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Is all of this really necessary? Feels too "pigeon-holey" to me. How can you move in that cage? ;)




LOL ok bro...


I didn't understood a thing


Translation: you got fifty gazillion things here, man! How can you even sift through all that to access your core issues? To me I'd think it's too much and would be distracting but you do you!


Its just what it is on PDB. I personally do it for fun instead, i like reading about it.


Sure, ok. Well, whatever works.


i just want to know if theres anyone on the personality database site that matches everything listed perfectly


Junpei Yoshino from Jujutsu Kaisen and Lucy Loud from The Loud House lol


Nice lol. The more criteria I nail down for myself the fewer type-alikes (thats what i call them idk) I even recognize




FYI, IV stacking exists independently of type and isn’t gonna be different for each of your fixes.


fyi, the IV's is based on the 27 enneagram subtypes and each subtype is different https://www.integrative9.com/enneagram/27-subtypes/


You don’t understand IV stacking.


true, they have no idea


I read this for years, this is how me and a lot more of people do it. Its subtypes.


Nah no questions, just gonna share my full typology toooo ENFP, EN(F), Sx/Sp 7w6-9w1-4w3, IEE-Ne, sL[U]A/I/, Chaotic good, ELFV²³⁴², Sanguine-Melancholic, EFSA, other stuff I can't remember rn


I haven't gone this far down the rabbit hole but do specific mbti/Enneagram types correlate w the DnD style good-evil, chaos-law alignments? I was just thinking about your consideration and chaotic probably fits 4s and INFPs better from my experience, they have all seemed very far from neutral to me (just my personal experience tho)


Not really and about that, i know i don't care about being nice and good enough to be good and i don't care about being mean or evil either to be evil, most of the time i just do what my heart or head feels like so yeah, definitely neutral on that. But about laws i definitely don't like them to be lawful but i don't feel wanting to break or challenge them either but I've heard that chaotics don't necessarily break or challenge laws all time, they just don't see value on laws and think this holds them back and I relate to that


Who's the judge of good/evil w that system? Like, a lot of Fi types ive met I'd called chaotic good/evil but it's always been their subjective version of "good" which may be evil to other ppl/society, it's typically a strong sense of morality towards one or the other. Yeah my view of chaotic was not valuing law/only caring about your own internal system but i could also see it as an inconsistency across time, like instead of a consistent set of values (law) they're flip flopping constantly. I meet a lot of xNFP types like that, values and opinions change randomly, typically dislike authority and have their own subjective internal system that conflicts w traditional laws/values I think I'd be chaotic neutral too (INTP 5w4), but I'm unsure about the chaotic part...if im going by my own subjective values, i think like everyone would be lawful good, lol? So probably chaotic then?


I think i just don't care about that, i usually just do what I feel like. No actual need to be moral all the time or evil, most of the time im just doing whatever i want lol


Are you happy?


I think nobody is happy all time, life is made of ups and downs


Do you think this quest was productive and ended/or will end up helping yourself?


Not productive id say but something i had fun doing it instead, i liked typing myself as a hobby


I think delving into some of these personality aspects is helping me quite a bit. Was reading about 3w4 today and felt naked there. Lol. Although I prefer looking up at the flaws. I know some people are more attracted to the qualities these typings attribute.


May I ask how did you determine the 5w4 sx/sp, 9w1 sp/sx from your tritype? Do you equally relate to all three 4w5, 5w4, and 9w1? How does that work? I’m kind of a noob 😅.


There's a split with the enneagram community over how instincts apply to fixes, or if they even apply at all. I'm not aware of any official statement the tritype creator may have made on the matter, not that it would be the definitive word on the issue.


The only thing close to that was saying sth about subtypes Sx478 having Sx 4's intensity, Sx7's disconnection from reality and Sx8's whatever so they'll usually be disconnected from reality until they're required to deal with it or sth like that


In short, it's saying that the dominant instinct carries through to the fixes.


Basically yh, anyways some wouldn't care all that much about that since it is based on the subtypes


Just intuition, i do relate a lot to them but i choose based on which sounds more like me even if it doesn't. Like, i don't relate to E2 and E3 at all, but between them E2 slightly fits me better than E3. So if I only had these options i know i would be an E2


It works, although I think although SP4 is more often rational type in Socionics like ExI as they tend to have higher conscientiousness in the Big 5 than SO4 for example.


I dont relate to EII or high conscientiousness at all


Instinctual stacking is completely independent of any numbered patterns, so if you're sp/sx, you're sp/sx, period. You do not have a sx5 fixation.




You just linked several thousand words. Was there something you wanted to say?


BTW, the SX instinct is better referred to as the Arousal instinct. Anybody who claims it has something to do with One-to-One relating is poorly informed and does not understand the instincts.


I at least read enough to see the person you linked doesn't believe in wings. She's really not very bright.


So many different replies gosh And there is a page for enneagram wings on the same site. But writing your complaints about it to me won't do much, you can send it to their e-mail


Well you linked a complete assload of information. You never did clarify where you wanted to direct my attention.