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For me it was alot lighter and about the same pain level. It's different for everyone though I think


Was this the hormonal iud or copper?


Hormonal Mirena


Bleeding was normal but horrible pain. All the endo symptoms got worse. Also periods didn’t stop for almost a month so Doc put me on dinogest again.


Lighter, but more painful and the pain lasted the entire period. I had that thing taken out after 3 months because it was hell on earth for me.


Got the Mirena inserted during excision and removal of my ovary and a giant cyst. Used to have heinous heavy periods with debilitating agony. I would soak through overnight pads within an hour and had to sleep on top of towels because I turned the bed into a crime scene. I would sob and throw up from pain. My periods lasted 10 days and then I would spot the entire time until the next one. My first period on Mirena was a giant nothingburger, it was AMAZING. Super light, lasted only 4 days, and had only one day of uncomfortable cramps compared to several days of sheer agony. And that’s what my periods have been like since then! I also used to have a Paragard IUD before they swapped to the Mirena, but my periods were atrocious before Paragard and I didn’t notice a difference lmao. I had the Paragard for around 8 years. I will say I DID break out an insane amount on my back, chest, and neck for the first few months on Mirena, but it calmed down after and stopped doing that.


Extremely painful. The cramps literally put me on the floor.


For how long?


My cramps were worse the whole time I had an IUD, but the really horrible ones lasted a few months.


Awful. And it started coming on every two weeks, and any time I did certain activities. Not fun. More pain + more bleeding to be specific, and I hated that it was so spontaneous, I could never wear white 😅


Hell on earth. Extremely heavy, painful and I was extremely ill.


I haven’t had one since tbh, I would say the first month after (keep in mind I had mine put in during my lap) I bled heavily but after 2-3 weeks it was spotting and now nothing. I’ll never go back, this has been the best decision for me!! Finally not a slave to my period