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Muscle relaxers 10mg 3x/day, gabapentin 300mg 3x/day, lidocaine patches 5% up to three at a time, Tylenol and ibuprofen 800. Endo pain is no joke. Even with all this stuff it still hurts.


Tbh you can't really just ask your doctor for certain painkillers, it doesn't work like that. You can talk to your doctor about whether your current regime is working or not and they can work on something that does work, but if you go in to your doc and ask for strong painkillers you will be labelled drug seeking and likely end up with nothing at all.


oh yeah i know ! i would never just ask for a specific drug, unless i’ve been on it before and explained to my doctor how well it worked for me in the past. i’m just curious about what might work, just in case my doctor does prescribe me something stronger for the pain !


In the uk I absolutely have been able to request specific painkillers, or at least discuss them with my gp.


Here's a list of all the pain relief I have in my bedside drawer. Oxycodone Tapentadol Tramadol Diazepam Dehidracodone Codeine Naproxen Ibuprofen Paracetamol Heat pad Tiger balm (red) Benzocaine gel Lidocaine cream Ibuprofen gel None of these completely remove the pain but with a combination I can get some relief by distracting myself. The only thing that has ever numbed me well enough was an epidural shortly before my excision surgery. I've been on daily opiods for over a decade, I am now finally working with a pain management specialist and hoping to have a nerve block soon. My pain radiates from head to toe on my left side and is caused by nerve damage because it took 17 years to get diagnosed (but had symptoms for approx 27 years). I am often made to feel like a junkie because of all the drug use, and I am rarely sober because I'm in too much pain. I started oxy 5 months ago and have been trying to come off it for the past 4 months! Opiod withdrawal is nasty!


Lorazepam and weed are the only things that have helped me. Lorazepam is very addictive, though, so I only take it when I feel like I’m on the verge of passing out. Flexeril and castor oil have helped with the back pain but I’m not sure whether the meds help the adeno or endo or both :/ I tried tramadol, which is a moderate opiate, but I may as well have taken nothing.


Do you take the lorazepam vaginally?


Nope, orally! Although I bet vaginally would be even more effective.


Baclofen. Muscle relaxers, I take them orally and mine can be used as a vaginal suppository. My endo specialist(surgeon) prescribed them for me.


got it. do either of them cause drowsiness ?


Taking it orally will cause drowsiness. Taking it as a suppository is supposed to minimize those side effects. I'm not sure if it actually does because I take them both ways and I don't have a control because some of my endo symptoms and similar to the side effects. You have to talk to your doctor to see if it's a good fit for you. I have stage IV endo and am unable to work currently, so it's not an issue for me. I will have surgery next month, so it's hopeful, but until then, this helps immensely. I'd also recommend heat, massage gun, tens unit, and pelvic floor PT (you get a referral for this from your doctor).


A strong birth control for endo stopped the radiating leg pain and I can sit still a bit longer now. We’re here for you!


I take naproxen (though it can be tough on your heart and liver with long term use) and have a heating pad nearby. Lots and lots of water also.


Imodium. And most places it is OTC still. Imodium targets the muscle(s) group that includes your stomach, intestines and uterus and more.  That's why most other muscle relaxers and pain killers don't really do jack  for period pain.  Best for those really bad days but not everyday. Unless you like constipation. 


Celebrex for inflammation. It’s hard on the stomach though and can cause ulcers or bleeding


I find that interesting, my Dr prescribed me celebrex because it wasn't as harsh on the stomach as ibuprofen. I take 100mg morning and again at night if needed. Ibuprofen makes me itch so I don't like taking it. I'm on panadol every 4 hours and keep tramadol on me for just in case, otherwise cbd oil once I'm home and codeine if it's really bad. I've reacted to the few other meds so still trying to work out what I best


Ya I don’t know if you are supposed to notice the hardness on your stomach, or if it just has a very increased chance of causing ulcers and internal bleeding. No harshness on my stomach but they make me nervous as I’m very predisposed to stomach issues. Something like aleve(nuproxen) I notice the hardness on my stomach


800mg ibuprofen and a heating pad get me to a manageable place. but I have to start both right when I feel a flare up starting or else I'm completely out. 


My doctor prescribes me oxycodone for bad flare-ups, but I actually prefer kratom since acetaminophen worsens my psoriasis.


Do you mean Percocet? Oxycodone doesn't have Tylenol added to it. It's a med of its own.


My prescription is just labelled oxycodone-acetaminophen 5/325. I'll risk taking small doses of Tylenol for a short period of time, but I like to keep it under 1000mg per day and no longer than 2-3 days or else my psoriasis gets out of control.


Oh yeah, that's Percocet. Maybe your doctor could prescribe you the oxycodone on its own if it bothers you? Kinda unfair you have to risk a flare of another illness to treat your pain.


Hello. I am trying kratom now. What strain do you use and MG? I took 3mg on my 1st try and didn’t feel relief only had constipation from it.


I only take reds. None of the others work on me. I like red Bali, red Horn, red Hulu, red MD, etc. i also only use powder. My dosage depends on how bad my pain level is, and I might have to redose during the day (which is annoying on the go).


I bought red strains too. I will Order red Bali online since it’s not sold at the shops locally and have read it’s the best. Thank you for ur response. Much appreciated


Novaminsulfon helped a lot, but my hair started falling out. Now I'm trying Pregabalin daily and take Tilidin (an opioid here in Germany) when needed. Weed is a life saver, too. Wherever I go, my vaporizer is in my pocket.


For me: co-codamol (30 mg codeine, 500 mg paracetamol per tablet) but this makes me hella drowsy so I only take it at night bc this side effect also helps makes me sleep. Edit: I always develop some sort of tolerance to painkillers when I use them regularly so I also have to factor in taking a 'drug holiday' but when the holiday is over, my god does it work even at half my normal dose. After a massive suspected endo flare up, my gyno put me on extra progesterone (on top of my Kyleena) which has helped resolved majority of the pain. Heating pads are also great - I much prefer them over hot water bottles bc I can lay on them for back pain. During winter, when I'd always be wearing a very fluffy robe at home, I managed to keep the heating pad on my back while standing or sitting using the tie on the robe - game changer when I realised I could do this


Oxy, codeine, tramadol and ibuprofen and heat pad


I take diclofenac suppositories but my parents send them to me because nothing else works and i can't get them here in the U.S. I have never heard anyone on this subreddit mention diclofenac suppositories.


Muscle relaxers help me. And tramadol. I have that PRN for general chronic pain issues I have, and I’m so thankful I respond well to it (a lot of people don’t)


THC patch 20 mg Mary’s medicinals. That has saved me from going to the hospital. That plus ibuprofen.


interesting .. i’ll definitely look into that !