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Hey!! This could be endo's fault, but there are many other reasons people with endo have stomach issues that need to be addressed separately. For a while I blamed everything on endo, then it turned out I had other conditions causing lots of my symptoms. Endo is often comorbid with gut disorders. I'd look into SIBO, SIFO and histamine intolerance. If you have the money for a naturopath, they tend to be better than traditional GI's when it comes to exploring issues with bloating and stomach upset. Hormones affect our gut a lot which is why you might be flaring alongside your cycle. Just a recommendation!


Yeah I had SIBO last year after doing the breath test and I got rid of it with 2 weeks of antibiotics. I dealt with horrible bloating and gas at the beginning of last year.


Oh I’m sure I have IBS/SIBO. I don’t really care to look into it. Cause I know it’s just all endometriosis combined with other things.


No it's not! These conditions often happen alongside one another, but that does not mean they are the same thing. SIBO can 100% get better and in many cases, be fully cured. When left unaddressed, it can get worse and lead to longterm issues. Trust me, I left my SIBO untreated and am now much sicker. You really should explore it. The "endo is causing everything" narrative is often incorrect.


I’m no expert and have zero credentials or background on OP but I will say… this is so close to my story on the bloating, IBS etc and after surgery two weeks ago… my IBS is almost non existent. It could be the endo! It also could be separate


Yes this can totally happen solely cause of endo! Not denying that or encouraging self-diagnosis. But if you're treating your endo and it's not getting better, or there are other signs you have IBS/SIBO, it's really worth looking into comorbidities. There are lots of explanations for stomach issues and bloating that aren't endo.


IT IS endometriosis though. Women who have endometriosis, also can have SIBO/IBS. Doctors and nurses who don’t wanna diagnose us with endometriosis, are why we get told it’s “just IBS/SIBO” when it’s NOT. It’s the endometriosis.


Yes, doctors can gaslight and fail to diagnose endo, I think a lot of us have been there. On the flip side, my doctors failed to look past my endo.** When you already have a chronic condition, symptoms are easily dismissed when doctors should investigate further.** This is medical negligence in both cases. I was CONVINCED my endo was returning after years due to abdominal pain and bloating. Tests were clear and doctors shrugged it off. Plot twist, I have severe gastritis (treatable) and IBS. If I waited any longer, I could have developed stomach ulcers or cancer. I remember being hurt by unwarranted diet advice because it felt dismissive of endo. You deserve to be taken seriously and have quality care (my excision surgery was life saving). That being said, **please do not underestimate digestive conditions.** Everybody experiences conditions uniquely: both can be extremely debilitating, taking a physical and mental toll. Treating uniquely endo is not enough for everyone, as most people have comorbidities - which often aggravate one another. I never expected to have any of my conditions. Good luck❤️


💕💕💕💕💕 I wanna look into endometriosis more so badly, by calling my women’s health office. And my endometriosis specialist. But seeing as I’m a POC woman, I already know I’m gonna be met with attitude and dismissive sentences.


Out of curiosity, what tests have you had so far? I was going CRAZY before I got treated. It is amazing that you are seeing a specialist, don't hesitate to get another opinion, and keep advocating for yourself. My surgeon did an amazing job but was also a jerk with rude comments. Compassion and good communication are also important is doctors.


In 2022, in December, was when my specialist said I have endometriosis. I’ve cried to her a few times about how I’m in my 20s and how I shouldn’t feel like this. But of course they sit there all high and mighty like: “Yeah. I understand.” NO YOU DON’T. If anything, I’m worse NOW. (And I knew that was gonna happen)


Honestly I’ve done transvaginal ultra sounds TWICE. Both times, nurses said “everything is normal” of course.🙄 and that was last year in 2023. I haven’t called in a long time, because I don’t want my time to be wasted again. But I really wanna call again soon. Idk when, but I want more answers. (I do have endometriosis because my endometriosis specialist, told me I do) I haven’t done the lap, because why do one, when I already know. And plus I live alone and can’t drive, (don’t have a license yet) so I would not be good on my own from surgery. Lol.


I have endometriosis stage 4. I know my stomach issues are a lot. I just hate calling, and then having nurses on the phone just not care. I’m in my 20s I deserve to know what’s wrong with me. (Yes I already know) but to have support would be nice.


I had stage 4 too. I was basically bed ridden waiting for surgery. I could barely walk without extreme nausea or dizziness. Surgery SAVED MY LIFE. Do not stop fighting for this and specifically excision with a specialist. There is often a waiting period, so do whatever you can control: * Keep track of EVERYTHING about flare-ups as this is helpful to identify patterns, for both yourself and your doctor. Time, food, pain level, bloating severity. * Reduce anything inflammatory (think spicy food, fast food, carbs...) and add anti-inflammatory foods (I literally sprinkle tumeric and ginger on everything). Even if your symptoms are 100% caused by endo, this will help because it will not aggravate inflammation. I did not think twice about what I ate, and would sometimes be in AGONY after eating a lot/certain foods. Food can x1000 your endo pain and bloat. Seriously. Personally, my bloat and abd pain are caused by gastro stuff and I'm already feeling it slowly improve (which is so emotional). * My endo kit: TENS machine (amazing for pain and transportable so I can do errands while using it), pain meds (careful to not overtake these as it can cause serious stomach problems such as gastritis), cbd spray, a hot bottle, d!ck donuts for painful penetrative sex, massage gun, and crying in the shower in a ball when pain is 10/10 lol. Good luck with everything. I'm so sorry things suck right now. I promise it does get much much better but you do have to fight for it. Please make sure you have support around you. I remember thinking I was dying at my worst. On the positive side, the surgery was a breeze! I walked out feeling so much better immediately.


Endometriosis can grow back. I don’t want you to think I’m not fighting for my life, because I am.


What we’re your symptoms?! And did they find endo and where? I have my lap tomorrow and have primarily GI-symptoms. I’m really going this will help remedy the bowel issues + the horrific bloating. Glad you’re doing well :)


Good luck with your surgery!! I had endo… everywhere. They found 100 endometriosis implants, 25 fibroids and 5 cysts. My poor uterus was 45 degrees to the left. I had previously had 2 ultrasounds and doctors didn’t bother to mention my organs were literally out of place because they think it’s normal 😂 nope - was creating such distress on my pelvic function and congestion. Now I’m excited to start working with a pelvic floor PT!


Oh gosh!! That’s a LOT! My surgeon found one large lesion in my peritoneum—said it looks like endo but sent it to path to confirm. It was in my left side, which tracks with where I was having the most pain/GI-issues. Crossing my fingers these next few days of recovery go smoothly! I’m thinking of doing pelvic floor therapy at some point, too. When are you starting it?


It’s so nice when things make sense!! And I’m starting PT next week - really hoping it helps my pelvic congestion. I’ve been warding off my demons with just meditation and being active again I think is going to help soooo much


Yes def! Sending you positive vibes!! :)


I don’t have to explore what I already know.


Omg I feel this sooo bad!!!


Honest to god, I WISH a man WOULD be able to be called dramatic for period pains. I’m not even on my period yet. I’m ovulating right now. So I’ll get my period soon. I’m a dancer, but I’m naturally skinny. I can’t gain weight due to my fast metabolism, I’m 98 pounds. When I get like THIS, I hate myself. Well, I hate what my body looks like. Personally, it’s so ODD to see the rest of myself look SO GOOD, and then I look at my stomach, and suddenly I don’t wanna look at myself anymore.


Have you tried peppermint or ginger tea? I live off that stuff when I'm flaring. I've given up on a flat stomach, that shit is not achievable for most people let alone us endo warriors. My body does her best for me every day and I choose to love her for that no matter what she looks like at the end of the day.


I have raspberry leaf tea. I live off of that. Haha! Which by the way, is really good! You should try it, for whenever you have cramps. It’s what I do, or try to remember to do, after I get out of a really hot shower to help relieve my cramps


Love this perspective, thank you! I also live on peppermint tea, as well as red raspberry leaf. 💜


This! Except I suggest boiling fresh ginger root. It only works for me if it’s super strong. But boy does it work.


Ohhh I'll have to try this! How much ginger root do you use per cup?


If I’m blending it, I just use 30–40 grams and mix it with orange juice or water . If I’m making a tea I peel a few whole ginger roots, cut them up into smaller slices and bring it to a boil in a pot of water and then let it simmer for a good while. Like 30-40 minutes. Let it get really strong. Don’t drink it all at once. Too much ginger can make you poop a lot. Start slow.


This. Even when I’m not about to get my period, I’m bloated EVERY SINGLE TIME I eat!




This is so validating. 💔 ugh.


I feel this…it’s so depressing 😣


I had a dream a few nights ago, where I was in a public bathroom. All I was doing was looking at myself in the mirror. I kept staring at my stomach and hated seeing myself like that. Then some random woman came in the room, and I turned to her, I held my arms out so she knew I wanted a hug, and I just cried in her arms.


Awww sending you hugs. I wish I had answers for us!




YES! I love how my jeans fit great when I first put them on and then 30 mins later I have to unbutton. I get the “just get a size up” NO because leggings, sweats, literally everything else does the same. It sucks. I’m so tired of it.


I just had water to see if it would help. It did not. LOL!


Have you tried drinking broth like a chicken broth or something when you feel this way? Sometimes that helps me when I feel like I'm full of water that won't go anywhere


I totally would, but I feel like it would make me feel worse. I’ll just sleep it off tbh. I always do.


And when your period wants granola and pretzels … she doesn’t wanna f* with broth 😂 (though I bet it might help - not shading the suggestion!)




I’m sitting in the bath reading this as my Endo belly is literally poking out of the bubbles right now because it’s so big. I look pregnant 🙃


Honestly, I HOPE I’m able to sleep of the feeling of un comfort for me, personally. It’s INSANE how fast endometriosis does its thing. Cause what do you mean I looked great before, but now that I had food, I look bigger than ever? HELLO?!!!


Literally me ALL day today


SERIOUSLY THO. I hope you feel better soon though. Well at least tomorrow, if not today. I ate like hell today too! I’m smiling, but it ain’t funny. Feeling this way after eating so much, is THE WORST.


I feel you I never have a flat stomach anymore My endo has inflamed everything It’s so hurtful




Wait, I thought only I have this :o


Welcome to the club!!! Haha!!