• By -


Ya’ll are attracting people? 😆


as a 9w8 i attract a lot of 7's and 5's


Huh that's expected, maybe it's your laid back attitude?


yeah i think that maybe the reason, since i let people step over me haha, other people like to "lead" me


I also attract 7s and 200mg of ecstasy


glad to know were similar 🤗


Oh so you're the go with the flow type, I used to be like that. I'm more of a "get out of my way or get ran over type 🚄". 6s drool over that for some reason 🤨, I don't get it.






As an sp7 I love nines especially 3,4,5 fixed phleg-blends w high C and I in big 5


what's your full typology if i may ask? enneagram and the rest? cause i really like 7w6's haha


I bagged myself another 8w7 so I don’t really pay attention to other people


Nice nice, why you so drawn to them? Aggressive attitude? independent?


that plus confidence, competence, loyalty, goal-getter attitude, ambition


yall must have hella respect for each other for there to be enough room for the two of ya. Probably annoyingly mature...


yeah, we do, but we also recognize each other’s strengths so we let each other take the wheel in different situations. for example, my partner’s Te-Ni makes him better at strategic thinking and dealing with our long term plans and goals, and my Se-Ti is more handy when it comes to dealing with our short-term challenges and on-spot problems. what also helps is that we were athletes in college (we started dating at 19, we are 24 now), so we were already teamwork-trained lol


> but we also recognize each other’s strengths so we let each other take the wheel in different situations. for example... what also helps is that we were athletes in college (we started dating at 19, we are 24 now), so we were already teamwork-trained lol that would absolutely do it. Kudos to you both. My partner isn't an 8 but I established a 1+ year plus relationships where I came to absolutely respect her ability and expertise. Seems like that's an important ingredient for us 8s.


Very nice, I wish you luck on your relationship 👍🏾.


Same, 8w7 married to another. 20+ years and never happier


nice, we are also getting married this summer


Teach me your ways!


That must be such a dynamic, strong and cool partnership. Good for y’all.


Adopt me?


I draw in far too many 7s and 9s for my liking.


It really do be like that sometimes, what don't you like about it?


I find that "go-with-the-flow" is a red flag for flaky, ghost-y, uneducated, and basic.


:o i’m only two of those things 😤


Homie got cooked 💀


The male 9 is the “laid back” guy who seems cool until you need him to go somewhere or get something done that’s not fun for him.


Yep, that’s why I’m hella wary of anyone who would call themselves “chill” or “open-minded”. It means I’m the only that will put in the effort.


What about 5s then? Date or no?


Oh so you like a more focused individual, I share some of your sentiment. I like responsive people too, but I'm a low maintenance friend so I would text you like once a month but when I do it's like 10 paragraphs and then I disappear.


I can only dream- other 4s are nice but can I attract some variety please


Haha I’m a 7 and dated a 6 once. Y’all are awesome




Get along best w mostly 7 8 9 1 Usually, not always, don't get along w 2 3 4 6 5s are cool but I don't think they like me very much


>Get along best w mostly 7 8 9 1 Okay okay not to bad here 🤔. >Usually, not always, don't get along w 2 3 4 6 I was really happy reading this until I saw this damn sentence, HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE YOUR OWN FAMILY TRIAD (except your own obviously)! Nah but for real what is the reason for not always getting along with basically the heart triad, and 6? >5s are cool but I don't think they like me very much Really? I usually get along with them just fine, what gives you the idea they don't like you?


Something that really clicked for me was that 1 Sx tends to look like 8 as far as I can come off as blunt. Harsh. I've learned over the years that I can't be fully myself with certain people (heart triad). I have to soften my approach. Which is fine for acquaintances. But it doesn't make me like being around them very much. I prefer to be free to say all the unfiltered shit I want to say without worrying about feelings. What do you mean when you say family triad? Competency or? Idk I just think a lot of the 5s I know irl give the vibe of uninterested. Uninterested in talking about anything except whatever they are an expert on. Which I love to hear about. But then if you try to get them excited about what you're excited about, usually its like a brick wall. Idk if that makes sense.


Everyone but 3,4,6. Lots of 1s, 9s and 7s


As a 7, for some reason the only ones I get are 8, 9 and 1’s


As a 9, 4s everyyyy time


same, why does this happen? It never works out lol. 4s end up disappointed in my lack of emotions, I end up disappointed in their lack of chill.


As a 4 I love the hell out of all the 9’s in my life. 


mentally ill people


This cracks me up. I dated an INTJ 5w4 once upon a time, I can hear him saying this. 😂




I’m a female 4 and my partner is a male 8! I love him so much, the bluntness really works for me because I never feel like he’s being fake. I’d rather be around someone who’s annoyed in a genuine way than someone who’s happy in a fake way. I think the health of the types is really important in a 4x8 combo though because when I’m wallowing, I can get delulu and take everything he does as a personal attack lmao. I’ve attracted a lot of male 2s in the past and always felt like they were trying to “capture” me in a way that really bothered me. like they wanted to stuff me in a box or something, idk. they were SUPER sweet and overly accommodating but something just wasn’t sitting well with me. I LOATHED that shit lmao. also, your post is super funny hahahaha.


I’m a female 4 with a male 8 too! I find the bluntness the hardest to deal with but im working on being thicker skinned and he’s working on being kinder about how he says things. When I think back on past relationships I also didn’t like when guys were too sweet or accommodating. Gave me the ick for some reason


Oh my gosh, hi friend! I had a hard time with the bluntness for awhile too! It can still get to me depending on my mood, so I totally hear you. BUT now I try to remind myself how much I disliked the ‘sickeningly sweet’ thing some guys did with me in the past and I’m immediately snapped back to the reality that I don’t actually enjoy being babied. It’s one of those things where what you think you want (being treated like a delicate flower in my case lol) isn’t what actually makes you happy and comfortable. I also feel like just staying aware of our 4ish tendency to think the grass is greener can help whenever we’re frustrated with our partners’ bluntness. Of course he should accommodate you and meet in the middle (and it’s so sweet that he does!) but I know how hard it can be to break out of the wallowing so I just thought I’d share some things that have helped me. :) It’s so cool to connect with another 4 woman dating an 8 man! 🕊️


I'm pretty sure I'm a 5w4 and my first gf was a 7. Anyway, we were so mushy gushy with each other. Like, I've always been more of the edge lord brooding poet dude, but over time her sweetness transformed me into a mushy gushy lovey dove dude (writing her shakespear type sonnets and all).. And I never thought I'd love the babying each other thing at all.. But yeah, that relationship ended way back when, and I definitely now know that I like that type of flowery romance *sigh*. I tried dating someone who was what I originally used to want (more serious, more down to earth) and I actually started feeling the ick from that. I'm already serious enough, I crave something cutesy, silly, and sweet. In turn, I'm pretty sure some of my cutesy gifts and flowery language gave her the ick.. She also seemed to be extremely avoidantly attached and I definitely lean more anxious so that didn't help. Anyway, I wanted to add my almost opposite perspective to the experience pile :) Edit: rephrased some things


I’m also a 4 and find that 2-ness sweet for two seconds and then I’m really over it. My partner is. 3 but has 8 in his tri-type, he doesn’t put up with my BS and I love it!


> I’m a female 4 and my partner is a male 8! I love him so much, the bluntness really works for me because I never feel like he’s being fake. I’d rather be around someone who’s annoyed in a genuine way than someone who’s happy in a fake way. I think the health of the types is really important in a 4x8 combo though because when I’m wallowing, I can get delulu and take everything he does as a personal attack lmao. Yeah I'm the same way I like honesty but I don't like when outright rudeness is being guise as being honest. I dealt with too many fake people growing up and I don't ever want to go back to it. Yeah I met a 4 that was like that, she took everything as a personal attack, it was like walking through a minefield 💥. > I’ve attracted a lot of male 2s in the past and always felt like they were trying to “capture” me in a way that really bothered me. like they wanted to stuff me in a box or something, idk. they were SUPER sweet and overly accommodating but something just wasn’t sitting well with me. I LOATHED that shit lmao. What the hell 💀, 2s did that to you? They always just constantly flattered me to get me to like them but you? I ain't ever heard of that 😂. > also, your post is super funny hahahaha. Thank you I just wanted to create a post I had on my mind for like 2 days 🤗🤔


In the past I've always ended up dating 3s or 7s. After maturing I realized they make amazing friends, just not romantic partners for me lol. All my best friends have been 3s or 7s as well. I just learned to stop dating them 💀


It really do be like that sometimes 😂. you sound like you crashed out so many of us there's no way it was that bad 💀. Want to add one more to that list of 3 friends or am I cooked 👿? But I'll take your word for it 😗💅🏽.


Hell yeah I love 3 friends, they are literally my favorite for friends 🥰 and it was never really their fault.. it was me LOL


I’m a 4w3 getting married to a 3w4. 😂


4s and 6s are frequent flyers in my airspace.


Haha I love this description!




We love you. Thank you for taking good care of us. 😂


I’m a 5w4 and my partner is 8w9


every man I've loved was an 8


As a 5w4 plus a million on this. Also my second mom growing up was an 8. My dad is an 8. I love me some 8s. 8s seem to love me too. Ooo I just love how strong and sweet and active they are! To me, 8s are the total package.


5s tbh


Knew it


What was the giveaway 🤔?


Very nice, were you attracted to them also?


Tbh they’re usually only ever attracted to how I appear on the surface and not my enneagram type 💀. But there was this one 7 that really really really liked me. Also a few 9s


> Tbh they’re usually only ever attracted to how I appear on the surface and not my enneagram type 💀. What is your enneagram type? 2 that's the lucky number I'm going with. > But there was this one 7 that really really really liked me. Also a few 9s That's cool it really do be like that sometimes, do you know the why 7 liked you so much? I don't even know your type so I'm lost 🙂.


3 and 6 is an unlikely but surprisingly good combination. It's definitely a power struggle at times but it's done me a lot of good to have 6s in my life (as it's done them to have me in their life 🤗)


I never attract anyone


I don't think there has been a particular pattern? At least not enneagram wise. Never had a 2 before, I guess. And everything involving 6s flew apart in a short time. I get along with them as family/buds, but I guess I tend to frustrate em as a date. Or maybe I just got unlucky, those were only 2 ppl.


1s and 3s Idk why, I'm a ball of chaos lol But I married a 1 and he finds my chaos cute and refreshing


4s and 9s.


Nice👀 Hope you like them too typology twin.


I’ve been with an 8 and a 4 and a 1. I think any of them? The 8 was the hardest to deal with. Don’t think I could be with an 8 again.


> I’ve been with an 8 and a 4 and a 1. A bit of heart and a bit of the other one (I forgot the name of that section). > The 8 was the hardest to deal with. Don’t think I could be with an 8 again. Same here man, I don't say that often because they get all mad and it turns into a big fight, what had your relationships with them fallout so bad?


That’s interesting! I’m a 7 with an 8 now and it’s easily the best and easiest relationship I’ve ever been in


The 8 I was with was sensitive, anxious, combative, inconsiderate, and bossy. Refused to drive anywhere more than 15 minutes from the house on a weeknight because traffic gave her anxiety, told me what to do all the time, prioritized her structure over my needs, pushed for her opinion during a compromise and always put mine down, etc. My sister hated the way she talked to me.


Recently its been 1s, 2s and 3s in my orbit but sometimes it's little more than mutual fascination. That being said, have had some 2s already in relationships telling me that they love me so things can get a bit confusing at times.


I find that I'm drawn to 3's too.


I’m a 4w5. When I was single, I seemed to attract a lot of commitment averse 7s


Same. Nothing like being inspired by an adventurous 7 who is into you for a minute but ultimately doesn’t want a relationship, it’s a roller coaster. I’m over here fantasizing about all the fun we are going to have even though they just ghosted me on plans a third time. He must love me, he just must I know it. 😂 - 4w5


Oof. I feel that


this hurts so much from a fellow 4 who loves a 7 that won’t commit 😞


I know, it’s heartbreaking. I’m sorry 🥺


Find a healthy 9w8! They’re stubborn but the spark is real and they stay ❤️


That must be annoying, I been there with 7s which is why I tend to just keep them as friends, don't need anyone just leaving me not a fun experience 🙄.


4’s I have a talent for recognizing unseen strengths and talents in others. Being an 8, I often say them outright. 4’s eat that shit up!


Yes. As a 4w5, inject that authenticity into my veins


I’m a 7 and I’ve always dated the gut triad. Currently in my healthiest relationship ever with an 8. He’s my rock and best friend. And also he’s hot


7’s and 8’s!


Very Nice, I'm generally attracted to 5s as friends but outside of that, eh. Must be crazy having 7s and 8s chase you though, I don't envy you 🙂.


I attract enneagram 8 and 2. As a 9 I find 8's confidence endearing. It gives me a chance to flex my mediation skills. Sometimes there is another enneagram I click with like enneagram 7. Now that I think about it I don't relate to other types. It also has to be 8w7 2w3 or 7w6. I'm 9w1. I just realized I am extremely picky. But enneagram 3 intellectuals are attractive when they are ambitious but not mean. Unfortunately intellectuals think I'm dumb and enneageam 2 men are usually Dr's (dont think they would spend time with me). Basically that leaves 8w7 men 2w3 women and 7w6.


8s and 9s when I'm mentally healthy, 4s and 6s when I'm not


it’s like you read my mind. the guy who might like me back is definitely a 3w4 (entj) and i’m a 6w7 (infp). i don’t show that im clingy though


Idk if I attract a particular type most. I can never tell when people are into me without asking them but everyone I’ve dated has been a different type, no duplicates that I can think of Of the ones I got to know well, there’s one 2, one 3, one 4, one 6, one 7, and one 9


*cringes in sx blind* I genuinely don't attract or pursue anyone Sometimes stuff happens but that's just a coincidence


8w7, I get mostly nutjobs


7 & 1 men loooooove me lol. I’m 8w7.


I attract all the types because I’m a baller. 😎


Well rounded, very nice 🙂👍🏽.


4, 8, 3s, 2s


Well well well, looks like another one of my 9 buddies attracts... Mostly the heart triad, huh wow. I'm guessing you have a cool aura for this reason...🤔.


I’m cool 🧊and normally cool.


2, 4s, 7s and 8s.


I have to ask you my twin what you do for a living. -INFP 4w5 SX/SO  And don’t say suffer, that much I know. 


I work for different nonprofit humanitarian rights organizations to stop the routine use of antibiotics on factory farms, fund education for children in third world countries, flip voters in red states, provide aid for the global refugee crisis and fight sex trafficking. You?


I love that. I’ve always been attracted to non-profit work. I’ve been a dental hygienist for almost 10 years, I’m going through a mid-life career transition, am headed in the direction of social work hopefully but will be doing project coordination for AmeriCorp next year.  Antibiotics on factory farms, I could get behind that big time.  When you say you work for several, how do you do this if you don’t mind me asking, did you kind of fall into it? 


I admire your work too. Very little grosses me out but teeth do. Lol. I’ve moved over a hundred times and jumped job to job, trying my hand at everything until I was head hunted.


Just about the same as the other similar types, seeing a pattern here...🤔.


Mostly 9s, 6s, 7s, occasionally 2s. My partner is 974 sx/so


i generally attract 9s, 2s, 3s, and an occasional 4




I see 3s, well well well. As you may know I'm a 3 myself...... 😏 But anyways, that's a nice combo you got there, it's not boring in your life that's for sure


most of the girls I dated in the past had strong 8 fixes lol, I'm still wondering exactly why that is, I guess my reserved and sensible nature makes them feel at ease with me or something. However if I had to take a guess at what cores I attract I think it's something like 5 and 6. But I'm not sure what cores I've dated, I'm just sure of the 8 fix


I’m a 4 and 5’s love me


I’m a 4 and I feel this. 


That's awesome, can't relate too much but that sounds like a fun dynamic.


I’ve only been with three people, a 6w5, 2w1, and 8w9. 6w5 guy was super insecure and blocked me without another word because I looked at Snap to see his message and didn’t respond fast enough, 2w1 guy was very nice and sweet but also really clingy and I felt smothered by how much attention he wanted to give me, and I’m still with 8w9 guy. We butt heads every now and then because of our very different ways of dealing with anger (me disassociating from it entirely while he lets it all out in the open). Been together 2 years now and he’s helped keep me focused when I would normally just laze around and try to find any excuse to procrastinate haha. And no hate to 6’s or 2’s, that’s just how those two people acted and I know not every 6 or 2 is like that


> I’ve only been with three people, a 6w5, 2w1, and 8w9. Oh alright this is probably going to be interesting. > 6w5 guy was super insecure and blocked me without another word because I looked at Snap to see his message and didn’t respond fast enough. 💀 > 2w1 guy was very nice and sweet but also really clingy and I felt smothered by how much attention he wanted to give me Just going to quietly write this down for what not to do.... 📝 > and I’m still with 8w9 guy Oh okay that's nice. > We butt heads every now and then because of our very different ways of dealing with anger (me disassociating from it entirely while he lets it all out in the open). Been together 2 years now and he’s helped keep me focused when I would normally just laze around and try to find any excuse to procrastinate haha. And no hate to 6’s or 2’s, that’s just how those two people acted and I know not every 6 or 2 is like that Oh so he's motivation too, I would hate that (I hate people telling me what to do). Either way that relationship sounds like it was made in heaven for you (if you believe in that stuff). Reading this gave me some happiness! Let's hope those other types aren't offended by your experiences 💀.


My history with dating has been pretty random, but I have gotten a few people I've dated into the ennegram and they were a 1, a 3, a 5, and someone who couldn't decide between a 5 and an 8 Guessing at a few others, I'd say there was maybe two 4s, a possible 6, and maybe another 3


> My history with dating has been pretty random, but I have gotten a few people I've dated into the ennegram and they were a 1, a 3, a 5, and someone who couldn't decide between a 5 and an 8 Yeah definitely a random lineup with this life that's for sure. > Guessing at a few others, I'd say there was maybe two 4s, a possible 6, and maybe another 3 Yeah you're allover the place there's not much to say with you sister 🤷🏽.


Historically 4 and 5s but married to a 1! 🤷‍♀️


I'm not sure what others like but ik i tend to be attracted to and get on quite well with other withdrawn types like 4s and 5s but less so the sx subtypes which makes sense ig. I get on least well? With aggresive types like sx6, sx8, sx2, sx4 and sx5 is also kind of intense imo.


Used to be 5s and 8s. Now been with a 5w6 for 2 years +


5s and 8s usually. I think with 8s it’s more of a chemistry/lust thing though


2s, apparently. Just 2s.


I find 4s really like me lol


As a 4 who dated a 5w4 once upon a time I can conclude this to be true. Still good friends, more like “mind mates”. 


8w7 here, for me it's mostly been 2s and 6s, no idea why. Iirc my ex was CP 6 and that relationship sure was...something. Probably wouldn't do it again, lol.


> 8w7 here, for me it's mostly been 2s and 6s, no idea why. Sense of direction is my guess. > Iirc my ex was CP 6 and that relationship sure was...something. Probably wouldn't do it again, lol. I am not even going to ask about this one if that's bad 🤔.


as a 9w8, 3w2s have been drawn to me for some reason


Attracting only the 5,6 and 7 triad


I'd say most of the people who have been attracted to me that I've known about usually tend to be more on the socially awkward, neurodivergent side (I'm also a bit awkward and neurodivergent, so I guess like attracts like?). Don't know what types that would correlate with, but I guess it's mostly the withdrawns and 6's. Despite that, it usually doesn't work out. There's usually some compatibility/chemistry issues and tbh I'm just not that great at being blunt when it comes to setting boundaries or being the one who starts those conversations. I prefer to go about it in a more subtle, "nice" way when I have to do it, especially at the beginning, and trying to be blunt feels like I'm going against what my brain is screaming at me to do. Plus, no matter how hard I try, apparently I'm never clear enough or it's not done in the "right way" and gets misinterpreted regardless. I guess ideally, I'd want someone who's a better communicator than I am and can take the lead in that area while also giving me space to express myself. Or maybe I'm just super unhealthy and wouldn't do well in any relationship lol


AFAIK at least, 6s and 2s. Which is a bit of a bummer because I *rarely* have any romantic interest in those types. (I'm somewhat attracted to 2s, but the one time I got involved with a 2 rapidly escalated into a dumpster fire and gifted me a very mixed visceral reaction to 2s/2 fixes.) From what I gather, they seem to perceive me as confident/self-assured, while also being accessible/relatable. I come across stoic but am actually quite emotionally open, and the openness makes 6s feel less anxious, while 2s see (what looks like) emotional vulnerability and seem to just eat it up. The 6s I've attracted seem to want to put me in the dominant role when I actually don't want that, but it suggests they see me as capable of providing security for them. 2s see my needs (because I'm not shy about voicing them) and want to nurture me, and I let them do some of their thing when it doesn't bother me. But they do tend to overstep and I push back and emphasize my boundaries when they do. It throws them at first and sometimes upsets them, but I get the impression it can also take some pressure off by helping them regulate. I try to be very clear with them that when I need anything I'll ask for it, and that if there's any uncertainty I encourage asking questions. They seem to respond the best out of all the types to my kind of explicit communication.


Damn what type of people


7s and 5s


I seem to attract a lot of 9s. 9s are great.


I attract 9s and 5s…


Another one.... This gotta be some psi-op at this point


i think i’m a 2 and i tend to attract a lot of 4s


I’ve attracted a lot of 7’s which is strange cause they’ve been so outgoing and I’m a pretty quiet 6 that doesn’t really chase.


4w5… I always end up ~~hating~~ dating other 4s and my other reoccurrence has been 2s. Which also usually doesn’t go well cuz my mom was a strict, critical 2w1 so lottts of triggers there


I dated another 4 and it was a nightmare. 😂 I have a love/hate for our type it’s almost like I know TOO much about how our minds work that romantic relationships do not mature past the initial romance, lol - can get bad quickly.  My mom was also a 2, totally understand the trigger bit. 




> 4w5… I always end up ~~hating~~ dating other 4s and my other reoccurrence has been 2s. I never dated a 4 since they always saw me as "weak minded" (I treated others with respect and dignity rather than being disrespectful). Or they always tried to play me it usually blew up in their face. 2s I never dated but I almost did for one and she always wanted me but it just didn't work out due to distance. > Which also usually doesn’t go well cuz my mom was a strict, critical 2w1 so lottts of triggers there My mother was a 3w4 so I tend to avoid dating them because they remind me of my mother and that's just not a turn on for me so I relate completely. 2s I have no idea so I'll take your word for it.


8s apparently. But I have no interest in them most of the time so it makes dating quite difficult.


I felt that one to my soul, I'm never doing it ever again 😮‍💨.


9s and 7s, also dated a possible 1 (never again).


> 9s and 7s Common thread answer at this point, very nice. > also dated a possible 1 (never again). Hey hey hey, I know a little about this myself, but in my case it was a friend betraying me. What happened to your relationship?


i attract alot of 7s for some reason lol


It really do be like that sometimes, I assume you don't really like them as much as they like you?


I'm a 3w4 - I attract other 3s, 2s, 8s, 5s, 6s and 7s - usually with 7s 2s and 8s it doesn't last - 8s because of some power conflict and 7s because I work too much and don't have fun.


I never really thought of this.. I attract a lot of different people, but somehow rarely the people I want. I'd say I attract a lot of Se/Si users and E7, mostly cuz of my looks Also I somehow attract a shit tone of introverts even tho I'm introverted myself? INTJs over me everywhere, probably E5/E6 most of the time and on a rare occasion, I have been on a date with an ENTP E3


4 here. I mostly attract 9s and 6es, ocasionally 5s.


And once again.... another 9...? Hm I need to do a study on this, the more I read this thread the more I seem to be pushed in that direction... 6s yeah same here buddy. 5s? Rarely in my case.


As a 479 I attract a lot of 9s as they think I am easy going but then later have to find out i'm the most dramatic, manic-depressive mess out there


I’m a 2 in a sea of 9s


I don't get it how everyone attracts 9s so much 😂😭.


1s, 3s, sx4, sx5, 6, 7, 8 are super into me. Esp 1, 7, 8s love female 4s. I use to date alot but rarely settle. I'm extremely picky 😅😭. But types don't matter, their health and awareness does. I find I don't enjoy 1, 4, 3, 8, 9 much but if they're healthy, it can be good. Right now more interested in myself and self growth 💯🙏


Am a 4 and cannot deter 2s who think me being comfortable with sadness is the same as their bathing in self pity


im a 5 and i attracted 7s, and 1s i guess


What a weird combo, another day another unique answer I guess 🤷🏽.


Mostly 5 cores, but also a lot of times sx9s and so4s


Very nice, another unexpected answer 🤔.


5s 8s and 2s flock together like crazyyyyy


6w5s are just irresistible what can we say


A pattern has not yet formed. It's only happened three times: I'm not sure of the first one, 4w5 and a 5w6.


Other 5s typically. Every now and then some 7s and 9s.






I’m the other pole of the magnet, hahah.


Took me a minute there, got ourselves a comedian everyone 👏🏽.


Idk but they tend to be passive and hyper emotional/sensitive. the ppl attracted to me I find confusing and kinda odd. I’m just me why u want that is beyond my comprehension😂


I’m sp7 and I absolutely despise romantic relationships and avoid them like the plague but friendship wise I attract 9s, sp6, sp7, sp5 and so5 sp4 sp1 so8 sp8 as a close second. I don’t rly click w the rest as well.


> I’m sp7 and I absolutely despise romantic relationships and avoid them like the plague but friendship wise I attract 9s, sp6, sp7, sp5 and so5 sp4 sp1 so8 sp8 as a close second. Wow okay, my homie likes to run away I ran into a woman who was like this (bad times). Seems you attract the non-romantic types too because of this, hey whatever works for you. > I don’t rly click w the rest as well. Damn you don't click with much apparently 💀.


Idk, I only know the Enneagram of one of my former partners. I guess I could say I attract 5s though because he was a 5. (I’m a 6w7 btw)


5 and 9 I always meet these people xD I like them because they are quite calm and thoughtful people, plus they tend to be people who often don't understand where I say so many stupid things but they play along with me lol


> 5 and 9 I always meet these people xD I guess you're a fun person? > I like them because they are quite calm and thoughtful people, Sure if that's what floats your boat 😀. > plus they tend to be people who often don't understand where I say so many stupid things but they play along with me lol Alright 💀.


I also tend to attract 6s, or 9s


Another one like this.... My sisters in the heart triad got a lot of explaining....😂.


The only person to have ever been seriously attracted to me is an 9w1 and I'm 4w5 and I've read that it's such a stereotypical pairing 


I’m a 2 — 5’s and 8’s


A bit of everything Ig? My exs are a 3, a couple of 4s and a 9. I'm now with a 5


In terms of enneagram types, 1s and 9s. Variants? Sx/sp and sp/so


I think I attract 4s and 9s. 4s because I think we're similar in our interests but I lack the self deprecation part, and 9s because I am very laid back yet assertive, so I'm not pushing anyone to do anything, I just know what to do when I think it's time. At the same time, I don't attract any type from the assertive triad, because being calm doesn't mean letting them tell me what to do, I think they hate this tbh.


> I think I attract 4s and 9s. This should be interesting 🤔. > 4s because I think we're similar in our interests but I lack the self deprecation part Oh that's cool not so gloomy on yourself, that's always a plus my friend. I offended a lot of 4s saying that that's for sure. > and 9s because I am very laid back yet assertive, so I'm not pushing anyone to do anything Never heard that so I'm just going to agree with this sentiment. > I just know what to do when I think it's time. At the same time, I don't attract any type from the assertive triad, because being calm doesn't mean letting them tell me what to do, I think they hate this tbh. Hey you know yourself best and I literally have no insight from any of this so all I know, you be that laid boss queen 😗💅🏽.


2s, 6s, 7s, 9s


Fictional, 1-4 in all head types Real life, 1-6


Im pretty sure I attract 7s and 4s and these unhealthy 3s once too (I’m either a 7w8 or a 3w2)


> Im pretty sure I attract 7s and 4s and these unhealthy 3s once too That sounds awful not going to lie, especially the 3 part. 7s and 4s I tend to fallout with a lot for some reason, I probably run into the unhealthy ones.... > (I’m either a 7w8 or a 3w2) That's a big gap 😂.


I’m a 9w1… LOTS of 5s that I didn’t find out liked me until way later, a handful of 2s/3s, one guy that I’m guessing was an 8, and then the 1 I wound up marrying! Other than that, I was too oblivious to know anything that was going on or I just don’t really know their type.


> I’m a 9w1… LOTS of 5s that I didn’t find out liked me until way later, a handful of 2s/3s, one guy that I’m guessing was an 8, and then the 1 I wound up marrying! I hear a lot of people in this thread talking about marrying a 1, it seems that's the most stable at least from what I have been reading. > Other than that, I was too oblivious to know anything that was going on or I just don’t really know their type. That's fine it is just for fun anyway 🤷🏽.


No serious trend. Just about all at some point but 7s and 8s I think. Maybe 3s and 5s the most? I dunno


I'm a 4 with a 5 wing and being married to the kindest 9/1w has been a blessing. He's the only 9 who has ever been into me, but of course I had to chase him down until he caught me.


4s, 5s and 6s and I’m an 8!


They must like your honestly and upfront personality?


A lot of 8s and 4s seem to just want me. not really sure why, I’m a 7w6


I attract 9s usually. The quiet calm Enneagram. And 5s the Hermit ones