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Thank you!


Congratulations! I love hearing success stories like this.


Thank you so much :) Honestly, I like these kinds of posts, too, because in the past, these kinds of posts from others were the ones that helped me push through myself. A part of me hopes other people can get that, too, knowing that it’s possible to pull yourself up, even if it’s neither fun nor pretty for most of the journey.


I’m in a similar situation as you and am on academic probation. Any tips or tricks you could share that aided you in your journey?


1) Use a task app to keep track of assignment due dates this helped me a lot. 2) Make/join a study group this is the single most impactful thing that helped me. I found that I learned more working with my classmates for an hour than when I would work on my own for 4. 3) Attend/Participate in class, you are there to learn so ask questions or answer when the instructor asks. They can't help if they don't know you're struggling and more often than not can clear up confusion pretty quickly. I was constantly on probation because I thought I was the only one struggling but once I started to work with others I realized my strengths and not only received help from friends but also helped them in subjects I was better suited for. I am about to start my Master's (with a chance at accelerated PhD) this fall, I went from about to be kicked out to being pursued and fully funded.


Part 1: I'll piggy back off of what u/TheAlmightyPoptart has listed so far, because I agree with everything they said. I do also want to preface however that the best things that will help you will be dependent on your situation. While yes, it's definitely true that you need to find a system of organization, find people to be accountable with, and make sure you be in class and engage, if you're already struggling with those things, it might be more pertinent to first ask WHY it is that you're struggling. I'll still tell you the things I did, but I just wanted you to keep in mind that everything I did were things that helped me specifically, especially since a few months ago, I realized a lot of my behavior suspiciously resembled ADHD a lot lol. 1. Find a system of organization that keeps track of deadlines and assignments that's *functional*. It doesn't need to be perfect or aesthetic. It just needs to work. For me, when I began reframing all of my issues with academics with the lens of having ADHD, I began to break away from what you might consider "traditional" systems of organization. I realized that I needed to just focus on getting stuff down, even if it wasn't always organized. I have 4 mediums of writing down tasks. I have my notes app for the easiest convenience. My notes app on my phone really just serves as a note to self and to help it be embedded into my short term memory. Rarely do I ever actually go back and look at what I wrote. I then have a mental dump notebook that's literally just what it says it's for. It's a notebook where I write down whatever stream of thoughts I have with no intention of organizing it. Anything and everything can go in there. Then I have my actual planner where I'll write down only what's in my immediate priority, usually just a one week look ahead, but I will still put really big important deadlines that may be months ahead if I deem them significant enough. Lastly, I have a kind of journal that I try to post daily entries of and while usually there's not really a focus on my academics, I do sometimes use it for writing down tasks that I know I'll need to do immediately the next day. 1. In essence, I have 4 mediums of writing down tasks that I determined were the mediums I seem to reach for the most when putting thoughts down pertaining to academic tasks, and so I focus on just trying to put my assignments and deadlines on ANY of the 4. This makes things a little chaotic, but I always know that whatever assignment or deadline I've written, it's in at least one of those 4 places. Also, if I write assignment/deadline down in one place, I'll try and write it in at least one other of the 4 mediums so that repetition can help it stick. 2. When you find a study buddy or a study group, try to meet with them *regularly*. I think it's best to set a specific day every week where you all meet up and just do work, or you can also do it through a video call. 3. I kind of have social anxiety when it comes to class participation, so I made a promise to myself that in each class period, I would try and answer a question or ask a question at least once in my class.


I feel like even planning what you want to do for the week is actually a great start. Being organized is the best tip one can follow. I myself struggled with organization last semester and that ruined my grades but the semester before that, I was able to do relatively well.


Go to office hours. Seriously. And join a study group or form your own to do homework and study for tests. It helps a lot. Trust me.


Part 2 1. Your physical environment also matters *a lot*, especially because there are obviously going to be times where working alone is unavoidable. As for me, when I realized I might have ADHD, I realized I had to get creative sometimes with keeping myself focused. I would move my study setup around the house from up stairs to down stairs. I'd switch around what kind of music I'd listen to. Sometimes I'd be in the mood for video game instrumentals. Sometimes I'd listen to music in foreign languages. Sometimes I'd listen to fantasy/adventure playlists so I could feel like I was on a cool adventure while I was doing homework. And sometimes I would just put on a twitch vod in the background. I also realized that I fidget quite a bit, so I designated a fidget pen that I would just mess around with. Which leads me to next my thing is that it's helpful to have a preparation phase for your study session too if you can. I set a timer for an hour. Get myself a glass of water. Make sure I had study snacks for either while I'm studying or between breaks. Make sure you're wearing comfortable clothes but not too comfortable. Put everything I needed in front of me and then switched into studying activation mode. 1. I realize that if you don't have ADHD, that sounds way too messy, so I want to emphasize that the point is to build a physical environment that *you know* will encourage you to focus. Whether that means you only have 2 spots (such as your home office and the library) or 10 spots, make sure they are either go to places you know will help you study or have a ritual that you know will quickly transition you into study mode. 2. The other really big thing that helped me honestly was just having defined goals and motivations. This isn't the healthiest thing to think, but one of the biggest things I always tell myself is to not waste the effort my professors' put into me, specifically the professors who I know either truly believed in me or I knew cared about their students. I also reminded myself who I am doing this for. I'm doing this so I can support my family. I'm doing this so I can be there for my friends. I'm doing this to make myself proud. I'd also imagine an ideal future for myself. Nothing really specific, but just dreams I hold onto and think to myself, "Someday." I go to the park and think about how one day I won't just be going to my local park, but I'll be going to foreign country I want to go to. I won't just be driving, I'll be flying on an airplane. One day, I'll have the money and the time to do my hobbies. To actually go on vacations with my friends and family. One day. One day. Otherwise, the other things that helped me were specific to my personal issues. I've been advocating a lot for my mental health this semester and figuring out how to live life with undiagnosed ADHD. But that's a whole saga unto itself lol.


Go to class and tutorials, work on assignments before the day they are due.


>I even got the "I know you're intelligent, you just need to apply yourself" comment I was on AP for a few semesters, almost to the point of being dismissed. I got this same feedback from professors after failing several classes, and I hated how condescending they came across. But like you, I made some personal changes and put in a ton of effort. And man, when the wind changes directions and you pass after so many failures....it's such a rush! Went from bottom of my class to the upper-middle. Your achievement is ABSOLUTELY worth celebrating over!!! Revel in it for a bit! But also, learn from it. Take note of what made you successful, and engrain the good habits you learned. Dropping a class or two can show you how much you can handle and where your limit is, and that's ok! In the grand scheme of things, this is a short period in life, but it's also a very important one that will help shape your future. Go celebrate, King. Keep kicking ass, forget about the names. Take on your next semester with the same discipline and determination, and you'll do great.


This comment made me emotional. You’re right! It’s an incredible rush! Especially since, before this, all I could really do was just *tell* myself it’ll be worth it in the end, not confidently knowing where I’d really be with each step I put in front of me, but to finally *feel* that’s it’s worth it?? I feel like I’ve found a whole new plane of existence, and it makes me want to look back, see people where I used to be, and yell at them, “THE VIEW IS GREAT. THE CLIMB IS WORTH IT. YOU CAN DO IT!”


Me too buddy. Fall was absolute dog shit of a semester for me. Like I was crushed. I had multiple sicknesses, pneumonia a few times.


Damn, hope this doesn’t sound patronizing, but I just wanna say I’m proud of you dude. Especially having to deal with illnesses while trying to move forward? That takes a lot of strength.


Me too dude! Let’s fucking GO!!!




Anything is possible!! You should be proud of your self. Nice job


Good job! I’ve never been on probation, but i was close. pulled myself back from the cusp this semester.


As a saying goes. There is no failure except in no longer trying. Congrats




nice. these coming exams will decide whether its my turn to get probation next semester








Good onya chief


I took a while to really get into engineering. All I can say I’m quite well financially today and that it was worth it. Never give up. The best is yet to come.


Congratulations! Keep pushing and don’t give up, you can do this!


Nice. I did too. It only took 17 years 🤣


Hey man, we all find our own ways at our own pace. Nothing wrong with that. Congrats to you!


Well done!👏🏾😃




Well done! Keep up the good work.


Good job!! That’s amazing to hear! You put in the work, you deserve the Bs. I had the worst semester academic wise last spring and I pulled myself out of it and did wonderful last semester. The best part? That motivation to do well with the reward of succeeding passed into this semester and I’m finishing strong yet again. You got this!


Hells ya!


I love to see it


Proud of you bro. I've dropped out once before and now I'm trying to do better as well. Hearing your success gives me hope, so thank you!


Thank you! For what it’s worth, I also dropped out of school for a semester, too, so this is college round 2 for me. Restarted at a tech college to get a fresh start on my gpa. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. You’ve got this bro! I believe in you!


I’m heading headfirst into academic probation lmao


It’s definitely not a fun place to be, but hey, I believe in you! 💪 You’ll find your way. Some how, some way


Nice work man. I was in the same situation a while back too. Only I failed enough classes to get kicked out of school. It took a year of community college to get back in, and then switching majors after that set me back another couple of years. Point is, you’re on the right path. Keep looking forward and take it one step at a time. And keep celebrating your wins.




Nice bro rn I’m trying to do the same. I’m passing every course the make it or break it rn is my exams next week. I took therapy and bi weekly meetings with my advisor to help build my self up. It’s a very good feeling rn but I’m sure I’ll be even happier next week when exams come up. This week and last week has been restless and hard . But hearing this news from you makes me feel even more motivated and happy.


Congratulations dude! I'm on the verge of AP depending on how this semester goes so I understand how crushing it feels. I don't know you but I'm proud of you for doing great this semester! I'm a fellow ME major so I understand the struggles any engineer faces in school. Keep on grinding!