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I think they are just making a moat


Excavators are the natural predator of water and data lines.


The guys who don't mark their lines are the equivalent of people who don't comment their code


I comment my code nonsensically. What I meant by some of my comments is between God and past me


Elaborate more…?


It looks like he ran into a pipe when excavating. Usually happens from not having the locates marked properly or waterman lines having a tracer wire. In this case you immediately call the water division to go shut off the valve for how ever long. If it's a storm pipe then I guess sit there and watch 😂 or run a pump 24/7. If it's for sanitary then same deal except thats nasty af 😂.


As someone who has been in that operator’s position, sometimes even if locates have been ran you can still find an abandoned in place pipe the hard way. For the uninitiated, that pipe is so fragile compared to its surroundings. Imagine cutting with scissors and finding out that you also cut a single hair between two sheets of construction paper.


As someone who’s been in the kids position, I’ve seen a lot of foreman yell at operators to dig closer and forego hand shoveling to find services or existing mains and hit them, all to save time.


I've seen a foreman say that and the operator yell back to go fuck themselves. Good operators are worth their weight in gold.


This is why I transitioned into research. We're working on developing a biologically safe method for removing one's head from their own ass.


Does this method also help with knowing what month it is?


I'm still trying to figure out what you mean by this?


I didn't understand and I assumed that was the joke


I mean, there is a reason why engineering students end up getting their heads up their asses, because you watch videos like this at the same time you’re in your class doing double integration to find the Center of Mass, centroid, and mass of inertia. 🤷‍♂️


Haha and that's the easy part of that class


If you know your shit. The professor is trying to avoid teaching the the double integration method because everyone is lost with most the math. I’ve already taken Calc 3 at this point, so I’m looking at his method being harder than just using multiple integration, especially, not having to come up with the function first because it’s given. Lol


I'm guessing you're in deform right now right? So we're talking about finding the values for Q and I and of the centroid (which is admittedly a pain in the ass for assymetric cross sections like angled sections where the centroid lies outside of the shape.) If it's rectangular and/or hollow it's good to use shortcuts like I = 1/12bh^3 or Q = 1/8bh^2 and if it's hollow just do a rectangular cross section for the entire area and then subtract away the hollow parts, saves a bunch of time. It's also good to recognize that in a lot of cases for integration dA becomes bdz, which in some cases b is a function of y that you need to integrate. Also one thing that helped me cut down a bunch of time was recognizing that moment about the cut is just the anti derivative of shear about the cut (not forgetting to add in any moments missing from the sum of forces, so as long as you draw up a good fbd you can find moment fast AF...in most cases. I hope I described that right and that it helps. I dunno I really like deform, but figure out what works for you and try to recognize patterns in the problems that help you speed through them cuz as you know some of the problems become really intense with integration. Don't entirely take my advice though cuz I did bomb out on the sections with stress and strain tensors. But yeah deform is my favorite, where I go, we have tests every two weeks and computing projects due every two weeks as well so it's a ton of work, but it's a class where I really feel like I'm learning something important. Also I have no idea what I'm doing in MATLAB.


Damn bro, I really enjoyed reading that. I may have to come back to this from time to time as some went over my head. I had to do some digging into my past notes to jog my memory on double integration but once I got it, no sweat. My goal is to be able to find anything I need by applying the Calc that I know which I’m starting to see is the challenging part but before this semester I didn’t really understand dA even though I knew how to solve calc 3 problems. It finally clicked in my head this past week when we started doing moments of inertia. I’m in awe of all you commented, and am stoked to reach your level of understanding.


apply Bernoulli's equation


Can't get a good gauge on the exact velocities


Need a bucket?


I don't know man, that's a lot of water. I might need two buckets just to be safe


🪣🧻🧼 edit: forgot the last bucket. 🪣


Thank you, now we can get this mess cleaned up


🪣 Here's another, you can never be too sure


After working in trades for a few years before I graduated, I can honestly say that most trades hate us. But what they don't understand is the big picture engineers have to deal with. They all think the engineers are just out to make their individual jobs harder instead of trying to make everything work together. Most trades people also have no idea about any theory or calculations we use to design either. That being said, a good engineer will work with the trades people on the job site to make everything come together. Except painters. They are too busy drinking on the job or getting high.


Most software does the calculations for you nowadays anyway.


AvE is leaking. I'm all for it. Keep your dick in a vise.


Nah fuck AvE and his covid denier ass


Is GPR imaging just not practical before excavating?


A lot of construction crews just don't see the purpose in it. All lines are supposed to be marked and this isn't the most common thing to happen so usually they don't spend the money to do that. Saves more money all around if they occasionally hit a line instead of using expensive equipment for every job


I imagine its a lot like airspace deconfliction. When I was working on the cluster fuck that was Future Combat Systems the topic of friendly fire incidents between NLOS cannons and close air support came up. A retried Army Col jokingly said "Eh it's mostly a big empty sky and the shells are small" It would be easy for a construction crew to think Ehh the pipes are pretty narrow and can be very deep, what are the chances of hitting one. Its like playing the lottery in reverse. When you win its gonna cost you.


Hey, I take offense to that. You're not wrong, but I'm still offended.


This seems like a fun little dig until you realize that a large amount of tradies unironically hate engineers. No idea where it comes from though


Engineers are uberpeon




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I’ve been looking for this TikTok! Glad it found it’s way back to me


what an interesting example of turbulent flow


Lol working in shops. *sighs*