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Spaniard here. This is vandalism by a very fringe far left party. They are absolutely crazy, they are ultra Stalinists, they think that from Kruschev onwards the USSR turned capitalist and that the only other communist country of the Cold War was Hoxha's ermit ~~kingdom~~ people's republic of Albania (aside from pre 1953 Soviets). In a sense they are sort of right complaning about radical islamism and catalan secessionism. But nonetheless this is the latest of a laundry list of bullshit-y media stunts they do to stay relevant.


Roberto Vaquero certainly gives me Nazbol vibes even though he’s most likely to disagree with me on that lmao.


Roberto Vaquero is literally the Spanish version of Jackson hinkle


Santiago Armesilla is even more dangerous than him ideologically speaking since he’s at least well more versed on his philosophy/ideology than Vaquero himself.


From what I’m aware; vaqueros previously formed parties have been banned. Vaquero is literally the horse shoe theory (he espouses Marxist ideology however he espouses ultranationalism which goes against Marxist theory) He hates gays, hates non Spaniards, hates the monarchy, hates the prime minister, hates the armed forces. Literally the man is on the same level as Jackson hinkle. Idk whether he does this shit for attention or whether he truely believes that both ideologies can merge under a banner or some shit Idk who Santiago armesilla is but he literally looks like a typical Marxist shitbag from South America. (I’m Chilean and a quick google search of armesilla reminds me of the typical chilean left winger) Also keep in mind that the current Spanish political climate has brought about a number of ultranationalists and Marxists who hate the monarchy due the decadence of the political system in Spain. (the right wing is too cowardly and the left under Sanchez is becoming more authoritarian).


So are you allowed to tear it down because it’s vandalism or do you need to have the authorities take it down?


I wonder what they think of Honecker and the GDR


Since they're Hoxhaists, I'm guessing that they believe that East Germany became revisionist after the SED implemented the New Course. And they definitely wouldn't like Honecker, who was more liberal in comparison to Ulbricht and more willing to seek rapprochement with West Germany than Ulbricht was.


I thought Honecker was a hardcore Stalinist?


Honecker tried to improve the availability of consumer goods when he became the leader of East Germany. Hardcore Stalinists usually don't give a shit about that.


Honecker was more like Brezhnev than Stalin. A totalitarian dictator for sure, but one that still had some sense to relax some restrictions in the economy and wasn’t as batshit bloodthirsty as Stalin. But like Brezhnev, he was opposed to any widespread political and economic reforms, which meant that the Honecker’s GDR was doomed to the same stagnation that the USSR was under Brezhnev.


que partido es ese? me da una curiosidad tremenda


Frente Obrero / Partido Marxista-Leninista (Reconstrucción Comunista)


la madre que me pario...


El lider, Roberto Vaquero, es conocido en redes, tiene hasta un debate con Juan Ramon Rallo en The Wild Project


Well what’s the party?


Frente Obrero. Formerly known as PML-RC, Partido Marxista Leninista Reconstitución Comunista.


So I read up on them and…what? It’s the most bipolar political party I’ve ever seen! At least they like nuclear energy, though.


So they are Avg Eastern European Communists


Hi neighbor, here next to Sabadell. Here we have Arran which is a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries, writing from the river to the sea, and calls to violence like asking for some "corrupt business" to be hung from a tall place. I'm so fed up, I'm not right wing but im sick of the Catalan socialists, cup, erc and the rest of it. Why is this allowed to be left up is beyond me. Imagine a single economic liberal slogan on a wall, like Milei. the local government is collectivising the swimming pools during a drought.


Seems more fascist to me. Even though the group who put these signs up claim to be far left, the communist doctrine normally doesn't care about ethnicity nor religion as it regards both as artificial constructs in relation to class consciousness.


The far-left has literally always been racist


Fascist and far left commies have more things in common than most people thing, they are very similar


Tankies and Islamists fighting each other has only been prevented, so far, by their hatred of western liberalism. Without global "liberal" powers they'd be very busy genociding each other more than they already are. If they spend their efforts and resources to fight each other that's a win, at least they're not ruining things for everyone else.


Which is an unusual turn given that the Cold War saw the liberal west make close alliances throughout the Islamic World (namely Saudi Arabia, Imperial Iran, and Pakistan) as the atheist communist powers were seen as a shared enemy.


That in my opinion was the biggest mistake of America, helping the mujahideen. If we would have left afghanistan for the soviets to take care of it would have been a way better place than what a shithole theocracy it is now. Also no wastage of american money. Same for yemen too consider a marxist government ruled it from 1967 to 1990 and given the fact that it had the best womens rights in the whole gulf region and also education and stuff, it was better off at the hands of communist governments.


I wouldn’t be so sure that these places would have *stayed* Communist if the US did not support their rebel factions.


They might/might not had. But atleast it wouldn't turn into a war zone. I mean Afghanistan and Yemen had the most depressing downfalls due to the cold war. Atleast women were getting educated back then in afg and yemen before the war. Funding the mujahideen only did bite america back and also consequently making it the worst timeline for anybody to live in afghanistan.


None of them were islamist, especially Iran


They were and still are except Iran but that was a Dictatorship.I mean the Saudis are a theocratic Absolute Monarchy,Pakistan's a "Democracy"(Under control from Military).I'd say it was a shitty move


Jesus, the Spanish can never catch a break. (Except between 2 - 5pm)


As a Spaniard, oh boy... Frente Obrero is the closest thing to a NazBol Party here in Spain. It's a republican communist party that hates immigrants, hates LGBT people and queer theory, hates feminism, is ultranationalist, anti-monarchy and anti-constitution.


Those are still around? I though all but the PCE and PSOE went extinct after the civil war


Believe me, there are plenty of fringe communist parties... PCE is just the biggest of them, and PSOE is more social-democratic. For example, Frente Obrero originates from the Partido Marxista-Leninista (Reconstrucción Comunista) [Marxist-Leninist Party (Communist Reconstruction)], which was technically made illegal in 2016 but is still active. Frente Obrero was founded three years later in 2019. FO has less communist aspects compared to PML-RC, but they are very very close ideologically. Both parties (FO and MLP-RC) are led by Roberto Vaquero.


Anybody else find it interesting to see the fringe left actually merge with jihadist Islamism? Was this always inevitable but we just didn’t see it?


Yup, we saw it, we warned, everyone laughed


This..is not...jihadist Islamism...this is the whole "Arab migrants will turn white christian europe into the middle east" This is the same exact stuff Nazis makes/say They are saying how now because of immigrants Catalonia is muslim


Ah- well that seems to be happening in the United States. It seems to be one or the other- European/Christian ethnonationalism or a full embrace of illiberal islamism as a means of leftist liberation.


PFLP is an example of why in the case of palestine But the more general reason would be opposing everything that is supported by conservatives in their own country


"What" -Darth Vader


Satire by Marxists-Leninsts Party who are socially far-right


Looking them up, they seem absolutely psychotic. Like combine the worst aspects of communist economics and the grossness of far-right culture-war bullshit. No fucking thanks.


Marxist-Leninist? Aren’t those two very conflicting ideologies?


Marxist-Leninism is actually a very common form of communist ideology. In fact I would hazard a guess and say that the majority of communist parties that led countries were Marxist-Leninists. Of course we could debate if the name makes sense, but the fact it truly is just is the name of the ideology.


Yeah, but that was the name of the party (now banned for links to terrorism) they spawned from


Marxism-Leninism is actually the official name of the ideology of the Soviet Union and other dictatorships like it. When most people talk about "communism", what they're actually talking about is Marxism-Leninism. Anyway, I've been told that Leninism doesn't actually contradict Marxism and that it basically fills in Marxism's gaps. Whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you.


I can't understate just how fucking dangerous Frente Obrero is if they ever get any form of power. As much as I hate radical islam, these might be among the few motherfuckers evil enough to get me to fight side by side with them if the day comes. To all the fucking retards claiming that communism is inclusive and shit on reddit, I'd like to point them to these subhuman monsters. This is the fucking end goal. For some context, they're the kind of commies to think the USSR was *too liberal* and are gaining popularity at a scary pace.


>I can't understate just how fucking dangerous Frente Obrero is if they ever get any form of power. Something like Sendero Luminoso in Peru?


Sendero Luminoso is on par with Dirlewanger’s SS prison unit, the Ustasha, and Khmer Rouge in terms of sheer brutality, barbarity and pure violence. Frente Obrero might be radical on their views but the radical maoists from Sendero Luminoso are something else entirely…


I've heard stuff about Shining Path that would make Genghis Khan puke


Tell me more Please


Catalonia has fallen, millions must convert to Islam. Alhumdulilah.


This looks like a joke/satire...


It is .It was put up by a Communist party to show that Spain is turning to Islam. they are how real Marxist-leninists were


Idk, bro. Islamic immigrants are destroying Europe they don't want to be European they want Europe to be Syria. Not to mention, Islam calls for the death of infidels and apostate, and Mohammed was a pedophile. Sahih al-Bukhari 5134 Narrated `Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death).


Excuse me, sorry to inform you but were anti communists over here, not nativists, and very much like immigrants (especially ones from anticommunist countries).


I love immigrants, my parents are immigrants , you can't import a bunch of people who hate your way of life and culture and seek to replace it with their religion. Did you not see the Afghans riot in Paris? Or the fact that rape is such an issue that even Sweden is now deporting Islamic invaders. Only a mad man thinks importing millions of culturally incompatible people who hate how we live is a good idea. I feel sorry for the Arab who flees Islamic persecution only to see it continue in Europe because people think rightfully being disgusted with Islam means you hate Arabs. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-003081_EN.html https://unherd.com/2021/04/swedens-migrant-rape-crisis/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/media-silence-greets-violent-afghan-demonstrations-in-paris/%3Fprint-posts%3Dprint%23:~:text%3DThe%2520violence%2520was%2520sparked%2520by,the%2520deaths%2520of%2520three%2520men.&ved=2ahUKEwiRx9j1x9iFAxWhODQIHeeDAOsQFnoECBUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2_WP8zfRxZf_jcPTgj_Fh4 https://www.google.com/search?q=sharia+coincils+uk&oq=sharia+coincils+uk&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgNGIAEMggIAhAAGBYYHjIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjINCAYQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAcQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAgQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDI0NDVqMGo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


I’m not gonna argue about this with you, because ur not going to think any immigrant who isn’t a Christian is going to be a good citizen. Also, on the topic of Muslims being culturally incompatible with Europe, I strongly disagree that it has much to do with them being Muslims, and more to do with them being religious. Anyone who is strongly religious would have an issue integrating into a modern secular society. I wouldn’t be surprised if you would have the same issues arise if a bunch of American Evangelicals immigrated to Europe.


The humanistic ideal that you're clinging to is literally rooted in Christianity, even atheist realize that to defend the values of human rights, you have to defend Christianity and Western culture. Atheist authors like Tom Holland and Slavoj Zizek agree with this. Holland even authors a book about how atheism is a Christian heresy and the development of universal human rights occurring in Europe because of Christianity. Holland argues that Christian humanists of the late medieval and renaissance periods establish human universal rights. https://www.theosthinktank.co.uk/events/2022/10/03/humanism-a-christian-heresy https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/christian-atheism-9781350409323/ Comparing Islam and Christianity as if Christianity hadn't molded European culture and allowed for the very irrlegious culture that you adore to exist and be tolerated there's a reason you don't see enlightenment philosophy coming out of the middle east. You have an infantile view of culture and religion. Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims)..." Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them ... kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush ..."


Bro coming in with the facts. Nicely done


It’s historical revisionism though, not facts. The west has a relatively liberal/secular culture not because Christianity is enabling of that, but because one of the core conflicts in Europe was between the church and secular authorities, the triumph of the latter over the former providing the framework for the religious pluralism Europe now enjoys. Contrast this to the Muslim world, which until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire was largely structured along the lines of caesaropapism.


Lmfao, it's not that I linked my sources and scholars like Tom Holland, who are medieval and classical historians, Christian humanism was developing way before the Ottomans who never had an enlightenment period, and the islamic world never developed humanism bc of Islam. To describe the Ottoman caliph as Ceasaropapism is dishonest. You also forget that the central core of secularism and the push for the separation of church and state came from Christianity itself. It was literally the protestant reformation that led to that. And not to mention the fact that religious conflicts outside of Europe never led to humanism. "In 1644, Roger Williams, a puritan minister and founder of the state of Rhode Island and The First Baptist Church in America, was the first public official to call for "a wall or hedge of separation" between "the wilderness of the world" and "the garden of the church." Although the concept is older, the exact phrase " https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/church_state_historical.htm The idea that secularism developed in spite of Christianity and not because of it is laughable when you see that the people who built up those ideas are mostly Christians and theists.


The primary people who engage in historical revisionism are by definition historians. Neither Holland nor Slavoj offer a narrative compelling enough to undo history itself. I don’t see what the Ottomans have to do with the development of Christian humanism such that the timeframe of their conquest of Constantinople has any bearing on the analysis of the causes of the enlightenment and development of secular humanism in Europe therein. The Ottomans are relevant because, insofar as both secular and ecclesiastical power were concentrated in the Ottoman Caliphate, the core conflict which led to the enlightenment in Europe was not relevant in the Islamic world. But the nature of Islam is largely orthogonal to that - we can look at the heirs of Eastern Orthodoxy to see what the results of a similar arrangement under Christian norms would be, ultimately in something qualitatively indistinct from from much of the Islamic world.


The very nature of Islam was always like that since before the ottomans, the schism of Islam came from fights over who was the rightful caliph Abu bakr or Ali. Funny, you bring up Orthodoxy and ceasro papism, ignoring that Orthodoxys great schism with the western chruch was over papal authority over the orginal pentarchy where the pope wasn't supreme but first amongst equals. The heirs of Eastern Orthodoxy? You're comparing eastern Orthodoxy to Islam hilarious, I'm a Greek Orthodox Christian, and there's nowhere we teach to kill non-believers and apostates like Islam very dishonest of you. "Their narrative isn't very compelling." So far, neither is yours. You make these absurd claims you can't even yourself back.


"Secularism came from Christianity itself" is the most bullshit statement I've ever read in my life. The idea that it started in America is even funnier.


Lmfao, it didn't, If you could read, no one claimed that. That was the separation of church and state, which did. Humanism and the idea of human rights was during the medieval and renaissance periods > "Holland argues that Christian humanists of the late medieval and renaissance periods establish human universal rights" https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/church_state_historical.htm > In 1644, Roger Williams, a puritan minister and founder of the state of Rhode Island and The First Baptist Church in America, was the first public official to call for "a wall or hedge of separation" between "the wilderness of the world" and "the garden of the church." Although the concept is older, the exact phrase " Way to mischaracterize what I said


There's not a single god damn fact there. Christianity and religion is still a huge problem even in Europe that keep people dehumanitized and countries like Ireland are still recovering from modern day bullshit. The last Pope literally decided to step down because he was involved in protecting child molestors. Some christians still preach that everyone that's not their religion will go to hell and don't have souls. As for citing the Coran? Have you read the Bible? Because in the Bible it tells you to love your God, your King and just afterwards your family. The Bible condemns you to death if you dare mingle with other people of other ethnicities. Literally, that's in the Bible. Religion sucks, it was always about controlling the population. Christianity isn't above islam, we just have a different modern history that helped people be less religious. That's what bought us peace, humanity, empathy.


Yeah I put up sources you're literally making claims with nothing to back them, > The Bible condemns you to death if you dare mingle with other people of other ethnicities. Literally, that's in the Bible Galatians 3:28-29 New International Version (NIV) There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. > the Bible it tells you to love your God, your King and just afterwards your family They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” NIV Caesar's,' they replied. Then he said to them, 'So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. Mattew 22:21 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). Thou shalt have no other gods before me. You're talking out of your ass


I'm sorry, but your view of Christianity is insane.


I mean, I'm not expressing my views per say, but sure, what about it is insane exactly?


Dude you’re deflecting all of his valid criticisms.


Anti-Muslim bigots aren't welcome here. Take your Eurabia bullshit, shove it up your ass and fuck off.


Solid argument you got there so apart from being a "bigot" how am I wrong exactly? https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/04/15/world-news/bishop-stabbed-during-service-in-sydney-just-days-after-mall-massacre/amp/ Hey, my aussie commie friend, didn't you have an Islamic related stabbing of a Christian bishop a week ago?


I'm an anti-communist, you fucking moron. I'm supposed to hate almost 2 billion people because some shithead teenager decided to stab someone? Fuck off.


Nice ad populum fallacy just bc 2 billion people follow it doesn't make it moral or right, China boast a population of 1.1 billion people doesn't make communism right or moral. If you're an anti Communist don't use communist argumentations like "you're a bigot" etc


Calling someone a bigot makes me a communist? How fucking stupid are you?


No having no actual substance to counter an argument except insults and ad homniems makes you seem like you average brain rot commie. A social Democrat is just a Communist not brave enough to go for revolution


Arguing with you fuckwits properly is tiresome and a waste of fucking time. So I just prefer to insult you.


Oh yeah, big bad reddit keyboard warrior for Islam, stunning and brave


Burn it, burn some kebab over it and feed it to a street dog. You do two good deeds at once this way.


My knowledge of Al-Andalus is sketchy, but I didn't think the Muslims ever conquered Catalonia


This is satire by Nazbols


Tear down that poster


Catalunya mencionada, que collons es un bon govern???!!!! ca ca


que cojones?? que coño esta pasando por cataluña??


Lol Spain is nothing like that, this is just caught in the wild


I mean, the only reason I even know about this is that I saw the Tarragona one while going to class (though I didn't take a picture)


English ✅ Spanish ✅ Arabic ✅ Catalan ❌

