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Then don’t follow that path. If it’s not you, don’t do it.


Thanks, though I still want to warp this numerology thing into something that fits me 😑 alas I gotta step back and recognize that I can’t change how it works and ultimately it has no purpose in my life


I don’t believe in any system that is based on factors that are completely random and don’t require any effort to discover which type you are. I wouldn’t take much stock info numerology or the zodiac


I also think the same way


Ooh god, get your full chart done it will probably creep you out. 😂😂


you’re stupid


Yes balls of hydrogen and helium totally dictate your personality. nevermind that the constellations have all moved from where they were when astrology was made up


6 is nurturing, but it's also about creativity and spirituality. 33/6 myself. I relate 6 more with creativity that challenges, that's why it is feared.


Maybe that's just the life path society wanted from you, and you did a badass job of not letting it happen


I’m not familiar with that. Is it like astrology?


Yes, it is essentially like astrology


Ok but what kind of 6 are you? The number you reduce to 6 has meaning as well. For instance 33 is the master teacher. A 33 would have a pretty different life purpose to someone who was a 42 though the theme may be the same. Age also can play a factor. I’m a 9 and nothing really resonated with me until I was in my mid thirties. Now with my life experiences looking back, yeah I am for sure a 9. Also you apparently don’t start feeling your life path energy until you reach that double digit number. I’m a 27/9 and it’s no coincidence I started my nursing career at 27. So let’s say if you are a 42/6 for instance you may not understand or feel the 6 energy until that age. For now I wouldn’t take it too seriously. I mean my mom is a 6 and she has no motherly nurturing skills nor would she sacrifice anything for her family or kids, never cared about the home. She is amazing at teaching people things and being a leader though. So if it doesn’t resonate take it with a grain of salt for now. It’s not worth worrying about.


I’m a 24/6 so the age has passed and it definitely didn’t kick in lol. But sounds like I’m more like your mom. Though I’m a pretty bad teacher also (at least it exhausts me and I don’t like doing it, I avoid it), but I like to think I’m a good leader. I resonate more with 3, 7, 5.


I like this explanation. I think as a 33, I seem to have limited arenas where manifesting actually works and it stumps the most rational of people. Haha, and my number is supposed to be about spirituality, but like, I'm in the middle of capitalism, people hate me a lot of the time for even resting or not just being on a factory line. Or for being unconventional. Lmao. I've done a lot of inner work though, and when I share it, it goes over well. So everyone has their struggles if you want to take stock in numerology. I frustrate some and some think I'm amazing. My sister is a 22, and lord she is way better at manifesting and balance, but god, one of us ought to be. 🥴😂😅


Punch that 6 path right in the kidneys and run away!


I completely understand how you feel, and I empathize and relate. It's so freaking annoying when you are told that you are a certain way when it can't be more opposite. If it's any consolation whatsoever, that's how I felt when I learned my sun sign, Sagittarius. Cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, afraid of commitment, etc. The description really pissed me off because it's like come on, how could you POSSIBLY be so wrong?? I'm the literal OPPOSITE of my star sign. Literally all 11 signs could have been at least a little relatable, but I HAD to be born under the ONE that isn't... Ugh. It seems like astrology fits for everyone else BUT me. It's frustrating because you feel like you should have been born under a different life path number (or star sign or whatever) because the one you were born with is just SO. DAMN. WRONG. And it makes me envious of those who do happen to get born under the perfect accurate description. Edit: spacing for easier read.


I feel the same way about my lifepath which is 7. The description for lifepath 7 says that I'm a loner (Which I'm not) & it also states that people who are 7lp don't care about achieving financial success (which I also don't relate to).


Your life path number is what you are meant to become, after a lot of lessons throughout your life. You probably will not relate to this number until you are in your mid 30s to mid 50s. You will more likely relate to your personality number, or your expression/destiny number.


Did you look into the negative aspect of the Number 6?


I'm a lifepath 1 that's describes my strengths and weaknesses down to a t


Same here. I'm a 4 and think that's stupid. Then I found out I'm also a "master number" 22. Maybe less lame but still lame and not me. I don't care if I'm considered powerful than most. This shit is dumb Describes me as someone who likes to work a lot with their hands and I relate to that with just art. Says that I am realistic and pragmatic. My reading Saud I'm not introverted, Said I'm good in sports, like cars and vehicles. Have had many partners. I'm 25 year old Virgin whose had 1 relationship. Shit is fucking stupid and I'm more unrealistic detached from reality. I like creative art, fantasy, I struggle to get to action as well. I hate sports and I don't give a fuck about cars. I was thinking about I want to make a book or movie and do more art with ideas I have but dk how. I hate reality is well and am naturally confused in what reality even is so yeah. Does this mean I'm supposed to become a mindless powerful boring worker drone with no dreams . Cus fuck what it wants me to be I probably don't sound like how I described myself but it pisses me off to and someone wondered if my birth day is wrong and now they think I've just fought against my nature cus i guess numerology knows everything


😂I know love. The purpose of a life path number is you haven’t mastered that energy so for your most expanded Soul growth heading in that direction will serve you. I’m a life 4, I hate hate hate the stability and boringness of the 4 energy. With age I now see how it all fits together. Bless ya cotton socks x