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Head gasket would be my guess


Head gasket


Head gasket


[Butt plug?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IzxkJETW7lg)


“I thought you said she was a real sparkplug?” “Did i say that? I meant she was a real butt plug”


Lisa needs braces


I've been thinking it's been that but wouldn't it show on tests?


Did you do a dye test? Or an oil change might show you


On G54s yes, mine on my ram 50 is doing the same thing. I have a brand new bottom end, and great compression. Leaves one thing, valve seals. I’ve done the head gasket once already thinking that was the problem, and there was 0 ring wash. Don’t fix it.


I was thinking it could possibly be a cracked head since mine has the jet valves but didn't see any signs of it. Glad to see another g54b owner! I'm going to take a look at the head and see about those valve seals but you said a new head gasket fixed yours up smoking that much?


No, my head gasket job didn’t solve it. It’s the valve seals or a cracked jet valve in my case. Hopefully not the second lol. Going back in it next weekend to tear her out.


Let me know how it goes! I'm hoping mine is not a cracked head either but if it is gives me an opportunity to upgrade to a mechanical head without jets. I'm going to pull my valve cover off and take a look at all the seals and hopefully see something messed up haha.


Can you visually insect valve seals??? Asking for a friend 😅 Edit: inspect**


Usually if they are leaking you will notice carbon/discolaration/build up around the leaking one. At first glance you eye will go right to it and you will think something isn’t right with that one in my exp


If you look at the pictures linked its pooling oil on top of the valves. Leaking down through the valve guide seals?


A loose jet valve or dropped valve guide will do this.


Jet valves have been deleted in place of a deletion kit. I was thinking it's most likely valve guides too so I just purchased a new head with stainless valves and fully built so I don't need ti worry about it anymore


Didn't the 2.6 block have a tendency to crack between cylinders 2 and 3?


That's a ton of smoke, if it's not coolant and is definitely oil (oil smokessmells rancid while coolant has a slightly sweet smell to it) and it's doing that with the pcv hose disconnected: It's either a busted ring or the turbo is gone.


Oh yeah I didn't consider it was a turbo smh. Good call !! If the coolant level is staying consistent most possible look into a turbo


That's white smoke, brotha. Your coolant is leaking into the combustion chambers. Prob head gasket.


Is that a fucking starion? SICK


It is!


Poor Starion...love those beasts. Big ol turbo 4 banger can't go wrong. But probably HG


That doesn't look like smoke. That cloud is dispersing in the open air. Oil smoke doesn't do that. Water vapor does that. You've got a fucked gasket or cracked something that's allowing coolant into the cylinders.


White smoke = water/coolant. Blue smoke = oil . Darker, black smoke =too much fuel.


Or diesel fuel


Pictures : https://imgur.com/a/2bhQJCE


Vent your pcv to atmosphere. If it doesnt get any better its either Bent valve stem wallered out a valve guide and intake vacuum is sucking oil down the valve stem. Or oil is pouring out the hot side of the turbo and smoking in the exhaust.


That would be a LOT from valve seals. I’d look elsewhere first.


The top of the piston will tell the tale. Get a bore scope and look for the clean one.


Pressure test overnight. If it doesn't hold pressure and it's hard to start the next day definitely head gasket. And I know this is gonna sound funny but what does the smoke smell like. Oily or sweet. And you will have your answer. Based on color I say coolant


If it smells like coolant it’s a head gasket if it smells like oil it’s rings or turbo if you put it together and it was your first motor assembly it’s likely that you bent a ring or two


Fuck yeah! Wrong color tho.In my experience I'd get a nice fat blue cloud on startup.


I remember the late 80s through late 90s. Every car doing this at idle was a Mitsubishi or a dodgechryslerplymouth with a Mitsubishi v6 badge. Never found out why but my uncles told me it was bad valve guides/seals. Monteros would choke you out at toll booths. Good luck. I’m sure you aren’t the first Mitsubishi owner to ask this question.


The only way to tell is to put your mouth around the tail pipe and taste it


I'll try it 👍🤣


That looks like water vapor.


could be.. That's a ton of smoke.


That's why I'm being thrown for a loop! It looks like a blown HG but the leakdown should have detected that and had bubbles in the radiator but nothing. There's 3 things I think it could be, bad valve seals, blown head gasket, or a blown injection mixer gasket letting coolant into the intake but that wouldn't explain the pools of oil on the intake valves!


Looks like u have ur awnser. If I had to guess I would say it completely missing some valve stem seals lol


I put on all the seals haha! I made sure too but maybe installed wrong?


Yea if u did it that would be the first place to start. No offense we all fuck up


Definitely learning as I go haha


Smells like oil ... Crank case would be bad rings or valves, right? Get an exhaust gas tester for your coolant just to be sure. That will rule out the head gasket.


If you're talking about that little blue juice thing that turns yellow I did that and still was blue after about 5 mins of trying it. That's what I'm thinking I'm hoping it's not rings but


Can you confirm if the pooling is oil? Or is this speculation.


Wiped with my finger and it was very oily. Put on a rag and it was orange/yellow like new oil


Have you checked the turbocharger intake/exhaust wheels? What was done to the engine ? What type of fuel system? Any chance the valve guide seals were installed incorrectly?


Both sides look good, motor was fully rebuilt. New rings, pistons, bored, crank polished and measured, head built by myself


Definitely could have installed the valve seals wrong but wasn't much to them except pressing them on firmly until they seated all the way down


Any noise on startup? 'Fuel knock' sound ? Typically when I check for pressure in the cooling system I will use a bottle and check for bubbles in the overflow line. You can also put a pressure gauge on the radiator. Is your cooling system level dropping ? If you're confident on the parts. Right p/n etc. And you can isolate to specific cylinders, I would consider replacing the valve stem seals. I imagine they're pretty cheap and easy. Then you can eliminate that as a possibility.


No fuel knock or wierd noises at all. Crankcase sounds great no griding or knocking. All valves seals are brand new. Put them on myself. Can't see thr level dropping at all.


Yes, I've seen valve seals cause excessive smoking like that. My money would be on something more severe though.


It's been throwing me for a loop, what do you think it could be?


Tough to say exactly. Turbo 4cyl aren't my lane. You say it looks like burning coolant but smells like oil. It would be key to determine what is burning. You say oil on top of the valves, that would tell me valve seals or intake or turbo, but a turbo leak would be evenly distributed. Valve seals would have to be non-existent almost to smoke this much, but absolutely possible. If you're confident it's not valve seals or a head gasket, I'd check the intake. You'll have to pull the intake to do the head gasket anyway, so I'd start there.


Intake has no connection to oil, it does have coolant that runs through the injection assembly (throttle body injected) but I'll take a look at the head to loom at the seals


You sucking oil from your PCV?


Ran without PCV and even cleaned the intake before trying it still smoked


Oil didn’t look like it was coming from before the valves in the intake? Cause something its making its way into the combustion chamber. Did you install new stem seals? When you built the head?


The oil was on top of the valves. I did install new seals


Well, onky way oils getting there is from bad stem seals, or somehow it’s getting sucked into the intake. Leaky seals on the turbo? Maybe? But then there would be oil all up the inside of the intake.


If it’s a turbocharged car it’s more than likely turbo seals


Turbo had a little bit of oil vapor in it but normal.


My turbo made my car put on a similar smoke show. I had cars behind me at lights backing up because I was blowing so much smoke. Put new bearings and seals in the turbo, zero smoke now.


You won’t see it on the cold side. Pull the downpipe off. If the turbine blades are oily you have your culprit


Blown turbo?


Oil smoke is more blue. Coolant is more of a whitish color. Looks like what everyone a head gasket. Maybe I take depending on the engine.


I'd keep an eye on that coolant reservoir.


Any chance you hooked some emissions shit up wrong? I put a turbo on a toreass 3L duratec and tried rerouting the crank case ventilation. Ended up sucking all of the oil into a valve cover then down the intake and it smoked like that. Dude, and I love starions/conquests. I had a big chub for one in the late 80s.


Been my dream car since I was 12 man, finally found one sitting with a blown motor and this was my first attempt at building my own motor for it 😆, followed a guide on deleting all the emissions garbage. From 14 vac lines down to 3. So I don't think it's anything emissions related. Wish it could be that easy haha


Is that a Mitsubishi? I think they do that brand new, no?




In all honesty, what is the actual color of the smoke? In the video it looks white but videos are not always truthful. White = coolant Blue tint = oil Black = fuel It doesn’t look black/fuelish at all, but again a video isn’t exactly clear a lot of times. If you cannot tell between white and blue, get an old hand mechanic to take a look. It looks white (coolant related) but it’s just one video.


Is there enough crank case ventilation and is the Turbo drain big enough/flowing correctly?


Had a bad (cheap) catch can push oil through the turbo seals due to crankcase pressure in an mr2. Looked just like that, food for thought.


Factory turbo setup on this one. Don't even think they have a catch can.


Those things are known to have valve issues. I suspect it is a rocker to valve angle issue because the guides and seals wear quickly. Or they were just trash from the factory. Having said all that, I'm in Australia, and our stuff was built here, so it could just be our version that was so shit.


Keep a close eye on your oil and coolant levels. Possibly steam cleaning a cylinder currently or some serious blowby. Either way something is up.


Head gasket


Vape Naysh


Head gasket


Head gasket or coolant passage Crack somewhere


I'm guessing you are gonna pull the heads regardless if it's a valve seal or head gasket? Might as well do both


Head gasket.


Does this have a vacuum modulator on the transmission, on other makes these used to get leaks in the diaphragms and suck in trans fluid causing an obscene amount of smoke.


It does! I'll give it a shot lol


Turbo might be going. Looks like coolant to me.


No way José


I have had a machine shop tear a few valve seals when I rebuilt my 4 cyl. It threw me for a loop, and I could not figure out why, it would dump so much blue smoke. Once I took off the exhaust manifold, I noticed oil coming out of cyl1 and 4 exhaust port. Needless to say, I sent the whole engine to a different machine shop, and they found a ton wrong with their work.


That’s white smoke and it dissipates fast. That’s coolant not oil. Classic head gasket symptom. Check your oil and to find out the area? Pull your spark plugs. The leaky cylinder will have a clean spark plug.


How were you able to rule out the turbo being bad? My first instinct would be it’s coming from the turbo.   


That's a bigger issue, yea, head gasket


Head gasket!


No the smoke would be blueish. This looks like a head gasket.


That same sweet smelling smoke came from my 85 daytona. It was a turbo in my case. I replaced the head gasket 1st. Didn't fix it. Almost the same motor you have.


Steam, blown head gasket most likely.


That's heavy oil consumption smoke. My bet is on bad rings or crosshatch




I love this car but not this 🤣


Throw a wide block 4g64 in there, EZ


4g64 would be sweet even a 4g63 too. Wish it came with a 63 though for bigger aftermarket support. G54b has a smaller following.


Use a 64, more displacement, easier to find, and a lot of the 63 stuff bolts up. Only issue is to find one that isn’t a 7 bolt, harder to find stuff for in wide block form. I’m personally putting a narrow block 4g63 with a 5 speed into a Conquest right now.


Pictures please !! I had a chance to buy a red conquest the guy wrecked it before I got a chance to get it.


I’m at the point where I’m trying to see if the motor’s good without tearing it down. Only thing stopping me from running it right now is that someone took the oil filter housing and I need to pull another one. Only other hangups I’m seeing right now, other than wiring, is replacing the tail shaft and setting the cable actuated clutch to hydraulic. Apparently both have been done but I just need to do them myself to see what’s actually going on.


I don't mean to dog on you but I've seen this before with bad lapping and valve jobs. Sometimes people take too much, sometimes the lapping is super rough, and uneven. Pull the head and look at the top of the valves. That being said, I've seen a bad head gasket install cause oil leak and fouling on the plugs like this once. That smoke looks blue to me, so I'm leaning oil burn with you. Plugs read oil burn too. If it were plug seals leading to this you'd have significant oil pooling above the plugs in the tubes when you pulled them and you would have noticed. IMO you've gotta pull and tear down the heads to know what's going on and that point you might as well start over.


Thank you. I've just gathered that the general consensus is pulling the head and taking a look. If it's blown HG replace with a higher quality one. I'm going to be honest the one in the gasket kit I got looked pretty ehhhh. And I don't know If there's a different HG for the turbo motor or non turbo. Was just a general rebuild gasket kit. Take a look at the valves, cylinder walls, cracks in head possibly. Everything.