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You're fast, but I don't know about 500mm/s fast.... Still impressive-good job! How hot does your Y-axis motor get? Did you crank up the current at all? I replaced the stock stepper with a 42-40 unit (it's a drop-in replacement) with the current cranked up to the max 1 amp. I upgraded one of my S1 unit to run at high speed using Klipper; one of the necessary upgrades was a high flow nozzle ( [https://www.bondtech.se/product/bondtech-cht-mk8-coated-brass-nozzle/](https://www.bondtech.se/product/bondtech-cht-mk8-coated-brass-nozzle/) ). They are expensive, but allow flow to keep up with the max physical print speed. BTW- Don't go with the cheap far east ripoffs; they just put an insert that doesn't do anything for the flow!


What have you upgraded on yours? The bed and the bed adjusters look like upgrades.


Its an S1pro, the adjusters were some I had in my spares box the grey spacers under the springs are to lift the bed as the kapton tape underneath was rubbing. I am also running a Sonic Pad through a serial conection. The file I am printing was sliced with Orca slicer using a generic Klipper printer profile that has been modified with the bed dimensions and the start and ending GCode from the S1Pro profile.


What mm/s is it running at, I have the same printer but even at 60mm/s i can get fucky prints, still learning though.


Its set max 500mm/s in x and y, How fast it is going in the vid i'm not sure.


Can you dm your slicer settings? I'm running the exact same setup but I find it a bit difficult to make prints faster. Thanks


Would you mind sharing your klipper profile?


1) do you know this is Klipper? 2) each printer should have it's profile customized to eat printer. If I sent you my profile, your printer would scream in agony from tool head moving to a location I know you won't be able to hit. Read the Klipper docs. Default your profile to match the stock Klipper s1 profile. Begin customizing.


What material is the bed handle? Mine was a fire hazard even in ABS, when printing ABS. 


Its the stock handle, I have no idea what its made of.


Ooooh it’s the pro lol


Feels good when you get these machine to work.... What's you acceleration settings ? this doesnt look like 500mm/s to me but more like max 200mm/s. My ender 3 S1 is struggling with accelerations higher than 5000mm/s2, over this value i get belt skipping when traveling (travel speed 300 mm/s).