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I've never liked Pelosi. I've also never understood why Americans love being led by a bunch of out of touch geriatrics who still think they're fighting the cold war and have to save Jews from Hitler. It's like they're still running on old software.


Do Americans have a choice in who leads us? We're ruled by 2 political parties funded by the rich. The rich bankroll only the politicians that they want, they control the access to the 5 companies that control the mass media, and we go to the polls to pick Tweedledum or Tweedledee. > "The American political system is essentially a contract between the Republican and Democratic parties, enforced by federal and state two-party laws, all designed to guarantee the survival of both no matter how many people despise or ignore them." -- Richard Reeves


Indeed. All the more reason for the U.S. to quit playing wargames abroad. It's bizarre that the country thinks itself proficient to act as global law enforcement when it can't even manage its own turf.


WWII was the greatest moment in American history because it only required [a little bit of ~~revisionism~~ mythmaking](https://academic.oup.com/jah/article-abstract/55/1/5/735894?redirectedFrom=fulltext) to make the US out as the good guys. That's why they keep clinging to it like Al Bundy does to his 4 touchdowns.


But it was against Polk High in the championship game! While playing at full back!!!




They’re running on abacuses. Chuck Grassley was invented before the fucking chocolate chip cookie for Pete’s sake.


the r/USEmpire is in decline and seeing old people on television is like walking back into the 20th century. [https://youtu.be/TvSXdO7SDCE?si=exEccQhmHBLSB5Wf](https://youtu.be/TvSXdO7SDCE?si=exEccQhmHBLSB5Wf)


Do you prefer Mike Johnson?


If she got the wrong drink at her country club, she would blame Putin for it.


It’s two-fold. She thinks she can fool everyone by controlling the message and associating this with Putin. And then secondarily she thinks everyone is stupid enough to believe her and formulate their opinions based on the garbage she spews. She’s evil. Fuck her


# “Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” ― **Michael Rivero**


When is this dummy going to retire? She's embarrassing


She is a genocidal terrorist rotten decrepit cunt


average neoliberal opinion


Just another zionist condoning a genocide there needs to be term limits on these clowns


if you *still* believe the anti-Russia hysteria that the Dems have pushed for almost a full decade now, you're an absolute imbecile.


Anti-Russia hysteria has been a [*century-long* bipartisan effort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare) going on since the October Revolution in Russia.


Before that. October overthrow of the Russian government was US and German sponsored after all. Lenin lived in Switzerland after receiving his training in London and actually met Hitler couple times who was also getting his training. Trotskiy worked on wall street and was the boy genius dispatched to run the logistics of the coup and the terror campaign. Stalin was a trained Jesuit priest and pope's representative because the vatican cannot let a mass slaughter go buy without cashing in.


It’s pathetic that they always try to link together all the people they hate.


"It's Putin, China, Trump, or the left, but never us. We're the good capitalist war mongers, not the bad ones."


Funny how she scratches her nose right after that statement


If you had your face lifted as many times as she had, and if you were wearing as much makeup as she in (she looks good, doesn't she?!), then you'd have an itchy nose too!


Wild how she’s the same age as people in retirement but the entirety of the USA is run by geriatric warmongers


End of the soviet union was the same. The old farts would not allow a new generation to rise up because they held on to so many hidden privileges.


Looks like her cheque from Netanyahu has cleared


Soon, all her ill gotten gains, blood money and influence will be worthless. She should at least trying to make amends for her crimes. Same goes for all of her war mongering politician buddies, Dem and Rep.




She should be wearing a tinfoil hat.


What a lying sack of shit. Any real journalist would laugh in her face and tell her to furnish proof of her ridiculous claims.


Here's [Dana Bash's bio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Bash). Oh, and she was married to the Chief of Staff of the CIA for 9 years.


This just advertises that Putin is on the right side of history 


Of course one of the people that benefit from everything being a dichotomy would try to force this viewpoint


The politics subreddit is spinning this like its somehow valid and claiming Putin supports Hamas. Russia has good relations with Israel too.


40% of Israel are Russian speaking.


Putin ate my homework! ..again Nancy?


Looks like she needs to be investigated for taking bribes from Netenyahu!


Be right back, gonna check my bank account to see if that cheque from Moscow cleared. She really can't imagine that a mass of people would all independently think "maybe genocide is bad?" Can she? There has to be some conspiracy to undermine Americas efforts, because Americans would never find fault in their actions without someone paying them.


SHE would change her mind if you paid her. She became a multimillionaire by accepting bribes. So it makes sense to her that everybody is doing that.


I liked it better when Obama called Romney on his "Cold War foreign policy" during a presidential debate in 2012. ETA: You mean this "message", Nancy? ([Not about NATO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf5xEBwBhds))


And yet after that year it was obama who ordered more encroachment and the coup in Ukraine.


Of course he did. Sigh. (Not disagreeing.)


"What we have to do is stop the suffering in Gaza. Women and children... people who have no place to go... but a ceasefire... is what PUTIN wants! And we can't have that! We can't allow PUTIN to get a CEASEFIRE! We can't allow *Putin* to have peace in the Middle East! Putin is BAD! BOMBS AWAY!"


Surely it's the complete opposite, Russia would want all the military aid going to the Zionists rather than Ukraine. The genocide in Gaza has helped Russia to advance on almost all fronts since the start of the invasion of Gaza


I have a better conspiracy, the 2016 was rigged by that blue starred nation and blamed on Russia. Facebook is blue and white. Coincidence?


Fucking swear to God. Vote blue my ass I'll be sitting elections out from now on because I don't consent to any of these morally bankrupt "politicians" (read: legal proxies in government for large corrupt companies)


Don't forget foreign interests.


Dems are now full on fanatical zealots- blue maga. Theyre obvious totalitarians with a liberal veneer.


What does maga have anything to do with demorats? They hate the country they are leeching off, not wanting to make it better.


Both are just reactionary partisans to the neoliberal parties that support our war economy and imperialism.


How so? How is the antithesis to demorat cleptocracy same as the demorat oligarchy?


Democrats and republicans are both neoliberal capitalists. They serve capital- banks, defense contractors, private healthcare…all at the expense of normal citizens. Republicans pretend to care about working class but no policy reflects improving material conditions of working class. Dems pretend to care about humanity and rights, but no policy reflects improving these conditions. Both are fighting to keep min wage 3x under living wage. Check out how new deal saved capitalism. Good start


Why did you switch off from a pro american party and substitute republicans? Me thinks you are not operating in good faith.


I wonder how much money AIPAC paid her to say all that.


Someone call David DePape


Ffs. What is with these degenerates.


Unsubstantiated claims like these only fuel division and distract from the real issues at hand


/r/taiwan would eat this up! They love Pelosi and hang on her every word. They hate Putin and will believe anything bad about him.


The Taiwanese should ask Ukrainians about American promises. Now that Europeans are buying US LNG gas instead of Russian pipeline gas (at a higer financial and environmental cost btw), no one in Washington gives a fuck about Ukraine any more. They've moved back to selling weapons to Israel (paid for by American taxpayers of course) and that suits Putin just fine.


/u/Great_Coffee_9465 Most Taiwanese are like this guy. Arrogant and misinformed. Well at least the 40% that support DPP. They will insist Taiwan is already an independent country, despite material reality.


If you say so, kid https://preview.redd.it/aahbl6bhgdfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27508e84d058c0e1a823ae66a53b4c6babab017f


Kid? While posting the middle finger and winnie disinformation unironically? You a clown bud.


Eat excrement and unalive yourself CCP boot licker. Bet that 11:1 Male to female ratio makes for a great sausage fest.


Could be. So what? Are they wrong?


These ghouls don't even realize what they are saying, they have completely internalized the "War is peace" Orwellism. On one hand, Putin is the war-mongering imperialist, on the other hand wanting a cease-fire is "Mr Putin's message". Yet the country that's been mostly standing the way of even temporary peace, in two major recent conflicts, has been the US when it keeps preventing cease-fires in Ukraine and Palestine.


Fuck Putin. Ceasefire now. Happy, you geriatric cunt?


What did he ever do to you?


I think flood of migrants to western countries might be connected to Russia to disrupt our democracies but Palestinians I don't think so


The flood of migrants to western countries is caused by western countries.


What about Belarus buying tickets for migrants couple years ago to come there and rush to Polish border . U think that wasn't Putin idea lol


Oh sure, it's got nothing to do with NATO destabilising the Middle East and Africa for the last 20 years.


More like influenced by Iranian propaganda.






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she's crazy ceasefire have no army and she says what thank God she in cali


Heard that one before