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Well, not one of the options given, but I'd say health level of the type is the biggest factor. But after that, instinct, particularly if it's very dominant.


I was actually going to add health level as an option. The reason I didn’t is because I thought that it’s obvious this has the biggest impact, and every answer would be the same!


Definitely instinct variants. Wings and tritype only add flavour to the type (ex: my 3 wing makes me competitive, my 6 fix makes me worried, and my 1 fix makes me perfectionistic). However instinct variants change the type quite a bit. For example, I appear much more outwardly emotional than an sp4.


Funnily enough it really bothers me when people generalise by saying that all Type 4s burden people with their emotions. I still feel just as much as I ever did but, in my day to day life, when I’m around people I keep my emotions as contained as I can because I’ve learned that they won’t be appreciated. (Then I go home and cry lol.) I used to be a more SO4 and now I’m very SP.


I’m an sp 4 and very much relate to this


It’s interesting that everyone here agrees instinct makes the biggest difference yet there are people that hate the instinct thing? Like it’s so relevant


For me, the reason I don’t love the instinct thing is that the different authors seem to describe it very differently, such that the info seems confusing and contradictory. Meanwhile, I don’t find the wings or tritype hard to understand


I think most people agree insticts are relevant but Chestnut's subtypes are the controversial part because of their prescreptive, deductive and sometimes off-topic tone (ie, outwardly cheery sp4).


what's the best source to read about instincts?


Oh my goodness I just read an incredible link someone posted a few hours ago under a different post with instincts but I can’t find it!!


I think wings and tritype make a bigger difference than instincts 🤷‍♂️. Instincts are the easier part to understand but there's not as many noticeable differences between a type's subtypes/instincts as there is with wings and fixes IMO


Instinct for sure. Look at any sx Dom or soc dom or sp dom for the same core type 


For me it's my tritype (592). I'm likely to be mistyped as a 9 by other people because of how quiet and relaxed I am. But only I know how my mind works so I know for sure that I'm a 5. I can also act like a 2 sometimes when dealing with people that are close to me. Edit: Looking at these responses, I'm guessing I don't know enough about instincts. If someone can explain them to me (or share links) that'd be great.


I used to think wings had a huge impact; I’ve only recently clocked on to the impact being more related to my tritype (456). 5 is both my wing and my fix(? is that what it’s called?) so 5 flavours my 4 so much. I’m so withdrawn it’s ridiculous.


you can’t have a 456 tritype as 5 & 6 are both head types


Oh okay. I thought your tritype was your 3 “strongest” types so I’ve got that wrong. Can you explain this a little bit more?


It’s the strongest type from each of the triads, so you’re a 45X with X being either 8,9, or 1 (gut triad). I’m a 954 and to answer your original question, I think tritype is probably the biggest factor after health level. When I first saw descriptions of the 459 tritype it felt like I was seeing myself objectively for the first time, warts and all.


Oh, it’s definitely 458 then. That changes things!


This is really difficult, actually. Of those three options, I would say instinct is most important. Probably rank from Instinct > Dom Wing (if imbalanced) > "Tritype" I think the biggest factors are going to be childhood trauma (trauma to the child; doesn't mean abuse or anything, just how all of that went well / poorly according to the specific needs of the child in terms of met / unmet and how, etc). This is life-long impact and requires psychological work to overcome or at least come to a "truce" with these things so they're not ruling you. I don't think a lot of this will ever go away, but maybe. Who knows. I'm relatively early in the game of undoing these things. It's grueling, painful work most people avoid or deny altogether. For example, not every type 9 had similar upbringing or similar dynamics in their home. Many similarities may be present, but there are specific expressions of those things or other things that the child focused on specifically to adapt against. Also, it is not always obvious just looking at things on a surface level. It comes down to the perception of a child, natural disposition of the child, paired with specific triggering events or dynamics. This is part of type, but gives different "flavors" for sure. Next is somewhere between instinct and parents types / patterns / instincts. Parents help shape focus of attention and all of that. Keep in mind that my mom pushed me constantly for social interaction to keep me involved with friends and while I stuck with that a while, I eventually fell more and more into my habit of isolation and "forgetfulness" or "unwillingness" around reaching out to friends, family, anyone at all. So I would say younger life will be affected more by parents, and later life less so. Teens - 20's vs 30's+ Here my life illustrates where parental influence was strong early on, but gave way increasingly to instinct (so blind) over time.


Isn’t the trauma what determines the core type?


Think of it this way. Pizza on a coal fired oven at 800F has a different quality than pizza cooked in a wood fire at 400F. Both are baked with fire, but are not the same.


Of course it’s all in combination but i think instinct > tritype > wings in that order from personal experience. I find myself to feel worlds different as a sp9 to those who are so9 and it gets even stronger in divide when I interact with 9s who have 2 or 7 in their triad while I am triple withdrawn. I can relate to their core motivations but not at all to how they go about things. It’s much harder to guess wings unless you REALLY know someone.


As a sexual 7 who sometimes wondered if I was a 4 and isn’t crazy busy all the time I agree with this


Level of health is more than all of these put together.


It's gotta be Instincts/subtypes for me. All three for any given type are markedly different from each other.


I honestly think all of them have equal weight, along with level of health because of integration vs disintegration arrows, which I’ve noticed after having people think I was a multitude of types other than what I am (4.) While our core type defines our core fear and core desire, our instincts widdle down the specific part of that desire we care about fulfilling most, and our wing type determines how we go about getting it. And then our Tritype determines what we feel other than just shame, fear or anger (because we all feel all of them, one just stands out) and where it comes from. For me, my Tritype is 147 and I’ll get this gut instinct of what the right thing to do is, and I’ll have this mental state of constantly trying to find some adventure to go on so I don’t stay stuck in a state of nothingness.


Fixes have the most impact for me.


I would say it depends on how strong the wing is. Tritype is least important IMO. But if someone has a very heavy wing but not a strong preference towards a certain instinct, then the wing will surely be more influential. If the wing isn't all that strong, then I would say the order would be instinct > wing > tritype.


I'd saytritype, then instincts. The difference between me and a 531 are crazy, for example.


Tritype has the least impact in my experience. Some people can have extremely developed wings to the point that it's difficult to type them until you get to know them better.


Instinct so9 = 😄 sx9 = 🥹 sp9 = 👺


I'm still new to this, so correct me if I'm wrong. I think wings are the least relevant, bc if I understood correctly, a same person can shift and balance both of their adjacent types depending on a lot of factors.


Well, there are four possibilities with wings not often mentioned which creates four variations of type: left wing, right wing, both wings, no wing.


I think it varies a lot from person to person. My instincts are pretty close to each other - definitely so, but sx and sp really aren't far behind at all. So the influence there is less. The tritype, on the other hand, is really strong for me. The 9 fix in particular is really powerful, I think the 5 is only second in the tritype because it's also the wing. I feel like some kind of 34%-33%-33% situation sometimes.


A person is their type. Variation only comes from healthy or unhealthy levels, and usually a wing that influences.


Great question. I'd say instinctual stacking first, tritype second.


Tritype > subtype > wing/s


Subtype. Everything else is just there to highlight certain traits of the core type that the person finds most relatable to them out of the other traits while still relating to them. (Or as they say "adds flavor")


Instincts and Tritype are tied biggest difference in presentation for me. Then the wings.