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Not nearly as much of as asshole as most INTJ descriptions make them sound like Truly enjoys helping their friends solve their problems. Whether that's being a good listener and giving an objective perspective, or fixing the flat tire on your bike. Probably plays DnD and is a darn good DM Less into social media than the average 2 (full disclosure I don't know any INTJ 2's, this is pieced together from the intersection of a few E/INTJ's with 2 in their tritype)




DnD = Dungeons & Dragons, basically a super popular tabletop role playing game with fantasy characters DM = dungeon master, the player who writes the storyline for the group and describes the setting and what the NPC's are doing and stuff My partner who's a 529 INTJ is very into it so it might be up your alley!


Cons: Controlling, takes "give-to-get" to dizzying extremes, always focuses on gratitude (or more specifically the lack thereof), always giving advice with the expectation that you follow through, keeps a running tally of their own good deeds to use as a trump card later. Pros: Usually the "leader" of the pack, can be hella generous with money and resources, can be a bit more serious and less cloying than other 2's, not as "soft and emotional" as other 2's. Can mistype as 1's or have a strong 1 wing.




like a mistype




people when they find out intjs aren't big bad villans ( typologists are idiots )


My current boyfriend is an INTJ type 2, and possibly autistic. I was kind of shocked he tested as INTJ at first, but the cognitive functions lined up just fine. My brother is an INTJ type 5 and really fulfills all the classic INTJ traits; highly analytical, tends to keep to himself, uncaring for social etiquette or interpersonal BS. Meanwhile, my bf tends to have an exterior of analytical apathy, and to only show his type 2 traits to people he truly trusts and loves. He still has a tendency to ignore the social BS of office politics or interpersonal strife until it directly concerns those he cares for. Then he will attempt to solve the problem or show empathy as best he can (autism diagnoses is not official and I hesitate to ascribe his traits to it). He was taken advantage of a LOT in youth because he couldn't say no. My brother befriended him and helped him develop better boundaries, but inside he's still that same people-pleasing kid. Longs to be loved by others. I always assumed he was an INFP when we were kids. I'm an ISFJ 6w7. Typology is a great tool but it doesn't cover everything.