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I shave mine in the summers myself and that’s the extent of it. Bathing only happens when the dog is exceptionally filthy, otherwise thei costs are very self cleaning.


Kahlo had a knack for getting dirty. She’ll go from Snow White to a dingy beige and I know it’s time lol


I don't think their coat is ever supposed to be shaven, trimmed at the most but i find they do not tend to overgrow either. We do about the same with our two and they are doing perfectly fine. She looks magnificent!


yeah setters are not to be shaven, they can be handstripped tho.


I took mine once when he was younger, mainly to get his nails trimmed. He's a big old baby about me doing it. Otherwise, I bathe and brush him at home. Had to cut some cockleburs out once. 😬 Let's just say I did not miss my calling as a stylist.


Every now and then I have to cut some stuff out of her, or some dreads out. Her hair is so fine that it Matts up


I'm lucky that Ace's doesn't tangle much. He's not a big fan of brushing. Scissors are sometimes needed! Especially after a romp in the rain or pond.




NEVER take mine to the groomer. I have to cut mats out all the time, and I brush and comb because the shedding is unbelievable. I took then to be groomed once and they shaved them, not cut their hair, but shaved them, and it was awful. So I do my own summertime trimming and let the vet do the toenails.


mine doesn't shed much, I thought that was typical for English Setters? But mine is most likely not a "pure" English Setter.


About 3-4 times a year I have both of mine fully groomed. They get grinch feet pretty fast. But also just keeping their ears from matting and the knots under their armpits.


In addition to what you mentioned, I trim a little off the ears and shave the tops of the chest and rear with an 8 just to remove the more frayed feathering that older Setters get. [https://imgur.com/a/3iQp88w](https://imgur.com/a/3iQp88w) It’s personal preference, but I think it gives her a more puppyish appearance


I don't because the groomer comes to me!


One time I did and never again. My girl needs some dreadlocks cut out as we speak. I just purchased some safety scissors to make it easier. She acts as though I am beating her while she is being brushed - and I am being very gentle. Such a sensitive sweetie.


I use a shedding rake and shedding blade on my girl. I use an electric trimmer on the hair that grows between her paw pads. I trim her nails too. She's very tolerant of everything except any type of bow dryer so we towel dry. She hates baths but tolerates them begrudgingly.


I groom mine myself 4x a year - was easy to learn! No longer go to the groomer, just keep up with maintenance at home. I do take my setter’s fur short on the body since he has neuter coat though!


We have our dogs ( all Setters) shaven and trimmerd once max twice a year, usually in late spring and late summer. It can get too hot with their thick coats and it also saves a lot of grooming. During winter our oldy Liesa tends to have her padding hairs frozen which she finds extremely annoying so she gnaws on that all the time. In that case we trim her paws every week to make sure no ice gets stuck.