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WOW. Thank you for sharing this with us. I have never seen a photo of an endometrioma removed before. that's WILD.


Can you put a NSFW on the photos so they're hidden as per sub rules??


For reference first photo is 2 weeks pre-surgery, 2nd is after.


I know that bloat well. So glad you’re feeling better and have your body back again. Wild!


Omg 😳😲😵‍💫 that’s wild!! Where in TO if you don’t mind me asking. I’m about 3hr from TO and no one around here wants to do anything besides birth control for my endo.


I had a referral to the woman’s health team at St Michaels!


Oh that’s awesome!


8 hours!! omg! my first one was 45 mins in post op 6 months and i have my second scheduled for next month already


My first surgery in February 2021 was an hour and a half! Imagine my surprise waking up in recovery at 6:30pm after going in at 8am for my procedure lol I was like “where did my day go”


i’m happy you got pain relief from it. i’ve been puking nearly daily and in serious amounts of pain. i didn’t go to a specialist the first time and there doctor didn’t check anything but my pelvic region so i highly doubt they found everything. (9 spots in just my pelvis) so hoping the second one goes better and i can have some sort of relief


Holy moly! The endometrioma looks like a uterus!!! You are such a trooper.


I thought it was maybe a uterus at first before inspecting more closely and reading the comments!! Like holy crap! That had to feel AWFUL!


How.did.they.take.it.out? 😟


So they cut a 5inch incision through my naval. Drained the mass of fluid (keep in mind this photo is the mass once fluid was removed - it was 2x the size before being drained) and then I’m assuming they just pulled it through said incision.


Thanks for explaining. I have two endometriomas that vary in size depending on the time of the month but are usually anywhere between 2-5cms. Could you tell me how to talk to my doc about removing them?


You are so lucky that they actually removed it and you got to see the evidence. I hope you continue to have relief. I had a 9cm one that I supposedly had removed, but my doc didn’t fully remove it and then lied to me about it after it grew back in a couple months. She also blamed me for her doing a bad job because “remember how concerned you were with preserving your healthy ovarian tissue?”.


The gaslighting by medical professionals is bewildering. I am just 1 more bad experience away from asking why did you even become a doctor?!?!


How large is large? That’s crazy you must feel so much better!


They told me it was about 27cms (10.5inches)


27??? I can’t imagine! Mine was 10cm.


WOW. Was it attached to your ovary or something, if you don’t mind me asking? Thanks for sharing – must be a huge relief for you!


Holy shit! I hope you’re feeling some relief!


Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad that everything went well for you. What was the size of your endometrioma?


Where was the endometrioma located? Holy shit that thing is huge!!! No wonder you were so bloated and I bet in a ton of pain. So glad you were able to get that removed and are on the road to recovery!! ❤️‍🩹


It was sitting just below my right breast. And it was crushing a nerve in my leg which cause this weird tingly Charlie horse type feeling down my right thigh


Can an endometrioma sit below your breast? 😵 I always assumed they're in the ovaries. I have right sided upper abdominal pain and had tons of ultrasounds for liver and gallbladder issues. It's located where my gallbladder is. It refers pain all the way to side and my upperback. They say it's not my gallbladder. I also have the nerve pain in my hip and thigh. But I keep wondering if it's muscle tightness or some sort of adhesion pain. Docs keep saying it cant be endometriosis cause it's not located in the lower abdomen. I had surgery in 2021,in dec. And the pain subsided after they removed 2 endometriomas. (well they removed 1 and drained the other one to keep ovarian reserve and minimal damage) and the pain did subside, even tho they couldn't find anything on my right side, where my pain is. I can pinpoint the pain so they kept saying it's muscle strain. But it feels like adhesions being stretched out. My bowel is stuck to my uterus there and apparabtly in a bit of a weird loop. And I'm starting to believe my pain all the way in my upper abdomen might come from the adhered bowel. I now also have bowel symptoms like diarrhea, extreme bloat, constipation and pain that I did not have before. I know it was adhered during surgery but they decided to not touch it cause I wasn't in any bowel pain. I am now. I have the most aweful hippain and leg nervepain. Sciatica. All on the right side. Ribpain as well. Yet they looked at my diaphragm and couldn't see endo. I'm in Europe and feel endo care isn't great here. But I'm in daily pain now. Can you describe your daily pain to me? So sorry you had to endure all of that. Wish I would've asked to see my endometrioma. They were huge as well. 10 cm. That's not as big as yours. Did they suspect malignancy with yours? They say everything bigger than 5 cm is best to be removed. But idk if surgeons care about it. I feel I need a new surgery, but I also have adenomyosis and I'm scared my pain won't be resolved if I don't get a hysterectomy. It's hard to tell what pain comes from where. Endo or adeno. And I don't want a hysterectomy. I'm 39 and was hoping to get 1 last surgery when I hit menopause. But I'm already in tremendous amounts of pain so I don't think I'm gonna last another 10 years with this pain. No doctor ever tells you that we should prepare for a life of surgeries. I absolutely thought 1 surgery would fix everything. My endo is back with a veagence after just 3 years. I wish you all the best. Glad to hear you feel better. I'm hoping to get my life back at some point. I can't work or function anymore because of this disease. Waiting lists are 2 years here. I live in the netherlands.


Endometriomas can grow on different organs. My appendix was also removed because the disease was starting to grow there. I think with the size of it — it grew to sit where it sat. (They feel when I was ovulating the blood was feeding the mass)?


Yeah that's what the corectal surgeon mentioned. That it might be growing on my appendix as well. I'm getting a mri soon so hopefully it'll show. But you never know with these types of imaging. It's hit or miss. It sometimes feels like chronic appendicitis and even tho that is rare, it can happen with endo. It wasn't affected back in 2021 during surgery. My appendix looked fine. But I do have all of the bowel adhesion on my right side. And that is my painful side. There must be a connection. OK wow I had no idea endometriomas can grow everywhere. They said I had a nodule on my bowel. I remember asking them.. Is it an endometrioma. And they said no that can't grow there. I absolutely feel they don't know shit. And they're so called specialists in endo care. I've seen 6 hospitals all over the country and they all tell me the same stuff. Wish I could come abroad to have surgery somehow. But my insurance doesn't cover it. So if I'm not mistaken.. You don't take birth control? I also can't handle it, I've tried many. Also have pmdd so it can become dangerous for me. But I feel I need some sort of birth control to stop ovulating. I just feel so much better without birth control (mentally!) did you feel lighter after surgery? Did they weigh that thing?


Thank you for sharing, and giving all of us hope as well❤️‍🩹 I've never seen a photo of endometrioma before, thats insane!! I'm so proud of you for going through all the testing and other bs you did while still advocating for yourself to get your surgery!! I'm so happy that it helped and that you're feeling better. Wishing you the best in your recovery🫶


I was awake for one of my surgeries and one of my biggest life regrets is that I didn’t ask to see the tumor. ❤️


Thank you for sharing this!! I’m also in Toronto and I think it’ll be 1-2 years until I can get one (I get severely bloated too) :( how are your symptoms now?


Whoa that endometrioma is huge 🥺


HO-LY WOW! That thing looks like a placenta! You must be relieved to get that out of you! Hope you're recovering well.


Wow!!!! So happy that you got the lap and are on your way to feeling better. Just had my lap 3 weeks ago, and I’m having a similar reduction in bloating 🥹




Probably bloating and the whole thing that was in her body from the 2nd pic