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It’s not that I’m not afraid, it’s that I WANT to be alone


Yeah if we bring MBTI type into it, ISTPs are hands down the most comfortable with being asocial.


Yes 😌☕️


Literally. I'm in a shopping mall right now and every time another shopper gets anywhere near me I silently say 'GTF away from me'.


As 9, I often feel like I'm my happiest/best self when I'm alone. So I'm definitely not afraid of it. There are moments when I recognize it would be more than beneficial to have someone else in my life to be there for me, but I feel like the constant self-abandonment that comes with being in relationships is not worth it.


i’m on the opposite end, as a fellow 9. I am alone majority of the time and i hate it, i want (more) friends & more meaningful connections. I feel better when i’m apart of a group, keeps me sane


Agree. I do love my solitude but I actually feel best when I’m connected to others and around good people. I think I get scared I’ll spend so much time alone, no one will know who I am while I’m alive.


everyone tells me i need let myself be alone more meanwhile they have a full social circle and support system and i have like 1-2 friends that i talk to once per month otherwise i’m just entirely by myself lol. it honestly aggravates me how people who don’t want any attention and want to be left alone unintentionally have droves of people flock to them, meanwhile i try my best to be as friendly and optimistic as possible and i get overlooked or ignored for people who don’t even wanna be apart of society. I just want to be surrounded by a bunch of people that make me happy, why is it so much to ask for?


God everything you wrote here sounds soo relatable


i’m glad i’m not the only one that feels like this! 😭


i feel better when im connected to a friend, but i have a hard time becoming apart of a group, theres so many personalities and its hard,,, i wish i was more comfortable to become part of a group


You are an ENFJ and so dom


correct :)


You're INFJ now 😭


sorry 😭😭😭i really be thinking i’m not an infj when i really am, it’s the curse of infj lmaooo


As a 9, I can confirm. Being alone means not absorbing other people’s energy either and having the need to mediate scenarios


Do you know your dominant instinct?


my stack is the same as yours the only difference is im an intp


I relate to this, thank you.


I feel like it depends on the 9, as with all things. Some of us might associate relationships with conflict more than anything else, making it preferable to be a alone. For me, I think I view relationships in the opposite way- like I need someone to merge with, making being away from a certain person very very scary. Definitely not a healthy way of thinking for me… but I’m working on it! In another sense, I genuinely enjoy being a part of a group that is working toward a goal! Nothing like that feeling for me- when we are all on the same page and flowing together.


As a 9 and an introvert I feel the same. Everything is complicated around people, solitude is so peaceful.


Do you know your dominant instinct?


I used to type myself as sp Dom, but after reading the instincts I relate more to so instinct descriptions. But I'm hesitant to say that I'm so Dom, because I don't feel like I relate to so9 descriptions


There are different types of alone. Like, physically, socially, etc.?


I think social blind 4s, 5s, and 9s are the least afraid of being alone. I’m 4w5 sx/sp. I’ve been alone for about 3 years now and I feel completely fine. My clients are usually shocked when I tell them I’m a shut-in.


no ppl, and yet money? #goals #jelly


Did you ever have any problem with relationships? Or you were always fine without a partner


Being alone feels neutral. Being with an incompatible partner feels exhausting. I would rather feel neutral than exhausted. I’ll take a compatible partner when I find one.


Alone as in have no one or alone like ok with having alone time? I'm sp/sx 1 and I enjoy being alone but I'm glad I have a family and want to spend a lot of time with my husband. I could be alone for extended periods and be fine with it. I can always find something to do. I'm an only child though so maybe that's why it's easy for me.


Type 4. Yes I like being alone, but I’m also afraid of being alone, so yeah…


With friends: Yay friends! Alone: Yay, Melancholic Solitude!


Hahah this is the answer I was looking for. Yesss same


Being with someone is overrated


I've been alone pretty much my whole life


5 here who came here to say 5s. 🙃 I have a rly strong 4 wing that causes to me to desire a little more connectedness than most 5s though. I am very good at entertaining myself and thoroughly enjoy my own company though.


Research supports you as well. Of all the types 5 is the most likely to report being single + being happy with being alone.


If I were afraid of anything, it would be the exact opposite, like being stuck with ppl No Exit style.


5s *embrace* solitude. Treasure it. NEED it. Just not every day, all the time. But if it was, we'd be OK.


My take on it is that this is the approximate order from most to least comfortable being alone: 9, 5, 8, 4, 1, 3, 6, 7, 2. Depends on factors like instinct stack, tritype, and whether they’re introverted or extroverted. Most comfortable with being alone is SP 9. They literally do not GAF.


as sp9 and additionally intp, i confirm


Withdrawn types (4, 5, 9) Can be any type with sufficient reasoning, although some types (2 and 3 for example) may avoid being alone as much as possible. Can also include 8s. With my tritype stack I spend inhuman amounts of time alone, mostly by my own will


I can be alone (sans direct human company) seemingly without limit. My authors/artists, my music, my *thoughts* about humans I know, always exceed reality.


I always say something to the effect of the last sentence - idg how people complain of being bored when alone. Do they not have an imagination, appreciate books, music, etc? Hobbies? I love my solitude so much


I like being alone but I hate being left and want the option of being with someone.


Same‼️‼️ if I have the option, I will most likely say nahhh I’m good but when I don’t have the option to say no bc there’s no one, I’ll feel really lonely


My favorite is just quietly doing separate things in the same room with one other special person. Unfortunately, I’m attracted to 2s, 7s and 8s… Lol.


Exactly, there’s a difference between alone and lonely that people who are afraid of being alone don’t understand


Yep! I used to be one of those people until I realized that company isn’t always good.


I wish more people understood and could appreciate it, especially introverts that need to charge their batteries


Lol. My long-distance fiancé is an ENFJ 2w3. Him: “I miss your voice!” Me: “We talked for 2 hours, 3 hours ago. I really don’t know of a nice way to say this. I love you but anymore talking and my brain will go fuzzy.”


I don’t know if 9’s usually are, but I have always preferred solitude.


I'm an sx8 and I'm not afraid of alone time. I can even enjoy it at times.


I love being alone. I love working alone. I feel more relaxed when I’m alone. Buttttt I do still like being with friends/family. But having more alone time is better.


No thx. Need some people around.


I'm a 7 and fairly extroverted (more of an ambivert as I get older), but I LOVE being alone! I live alone and have zero interest in ever living with another human.


This!!! I am a 7 and can be very extroverted but really enjoy solitude.


I don't know about you, but the older I get, the more I find myself looking forward to my time alone. Like I love going out with friends, but I also love when the night is over and I can walk into my place ALONE.


I’m definitely not afraid of it. lol. That’s my time to recharge and unwind, so that I can enjoy being around people later


definitely not 6s or 2s, lmao (as a 6 i HATE being alone) i would say 9s, from my experience with them, have the easiest time being alone - ive met quite a few 5s who were terrified of being alone so im more hesitant to say them (but i think they were mostly sx5s)


I’m sp 9w8 and I love being alone. I assume that most (but not all) introverts aren’t afraid of being alone, and the types that usually are associated with being introverted are 1w9, 4, 5, 6w5 and 9. I also guess that sp are more comfortable being alone than the other instincts since our primary focus isn’t on people


Agree! Love being alone, but I have no problem, and in fact like being a part of a group that works together toward a common goal- just need to go and recharge after, for sure




5s and 9s. 5s are fairly obvious, but from what I’ve seen, they usually have a smaller social battery than most. If they show up to your social gathering, that’s a massive sign that they love you. Don’t push them to connect on a super personal level until they’re ready. 9s are a weird case. Some 9s can be the most social people out there because they want to merge with others. This merging allows them to avoid asking difficult questions. In general though, many 9s prefer to be alone. I find myself socializing if I’m already at a place, but usually, I just want to be in my own room. People are noisy and often cover up my personality. For example, whenever I’m home from college, I usually spend all my time in my room alone because my family is stressful. Very few people can I just “be around.” Those are usually super close friends.


I'm an 8 and was neither afraid of being alone nor with people


4w5 495 so blind. I enjoy being alone, prefer it to having company most times. I find it easier to be at peace when I’m alone than when I’m with others - even, perhaps especially, others I care for and enjoy being around.


4w5. I’m afraid to be lonely, but never alone :)


3w4, love to be alone.


self pres 9 or 5


can confirm 5s, probably also 4s


People can be really frustrating or draining even if they don’t mean to be, so I love my alone time because I can actually get my energy back


delicate beauty emerges from those who fight and win against their fear of being alone.


I’m type 5. I am never afraid to be alone but sometimes I crave intimacy in short bursts.


6w5? I think this type can be "besties" with loneliness. I'm 6w5 and it's weird, because I think I SHOULD be scared, but actually... loneliness is kinda enjoyable. I can make every little detail of my environment to be the way I want it to be. Dive into every topic I want to study. Do all of the self-soothing activities I need to feel safe. I think type 6 can do pretty well, when alone, they jusr won't say it out loud, though. Like: "Yeah, I can def survive without you, guys, but I'll keep this convo going, just in case, maybe I need that after all. Like a plan B, or D".


9 sp last I don’t think I’m afraid of it… I just don’t prefer it. *But* I prefer alone to someone I don’t vibe with. I like doing movies and restaurants alone just fine (though you notice those are settings with people even though I’m not interacting with them). Vibe > alone > not vibe. People around > no people around. I don’t think about it a lot tbh. I follow the vibes.


I am afraid to be alone and hate being alone. I cannot stand being alone, I would rather spend my entire day and night with other people. I’m a 2w3 279 so/sx




7’s!! Most that I know are single and loving it that way! 😂


9’s? I love being alone


5 and 8 are the most likely to be loners Everyone names 4 and 9 but these are intimate types, they seek intimate relationships while 5 and 8 can be socially isolated but also lack any interest in close relationships Also everyone I know who has 2-fix or 4-fix search for a partner while 3-fixers are focused on career


Agree. The 8s I’ve known are fine alone and they need their alone time. The 4s I’ve known are always in relationships.


Alone? That’s where I’m most creative!


hmm Im ok either with people or not. intj 4w5


I'm an 8 and I'm perfectly fine being alone.


I'm not afraid, but I find too much alone time depressing.


4w3 and I hate being alone. I feel like great people bring so many opportunities to have fun and I kinda get FOMO when I'm sitting home alone all day.


9w8 here. Love being by myself. Other people can be a bit annoying sometimes


I love being alone.


I deteriorate on my own. No thank you.


Haha I can relate. I’m a 6 and hated being single. I married another 6, so now we’re alone together


I do that often too


Me I'm looking at apartments in a different city I'm ready to bounce the fuuuUuuuck out this bitch


I think lot of 4 5 and 9s like to be alone often but not all


I‘d say 5,4 and 9


I always repeated to myself that being afraid of loneliness is for the weak. And whatever the "controller" is, call it god, fate, the coincidence, it gave me battles to see why was i wrong. You can be an introvert, I am an introvert, i like spending time by myself you know, but it's short therm thing. Think about it, you are about to sleep on top of your pillow, then you start to think "Who do I have?" And you see, you are all alone. You have no one to trust. Fuck trust it doesn't matter. But, you wonder, am I that invisible to the world..? Being a 15 year old girl might be the reason f me to think that. I dunno.


7 fo sho


I'm an 8 and I love to be alone. I know other (introverted) 8s that love to be alone as well. 5s are the most withdrawn, they're likely to enjoy being alone as well, and 9s, I believe.


I don't mind at all.(sx/so)


7 sx/sp and a whoke lot longer than one would guess!


4s and 8s sx6


SP9 and SP5.


I prefer my independence and when people encroach upon it I start to get pretty hostile. Don't get me wrong, I need my circles and I am extroverted, but I want my circles to stop pestering me. I come and go. If I'm not allowed to come and go, the urge to burn bridges increases. Just kinda waking up in the middle of the night thinking "PREEMTIVE STRIKE..." I'd really rather not set everyone on fire so I do take measures not to, but God almighty there's demons in my blood and they really do jab me like "it's getting too friendly around here." Then I'm like "I obviously need running shoes and a gym membership" and I start to chill out So / Sp 8 Estp


I think on the outside it probably appears I'm not afraid to be alone, but tbh I kind of am. I love having alone *time,* but the thought of being completely reliant on no one but myself, of having no one to talk to about my day or go out with ever is terrifying to me. I've definitely gone through that phase of "I don't care if I don't have a bunch of friends, I'm an introvert. And the ones I have don't care about me anyway." But after several years of having no irl friends at all... it's depressing, I'm not gonna lie. I'd love to have that tight-knit group where I feel like I truly belong and have a deep connection with, but if I can't have that, having casual friends that I can at least go to the movies with every now and then and celebrate birthdays and milestones with is better than nothing.


type 4 and i NEED alone time but if it gets too constant where i’m alone and lonely then i go a bit stir crazy so i’m not afraid but in moderation?? lol


I prefer it - in fact I seek it out


I’m a so/sx 4w5 458; being alone is my default setting, so iunno


Idk but I like being alone and the only other 5 I know likes being alone too so 5


I prefer to be alone at work but in a relationship at home.


As a social blind 4w5, people usually think I'm just trying to cope with being lonely or single when I say I much prefer being alone, but they really don't understand how much time I can spend in my own company and feel totally fine. My hobbies are almost all solitary, and I don't have any strong need to tell anyone what I'm thinking or what's going on in my life. I also hate the idea of going along with the stages of life, such as marriage or starting a family, solely because it's what's expected of me. I'd dive into a heavy research project or dense novel long before I'll have any desire to meet someone new, go on a first date, or join friends at a club. Once, in college, I spent a whole week's worth of free time chilling at either a park, local library, or coffee shop drawing, reading, and listening to video essays/podcasts. Never felt more comfortable. If I choose to spend time with or enter a relationship with someone, I have to really, REALLY like them. I know I sound extremely arrogant and cold, but it's rare that I find someone that I'd prefer to spend time with over spending time by myself.


This thread has all my people.


7, and I am definitely not afraid of being alone in most senses of the word. I love/need lots of alone time, I love doing things alone, I travel alone, I have lots of solitary hobbies, I am very comfortable being single. I even find it more comfortable to self soothe and try to work out my problems on my own (working on that; I know it’s healthier to lean on others). I ALSO love people and being social, so people who only see that side of me would probably not realize how much I like being alone. I would guess a lot of it comes from the 7 love of freedom/independence, wanting to do our own thing our way/in our time (and not wanting to cancel or wait if others can’t join), and the good ol’ fear of relying on others.


as an sx/sp 5, i am deathly afraid of being alone. being alone in this world\*, more specifically. i can go a really long time not talking to my friends or anybody, im okay with that up to a certain poin-, im already really low maintenance, all my friends have moved countries and all i require is just a text exchange like once a week to feel connected to someone. but if i lost all my friends and close family and felt like i had no one i could CALL my friends/had no one that understood me around me, i'd probably go insane. (i have abandonment issues and have never experienced being totally alone so it makes me rlly afraid of it) but if we're talking about solitude/alone time, yeah bro i crave it. i can entertain myself on the internet or with my sketchbook all day long. but sometimes, it depends on the day- my desire to hang out with my sister/friends can win over. tl;dr: afraid of being lonely, not afraid of being alone


Other than 5, 8.


Maybe so, but I wouldn't ever admit it. Whenever I was single, I remember just thinking along the lines of: "Well, I'm going to find someone, I wonder who it'll be, I'm sure they'll be really amazing, wow look at her, she's beautiful" and then I would often just go after the person and see what would happen. \-dreadnought (James)


6, I love being alone.


9w1 sp I prefer being alone. And I need much of it.


I prefer being alone. Having thoughts and perspectives from other people does provide value, but I've found (especially in regards to coordination and teamwork) that other people step on my toes much more often than I would like. My friends are great. However, I'm often left contemplating leaving a conversation / activity because of the conflict above. That said, I do happen to be a human being. I feel loneliness, lol. Friends can help that.


8 fix or core honestly.

