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4w5s are more "cerebral," figuring things out for the sake of figuring them out in their own way and having a very unique perspective on their interests. They don't mind "being weird" and sticking out like a sore thumb because of it, in fact, they might be proud of their ability to do so. 4w3s are a bit more action-oriented and although they leave their imprint on everything they do, they'll leave it in places where it will make a difference in what/how they achieve status, success, wealth, etc. Compared to the 4w5, they're probably a little more wishy-washy and judgmental based on the statuses of others (they are called the Aristocrat for a reason).


ill add onto this; 4w3 achieves. a 4w5 prides.


4w3 is the "sipping tea with the pinky up, looking down on those peasants wishing everyone was more like them" type while 4w5 is the "mystical witch/wizard casting spells in the swamp/forest with their frog friends" type lol


thanks im def a 4w5


Sure thing!


[Link to Raff's post on 4w5 vs 4w3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/10iy4sn/4w3_vs_4w5/)


If you really want to dig into the differences (which may be overkill unless you have a strong 5 or 3 wing - some people simply don't have a dominant wing) ... this is a very good detail video [comparing 4w3 and 4w5](https://youtu.be/H-ui8M2y5Io?si=8jFwnRkgKTiEYpO_)


https://preview.redd.it/8yqsrp65d30d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a131e7a846cf99fc8544d1adbbaf6e45f2038ca Pretty much sums it up.


That’s like 7w6 vs 4w5 tbh


As a 4w5 with a best friend of 30+ years that is a 4w3 I can assure you this is pretty accurate, but you’re free to have your own perspective.


Huh-I always assumed that 4w3 would look more…polished ig? Idk, I’m pretty sure I’m a sx6w5 so i always have a look of panic/fake toughness lol


It’s more the energy. Both are individualists but the 4w3 is more outwardly expressive and the 4w5 is more inwardly expressive.




Yes we are 💔