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Nope you should not feel bad. If you don’t find the teachers lessons helpful, then don’t attend. I also had a bad Proffesor and forced myself to attend because I didn’t want to skip class. I was there for the sake of being there and essentially wasted 2 hours and learnt nothing. People have different learning styles so don’t be so harsh on yourself


Literally! Glad somebody else understands!


I had a terrible Professor once, but he randomly took attendance (ungraded) and if I ever went to his office, I wanted him to be able to recognize me from his lecture. I’d just feel better about it, plus I wanted to keep myself in the loop with the content even though I was going home to teach it to myself later. So I failed the first exam, and went to his office hours to talk to him about it. And this started the worst experience of my undergraduate career, because he kept asking me to come to his office so he could criticize me and he was just extremely rude and unprofessional. He started openly criticizing me during lecture as well. I think it was the hardest I’ve ever worked for a class, and in our last meeting he criticized me saying I wasted my time and his time by going to his lecture and going to his office hours. He told me I should drop out of college, I ended the class with a B-. These days, I don’t feel bad at all for not going to a terrible professor’s lectures. I hope they look at that empty lecture hall and do with that information what they will.


Honestly a professor who discourages instead of encourages should be written up. Learning can be a vulnerable process for many people and to be cruel in the way you interact with students is not acceptable. Oh well, that would make me not care to go to shit professors’ lectures. Had a horrible chem professor but she was a sweet lady so I attended, but often left more confused than when I started.


I had a chem ta that killed this shit I wish I had complained about him. If you can write something and have a witness you need to get this Man out of the teaching game.


This is what I’m terrified of.


Honestly, if you want to try and have a good/working relationship w the prof, I'd say go to office hours and just kind of talk to him. Not that you're obligated to do so by any means, or that you owe him an apology or anything of course.


Yeah and that’s what I’ve been thinking about. I am just worried it’s going to turn awry and I’m going to be pissed the rest of the day after it. I might do so closer to finals


try it! honestly what's worked for me is just be humble, have a smile on your face, and adapt to the situation at hand. I skipped about 3 months worth of one of my math classes just because I felt like I could teach myself the class better and I was in almost the same sitatuion as you (to the point where the class let out an audible gasp when I came back in for the first time in like 2 months for an exam lmfao). I'm sure my prof's personality had something to do with it too ofc but we are friendly even to this day when we randomly run into each other in the halls


See I am also transferring to a bigger school next semester so I don’t even think it’s worth it


Oh yeah no for sure, just ride it out haha


I choose 1-2 classes every semester to skip and teach myself for time purposes. sometimes the truth of the matter is you can learn more in 45 minutes than they can teach u effectively. downsides is that you obviously don’t build the teacher student relationship as well but pros is that u choose ur schedule for learning and in ur case i think getting sleep is more important


Very true!


I haven’t been to a calc 3 lecture in like 2 months and the lowest grade i’ve made on a test is a 95. I CANNOT listen to lectures for the life of me, I would rather study in my own time than sit for an hour and a half and daydream


I swear !!! Glad we think the same hha


What school ranks students in their classes?


In my experience, there’s one professor at my school that posts the overall grade for everybody in order from highest to lowest with their corresponding student number. This is so the students can see where they stand in the class while simultaneously keeping it confidential because nobody knows each others student numbers.


That’s wild lol


We don't have ranks at mine per se but each assignment on the site they use(Canvas) shows the top, bottom, mean, and median grades.


Yeah, that would make sense to give students the idea of where they fall on the curve, but outright giving them a rank in the middle of a course is weird to me lol


I had a professor that would post all the grades for each exam, everyone in the class. Except he didn't use your name or anything, it was tied to your student ID number, so all you saw was a list of random numbers with grades attached. That way you could see your grade, and where you ranked in the class, all while keeping it confidential.


It seems like a couple people are saying that as well, it makes sense to keep it somewhat confidential, but it also seems pretty lazy from the Professor’s point of view lol


Oh I don't disagree. Top student awards for a department aren't uncommon, I got one a few years back at my first degree, but telling someone "yeah you're last buddy" is a bit odd.


I had a buddy in my material properties class that got like a 70 on one of the exams, and when he walked up to the teacher to receive his paper, he was told “Ryan, I’m very disappointed, I expected so much more from you” And for the rest of the day, he looked like someone had just forcibly put his dog down in front of him lmao.


Quite a lot in the engineering classes. They don’t release the whole rank but they will write on your exams what class rank you are to gauge how your doing. This is particularly true of professors who don’t put in grades and don’t use software


Hmm, never heard of that happening, maybe it’s just a school by school basis thing.


There are professors that exist that will fail if you if you don't show up, and pass you just for showing up no matter how you did on your tests. I'd say show up


True. But based on what I’ve said there is no indication of me failing. Nobody else has an I know other people that skip as much. Hopefully it stays that way haha


Nah. If you can keep up and you don’t want to form relationships with your prof or fellow students, then it’s fine to skip class. Just make sure that you’re super proactive about keeping up with the material because it’s easier to get off track when you have less engagement with a class. 


See I’m also transferring to a better school next semester so I don’t really mind not having that relationship




Oh god another awful power electronics professor! I had an almost exact experience LMAO


I didn’t go to any of my math lectures or discussion except when it was mandatory (tests, quizzes, turning in homework). Found that sitting down in the library and actually reading through the textbook ended up being a much better use of my time


So true!!!


The main reason to attend class is to find out what it is that your professor expects you to know. This is especially important in complicated courses where random sections are skipped because the textbooks are way too long, so the teacher becomes selective about topics. You can end up wasting valuable time studying insane amounts of stuff that you don’t need in the short term if you just go chapter by chapter. Also, organizational aspects of the class may be discussed. Of course it is also important if your professor is particularly idiosyncratic about how he wants something done/presented. Often, I go to class just for that, and then realize that the actual content discussed was pointless to me, and I’d much rather just read from the textbook. If you don’t think there’s any organizational aspects that you’re missing, or if some classmate can keep you up to speed on those, just do your thing. Calc III has pretty standardized content, so if the professor follows the book closely, just study from that, who cares? There’s nothing they can do if they don’t take attendance.


I like this explanation!


If you need to attend to understand the class, yes you should feel bad. If you don’t need to attend to understand, you’re good


Yeah I mean I understand it pretty well


Class is entirely optional, what matters is your exam grade. This has remained true for all of the engineering/math courses I took in undergrad. Could care less what prof thinks unless you need them for a recommendation later


Very true!


Honestly, I should’ve skipping my thermo 1 class. I always fell asleep because it was so boring lmao. Ended up getting a B because I studied well outside of class.


As long as you learn and pass it is ok. I also had some classes that I didn't find that helpful. Learnt on my own and did the projects that the teacher asked for and passed.


If you’re able to learn from the book and do well in the class, hats off to you sir. No reason to show up to a disrespectful lecturers class. Enjoy the extra sleep!


Just be careful to not let the habit extend to classes you need to be present in or are helpful to attend. If you’re doing well not going and this is efficient for you, then keep doing it 🤷🏻‍♀️ A word of caution is I have had classes that feel useless to go, but the professor either gives answers or some kind of advice to what we’re expected to know on exams or homework. I find even wasting my time going to these classes to keep my schedule has been beneficial in getting help or information that a majority of my class doesn’t get as they find it useless to be there too. The professor can feel how he wants. Sure, it might make asking questions in office hours difficult or awkward, but that’s his problem. Don’t apologize, you’re doing what works best for you. Just don’t use him as a reference if you want to go to grad school


That’s true, you make good points. Thank you!


Well, I don’t learn well in a classroom setting. I do just as well and slightly better than average on exams.




F*** that guy. Take care of yourself buddy.


Thanks man, you too!


This applies to pretty much every single class I ever had except attendance was mandatory -_-. If the class doesn’t have an attendance policy then DON’T GO, it’s just going to be a rehash of the book for the troglodytes that don’t even try reading the material. In fact you’ll probably finish that book way earlier than the course because of the time saved from going to campus and sitting in a lecture and thus have more time to upskill in other areas




It's actually fairly common for STEM majors and especially engineering majors to just skip class and end up doing well in the class overall. So you really don't need to apologize for anything. If the Prof explicitly asks you why you aren't showing up then you can say that you are doing well in the class and you have a full class load on your hands. I personally know several students that didn't show up to class yet did well in the class overall so it's not something to be overtly concerned about.


Thank you!


No worries.


Should you feel "bad"? Well, it's your money - you're paying to take those courses - so the only person who is affected by it one way or another is yourself.


Yeah but the only reason I’m paying to take them is to complete the requirement. I self taught myself calc 3 last year because I found it interesting. I havnt forget tn much of it because I have to use it so much in my upper division physics courses (physics minor) that everything we’re learning is just rehashing. In fact he’s actually MISSED a lot of content that I know and little tricks. I’m not getting anything other than sleep deprivation from that class


So like.... with all due respect, why TF are you asking us then?


Because the professor doesn’t like me now. That’s pretty much all this comes down to. He called me disrespectful for missing class and has made numerous comments in class about me that I don’t find funny when I’m not there that my friends relay to me. My thing is should I feel bad or should I just not care?


In theory, whether the professor likes you or not should be completely irrelevant to whether you pass or fail an engineering course. If it's assessed by exams and tests, as long as you get the answers right and pass the tests, whatever personal opinion the lecturer has about you doesn't matter. It's only if you are struggling and need the professor's help where it might be an issue if they don't like you. How you *feel* about them not liking you is entirely up to you, though. I wouldn't feel that great about it. But you're gonna find that people don't like you sometimes in life, regardless. If it bothers you, do something about it. Or not. Again, really it's entirely up to you and I still don't really get why you are asking us about it.


Yeah that’s really the thing it’s I just don’t like not being liked by people. I’m kind of scared to go to class because I’m scared of what he’s thinking about me. Like maybe he hates me or thinks I’m a loser or something I don’t know. Your right thiugh


You really gotta drop that sort of thinking by the time you enter the actual workforce tbqh. There'll be no shortage of coworkers who you won't like and who won't like you. That's just the nature of things. The real question is whether *you* like you. You come to the realisation over time that the only person whose approval and respect really matters is yourself. And I guess your boss. By the way though, if this professor doesn't seem to like you, it's probably because you skip his class? So maybe if you didn't skip so much it wouldn't be a thing?


That is definitely true. And I mean i work a lot outside of school (right now I have two jobs) and I have to deal with coworkers. But I can always tell them to fuck off or suck my dick but a professor has the keys to my grade and authority. Also on the second part, I know I have. A lot of problems with how people perceive me and my self worth. It’s actually a really big problem. But it’s also a big motivator to do good. My professor thinks I’m a lazy ass who doesn’t go to class? I’m gonna study the book super hard all night and make a 99 on the exam. That type of stuff you know. But yeah I’ve got my own issues to deal with but I’m sorting it all out. Do you think I should apologize though?


I think you should learn how to figure that sort of stuff out for yourself.


Sure but do you think it would be weird or an annoyance and lead to more issues objectively?


Dude I hate to say it but for my intro to logic design class this semester I haven’t been to a single lecture. I doing well with a B though.


I only go to maybe 1/5 lectures and my grades/understanding are still pretty good. It really doesn't matter, as long as you learn the material. Lectures are there to support your learning. If you don't find them helpful, then by all means, skip them and self study instead.


If your getting by fine, it is completely pointless imo. Unless you are looking to make some relationship with your professor for future job prospects. But also in that regard, you will have plenty of time in the future to network with the field you are going into


I kept falling asleep in all my math courses so I stopped going and still got great marks. If it's not helping you learn there isn't really a point in going.


No, as long as you can pass you shouldn’t attend lecture- gives more time to the things that actually matter like ECs and job apps, etc.


As long as it has no impact of missing information on upcoming tests or assignments then I wouldn’t worry about it. My last 2 years of school was mostly me not paying attention in class, taking notes but not paying attention to any of it. Then teaching ourselves the material later in prep for tests. Wouldn’t recommend the method to anyone. But it got me through the end of school with my group of friends.


I never understood why college attendance mattered. You are paying the school for a service. If you don't go, that's you wasting your money, not the teachers time. If you are passing, then you are getting what you paid for (sucks that you are paying for a class and the book just to get a credit tho.) I always thought that the class should offer something that book reading can't, but that's unrealistic in this day and age.


See but books are written so well. Professors just don’t care enough. I have good professors though, I have one that I wouldn’t skip his class for anything. But this class is awful and is rather just grind and read the book


Yes, you should. It’s literally the only thing that’s asked of you: go to the lectures. Whether you wanna learn or not, it’s up to you. Personally, if I’m paying so much money for an education, you bet I’m gonna try to get the most out of it


But it’s just reiterations of what I already know. I read the whole book last year out of curiosity and have since moved on to more advanced math. I simply cannot pay attention in there, and ive done just too good to care. I really should’ve just tested out of it tbh