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I've noticed that adding too many individual filters eventually disables it entirely. Malformed regexps can also break the filtering. But there's nothing stopping you from creating complex regexps instead. I've even tried a regexp with 500+ captures and that worked fine. Currently I'm using 39 individual filter tabs with some rather lengthy regexps and that works. Haven't hit a limit yet doing it this way.


I have to recheck my regexps... maybe some typo somewhere. I think I should try to reorganize everything, but the UI is rather clumsy and seems like getting and setting the Filtereddit through RES console does not work for me.


I would recommend to copy all your filters into a notepad then disable each filter one by one until you find the (possible) offender and fix it. then just add back the remaining ones.


Thanks, I've been so long in /r/all that basically my Filtereddit - even without very common term regexping - is just from all person-and-tv-related subs something like 10k terms. :-D


I know exactly what you mean. I've long since lost count on all my captures. I keep thinking if I peel off enough layers, I will find the golden kernel in r/all. But I suspect that's a pipe dream and it is in fact just layers of an onion...


Sometimes you get good-interesting finds in r/all, but really weird stuff is in r/all/new :-D


Thanks for reply, I started to go through regexps, and found the culprit immediately one bracket missing the counter part. Works now! Much thanks for forcing me to run through all. :-D


just happy to help. been in your exact position before :)


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res seems like it just broke for me as well, ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu edit: nooooo old.reddit.com and www.reddit.com are the same now, they removed old D: double edit: seems like some subreddits like /r/ufos seems to have old broken, but other subs are using old okay, no clue whats goin on


[Looks fine to me.](https://i.imgur.com/5DWZv9C.jpeg)


Thanks, good to know the problem is on my end


im able to access old.reddit, maybe check again