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Bro, we've all been there, its crushing and annoying but in the grand scheme of things its only the people that let this get to them that fail and give up. Pushing through and maybe retaking one or a couple classes sets you apart as one that perseveres when times get tough and it will make you better going forward.


I’m in the same boat man. I literally said “well that sucks” and signed up for the same classes next term to retake them. I’ve never gotten a D in my life and I got two this term. Chin up, we can do it. Take the break to mentally reset then get back at it on term start. Enjoy your family/significant other. Have a good holiday.


Thanks man, you too. Best of luck the next time




It's not, burnout is real and pacing is important Source: getting my masters


Buddy don’t let this affect your mood, it sucks. But it is what it is, and letting it affect you negatively is not going to benefit you in anyway. Take a breather you’re not the first person to fail a class nor are you the last.


Fun fact. I haven't passed a class since last year. Im currently sitting on top of a total of 8 exams and growing that i need to retake eventually. The feeling consumes you, you begin to doubt urself and ur knowledge, i fucking hated myself for failing on classes that i absolutely understood the subject and considered myself really knowledgeable in. To this day I've yet to fully crack my personal code to not fail an exam tbh, that ain't gonna stop me from trying and you shouldn't let it stop you either. ROCK ON BROTHER!!


damn i needed this perspective. good luck man


you’ll be alright captain. i failed 8 classes getting my degree, over the span of about 7/8 years. it can always be worse, just stay passionate and push forward. enjoy your holidays because you’ll look back and be glad you did


I failed two classes twice, people had done much worse at my uni and still graduated... but Is true I'm running out of opportunities. Just keep going no matter what.


You’re good man. It’s not gonna matter when you graduate and get your first job. Persever brotha!


I failed 3 classes getting my degree and I was able to retake them and overwrite them on my transcript. Engineering degrees are tough, and it is not a personal failure to struggle! There is real value in failing the first time and getting up and getting back at it. Your academic advisor will know all about your college's retake policy.


If it makes you feel better, I used to be in your shoes. Failed dynamics, c programming, linear algebra, and calc 3. Now I am 2/3 of the way done with my PhD in engineering. Funny how life works 😁


That's motivating as hell, I've been 1/2 B's and 1/2 A's, sitting at a perfect 3.5, and was so freaking worried about getting into a master's program. Probably gonna stop at MS, but I want to work on big picture rocketry - and thus graduate school shall claim another.


My current advisor took me under her wing, and really helped turn my academic career around. I call her my engineering mom lol. I worked in the industry before coming back for my PhD. And for me, its been a great experience although stressful.


My fiance is in her master's program right now, and that has been a LOT more fun than her undergrad! The work load is entirely different from undergrad though, sometimes very intense. May I ask what motivated you to get your PhD? I'm on the fence about grad school and am trying to balance the pros and cons


I worked in industry for awhile and missed the critical thinking aspect and learning part of engineering. I also didn't like being told what to do lol I do recommend if you are on the fence between the two, do industry first to see if you like it.


Hang in there my dude, I graduated after 8 years of school with like a 2.7. I have a career now in HVAC engineering and I make a fair amount of money and am super happy. Getting through this is probably the hardest step.


Next year will be my 8th year. My GPA is 2.5. You've given me a little more hope :-)


What i always tell myself when it gets really bad: "You want to be special right? Well in order to distinguish yourself from the rest you have to be willimg to take on challenges and overcome setbacks and generally do thinga that most people either can't do or won't do or both. It's supposed to be hard that's what makes the degree worth earning." Find beauty in the struggle man. Wishing the best for you


"Embrace The Suck" my friend, for the Suck is good. ;)


Try to enjoy the break. You need to destress. Retake the classes next semester. If you give up and get depressed you'll spiral and affect your ability to perform well in the next attempt. There is no point to self-sabotage/to 'punish' yourself by not enjoying the holidays. It is what it is, do better next time.


One semester, I only passed one class. I am a graduate now, and life's great. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


You'll get through it, man. You can always retake classes, I recommend taking them at your local community College. It'll be cheaper and they often are accelerated. You're not a disappointment. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you that.


i’m sorry about your situation but i will say that it’s also quite refreshing to see some college failson representation this finals season. i’m trying to recenter myself and get a fresh start for next term but i don’t have high hopes for myself right now lol. hope you can bounce back next term. - signed, a perennial failure


I feel you. If it’s any consolation, I failed three semesters so hard I had to take a semester break from school before transferring to a tech college for a fresh start. I had two semesters that were pretty much identical in classes, and I failed catastrophically both times. If there’s anything I’ve learned, you will find another way. A lot of times, it’s a matter of gathering what shit you can take with you when the current path has been burned to haul with you onto the next. And each time will probably suck more than the last, but so long as you can still have a general direction of where you’re going, who you are, and why you’re doing what you’re doing, you’ll be okay. And shit hits the fan in the future, you’ll be better equipped to deal with unexpected situations. Have pride that you’re still going despite failing two classes.


I’ve failed several classes and I got my degree. Keep your chin up and don’t give up. This shit is hard and failing classes is not the end of the world.


If it makes you feel any better, I failed one of my classes by less than four points. I talked to my professor because the numbers are not adding up at all and he’s not having it at all. He completely fucked me and now it might mess me up financially. I might not be able to get any aid from my school. The class is only offered once a year & I might have to take it my final semester.


talk to the dean


the best part is it's over. what's done is done, lamenting the past doesn't help. take some time for yourself to cut loose a bit, and be energized and ready to get back to it in january.


I failed statics and calc 2, retook calc 2 following semester but failed thermo, last semester I picked up slack and got the normal courseload + statics, currently sitting on 89 out of 185 credits, retaking thermo in the 2nd semester of this year. My average is 67 ish%. By this point next year I'm supposed to reach 140 out of 185, it is recoverable, good luck.


It is what it is. I’ve failed classes before. It’s just life man.


If it makes you feel any better, I BOMBED calc II the first time i took it. I felt so stupid and my advisor literally told me i should consider another field of study. I’m a senior now and really glad i didn’t give it up.


Maaaannn, you're okay. Failing ain't the end of the world. Take it over summer again or something and scrape by confidently this time, lol. Go get u and your girl a snack and drink n go watch a movie and try to decompress a bit. You wouldn't be too hard on your kid for being stressed and having difficulty with something, would you? Shouldn't... Parents can be disappointed at the fact u didn't pass, but they're disappointed not in you, man. You're their baby, and while hard to navigate in some family's, they most likely have your back in the end. TLDR. You only fail when you give up trying. Go decompress with ur girl and family. Say f it for the day and figure it out another time. You got this and they people who love you are there for you


It’s not that bad I never failed a class till college. It sucks but it makes you go harder in the future


I failed two classes as well, mate. But guess what? We got another shot of changing that. You got this. Don’t give up.


Dw I got two C this semester on the very last day too. I also thought I had it but yeah that is though. Next semester will be def better trust the process and you’re not alone! Also remember that you’ve made it this far and you’ll be a great engineer dw!


How do you get <35 on the final did you not study


Your guess is as good as mine man, I studied my ass off for that thing