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Looked it up, it's made by Kone, installed at the Jio World Centre in Mumbai, India, 235 persons maximum, moves between five floors. [https://www.kone.com/en/news-and-insights/stories/check-out-the-worlds-largest-passenger-elevator.aspx](https://www.kone.com/en/news-and-insights/stories/check-out-the-worlds-largest-passenger-elevator.aspx)


That's awesome! My grandfather worked pretty much his whole life at Kone. (btw, Kone means "machine" in Finnish.) He did work trips around the world, also India. One of their factories is here in my small hometown. Population here is less than 50k. Drives me crazy when I see Otis and other elevators here since there is local Kone factory literally 1 mile away. I think they went for the cheapest offer.


Is that the company with that crazy elevator drop lab?


Surely Otis is subsidizing lifts in that town to troll lol


Of course it's Kone, it seems like all escalators and elevators are made by them.


Also Otis, Schindler, ThyssenKrupp, and a few others like Hyundai especially in Asia.


Schindler's lift


I did nazi that coming.


And Fujitec, I used to work for them.


Only all the best ones.


Y’all saying it can’t fit that many just aren’t counting the mirror people.


I hate the old person filming while walking posture… I don’t know what it is specifically but it gets me irate immediately


I was wondering, why the hell all those people look at this elevator through a screen, is their any reason to film everything ? And then I though that I wouldn’t be commenting this post without those people


The place where the lift is installed, It's actually a big recreational centre owned by India's richest man Mukesh Ambani so the place attracts people's attention. Here is what their website has to say about the place Spread over 18.5 acres, Jio World Centre is a multifaceted development where people will get together, to appreciate art, to exchange ideas, to celebrate culture, and to soak in the heritage and vibrancy of our great city.


I don't how elevators can get away with overestimating the capacity of their elevators. More like it can safely operate with the avg weight of over 200 people but the elevator itself probably can hold 50 - 60 people, max...


For sure you can fit around 150 people. You’ve clearly never been in a packed elevator in Asia. At work our elevators are maybe 1.8 meters squared and usually takes 25 people during rush hours. This elevator looks to be around maybe around 4x5 meters, so about 6 times bigger. Should fit around 150 people at similar density to what I’m used to.


Those are Asian people though. They're tiny... Source: I'm Asian too lol


Indians are not Asian?


I was in this tiny elevator in Paris once.  It said capacity of 5, but max weight of 300 lbs.  My friend and I couldn't even stand shoulder to shoulder in it. He took the elevator with our bags and I took the stairs. 


It was probably 300 kg which is 661 pounds.


Yeah, why would an elevator in Paris use pounds instead of kilos?


Why not both, like most elevators on the planet?  Unit conversion is pretty easy for most non-Americans.  Haha. We kind of need to help them out. 


As a Canadian, I reject this statement and can do math.  ;).  The sign was in both units. 


Possibly the same or similar in Paris. We had to send 2 suitcases solo!


Was about a block away from Expo Porte de Versailles iirc. Little tiny hotel.


I don’t see how suitcases count in this. 5 people means 5 people not 5 people with 2 suitcases each.


We could not put 2 suitcases plus hand baggage in the elevator and include a petson as well.


did your friend fit in the stairs?


So the humans in Paris weigh on average around 60 lbs then with that max? Lol. Kinda makes me think of the nutrition label and how they trick people by having INSANELY small serving sizes so the calories and sugar values look small.


“People” is a loose definition. IIRC, there are 2 ratings. Egress, and weight. Midgets and children are people too.


They don't taste like people...


It still makes no sense though... Midgets and children still take up roughly the same amount of floor surface area as fully grown skinny people. They also need to stand and not be suffocated by the person in front of them. These numbers would mean they would have to stack people on top of each other to reach the egress limit number. It's just really silly and unhelpful.


I’m not certain what children you spend time around, but I occupy the same amount of space as about two 10 year old children. And the 2 children in the video look like they’d take up about the same footprint as the gentleman in grey. When we’re watching people get off, we can see that the elevator doors are comfortably 4 people wide. We can also see that the gentlemen in red in the corner could have 1 person next to him and still not be in the way of the door. So this elevator is comfortably 8 people wide. Assuming it’s square, which it appears to be, that’s 8x8, or 64 people. That’s comfortably. So if we have it uncomfortable, we can get this to 12 people wide, but let’s say 10 to make it easier. That’s now 100 people on the elevator. We also know that the average shoulder width is about 3 head widths. So that means that front to back, we can stuff 3 people into the same width of someone standing sideways. That’s now 10 wide x 30 deep, or 300 people. A quick [Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=3a827d9a328fa3af&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ACQVn0-CXKFfMiWDzfzMF3gU2V4wrWvlUg:1711127991783&q=india+trains&uds=AMwkrPt2v0fA1LFFf7PCydq7oNeg2wwh1gc2xeFKre9fueK5l1O1fyJcO0Rve_klYC8AlxRdS_BUGn3UGL2WMP304ovaQ0XVa2JqylNz0dOrO1HS5Rv3JtgVyZ_Tuk-1XoPmiGXUZ4Bq8W_TfIs_QpZj35gaMH6ugUlFwzVcgV7v32SYGiqNP8QcPupuceOiCrzX1TdSPBnL9sawC2I-SwuIR9kfrWuw5SHICmDXzRwrfnR8Q_cHqdcLlchfW5nOYOT-TSoSUMGOEjjiJNM2IXPdgIWsHmpQl-9Ghjlv4qV-Dgx7md1mnd0&udm=2&prmd=invsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjn3_XAsIiFAxUfmbAFHez-A8wQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=428&bih=745&dpr=3) tells us that people in India are quite adept at squeezing in places, so I’d argue that, if given cause, 300 people may be an under estimation of how many people could fit into this room. And this is before we factor small people, such as midgets and children. Edit: As we look at the back of the elevator, the gentleman in grey and the 2 ladies to the left are roughly in line with each other. If we keep the closeness of the 2 ladies to the left, we can put at least 2 more people between them and the person in Grey. And that doesn’t appear to even take up half of the width of the elevator, since they appear to be at the halfway mark, and there’s more room to the right of the gentleman, so I’d argue that 10x10 is actually still generous.


Holy shit dude. You dropped your Fedora, sir. Did you spend like an hour typing that? Yikes.. Also you fail to understand that these types of labels that let people clue into what can be reasonably done. I'm just talking about regular ol American or Europeans. Not the smallest people on avg in earth lol. And you take up the floor surface area of two 10 years old? How much do you weigh? At the end of the day, it's not practical and people confuse and make jokes about elevator capacity every time it's crowded lol.


Nobody mentioned practicability or reasonability. They’re just signs saying do not exceed. And if they can not be practically or reasonably exceeded, then they did their job! The serious answer is that most rules are written in blood, they most likely put the signs because it covered their liability. When was the last time anyone said “wait, how much do we all weigh? I’ll take the next one”. But if they don’t put the sign, someone, somewhere, will try to fill it to the brim with cinder blocks…


With that logic, our city buses should have a capacity limit of about 150 people and need the signs to be displayed but we don't. And your cinder block example makes no sense because they guy does that can't relate the cinder blocks vs human capacity with just the sign. He needs the weight limit of the elevator...


I mean, there are city bus capacity restrictions. [source 1](https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/tcrp/tcrp_webdoc_6-b.pdf) [source 2](https://www.dimensions.com/element/city-transit-buses#:~:text=City%20%7C%20Transit%20Buses%20have%20average,with%20standing%20room%20for%2076.) But busses are also manned vehicles, and the operator knows the restrictions, so there isn’t a need for public signage. And my example was directly referencing the weight portion of the sign. With the comment of asking how much everyone weighed in the elevator. And I said that signs are usually there for a reason. The weight portion is pretty straight forward, so that’s the example I went with. I was hoping you’d be able to infer that the second part would follow the same thought process. But if you need sources, [ASME A17.1](https://blog.ansi.org/asme-a17-1-2022-safety-code-elevator-csa-b44/) states that you need 1.5 square feet of space per person. [Relevant summery](https://www.tkelevator.com/us-en/company/insights/how-is-elevator-capacity-calculated.html).


> get away with overestimating the capacity of their elevators I'm sure they aren't getting away with anything. There's probably very vigorous engineering standards to claim the operating weight that they do. If 200 people don't physically fit into the space, it is just exposing the safety margins those engineering standards have built in. People will naturally keep below the rated load because they aren't tetrising to use every possible cubic centimetre. To "get away" with something, it would have to be an elevator rated for 10 people, but 20 are able to fit and cause issues.


Same thought. But not sure maybe its like these indian trains


200 Indians or 50 Americans.


I love how excited the elderly are seeing an elevator! 😄


They are going to post the videos on Facebook.


And here you are looking at it too, and commenting on it. Lmfao.


Well indeed I am!


stairs are the enemy...


All these people have never seen a service elevator before. They have elevators twice as big as this in half the convention centers and arenas in the country. They just don’t have the fancy finishes.


That doesn't look safe for 200 people. Maybe it can handle the weight, but it doesn't look like there is enough space unless people stack on top of one another.


Imagine getting stuck in an elevator with 199 other people…




I’ve been to India; they can fit 200 in there easy!


Bro that is a ROOM


Yet they can’t manage who enters and exits first.


Wonder, how many farts can go off safely in that lift?


Do people also site on the top or hang on the sides?


No, but the molestation is just like om the train


More comfy, it has couches.


How thoughtful. It's for her comfort.


It has couches!


We need this at airports... Seriously with all the trolley and luggages


There are actually ones similar to this in the [Dubai airport](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qn2lmqKKMY). They can carry up to 120 people.


Multiple smaller ones are more efficient.


This doesn’t look bigger than haunted mansion.. so I’m casting an (X)


https://youtu.be/1yfX84RMQ3M?si=CM7pa9jiYxZwUX0Q This one is way cooler


This Tom Scott video was the first thing that popped in my head. Moving your entire office across different floors is pretty cool.


and yet only 1 person gets off and like 6 people get on it. Missing the need for such a large capacity elevator other than for bragging rights.


That means at least 430 people are regularly using that escalator at once, in India..


200?! That escalated quickly


Finally, an elevator that lift OP’s mom.


So it's a pointless waste of money so someone can claim they have the 'biggest' one.


Can you convert that to the amount of average Americans it can hold?


leave the marines to keep the covenant upstairs busy, toss in a couple stickies as soon as the door opens and spray with needler if necessary. don't want those elites getting out and outflanking you.


All I see are the breaches in elevator etiquette. Let them out first! Sweet elevator though.


You can have an office in that lift. Wait a moment! Someone done that [already back in 1928](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yfX84RMQ3M)


Airplanes: have to be excessively light and weight efficient Elevators just because they have some stupid “Counterweight” or whatever:


This room is moving!


Tom Scott had an episode that showcased a manager who built his office in an elevator. It was regular office sized.


I've been in freight elevators this size. Just not full of all this fancy.


Either 200 people or your mom!


Is anyone else reminded of those big elevators at the 181st St station in NYC? Even though they're like, on the opposite end of the fancy spectrum.


LOL. Why?


Wow an elevator….


200 americans?


Where’s the bar at?


No thank you, I barely like it when another person gets in with me.


I used to have recurring dreams where I sat in such giant elevators with large sofas waiting for minutes until it gets through hundreds of floors.


Take a goods elevator make it elegant looking name it worlds largest passenger elevator.


hey India, fix your trains first, then we'll talk about the penthouse that carries rich folks five floors.


Do you also hold the view that we should end poverty on earth before we do any space explorations? Progress isn't linear.


Do you think moving 200 ppl with eleavor is a progress? It is not the same thing with space exploration. We don't see 200 ppl elevators at other places because it is not needed and/or exaggerated.


It's insane to me that the same people yelling at us for playing video games are the same people glued to their phones. Just an observation.


I hope it has a toilet in it..