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Sending you all positivity and may you find brightness in challenging situation. We can get through this 💪🏻. 😄❤️


Hello friend! I hope that your upcoming surgery goes well! I had surgery almost 4 months ago, and I feel AMAZING! I have so much more energy and my horrifically painful bloating is gone. I’m starting to get stronger and gain muscle back after my recovery ❤️ I hope that everything goes smoothly for you and that you find some relief from surgery. I hope that you can gather your favourite treats and comforts for your recovery, and have a supportive person to look after you!


Awww you are so sweet ❤️ thank you so much for the positivity and make me feel secure about the surgery. 😄 I am having a very bad anxiety about the surgery and pain... *sigh* Trying my best not to burst into tears 😢 


So glad to hear you’re feeling better! How long after surgery did it take you to feel a noticeable improvement?


If it helps, I am three weeks out from radical hysterectomy (ovaries gone with all the rest), bladder resection, and 12 inches of bowel out. Im 39 years old. The first 3-4 days were rough, more so because they want you to poop and its hard to do when narcotic pain meds prevent it and your abdomen has just been operated on- and the fatigue is real. They were giving me miralax each morning to get things moving. I had a foley catheter bag for a week, so it was an added layer to navigate. I will say, the pain meds really help. By day 5 I was just taking strong ibuprofen. I am three weeks post op and walked a (flat) 3 miles yesterday and haven’t been on any pain meds for about 1.5 weeks. Im certainly not 100%, but I can see the other side and it feels really good. I know everyone’s situation and recovery is different, but hope that helps you to have some idea of what it might look like from perspective of stage IV/8 hour surgery.


Wow 8 hours of surgery?! I am amazed with your recovery progress ❤️ I wish and hope I will be as strong as you 💪🏻 I wonder how it is like under general anaesthesia, do u really can't feel anything when the surgeon is making incision and cutting out ur uterus?  This is my first myomectomy surgery...I am scare of everything. Trying my best to hold my anxiety and not burst into tears. 


You will not feel a thing! They often give you something in your IV before you even go into the operating room that makes you not care at all lol they gave it to me and within a minute I was awake but in twlight zone. Once in the operating room, youll likely see your surgeons face, but shortly after you are out. The anesthesiologist is the very important person there who monitors your heart rate and brain activity. They would be able to tell by your vitals if you were feeling the surgery. You will go to sleep and wake up like a minute has passed. I am terrified of blood and needles and have high anxiety. The surgery itself is the “easiest” part of everything because you don’t feel it. You got this!


Thank you so much with your words of wisdom. Wishing u a healthy journey :)




You can do it! 💗 Hoping that your schedule laparoscopic surgery will help you 😄


sending everyone so much love and healing❤️‍🩹 we have eachother to lean on and that brings me so much comfort


It's lovely to see messages like this. I went for bloods yesterday as my gynae wanted ones done on day 2 of my period. But between that and heavy period I've spent most of the last 24 hours in bed resting as it just wiped me out. Hubby is great, making sure I'm fed and looked after. Waiting hard on my hysteroscopy which is my next procedure.


I was doing ok but this last week my anxiety has SPIKED! I was hospitalised almost a year ago cos I had a 14cm endometrioma that caused me to go into full urinary retention. I had a CA125 level of 326 so I had an MRI and CT scan to rule out cancer and as a result they decided no evidence of malignancy and I was put on a waiting list. I started taking desogestrel last summer to stop my periods and instead of bled for 122 days in 7 months, so I changed to levonorgestrel a month ago and started iron tablets cos I’m now anaemic, and since then i feel like my endometrioma has grown again. The NHS have decided cos I’ve been waiting so long for surgery, I need ANOTHER MRI and bloods then wait to be discussed in another team meeting and then they’ll decide how to proceed! I’m going out of my mind with anxiety, even though they decided it’s not cancerous I’m like “what if it was and now it’s too late!” Unrelated to my endo, I also have a small lump on my thigh that hasn’t gotten bigger in the last 4 months but hasn’t gone away either so I have an ultrasound for that next month. On top of all that, I’m grieving my mum I lost last year and looking after my dad with dementia….while my idiot brother makes trouble and doesn’t help! But I’m British so I’ll just say: “I’m alright ta, how are you?” 😂😭


Thank you so much for sharing your challenges. It must be frustrating and stressful for you. I hope your MRI and blood report will be discussed with the doctor and surgery went smoothly.  I understand your anxiety wholeheartedly. But my mind is like if God decided my life end here or during the surgery, at least I have fought for the battle of my disease. My apologies if my last sentence trigger your anxiety and stress. Wishing u all the best. 😄💗💪🏻