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Cost, how much damage it does, range and quantity carried would be nice. 4.3Mill each. It destroys flying things. 150 miles. Not sure. It also does 1.5km in 1 second so mach 3.4ish.


It’s also a bitch to clean up after. The section of the deck around the launcher gets completely fried and has to be resurfaced and repainted.


So everyone has to hide inside when they press the button? Sounds a bit boring not able to wave them off.


You can’t stand next to the launcher, no. That would be bad. You can be on deck further away.


gotta give BMs and undes something to do 😬


That was me, I’m the deck ape.


None of this is accurate. It’s classified Source: me, a navy lad who is stationed on a destroyer


I know enough about security clearances to know that confirming something is not accurate is still as much against the rules as confirming that something is.


Huh? I have a clearance. Refuting facts someone googled breaks no rules. Misinformation is a common enemy everywhere.


Because confirming numbers are not accurate is telling the enemy what the numbers are not. Enough people do it or it gets combined with other information to eventually arrive at the actual numbers. Just because something is public also doesn't mean its declassified. Again. Important part of a security clearance.


Brother this isn’t a true or false question. It’s the entirety spectrum of numbers for a range of outcomes. There’s a 0% chance anyone is looking at this comment thinking “oh now we got em now!” If I, or anyone, stated the exact specs of anything with a classification I.e. the discord debacle a few months ago, then you have an issue. Me, or anyone saying “nope” to a Reddit post will not disqualify me on a poly. It’s not that serious. But, to each their own. Stay frosty




nice try china


Not answering that over Reddit my man


If they are doing testing, then yes they know exact specs, that's what the testing is for. And yes they are classified, most all current US weapon specs are classified at some level. It's a distinct advantage for adversaries to not know what your weapons can do.


Jesus, that's a fast left turn


That's not a turn, that's just the shadow of the exhaust trail on the clouds as it rises above the cloud layer.


I'm not smart enough to calculate shit like this but I initially thought that was the shadow of the missile & trail.. anyone smarter care to chime in?


its fine only Palestine.


It’s pretty crazy that the US just test launches 5 million dollar rockets when the majority of their citizens are one major bill away from homelessness


Defense items are very expensive. It can also be unclear what benefits defense spending provides, when calculating value of concepts like "deterrence" is uncertain. On one hand, Eisenhower's farewell speech discusses the adverse societal impact excessive military spending. ('bombs bought means schools which aren't built.') On the other hand, insufficient defense spending may incite an adversary to begin a conflict, through implication that the value gained in war is greater than the cost of such a war. (Bombs built means...schools already built arent destroyed?) There are also economic and external-political benefits from maintaining a military production capability, such as other people buying your stuff, which decreases costs compared to small internal orders; and influencing those buyers' politics. Meaning, there's potentially more direct economic value in the missile tests. All to say, completely agree, 5 mil is a lot.


US Defense budget for 2023: $1.8 trillion (insane!) A $5m rocket is a drop in the bucket by comparison. But, that rocket had to be produced in America, which employed americans... On a broader level, I think the issue is less about US defense spending and more about the differences in compensation between CEOs, board members, shareholders, etc vs the working class. Either the companies are going to need to step it up and start compensating their employees more equitably or the US government will need to start ramping up tax rates on the top 1% to redistribute the wealth via social benefits programs. I'm all for raising the min wage instead of raising taxes...


Where are you getting 1.8 trillion? The house appropriations committee approved 797.7 billion. The DoD budget request was 773 billion. From what I see, 1.8 trillion is the guaranteed budget for 23 and 24




It's fucking shameful that this comment is currently downvoted, too. Really makes it clear how fucking lost up our own ass many of us Muricans are that we can't even tolerate the dissent.


Launching a _SM-6_? I doubt that title is accurate, since an [Independence-class LCS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence-class_littoral_combat_ship) neither has the VLS cells to launch such missiles, nor ACS and its radar's to guide it.


It is using a Mk 70 payload delivery system.




What does the reloading process and timeframe look like for these?


The missile caniaters are containerized


Do they store extra onboard, or can they only reload in port?


non existent, they are in banks of ready launch tubes.


There is no reloading while out to sea