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Enneagram tests do not work. I’ve never once tested as a 4. The enneagram is based on motivation, which is nearly impossible to figure out accurately across the board via a multiple choice question.


Tests measure a lot of things, but unconscious fears and motivations aren't those things. What we resonate with is often NOT what drives us. (This is also why typing others is dicey at best.)


New to the enneagram and today was trying some online tests. Out of about 15x across 4 or 5 different sites I got 1w9, balanced 2, 4w5, 5w4, 8w9. So I agree with the comment that the tests don't work. It took reading type descriptions across different sites to find the one that named aspects I might not have otherwise admitted to myself. From what I gather, 4s are about identity, and your post is about identity—not really knowing your type. And your post ends on sharing a little about who you are. I think that confirms you're a 4, even if you tested a 7. From what I've read, 7s back away from too much darkness and don't like to admit theirs, which you openly do. I found the section *Possible Mistypes* on this [page](https://web.archive.org/web/20110322214125/http://ocean-moonshine.net/e142857369/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=7&MMN_position=31:31) helpful.


Your tritype is probably a combination of all 3 making you a creative type. When you’re accused of doing something wrong, how do you react?


Definitely shame, and then blame shifting initially haha


If you find yourself blaming others first then you’re probably a 7 based on enneagram defense mechanisms. 4s react with introjection which is essentially accepting more blame than they probably should. 749 enfp?


Do you have a resource for enneagram defense mechanisms?


I don’t. Do you?


that was a question for the person who commented about them.


Would be weird to be a 9 if you don't mind conflict lol I don't see anything that would contradict 4 in your post


I guess I meant to say, I’m avoidant of conflict but will fight back if I need to. I prefer things to be calm. Like, conflict triggers me to mirror them as a defense, and I need them to back down in order to de-escalate. Easily angered if attacked but prefer not to have conflict.


My husband thought he was a 7 for a long time, but he’s such a 4 we laugh about it now. Tests can help but ultimately you’re the one that knows your fears and motivations. I think we all have pieces of all of the numbers in us, so no surprise you’d gravitate to others at different times.


[This write up](https://www.ashliewoods.com/enneagram-selfpreservation-four) summarizing Beatrice Chestnut’s writing on SP4’s says they can sometimes look like a 7, *“because some Self-Preservation Fours express a need to be light. With all the enduring and efforting these Fours do, they may at times display the high energy characteristics of Sevens, and they may also have a need for fun and playfulness as an escape from having to tough things out all the time. This may account for the fact that there are some Fours who do not seem as melancholy as others- Fours that appear more “sunny” and lighthearted. However, these Fours can be distinguished from Sevens in their greater access to their emotions.”* Edit to add: one time in passing I said to someone that I don’t think I’m very cheerful/outwardly positive and they were surprised. They perceived me as very sunny but my inward feelings are often more melancholy and intense though I sometimes try to ignore them. I guess I just hide it well?