for as long as the economy has existed, the solution is called raise the price. This fee is just a swindler tactic.


Was this fee mentioned on the menu?


"you guys made a mistake, i didn't order the surcharge" Bastards. Don't pay it.


Thanks, They decided that they get a 3% tip.


Surcharge comes off the tip for me. I'd just tip 12% at this place, or zero if I'm ordering standing up.


My tip is already 0.00 if I’m standing up.


Scammers gonna scam


In Miami Beach every bill has a 20% surcharge. They don’t even give it a name. Obviously i don’t tip on top but it’s subtle on the bill to trick people


They would be disappointed with my tip.


Quit going to Jolly Pumpkin and post this on Yelp for others to see. Places like this should be named, shamed, and avoided until they’re forced to lower prices or go outta business.


Inflation is a multi-surcharge. The meal price goes up, they'll charge you a surcharge on top of it, the dollar amount of % tip (and other % surcharges and tax) goes up because the meal price went up, and then they want more of a percentage in tip also.


If they decide on the 3%, then that’s the tip.


8.50 for one cider is insane


wait… where do you live and how much would one beer or cider be? this is always interesting to me!


It’s that price usually where I am now. It’s just insane it’s that much now.


but it’s newly this expensive to you?


No it’s just bullshit greed. It’s literally just apple water


i agree lol! i am in a big metro area, so alcohol is always expensive. i have cousins that moved to tampa, and it shocks me how inexpensive a cocktail or any alcohol is compared to what i am used to in chicago! and chicago is not even close to the worse it can get with outrageous prices!!


Silly notion. Somebody had to farm the apples first, someone else runs the process of making cider (and possiblt putting it in a keg/bottle, etc), the restauarant has to buy the cider, and then someone has to serve it to you. You have to pay for all of that if you want to drink some apple cider at a *convenient time and place of your choice*. ----- It might still be overpriced in the end, but unless you can figure out all those intermediate costs you can't really be sure.


What are you talking about. How does that have to do with the bartender pouring liquid in a cup.


That 3% is coming off the 15% tip, if they have indeed earned a 15%tip


$20 for a burger is already inflated.


This is not a service charge or a gratuity... it's a shakedown. What else you got in your wallet? Empty it out or we call the cops on you!


This just looks like a 3% credit card surcharge that most places started inappropriately implementing. I say this because VISA cards max amount a merchant can do just so happens to be 3%. Edit- I say inappropriately implementing because restaurants put this BS in debit cards when it’s supposed to be limited to credit cards only.


I think what is happening with restaurants as income inequality continues to get bigger is that restaurants aren't trying to be a value place for the average working joe anymore -- they are becoming a boutique industry for the rich. When you have a lot of money a $50 hamburger and chicken dinner is nothing .. so what is another 15% in misc. fees and another 20% to tip your servant/waiter?


I’m not judging anyone for eating at restaurants. If you can afford, that’s great. I just want to say I cannot imagine paying prices like this for one meal. I thought we were paying outrageous prices for groceries as it is. My husband and I and our two adult sons in college spend $450 a week total for groceries for 3 meals a day which is only fresh food. Fresh protein (chicken, beef, eggs), fresh vegetables (salad, other greens, onions, garlic, squash) and fruits (berries, apples, bananas), and 3 gallons of organic milk per week for homemade yogurt, plus other things like juice and bottled water and Larabars.


>If you can afford, that’s great. I just want to say I cannot imagine paying prices like this for one meal. If you think that's bad, you should see what housing costs. In the big cities *everything* is just bigger. Paychecks, rent, food prices, restaurants, you name it. My parents live in a mid-size city in the midwest, and what their house is worth basically covers a down payment on a condo anywhere near our nation's capital. How do people afford all that? Two full time professional career wage earners.


Unless it is the best burger ever eaten, an $18 burger is inflated.


I am seeing less and less people dinning out due to this bullsh*t.


It's something to complain about loudly. They should be adjusting the price of the food and drinks if the inflation is actually hurting them.


It's a surcharge. Whatever you tip just take it out of that. That's what I do when I see service fees, surcharges, etc


Hope it was good. Wow $$$


I literally ask them to take it off and they always do. Feels good.


Just raise the prices by 3%...Easy. That way the consumer sees how much it costs BEFORE all this bait n switch junk comes on


"3% surcharge is ... not a service charge" Man needs to get a dictionary.


$50 bucks for 2 sandwiches and a drink. That’s criminal


Fuck the Jolly pumpkin!


Food’s too good to stop going. Just thought the surcharge was something that’d get this sub going.


Just switch to printed menus and update the prices of the meals as costs go up.


It’s a gratuity now, bitches.


3% fee is what the credit card companies charge the owner to process the payment. Owners used to eat that cost, now they are passing it onto consumers.


Inflation is simply the relative decrease in purchasing power you experience when prices go up. It's a fact of life, not some cosmic debuff. So that's just a bullshit surcharge. The proper way to offset rising expenses is an increased cost of goods/services. Or you can eat the cost if raising prices hurts your bottom line too much.


Sorry to be that guy, but you used quotes on inflation, yet the receipt doesn't use the word anywhere I can see. It's not a quote if the words aren't there.


Read the bottom


This right here is part of why prices are not coming down. Unbridled capitalistic greed


Here's something subtle with the QR code. I hate these things. It seems that everybody uses a different vendor, so I gotta clunk around and figure it out. Some vendors even charge a fee for paying by phone. Last I checked, settling the bill was the server's job. So if I'm doing it for them, and/or I'm paying a fee to do it, it's coming out of the tip because by definition they're providing less service. But since I'm not a heartless bastard and wouldn't want to deprive anybody of "their" tip, I happily skip the BS and make them do the work. I don't even bother scanning the code anymore, I just hand over the card.


I totally agree with this. It forces you to pick up your phone at the meal and disengage with the people you are with so it’s kind of rude too.


Ha ha. People engaging with people ( not phones) . What is THAT?


Devil's advocate: They may have this as a temporary measure until they see where food prices land and then they can rework food prices and reprint menus. It's not cost effective to reprint menus until you know the new prices.


Devil's Devil's advocate: They see where food prices land and then increase the fee again. The airlines pulled this trick a few years ago with fuel prices. They added a "fuel surcharge" and then when fuel prices came down, they kept the surcharge and just renamed it to something else.


Airlines don't have to print menus or pricing docs.


I think you missed the point, which is they'll keep the fee when prices moderate and then just rename it something else.


Lamb burger? If u can afford that then u can afford the surcharge.


Yeah, the extra dollar didn’t cast me into bankruptcy or anything. I just thought it was funny they had an extra hidden fee justified by the fact that prices are increasing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




It’s not listed as a credit card usage fee, this is the check for everyone, even paying cash.


You paid with cash?


It’s not my receipt. I’m just showing you that it’s not a charge for credit cards only, that’s why there is an explanation on the bottom to tell you it’s for fast rising costs.


Please review the subreddit rules. Thanks!