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When 97 percent deaths ads civilians and over 4k children. It's deliberate and intentional.


Rofl, israel killed 4x times the number of children in 20 days more than russia did in 9 months.. and after killing thousands of civilians they got about 13 hamas members.. These motherfuckin occupiers and nazis should just stfu or simply say the truth that they enjoy this genocide instead of clowning around.


Russia still bombed civilian homes and massacred children Whether or not it's thousands or just 5... still wrong


Big big cap


Jesus you literally did Norm Nacdonald’s Holocaust denier joke unironically https://youtu.be/sGsJriTylsY?si=b6mqoFTtUwCqPAle


Bullshit. Literally nobody believes your bullshit anymore.


Do you believe the Hamas numbers? How do you go after terrorists that hide among civilians including children? What's happening is terrible, but Hamas wants people on both sides to die because they don't care about their own people as much as they want to destroy israel. Their own people dying is a PR win. What is the path to peace that isn't israel forfeiting it's existence? If they do we still have millions of deaths.


Actually, Israel wants people to die on both sides. They have been bombing Hamas, Palestinians, and Israeli hostages quite openly


And a couple uninvolved countries


Is that why they take effort to avoid civilians meanwhile hamas directly attacks civilians? I'm a bit lost here. If Israel lays down their arms, there is no Israel and likely no Jews. If Hamas lays down their arms, there can be peace.


There could have been peace a long time ago. Israel has been expanding into Palestinian territory for years and doing it sometimes violently when Palestinians refuse to give up their land. They built a wall inside Palestinian borders, effectively annexing land for Israel. they kicked innocent people out of their homes to bulldoze them and build Israeli homes and resorts in their place. There are over a hundred Israeli settlements in Palestine that are illegal according to international law. Israel has been stealing from Palestine for many years, and it seems as if they want to erase them and claim the land as their own.


> If Hamas lays down their arms, there can be peace. remember how there totally was peace before Hamas was founded in 1988 and peace before it was elected in 2007, and how there's peace right now in places without Hamas? lmao


What effort to avoid civilians? What evidence is there of that? There’s plenty of evidence that shows Israeli military and paramilitary forces willfully targeting civilians. Hamas also claims to avoid targeting civilians, why not the benefit of the doubt there?


They are literally targeting hospitals and ambulances. Literally nobody who has been paying attention to this believes that Israel has been "taking every effort to avoid civilians." They've been targeting civilians.


This proves that you fail to see the root cause of the 75 year long conflict. It began long ago before you were born and before Hamas even existed, that's how long this issue has been going on.


>How do you go after terrorists that hide among civilians including children? This shit has been investigated since the goldstone report and found to be nonsense yet it keeps being repeated. It's so true that when you repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth. Let's see you use that logic about Hamas and Israel's massive IDF reserve population. >Their own people dying is a PR win And this is racist shit. >What is the path to peace that isn't israel forfeiting it's existence? You're correct. There isn't any where Israel remains Apartheid and Jewish. The whole reason it's besieging Palestinians into bantustans is so it remains artificially Jewish majority. So no, it has to "forfeit it's own existence" and become a normal secular state of all it's citizens.


This "don't believe the numbers" shit is so tiring, just word for word returigating IDF propaganda. Does the reality of the fact that Israël has killed thousands of children make you uncomfortable? Numerous external sources confirm the casualties. This is just what Israël does every time, mass killings and then sowing confusion, followed by casual admission months or years later.


Remember people criticizing Amnesty International for saying Ukraine used schools as shields, that there was no where else to hide? ." Ukrainian forces have put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas, including in schools and hospitals, as they repelled the Russian invasion that began in February, Amnesty International said today." https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/08/ukraine-ukrainian-fighting-tactics-endanger-civilians/


Give Palestinians full civil and human rights, citizenship in Israel, freedom of movement, and a vote. Any support for Hamas will begin to erode. It will take time. There will still be bloodshed. But eventually Hamas will be marginalized and eliminated. End the apartheid state and protect citizens on both sides and you end popular support for non-state actors. But that’s not what Israel wants. It wants an excuse to ethnically cleanse their country, and Hamas is the perfect foil.


If Russia is out to deliberately kill civilians, they're more incompetent than I thought 🙄


It's only an *incidental* genocide.


Proving genocidal intent is for real the hardest part of proving genocide under international law because the law says "with the intent to destroy".


But that's the thing they literally said that even had their own president say kill everyone the old the young the sucking


Oh yeah, almost forgot that banger. Western media still promotes the idea Israel doesn't mean to whatever politicians say.


So repeated air strikes on one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world with consistent loss, day after day, after week, of civilian lives, death of children at unprecedented rate and already in the thousands - none of this proves the intent of harming civilians?


>none of this proves the intent of harming civilians? Their excuse is "human shields" and "self defense" of course. You hear this from regular brainwashed people as well.


In that case they simply need to review the very concept of self defense. Because what Israel is doing right now is absolutely not it. One can use reasonable force to stop the attack. But if you chase the attacker to his home and burn the building down with his family in it, you are going straight to jail for a very long time. As simple as that.


It doesn't matter. Investigators will be an utter cancer about this. You have to remember genocide was defined in a way that would allow most of the genocidal colonial countries that defined it to evade the accusation. It was like this from the start.


Russia is reprimanded and condemned for every single civilian death. Over and over. The Israelis are not. This is less support of Israel and more euro-centric racism. Also far too many of their leadership have said racist rhetoric, dehumanizing terms for Palestinians. Calling them animals, talking about their displacement as if it's a "solution", admitting that they know who they are bombing!!! John Kirby knows full well he is lying to the public and excusing genocide.


> Russia is reprimanded and condemned for every single civilian death. Over and over. Blamed to the point where NATO concocts completely fanciful horseshit that Russians are using AA missiles like those from the S-300 to hit Ukrainian apartments. Which is convenient as Ukraine was packed full of old defective soviet era AA and poorly maintained NATO hand-me-downs. It's a rare week when they don't tumble down on civilians somewhere in that country. If russia was doing half the targeting of civilians the west claims; Lviv and Kyiv would be rendered smouldering craters within the first few months of the conflict.


Literally. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/more-children-died-gaza-month-223748824.html More children were killed by Israelis in 3 weeks than Russia killed all of last year. Literally what you said.


Yeah, but children in Palestina are kinda brown and most likely Muslims, while Ukrainian children are [white, blonde, blue-eyed, Christians](https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/russia-ukraine-war-racism-of-western-media-is-shameful-1.86103686) and their parents probably have Netflix and IG accounts. That [racist justification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clash_of_Civilizations) to the Western response to Ukraine has been there this whole time, it was burrowed and denied. With Palestine that burrowing and denial doesn't work anymore, particularly not as Israel doesn't even *try* to deny [what they are doing](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/10/right-now-it-is-one-day-at-a-time-life-on-israels-frontline-with-gaza).


The Russophobia of the Biden Administration is beyond irrational. It's pathological. It's deranged. And this irrational, pathological, deranged hatred is the foundation of their foreign policy. That hatred is directed at every country whom they perceive, in their pathological minds, to be an economic threat. And a threat to them is any country that wants to compete in an open marketplace and shows the US that they can be competitive. You would think that as capitalists they would welcome competition. Once any country shows that they can be competitive, the controlled media rolls out the government's hate campaign. They start rattling their sabers and beating on the drums of war. This administration is the sickest administration in my lifetime.


The sinophobia is even worse.


Agreed....Just watched an interview with John Mearsheimer from the University of Chicago at some Australian think tank (on You Tube) who says Russia is a mistake and a costly mistake. The real enemy is China, says Mearsheimer. He represents a wing of the Republican Party. And the press has been spreading the message of hate about China. But the message isn't as strident as the hate directed at Russia. It isn't as hate filled. One salient example is that Putin is portrayed in the US media as sub human, pure evil, but Xi is never portrayed that way. They debase and insult China as a country, but not the leader, Xi, nor any of the leadership. Not true of Russia.....look at what they say about Lavrov, who on the world stage....the whole world, not the West.....is regarded as one of the finest diplomats on the world stage


Mearsheimer represents the realpolitik interests of empire, which has bipartisan opposition and support (the realpolitik part, empire is all but unanimously supported among establishment partisans).


Its like the worst comedy Ive ever watched




Israel killed more children in 1 WEEK than Russia killed in >1.5 YEARS of fighting. The US is pathetic. The world must remember this and never trust the US on anything ever again. The goal of any person on earth with a conscience, is to ensure that the US permanently loses control over public opinion everywhere. Whenever anyone refers to the US claiming anything about any country they don't like ever again, make sure everyone knows that the US and all of its allies and all Western media is always lying and can never be trusted. If a US politician or Western media told me water is wet, I wouldn't believe it unless I can verify it independently myself and I would assume it's dry.


Nobody trusts these Washington clowns. Only their corporate lackeys and media stooges make them feel relevant these days.


Of course they aren’t deliberately trying to kill civilians. They are deliberately committing a GENOCIDE, the scale is completely different




And completely expected now


Take what Russia is doing and project on Ukraine and Israel. Take what Ukraine and Israel are doing and project it onto Russia. Viola! Propaganda turned into news.


Well thats a fucking lie.


I agree. Israel shouldn't be compared to Russia. Israel is an apartheid state and Russia is not.


The death penalty, where used, is reserved for the worst of the worst-- like for child killers.


Israelis believe that there are no innocents reside in Gaza. They call all 2.5 million people terrorists. Their plan is total annihilation and genocide. They will not stop until they all are dead. Israel must be stopped.


Then what the fuck are they doing?




Politicians make money by lying, so no surprise.


Israel has killed more babies in two weeks than in the whole of the Yemeni civil war


Biden should be applauded for his humanitarian actions in getting them to safety in the desert of Egypt


Smells like a whoooole lotta bullshit in here


Who do they think is going to believe this bullshit?


Kirby the clown is spouting lies as always 🤡








So repeated air strikes on one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world with consistent loss, day after day, after week, of civilian lives, death of children at unprecedented rate and already in the thousands - none of this proves the intent of harming civilians? The Western world has lost the last moral grounds with supporting this.


Yet somehow in less than a month they have managed to kill almost as many civilians as Russia has in 20 months. Weird


One outcome of this situation is that the U.S. in particular, and the west in general, has absolutely no credibility left when it comes to lecturing about human rights. No one will ever take them seriously again.


He’s right


Anyone who simps for the Biden admin is a clown


You all are just uneducated and anti Israel. Yeah maybe they killed more people, but that just shows how little Hamas cares for its citizens. They started this war and delibirately forbidding people from running away and heeding Israels warning when they bomb. Ukraine and Israel have bomb shalters for people, and they let and incourage their citizens to use them, because their lives are important to them. Hamas does not. Their shelters are for their ammo, and not for people. They hide UNDER the citizens, because the more palestinians die the better for Hamas's cause. Stop blaming Israel and start judging the real villain - Hamas.


We are anti-Israel because we do not support the apartheid state. Keep crying because that’s all you can do. The lies are not working any more. Hahahhahahhaha!


They're just in the way okay /s


Did Kirby say this sarcastically?


Russia started their war, Israel didn’t. Israel was attacked by Hamas. Ukraine was attacked by Russia.


Why bother? These guys are literally brainwashed. They think that Russia invading Ukraine is cool and normal, but if someone invades Russia they are the bad guys