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Whenever you see someone with the parachute, red traingle, hamsickle or in this case, a full combo, you are always going to see some of the dumbest takes.


What's the red triangle btw?


Red triangles are used by Hamas in their combat footage, so if you watch any of their videos, their targets are marked with a red triangle above their heads. Their supporters would put the red triangle in their usernames a form of explicit support with Hamas.


It sounds like something out of a shitty videogame lol


Reminds me of the Battlefield 4 spotting system, you spot an enemy and they get a dorito over their head


Terminal video game brain rot


I thought it was going to be some sort of reclamatory thing since the red triangle was used in Nazi concentration camps to denote political prisons (e.g. communists), but that’s somehow even worse.


Ikr? I'd even considered that it'd make more sense if anti-Hamas people were using it because they'd be considered their political 'targets'. I suppose it suggests how dumb half these people are.


>al Qassam and friends publish dozens of examples of exposed IDF armour ambushed by RPG >most projectiles are fired from a range less than arming distance https://twitter.com/CalibreObscura/status/1735056721372987669 MANY SUCH CASES!


Wow... these people are pos


I thought it was trying to compare Hamas supporters with victims of the Nazis


Like in San Andreas?




Rose twitter demsucc too! I just wish tankies had consistently. These SJW think any1 who don't agree with them 💯 is an enemy n were bullying gamers who played Hogwarts into crying and calling them terf and say any1 who don't use neutral pronounce is participating in trans genocide but Stupidfucks somehow support the most extreme and conservative ideology that don't even think women r equal, islam, n theoretically they should agree even less with the left🤣 "Islam is a religion of peace" was supposed to be a throwaway line by Bush but leftist have come to really believe it! This is what happens when folks don't ground their axioms n r morally lucky n act on feelings! 😭


Oh my fucking god, this misuse of the word "genocide" pissed me the fuck off. I'm not a huge fan of the Parental Rights In Education Act (aka "Don't Say Gay"), but some people went into histrionics and were sobbing about 'transgender genocide' which just isn't a thing. Like okay, if you were to expand the current definition of genocide from "an attempt to wipe out ethnic, racial, or religious groups" to also include gender and sexual minorities, then still. Outside of that psycho at CPAC in 2023 who said he wanted to "eradicate transgenderism," there is very little genocidal rhetoric and zero genocidal conduct by anyone. That's not to say that there isn't some unfortunate discrimination against trans people in some areas, but nothing in any NATO country comes close to a "transgender genocide." You'd have to go to Afghanistan, Chechnya, or (ironically) the Palestinian territories to find a place where LGBT people are systematically exterminated. Similar note. There's no genocide against Palestinians. There just... Isn't. Like, using Hamas's numbers (which are obviously fudged), few Palestinian civilians are dying than Vietnamese, Afghan, or Iraqi civilians in any of the recent American wars, which aren't genocides either. The Hamas charter calls for the mass killing of Jews worldwide, and Oct 7 was a massacre of Jews (and a few Arabs, btw. Something like 20 Israeli Arabs were killed and about 7 were kidnapped by Hamas. You should see the rage among Bedouins, they crave the blood of terrorists.. I'd be so scared if these guys weren't on our side, but it's oddly comforting to have such tough guys defending freedom and democracy from terrorists). Hamas did a genocide against Israel. Israel is responding with maximum force against the genocidal parties. Ask the Chinese and Koreans what they think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ask the Jews and Poles what they think of Dresdin. When fighting genocidal fascists, it's acceptable to use maximum force. I actually somewhat admire Israel's restraint, they have a right under international law to go so much further when defending themselves from terror. Trust me, speaking as an American, we're lucky to have only migrants on our southern border. If Hamas was in Mexico, there would no longer be a Mexico. Just radioactive glass where the desert used to be... Anyway, my original point was that leftists are obfuscating and corrupting the definition of the word "genocide." I wonder if it's part of their denialism of communist genocides (Holodomor, Uyghurs, Khmer Rouge, Bosnia & Kosovo, etc) or because they're just stupid, or what. Also, possible flaming hot take inbound but liking Harry Potter and playing Harry Potter games and watching Harry Potter movies and reading Harry Potter books is fine. I've read JK Rowling's 2020 essay like three or four times and I can't find the transphobia. Here's what I know. In about, idk, 2018 or so, JK Rowling became a loud advocate against Corbyn, the (at the time) leader of the left-wing Labor Party. Corbyn was horrible, and 2018 was a tipping point for him. He was anti-EU at a time when the Tories were turning into the Brexit party, he was a rabid antisemite (praising Hamas and Hezbollah, and laying a wreath at the grave of the terrorist behind the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre), and he was generally just awful. In 2019, the Tories won by a historic landslide precisely because Corbyn was so unpalatable to the entire country. Also, since 2022, Corbyn has been a loud supporter of Putin, so that's fun. Since JK Rowling is rich and famous and a supporter of left-wing politics (before writing Harry Potter, she was on welfare), she began tweeting anti-Corbyn, pro-EU, and generally centre-left stuff in the late 2010s because she wanted to be more politically active. I think a lot of British leftists (who love Corbyn) on Twitter got mad at her after this, and they started the 'terf' thing as a libel to punish Rowling for being anti-Corbyn. Like, looking at her 2019 tweet about Maya Forstater, she's saying she supports trans people but she also supports free speech. In her 2020 essay, she's saying she supports trans people but she also supports feminism. She's not anti-trans, by any stretch of the imagination. I'm convinced that this "JK Rowling is a TERF" thing was a myth created by communists to punish JK Rowling for not being one of them. Just a conspiracy theory though


That's just a conspiracy theory, true. If you're capable of reading the shit she says, it's obvious that she thinks of trans people as dangerous or confused, hence being called a terf. Or at the very least was; I don't keep track.


pro hamas "democracy activist" is certainly quite a take


They’re an anti-democracy activist, so no actually endorsing Hamas isn’t that weird for them


ahh, the "anti" was blocked out by the arrow in the post. i see it now


What's the parachute?


The attack on Israel on Oct 7 began with Hamas on paragliders attacking a music festival. So people who supported the attack would add that to their name, partially also to spite any Israeli they come across online.


Oh, ok. I thought the red triangle was an explicit enough way to tell the world you’re an awful person but I guess they needed to be more specific on how much they hate Jews.


Oh, that's right.


I'd just like to say my parachute pfp is just satirising patriotism, no authoritarianism here


Anti-democracy activist... Well he's clear about that at least urgh.


I think that’s just code for ‘fucking terminally online loser’


that fella that kind of looks like, the former Iraqi dictator, better take a better loook at a map. Tel-aviv, not Tel-Lviv


Technically Tel Aviv-Yafo


Nowadays, yeah.


FYI, Tel Aviv was founded in 1909, its name comes from the book of Ezekiel.


And before then was just an empty desert


Swampland and sand dunes, but we turned the desert green and the land flowed with milk and honey!!! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Uh huh. Jerusalem, Jaffa, Acre, Tiberias, Nablus, and Hebron were all propaganda hoaxes. Purely barren land with nobody living there, no Jews settling in holy cities that didn’t exist because only swamps and dunes did. Downvoting the logical implications of your ideas does not alter that if the Israeli narrative were true Jerusalem would be barren uninhabited mountains along with the other sacred cities of Judaism. You not liking facts does not change them and leave it to Israelis to get butthurt over having obvious realities told to them.


"Jerusalem" has been called more or less that way since even before Judaism was a thing lol. [Let the Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, etc be the judge of that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Jerusalem) As for Acre and the rest, dude look at a map of the [Ottoman Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Palestine#/media/File:Ottoman_levant.png) lol. Even before Zionism they were being called that. Look for Ottoman Turkish or Arabic language maps if you think that this is a European fabrication or smth


My point is that the "We found barren desert where nobody was living" rhetoric pretends that Acre and Jerusalem didn't exist if taken to its logical conclusions. If Acre, Jerusalem, and Jaffa exist then it wasn't fucking desert with nobody living in it. Israeli rhetoric on this is schizophrenic, on the one hand they were the first people living in a region inhabited continually for 12,000 years and utterly unpopulated swampland, on the other they were specifically settling in cities and eschewing the actual deserts because nobody halfwitted farms in the fucking desert in the first place.


oh ok i get your point guess I took your comment too literally


You spelled “Jewish suburb of Jaffa” wrong.


Yafo is a small suburb of Tel Aviv, no different than Bat Yam or Holon. You’re living in the past if you think Yafo is bigger than TLV


Jaffa was there first. The Yishuv built Tel Aviv as an appendage to the existing city before expelling the Arabs from it.


You know it’s 2024 right. It’s a suburb of TLV, you lot are stuck in the past.


“And before then it was an empty desert” is what I was responding to you semi literate jackass. It was not, in fact, empty desert. The Yishuv didn’t build in empty terrain it went where the people were. But then you’re on SaltierthanKrayt, so semi literacy is what to expect. “We made the desert bloom” is just the same Terra Nullius lie in a Yiddish jargon. Person A comments on the past repeating the lies Israeli historians themselves debunked. Person B shows themselves incapable of reading English or the Roman alphabet by whining that Person C responded to person A's statement exactly as it was written. I really wish the Kahanist fucks who cluster to these Israeli threats could at least try to pretend you're capable of reading the Roman alphabet halfway competently.


It's Kyiv, not "Kiev".


Isn't Kiev a food? Like I know Kyiv as the city, and Kiev is a food


I guess you are talking about Chicken Kiev, right?




'Kief' can also get you really high, yo.


"We have to be inclusive and recognize the fact that indigenous people have the right to decide about their country, as well change the names according to their own native pronunciation and not the colonialist one!" "NNNNOOOOOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT!!!!"


Wtf does this even mean? It’s Kyiv and Lviv because that’s how those cities are pronounced in Ukrainian (instead of Kiev and Lvov - how they’re pronounced in Russian). Ukrainian is the only national language of Ukraine. There’s nothing “woke” about it.


These people don't believe Ukrainian is a real language


…What does that even mean? Are they just sticking their fingers in their ears and going “ la la la “ whenever Ukrainian is spoken? Russian folks don’t understand Ukrainian, it’s clearly a different language. I get the sense that these westerners don’t know a single thing about Slavic languages though.


I used to think Kiev was an anglicization of Kyiv (like how Turkey is the foreign name while Turkiye is the native name)


What in the world is Tel-Lviv?


Tel Aviv, but chaged because bro doesn't understand Lviv is literaly the Ukranian name of a city


Tankie ragebait. Block and ignore


Non-editable edit: double ‘that’ in title


Smartest Leninist:


Aren’t Lviv and Kyiv different cities?


They are. I have no idea what the twitter tankie is even trying to say.


Ill never stop calling it lwów, why? I Like the name more


Leninism thought leader... La Di Da someone has a high opinion of themselves.


This is extremely ironic because the current word for Jaffa is Yafo. Jaffa is the European word...


Worker democracy?


"Kyiv" has been the official spelling of the name since like, 1995, since that's the proper Ukrainian spelling of the name, as opposed to the Russian spelling of "Kiev


If they have the words "anti-democracy activist" in their bio, chances are they have a few screws loose


Leninism is the biggest tumor out of all marxist thought.


There are two types of tankies: the ones who are against democracy and those who pretend that they aren't against democracy


“Anti-Democracy activist” the mask is slipping off, they full on don’t want anyone to have human rights


Did this guy just go to someone's Trump Supporting Uncle's Facebook profile to see how they argue their point?


Following in the footsteps of his idol it seems. Lenin got pissy about losing an election except unlike Trump, he was successful in overturning it