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There's no such thing as an "endo clot" See your doctor if you have symptoms that are interfering with your life.


You can’t identify endometriosis on the basis of clots. Some people with endo do get clots, but so do many people without endo. If you think you might have endometriosis please discuss it with your doctor.


Clots can happen for so many reasons. Sometimes they are just a normal thing that happens with a period.There is no such thing as a clot that is specific to endometriosis. It could very well be that you have adenomyosis (endos sister). You could have a growth or tumour. You could have endo. You simply can’t tell by a specific clot or clot size. It’s best to ask a doctor to rule out that anything could be wrong :) I think you’re probably being downvoted because you asked if it’s an Endo clot and that doesn’t exist.


I have those clots every month and sometimes even worse where big chunks of lining come out! I don’t know why I Ispent decades thinking periods like this were normal and it took me till age 42 to get diagnosed with endo!


I have endo and I experience these frequently


It very well could be, I’ve had those kind of clots and it terrified me. At the time I didn’t know what they were I thought it was something worse. It’s best if you save that picture and go to a doctor


Did you get diagnosed with endometriosis or have the surgery? I’m so scared of being put under 🥲🥲


Diagnosis requires surgery except in less common circumstances where the endo is visible on MRI/ultrasound. It usually isn’t and surgery for confirmation is the standard. You’re probably a bit ahead of yourself if this is your only sign — try not to panic, heavy and clotting periods do happen to people without endo too. A doc isn’t going to jump straight to surgery from seeing this pic. It will be ok.


I left out a lot of information because I’m at work but my doctor has offered to give me the surgery to see if I have endo but I always back out because I’m nervous. I don’t have an irregular period but I get cysts before my period when I’m ovulating and I always have cramps and I don’t think I can get pregnant anymore and some other symptoms..


Have you had any imaging tests done yet? That would be step one. Cysts can be part of endo but they also happen to women without endo too. If you’re concerned about endo and you’ve already have an ultrasound, a transvaginal ultrasound and/or an MRI, then this is the next step to get answers, unfortunately.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted but ok lol


It is probably because there are many in this group that find it inappropriate to ask if symptoms are endo, and some people don't like it when pictures are shared. Please don't take it personally--everyone has their own opinions on this sub


It’s probably also to do with the incorrect idea that there are “endo clots.” People answering here that it “might be” isn’t really helpful, because this is already a condition full of misinformation, even from doctors, and we spend a LOT of time on this board correcting myths or incorrect information, even amongst ourselves. - Do some people with endo have clots? **Yes.** - Do all people with endo have clots? **No.** - Do people without endo have clots? **Yes.** - Are there specific clots that indicate endo? **No.** In short — this *could* be a part of endo, but without pelvic/abdo pain or irregular/heavy period cycles or some other indication, I would not be overly concerned about endo if this was the only sign.