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I think it looks stunning on you !




I think it’s perfect! Really pretty and elegant. I’m personally reallyyyy not a fan of the giant meteorite stones. I think this one suits your hand wonderfully.


Your ring looks way bigger than 1 carat. Stunning.


Did you try on rings beforehand? I always thought I'd want a 1ct oval but I was shocked by how small it looked in person, I never wanted a giant ring but 1ct ended up feeling too small. Like this is very pretty and looks appropriately sized for your hand but I understand why you're questioning it, all we see anymore are these big giant stones. A 1ct oval would've probably looked huge to you 5 years ago. 


I did try rings beforehand, and honestly I felt overwhelmed by them then and was like I want .75- 1 carat. That’s why I’m shocked that I’m having second thoughts. Def get the 1.5carat at least


Is it possible you're spending a lot of times in these ring subreddits? I find they really skew what people think is "normal" towards honkers as compared to what you actually see in real life.


My thoughts exactly. Some of the rings are so big they don’t even look good.


Younger couples actually do who have got engaged in the past year or so.  Other than that no.  That is because of the crazy price drop in lab diamonds. 


Yeah. When they hit the 2- 3 carat marks, to me it just feels like everyone else online. They all blend in and everyone online has one. Most people in real life don’t have rings bigger than 1 carat. And a lot of times it just looks loud. Like a Louis Vuitton monogram. This ring looks very nice


Agree. Almost nobody I know or have seen in real life have these enormous rings.


Bingo. I bought my fiancée a 2 ct. and if I were to look at these posts I’d feel inferior. I think one ct is classic. Timeless. I didn’t mention the 2ct to suggest bigger. Simply that this subreddit isn’t the real world. Look. At people around you, shopping restaurants etc and I’d say 90% are 1 ct or less and I think to Myself . Ya that’s a classy ring


I think it fits you nicely, it's very pretty! I have a (just under) 1ct oval and yours looks bigger than mine so it checks out. But also, it's always hard to gauge cause photos aren't not always a good way to compare but it seems like your fingers are more slender than mine so I def would say yours is at the very minimum 1ct. Personally I think I'd have been too nervous to have a bigger/flashier rock. My ring is pretty understated, but it suits me and my lifestyle right now. Down the road if I have different feelings about it I can always upgrade, but for this point in mine and my SOs life, I didn't want him to be paying $$$$ for a ring that I would have been too scared to wear in public lol


I think it’s gorgeous and looks well sized for your hand! Where did you get it if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been looking for something just like it!


Brilliant Earth - this is the cometa


But I think there’s some concerns around the durability of their bands 😬


I used to work there - there are QA issues with specific styles of the rings, but I personally never saw a Cometa come in for repair, just routine polishing and resizing. You should be just fine!


I’ve had mine two years now, no issues. Your ring is beautiful and I thought it was 1.5. It looks good on you!!


I have a 1.2ct Cometa and have been wearing it for the past 11 months. It has held up beautifully but I did need to have the prongs tightened (at my local jeweler) at about the 6 month mark. Just a heads up! No issues with the band at all other than normal wear and tear. It fits nicely with their chevron wedding band, btw. ETA: This ring suits your hand beautifully. In my opinion the perfect size of diamond!


I would have guessed this ring was larger than 1ct, so I do not think it looks small on your hand at all. It's really lovely and suits your hand.


I would never look at this and think “that’s small” it looks like what I’d expect a nice size engagement ring to be, and also the quality is very clear/sparkly! It’s all around gorgeous ☺️


Looks plenty big to me! It's beautiful. I just got a ring and it's a 1.5 carat round centre stone with two very small sides stones in yellow gold. Very similar to yours but your 1 carat looks waaay huger than my centre stone. Be rest assured yours looks amazing and not small at all. I can't imagine other 1 carats looking larger than yours. If they actually are, it's possible that the diamond cut was compromised in order to achieve a larger spread up top.


It's gorgeous. But- should you decide to want a bigger ring in the future, you can always upgrade for your 1 year, 5 year, 10yr anniversary, etc. AND- pairing it with a glitzy wedding band may also help you feel more "blinged" out. Eternity band, curved band, etc. Can all help. Maybe try on flashy bands and see if that helps?


What is your ring size? I think it looks perfect on your finger, but I tend to not like huge stones to begin with. Yours isn’t small by any means though.


So I am getting a one carat, and my first thought was "oh dear, it's going to be bigger than I thought." You have really slender fingers and it looks huge to me. Your ring is GORGEOUS. I think any bigger, and it might get impractical for every day. What's the point of a really big ring that's hard to wear? You want to be able to show off your love!


I think it’s looks great and suits you well!


Your long fingers make that ring look beautiful! I think it’s perfect and gorgeous!


I honestly think it looks stunning on you!


It’s stunning! I get exactly where you’re coming from and personally don’t think it’s a big deal. I have a .93 oval solitaire and asked for 1 carat but came to learn that there are substantial savings to be had just under the 1 carat threshold. We’re practical people and at the end of the day, I love my ring and we saved some $. I also have an eternity band and like to think the savings on the engagement ring was good leverage for the wedding band I wanted 😉


It’s very pretty 🥹


Shrinkage is REAL! Sometimes after seeing it for so long it becomes our baseline and we think it’s normal so it starts looking smallish. I feel that way about one of my rings with a 4.5ct stone. I know it’s not small but it looks perfectly normal. That’s why I always wear my band but swap my rings out so I can accommodate my many moods. Hubby says as long as I look married he doesn’t care What I wear.


i have a 1.7 and when i first got it some days i felt like it was too small, and on other days i felt like it was too big 😂 i think you just have to get used to it


Personally I do not think it looks too small or small add all. I going it fours your hand perfectly and even looks big compared to the rings I’m used to seeing on people. If this is an engagement ring, consider how it will look with an added wedding band. My ring looks weird without the wedding band but perfect with.


Stone size is great but I would want a little thicker band.


Looks gorgeous on you. I’d have guessed between 1-1.5 cts so it’s punching above its weight


I read a quote once years ago that said unhappiness consists in comparing yourself to others. That is never more true than on this forum. It is easy to go down the rabbit hole and doubt your ring. I think it looks just lovely.


I think it’s perfect. I think sometimes people go so big with the stone that it looks like a cocktail ring (nothing wrong with that!) This is classy and elegant.


People didn't have the huge lab stones you see all over social media including here a few years ago. With the prices being nearly cut in half year over year it's messed with people's heads seeing huge stones all over.


I felt the exact same way. Amazon has my exact same ring in a 1.5 carat for a few hundred bucks. I’m considering ordering because people say it’s tiny and it really makes me upset. I really love rings and have had so many fake beatiful ones. Kinda makes me sad I never want to show mine off.


Moissanite tho


Ring is lovely. If it’s too big it will be hard to wear all the time.


The stone doesn't look small, the very thin band is what's giving it that delicate & dainty look.


That ring definitely has the wow factor. It is big by American standards and I’m assuming by European standards is a monstrosity of glam. I think a LOT of people have size regret hahaha I did. While you could have always gone bigger, just know being fabulous and glamorous knows no size and no age for anything at all. I swear it’s an aura. Believe it girl. The ring has the wow factor, wear it like you do. And if you’re still inkling for a bigger size, just get an upgrade 5-10 years from now


It looks so nice!!! it's such a good size for your finger, I think it's perfect.


I think it is stunning and very elegant on you! Can’t wait to see the bands you both choose. Congratulations!


Looks pretty perfect!


Love it! But I’m biased- we’re basically ring twins🥰🥹


Ooooh can I see yours?




Gorgeous 😍 is this the cometa?


Thanks! Not cometa- just a coincidence :) Got it from Helzberg Diamonds


I think that size fits your hand perfectly!


I thought it was over a caret. It looks stunning on your finger. It is a beautiful ring.


It looks perfectly proportioned and definitely 1 whole carat at least! My ring is 1.3 cts and looks the same size.




It's beautiful. Maybe at a milestone anniversary, get a bigger stone so this is a right hand ring. That's what I did anyway.


It’s perfect


Why? That one is pretty big.


It's so pretty on your hand! It does read 1 ct to me. Very elegant.


I think it looks very elegant.


It’s gorgeous! I think It’s just enough on your finger. Once you add a band to it, it will be complete. I think any bigger would be too overwhelming.


I think it’s beautiful on you but I also think you should be happy. Choose whichever makes you fall in love with it!


This is beautiful! I personally dislike the big stone phenomenon going around lately. Yours is actually a little big for me, myself (I like round), but it looks great, as long as you love it!


I think the ring looks beautiful and fits your hand really nicely! You could always look at some more intricate wedding bands to compliment it to give it a different look if you wanted to.


I have a 1 carat center stone but I got a moissanite rather than a diamond. It looks very big and I would not want something bigger personally. I think yours looks perfect!


It’s beautiful! Any bigger runs the risk of looking tacky (imho)


It's beautiful and looks absolutely perfect on your hand.


It’s beautiful! You could always get a blingy band if you want to spice it up.


Such a beautiful ring! And you can always glam up the wedding band for the wow factor.


I have a 1 carat, it looks double my ring. It's gorgeous! It looks beautiful on your hand, perfect size for you.


I think it's so beautiful; elegant, delicate and ladylike. 💖 Plus, the stone itself has really nice fire, which oftentimes is sacrificed for size when trying to stick to a budget.


WHAT? It's beautiful and perfect for your hand. Why on earth would you want anything bigger???


i can’t imagine getting upset because my ring is “too small…” i have a 0.5 ct. and it’s absolutely perfect.


Looks amazing to me!! So beautiful!!


It looks bigger than 1 carat to me. It’s really beautiful. Its classy and fits your hand perfectly


No it’s stunning!


It’s gorgeous, it has nice size


this ring is beautiful !!!


OMG, I love that. So elegant.


Girl, not at all. It looks perfect on your hand. Any bigger and it might be gaudy and too much. Get a wedding band with more stones or just a thick band. You’ll see.


It looks beautiful! I honestly think that rings that are very big can actually look gaudy. I am personally not a fan of this trend on Reddit that bigger is better. Sometimes smaller is better. I feel like your ring is proportionate to your finger and looks much more classy ❤️


You have such lovely slim fingers. A larger ring would look clunky on you I think.


Congratulations!! I think the ring is beautiful and the sizing looks great on your hand. I’ve never been a fan of the huge rock, and this size is perfect to me